Rural enterprise. (Halsey, Or.) 1924-1927, December 23, 1925, Image 2

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—for tne lost." and as she quickened
her pace, the heightened color of her
face betrayed her. Like the strings
of her violin she had vibrated to his
emotion. Beyond the m ystery anil th e
despair, there was the woman, and he
followed her sw ift feet over the trail
with an elation he hud never before
< C o p y rig h t.)
know n; with the resolve to tight
M IFFLIN paused in
through to the root of this mystery
the entrance to th e moving-pic­
if it m eant a w inter on the snow.
"No way out for the lost," »tie had ture theater to reassure herself Lionel
said, and he smiled as he repeated DeWitt would play the leading part In
to himself. "Hut the lost lias been the feature picture. Convinced of this,
fo u n d : the lost has been found." Mvs- I and smiling cordially a t Mr. D eW itts
ter.v, Wlndlgo, intrigue at Albany, 1 attractive picture and m agnetic eyes,
were as nothing now th at lie had s e e n i she sighed, and passed on to get tier
th e blood leap to her face at his favorite »eat in the center, not too fur
front, not under the balcony, hut next
lie dirt not follow up her strange to the aisle.
" T O IL E R S OF TH E T R A I L "
words. It would have profited little
“1 am so glad th at it is a DeW itt
and his mind was full of what he picture," she told her companion, Mr.
had seen beside th e tra il—unmistak- 1 Watkins, who lived at the hoarding
I "
aide track s In the mud. mammoth and house, and was a quiet, intelligent,
likeable man of fifty with graying liulr
I could help you." T here was momen­ strange, beyond Ills experience.
Shaped they were, som ewhat re- : and nice eyes. He was a widower and
Miss Mitllin wus a spinster, and their
the blood t<> his face us she said: senihling b ear tracks, with deep in
"It was because you have the heart dentations of claws, but the weight ' fellow hoarders had tried to make a
W it h D a v id , h a l f -
of a poet th at I played my ‘Farew ell.’ was not distributed as in the track match between them, hut, us old Mrs.
b re e d pruide. B r e n t St«-**!«?, o f th e
A m e r ic a n
M useum
N a tu ra l
And I do tru.-t you. Monsieur Steele, of a bear, and there w ere separated Beebe said peevishly:
H is t o r y , fa t r a v e li n g in n o r t h e r n
laid m arks, like the track of felines.
“T here’s no use expecting Sara
tim e you may know—”
C anada.
B y a a t r e r m h e h e a rs
"W hy some time, why not now. If I Yet no lynx or cougar ever owned feet Mifflin's going to do the sensible thing
D e n fa e , d a u g h t e r o f C o l. H i l a i r e
Ht. O n g e , f a c t o r a t W a l li n g R iv e r ,
ail) to aid you?" he demanded Im­ so misshapen and huge. He would re­ aud take up with Mr. W atkins, who is
p la y th e v i o l i n s u p e r b ly . H e I n ­
turn at daylight and follow them up. quiet, home-loving and respectable,
t r o d u c e * h lm a e lf a n d a c c e p ts a n
H ere a t last wits som ething tangltde even If he does smoke an occasional
I!ut she only shook her head.
I n v i t a t i o n to m a k e th e p o s t his
C arrying the violin and rifle, Steele to work on. In the m eantim e. Char- i cigar, she w on't encourage him a bit
h o m e d u r i n g h la s ta y
H e fin d s
th e f a c t o r w o r r ie d a n d m y s tifie d .
led th e way down the trail to the Intte would have the post people maud- I except go to tlie movies with him, all
T h e “ lo g c h a t e a u ” is a r e a l h o m e .
[tost. They hud reached a hollow at lln with fear. It would be a bud night because she's Just fascinated with th at
F r o m S t. O n g e h e le a r n s o f th e
wild actor, Lionel D eW itt.”
the foot of the ridge where the soil for W ailing Hlver.
m y s te r io u s c r e a t u r e o f e v il, th e
As they entered the clearing. Steele
W I n d ig o , a n d th e d ls a p p * a ra n < e
“I am so glad that it Is a DeW itt
was spongy and moist, even In Seje
o f a c a n o e a n d it s c r e w , w i t h th e
(ember, because of the springs be­ saw a knot of men gathered before picture," repeated Sara Mitllin ns she
s e a s o n 's t a k e o f fu r s .
