o 'D> A g rc u ltu re H o rtc u ltu re L iv e s to c k in n C ounty Land H alsey Happenings day pu' p*t at Stayton Sun and C o u n ty Events DBC Alford A rrow s 23. 1925 D a ir y P o u ltr y L W ool Kirk Kinks Pine Grove Points Happenings in Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Cross , I ’ an Enterprise Reporter) Doings Ox O ur Populace were in Albany Saturday. P u b lic Schools (Enterprise Correspondent) Mrs. Clifford Carey has f o r ^ S eudU h ° m(> (By Special Correspondent) C hronicled in Brief Orin West is working for C. been quite ill with a cold. * 51 L. Falk sr. Mr. and Mrs. N. E. Chand- (School Reporter) P a ra g ra p h s E D. Isom and fa m ily went to *er were in Albany Saturday. Mrs. Ringo ¡» out again. Mr. and Mrs. Arley Cum­ Albany Saturday. The boys’ basketball team Miss Grace Kirk came home mings were visitors of Mrs. lox the week end. Heayiest Christmas m ail ever Fred Sylvester and family suffered another defeat at Mrs. A. E. W hitbeck went to Hannah Cummings Sunday Ray Logan is home from Cali Albany Thursday. D. I. Burge of Dever spent were Albany visitors Saturday. Philomath last Friday night, fornia for the holidays. and^sor^W h *18’ B' M' Bond I M 1U r. ‘- “uu Joe Com ely went Sunday at R. E. Bierly’s. Mt. and Mrs. George Chan­ but as all the games have been and *ir’- Mrs. Joe and son Wellington spent Sun- to Eugene Saturday Bert M incklev took a truckload Miss Mary ’ Smith spent dler were Albany visitors played away from home on C w k “ e i r r “ n C h 31 ‘ •a k e I A Friday. Sunday with Nellie Falk. of hogs to Portland Thursday larger floors than Halsey’s we of Eugene has been spending several days at E D Harvey Wallace of Ingrams hope that the following games Louise Seeleld