Then at
H ere and th ere in the forest the trade-house. With a sw ift good­ removed her liat and fluffed up her
n ig h t th e W ln d lg o g iv e s a w e ir d
p e r fo r m a n c e . E v e n S te e le Is m y s ­
mold, flowers vividly blue ami fringed, bye, Denise hurried to her kitctien soft brown hair and smiled up at Mr.
tif ie d
D a v id . S te e le 's In d ia n , a n d
bloomed on graceful stem s beside the while Steele Joined the factor, who j W atkins. He smiled down nt her.
M ic h e l,
H t.
O n g e 's
h e a d -m a n ,
an n o u n ced :
"Miss Lansdow ne Is playing, too,"
le a v e f o r th e s c e n e o f th e c a n o e ’s
“Good evening, monsieur. It seems he said in a satisfied way.
d is a p p e a r a n c e In a n a t t e m p t to
“H ere are my gentians, m o n sieu r"’
s o lv e th e m y s t e r y
S t. O n g e t e l ls
" l’liyliss Lansdowne and Lionel De­
cried Denise. “Are they not beautiful? our friends have returned.” E’rom the
S te e le t h a t I« a s c e lle s . th e c o m ­
I cannot make them grow so lovely at head of the portage moved a ennne, W itt? W hat a com bination,” she m ur­
p a n y 's m a n a g e r a t F o r t A lb a n y ,
above th e fam iliar legs of I »avid. Fol­ mured w istfully, und perhaps a little
home. It Is not dam p enough."
s e e k s h is r u in In o r d e r to c o m p e l
D e n is e to m a r r y h im to s a v e h e r
She heat and touched the petals lowing him came Michel, doubled un­ enviously th at lovely Miss Lansdow ne
fa t h e r . S te e le a n d D e n is e f a l l In
of u flower, ami looking up said : "I d er a heavy load slung from his tump- | should lie playing opposite her idol.
lo v e .
“They are only pictured people on
think I love them more than the other line.
"W hat have they got?" queried St. the screen.” she said looking up at him,
autum n—" she suddenly cheeked h er­
"but somehow they are so much alive
self, h er eyes widening. The man was Onge.
CHAPTER HI—Continued
“Give It u p : maybe some of the to me."
starin g at the trail beyond them.
fu r!" hazarded Steele.
"They would love to h ear yon Ray
“Monsieur I"
"I.Ike th e w hite roads o f your
“We shall never see th a t again," that." tie told her with unaccustom ed
lie turned to her. his puzzled loo*
T ouraine?" he replied. “I think I pre­
shifting to a smile. "P ardon me, m uttered th e factor.
fe r the northern w inter to the Bum­
N ear them the post people discussed
"I suppose they have beautiful
your gentlnns are b eautiful—but we
mer, but, of course. It Is often grim
the safe return of the search party In homes and fam ilies—and everything,"
and lean for the fam ilies of the hunt-
the [lost, and your fath er will won­ awed whispers. Then, as Michel ap­ mused Sara.
era—for th e women and children.”
proached, Steele grinned. “M eat!" he
"Miss Lansdowne Is happily m ar­
H er e.vea clouded.
“It Is alw ays der," he said, and sta rte d brlrkly up announced drily.
ried, I have heard, and I have also
so, for the women and children—they
“Good, we need I t !“ added St. Onge heard th a t D eW itt—th a t’s his stage
find life h a r d - h e r e —In th e north.” girl. He hail walked hut a few yards with a sigli o f relief.
name of course— has been m arried hut
F o r a long Interval she w as silent
Swinging the canoe from hts Is a widower who would love to have
end he knew th at her personal prob­ llinrh basket at her feet, fullen from shoulders. I»avld wiped his brow with a home and charm ing wife—but, per­
shaking hands, C h arlo tte swayed In
lem again haunted her thoughts.
the path behind them , her face gray Ills sleeve and grinned Into Steele's haps, who can tell, perhaps the girl
questioning face as the la tte r gripped he loves doesn’t love him I T here you
with terror
handed the hug containing the violin
his hand.
a r e !"
to Its owner, w ith : “Please, anything
“Hack safe and sound, D avid?”
The orchestra was tu n in g up, nnd
you care to play th at is not sad. To­
Steele looked hard Into the snapping the m anager came onto the stage and
day, you know, you were to forget,"
eyes of his friend.
announced th a t Mr. Lionel D eW itt
and he smiled significantly.
"Ah-hah ! Safe an ’ so tin '! Ho’-Jo’ would appear In person th a t night nnd
Stretched at length, with hands be­
M eester St. O nge!” and the OJIbway address a few w ords to th e nudlence.
hind head and closed eyes, Steele
took th e proffered hand of St. Onge.
Sarn Mitllin w as starry-eyed. “ I can
listened as the violin of the girl ran
“ Well, Michel, you founil moose. If hardly w ait until a fte r the picture is
th e gamut of th e composers. Rhap­
you didn’t strike anything else,” Steele finished," she confided to W atkins, who
sodies. love songs of many peoples,
said to the Inscrutable Iroquois. “Don't appeared em barrassed enough by her
see any signs of teeth on y o u ; you open preference for another mnn.
fragm ents of melodies he had never
heard, tnad dances of the Slnvs. of
must have run too fust for the Win-
The picture was on at last and Miss
th e plains of H ungary, serenades of
dlgo," he suggested, but ttie head man Mifflin sank back, w rapt In ecstatic
Spain and Italy, a riot of love and
glanced significantly at th e post In­ silence. Once she unpinned n lovely
Joy, redolent o f moonlight and fra ­
dians and made no reply.
pink rosebud from her w rap anil whis­
g ran t gardens, of Ivied tow ers and old
Steele drew David front the group, p ered : "How I would love to toss this
rom ance, she conjured for th e en­
congratulating Michel on his escape at him when he comes on to speak—he
chanted enrs of the man lying on a
from a hideous death down river and has alw ays given me so much pleas­
Camidian hilltop. F or two hours the
ask ed : “Any luck, D avid?"
violin sang on th e height above the
"W e fin' nodlng of canoe, but we
"If you will Ipt me tak e the rose,”
said her companion gently, “I will see
And as he watched and listened,
th at he receives It.”
“W hat w as It?"
Steele often compared tills girl he
“Oh, thank you—and say, please,
“W al, we fin' de las’ cam p of fur-
had known but duys, to other women,
th at It Is from an adm irer, hut you
who In the past had caught his fancy:
needn’t say It Is from a woman,” she
Den we follow river shore an' nodlng ended flatteringly.
and to his surprise, us he conjured
there. Den we circle back from de j T he story of the picture wns In ter­
them up, and contrasted them with
camp an' two smokes into de muskeg - esting. T here w as Lionel DeW itt as
th e vivid personality of D enise St.
we fin'—" D avid stopped short to a young mnn going aw ay on some far
Onge, th e mem ories of tlie form er
scowl pnst Steele Into the Dice of a expedition for science—he takes fa re ­
blurred to Insignificance.
Slight as
hovering Indian, who quickly ad­ well of his sm all family, his friends,
w as his knowledge of her, th e quality
vanced with extended hand.
which was so patently a p art of her -
and departs. He Is lost In strange
“Bo’-Jo '! bo’-Jo’ ! D aveed," greeted j countries, captured and held prisoner
th e m ystery of personality, hud
Tete-Houle ns D avid seized his p ro f­ for years by savage tribes, and nt last
wrought Its spell.
At length she ceased playing, and “Then I Found More, Staying Here, fered hand.
retu rn s home to find Hint hts wife be­
‘Ho’-Jo’, Tete-H oule!" and the Iron lieves he Is dead and has m arried
T han You Did Down the River."
ask ed :
grip which was known from Neplgon again. Somehow It all w orks out to
"Now would you like to h ear some-
Iter, and seizing th e palsied OJIbway to Sent closed on th e unsuspect- j everybody's happiness, and the close­
th in g of my own?
by the arm. hulf carried her forw ard Ing Interloper.
“ It would he delightful t”
up shows husband and wife, looking
" t ’ugh! Dtigh!" erled Tete-Boula Into each o th er’s eyes with steadfast
“ I call this, ‘When Spring Contes to her m istress.
“Please, mademoiselle," he Insisted, doubling w ith pain over his crushed faith. When the picture faded out to
N orth,’ ” And she broke Into a gay
melody filled with the rush of the "hurry along! I'll take care of C har­ llnrers. “ Why you sh ak ' de ban’ so well-earned applause. S ara
It’s nothing. She thinks she hard?’
brooks, the soft wind In the young lotte.
turned to find that Mr. W atkins had
T he broad face of D avid w rinkled disappeared.
birch leaves, th e love songs of the sees som ething, hut It's only Im agina­
tion." And he starteil with the moan
In am usem ent as he surveyed th e
retu rn in g birds.
“Gone to give him the rose," she
w rithing victim of hia handshake. thought gratefully.
"You have caught It nil the Ing Indian, numb with fright.
N ia "' walled the OJIbway. “W a t de trouble vvld you, Tete-
The screen sta r was announced, the
sp rin g ’“ he applauded. "P lease play
It again !" Hut she shook h er head finding tier feet. "He tra il! I see Houle? W en I ver' glad to see you, lights went up and Sara Mitllin craned
her still pretty neck to see If he wore
“ Now I am to break my promise by trail, in'iitii'selle! Hun! H un!" And I give ile good ahakehand.”
As T ete Houle left them nursing his her rose.
playing ’Farew ell.' We were to he gay with feet spurred by fear, C harlotte
fingers Steele m u ttered : "H e won't
He did! He nlso wore Mr. W atkins'
today ; If you do not cure to hear led th e way hack to the post.
"W hat was It th a t you tried to forget th at soon. T rying to hear what handsom e gray suit and hts eyeglasses
it ?"
tilde from me?" demanded Denise, ns you are saving, w as he?"
“ Please p la y I t !
Y o tl m ean fa re
with the dangling black edrd. ami he
"A h-hah! l»e nex' tain eet vveel ba had, also, Mr. W atkins' face nnd his
she walked rapidly at his side, “I
well to sum mer':"
aw your face. T here was som ething."
nice smile and his deep thrilling voice.
H e r nice d a rk e n e d as site replied
"Hut what was It you found In the
“I never dream ed th at was Lionel
"It w as nothing. It looked like a
w ilt a c h a ra c te ris tic sh ru g
DeWitt silting in front of me,” whis­
“Farew ell to summer to every- hear trail, only a h ear trail. Cliiirlotte muskeg?"
“ In the muskeg we fin’ ver' becg pered n young girl In hack of Sara.
is full of T ele Houle's m yths and was
She's been uneasy all track of soinet'ing. We nevalre see “Excuse me. but nre you Mrs. De­
" (tit. yon cannot mean th a t! ”
such stran g e sign before.'' The OJIh- W itt?"
YVIthout replying she drew her how day ”
The doubting eyes of the girl way shook his h ead .'"Hut de rain wl|>e
-N o." whispered Sara happily, nnd
across the strin g s In a low minor and
eet out."
turned her tear tilled eves to the stage
sw iftly Inst herself In a stark revela­ searched Ids as they walked.
“Then I found mots-, staving here, He was bowing gracefully and leaving,
tion of grief and despair.
•'It Is kind of you, monsieur," she
soon he would he sitting I eslde her!
As he listened tie heard again the said, “hut you must not deceive me, than you did down the river."
" W a t you see?"
What could site say to him?
m oaning of a h eart without hope, the I have to fa re this thin J."
“Well. David, I've seen the trait
anguish of a tortured soul, which had
"You are not afraid—you do not
lie disappeared In a thunder of ap­
of the Wlndlgo, and I’ve m ade another plause. and th e lights went down. A
first met his enrs at the rapid* Seem believe In - ’’
“A frahl?" she erled passionately, little discovery. We've got a Wabeno com ely was throw n on tbe screen, and
liigl.v she was voicing through tier
violin what she could not express In “yes, I Hitt afraid, of, oh, so many at tbe post and 1 let you guess wh > Sara Mifflin sat stiffly, never seeing a
words, and the aon p ath y of Ids quick things. You do not realise—-it Is so It is."
thing At lust she knew th at he was
“ A W abeno!” echoed the surprised beside her.
understanding went out to the lonely hopeless !"
Then with a grim ace he
He leaned over so closely th at she
lie w as walking close to her, over- David.
girl with her unknown burden.
Her added, "I t'tnk dnt Wabeno got a Bor" i could smell the fragrance of her rose
She ceased as swiftly ns she had conscious of h er nearness.
"S ara." he whispered,
begun, amt stood gating out on the shoulder touched his, and his pulse ban' now. hut da Wlndlgo tra il—w r e in his lapel.
i seeking her hand, “will you forgive
tran q u il valley.
He respected her lenped at the contact A loose stm n d you fin' eet ?"
the deception?”
■mod by his sllrnece. his brain nctive of h er h air bnish ed his cheek, and
He know a fte r supper; they are calll i(
Somehow. S ara's annoyance melted
with lo n jectu re. tils emotions d inger he felt the blood In his face.
Btts|y out of hand. Then the warning was perilously n ear rash action, but me now." And the two friends p a rt-d
before the w arm th In his voice. She
felt the depth of the m an's regard, hts
o f the low son called the girl from her he coveted her good will and he
She turned a w istful face feared the m ystery In h er—and the
sincerity, his uprightness, and was he
Evidently the Windiga la suffi­
not her hero under any name?
as she s a id :
ciently real to make a todaeua
“Hut Is there no way out?" he m an­
"I have broken my prom ise and
“I love you. Sara." he murmured In
noiaa and Itava a huga track.
aged to say. fighting fbr m astery of
her ear. and then her warm little hand
have been very sad. monsieur."
W hat i t tha thing?
«lipped hts sad remained there
“Yotl have been telling me much h tinsel f.
"W ay out?" she repeated In a
In your 'F arew ell,' mademoiselle
( T O B B C O N T IN U I
en ir *iaa you conld trust m e that strain ed voice. "T here Is no » « J out
Miss Mifflin’s
H ero
and r
H um o
A vlllnge doctor, summoned out of
bed at an unseasonable hour and net
In the best of humor, was Just entei-
Ing the home of Ills patient, when a
lute passer-by accosted bin) conversa­
tionally :
“Somebody sick In there, doc?”
“Oh, no. Indeed," replied th e phy­
sician. “ I'm Just going to give him
his music lesson.”—A m erican Legion
Fooled Her
E hen—Fooled th a t darned cow at
I art.
E ben—Well, every night w hen I
milk her she kicks me in the leg, so
tonight I put ttie bucket w here site
kicks and she kicked It over, nnd her
whole day’s work Is gone.—Alylston
Two Reasons
Heals Leg Sores
Peterson’s Ointment
To th e m illions of people who use
P eterso n ’s O intm ent fo r piles, eczema,
sa lt rheum , pim ply skin, sore feet
and chafing, P eterson says, “Tell any
sufferer from old sores th a t Its mighty
healing pow er is w onderful." All
druggists, 60 cents.
O ur expert doctors and surgeons,
excellent food, and quiet surroundings
bring you real health.
W hatever advice you give, be short.
—H orace.
Old Hoy—Tell me, young mnn. why
F ine feath ers do not m ake fine birds
It is th at you tak e dinner every night for u pot pie.
ut the restau ran t.
Rich gifts w ax poor when givers
Young Man—B ecause I’m unm ar­
ried. And may I ask you in retu rn prove unkind.—llam let.
w hy I see you here every night?
A m atchm aker often gets her fingers
Old Boy—Oh, y es; th a t's because
I am m arried.—S tu ttg a rt W ahre Jacob, ! burned.
Direction Makes a Difference
“F ather," said Johnny, looking up
from his book, “ w hat is constructive
criticism ?"
“C onstructive criticism , my son,
a line of talk we hand out to others,
which If others try It on us Is called
Im pression m ade by beauty Is mora
than skin deep.
R eal g ratitude is never asham ed of
hum ble beuefactors.
S m a r tin g , «caldlng, M ic k y eyee relieve d
by m o rn in g If R o m a n E y e B a la a m la used
w h e n r e tir in g . 372 P e a rl 8 t., N . Y . A d v.
Some men a re born fo r m atrim ony,
some achieve m atrim ony—but most of
them a re merely poor dodgers.
D eath brings to some people the
only real know ledge of life they ever
T ru th Is strengthened by observa­
tion and tim e; pretense by haste and
uncertain ty .—T acitus.
A mnn is alw ays anxious to help an­
o th er if he sees a chance to help him­
T im —W hen do yon Intend to an­
nounce your engagem ent anyhow ?
Tom—Why—e r—a fte r I’m m arried,
I think.
Analysis and Synthesis
H o w o f t e n w e w i l l s a d ly fin d
T h is s p e c ta c le p a t h e t ic :
a m a n o f a n a l y t i c m in d
W h o s e g in w a s to o s y n t h e t i c !
I am alw ays a t a loss to know how
much to believe of my own stories.—
W ashington Irving.
Some people can even make lend
float w here others will see th eir straw
sink.—Yugo-Slav Proverb.
W e may see all things come to
somebody else If we only w ait long
Trailing by a H air
Given a single h a ir th e modern
His View
I scientific tra c k e r of crim inals Is able
R ector—Sandy, will you contrib­
to discover w ith the aid of his m icro­
ute a m ite to help us put on a pro­ scope th e sex. approxim ate age aud
gram a t the kirk th is week?
n atio n ality of Its lute owner.
Sandy—Weel, I think wl’ th e kirk
proper, the vestry and th e school­
Pearls on H a lf Shell
rooms, we hae plenty wl'out building
A. J. Alpin while dining nt the P u t­
any additions.—A llston Recorder.
nam Inn on the C onnecticut shore not
long ago w as served w ith a p la te of
Kind of Her
1 oysters.
Upon eating them, he one
“Although I w as late," said th e npw by one found th ree pearls, all appar-
boarder, “I found th e landlady hnd ' ently alm ost p erfect specim ens and
saved for me th e tenderest p a rt of tha g rad u ated In size.
“ W hat w as th a t? " said th e old
Takes A ll Fun Out of ’Em
boarder Jealously.
G ifts much expected are paid, not
“ Some of tbe gravy.”
given.—Benjam in F ranklin.
August Flower
for Constipation,
Indigestion and
Torpid Liver
Relieves that feeling
of having eaten unwisely. 30c and
90c bottles. AT ALL DRUGGISTS.
kr w» /.• a*
er- *
The Purity of Cuticura
Makes It Unexcelled
For AllToilet Purposes
F irst Fly—O w l H ow l lm stuck
fast !
Second F ly—C aught In the Jam."
Vacation Over
T h * f r o s t y b re e x e 1» o n th u
A n d n o w w e p la i n ly »♦»«
A n o ffic e ! • a p la c e to e ta y
W h e n g o lf in g Is N Q.
w ay
Indeed, Yes
First F lapper—Bill la an optimist.
Second F lapper— How do you make
that out?
Flrrt F lap p er—He told me he al­
ways shaved Just before be cam e to
set uie.
“I would like to m arry your daugh­
ter. air."
"Go ahead. If yon w ant to. B ettet
lak . her before snrtw flies. She wants
« fur coa again."
P A R K E R 'S
Removes Dandruff Rt< p« H a ir PaiUag
R e s to re s C o lo r a n d
B e a u ty to G r a y a n d F a d e d H a i r
H iw c x i
and |1 o at DrugrieU
i m
H 1N D E R C O R N S
. l ’strh»m u«»,N 1L-
R e m o v e * C orn«. C al-
leuees. etc . stops a ll
n. entures com fort to tbe
feet. B akst wit.king eery. lie
li- b
oy j m ail
all or at ¡»mg-
guia. iliaco s Chemical w< orfcs. Hatcb(<ue. M. T.
W h y w aste d o lla rs p a y in g h ig h p rices fo r
co m p lexio n pow ders, lo tio n *, to ile t good*,
etc . w h *n yew can m a k e th e m a t hom e at
mp t
tu re T P O W E L L . Box i l l . B e r k * ley. C a lif.
A g e n t* W a n te d — Men and w om en sell s h ir t*
end h o s iery d irect te consum er, w o n d e rfu l
new p lan . W r i t * fo r In f. *n d fre e eam plea.
Y u r a ln S a le * Co , 2«5 P la n e St . N e w a r k . N J
M o th e r» — 4 »ur In v e n tio n e n te r ta in * c h ild fo r
You can a tte n d household d u tle * *n d
earn e x tra m oney th ro u g h our *a le e plan.
P a rtlc fre e H lllb * r g . D e p t. I t . T w rlo c k . C a t
U *e I>r Thomneon** F r«w ate’
H o t »t Tour d r-< g is t’s or
1« H ver T *> v ' Y llc-.hlu»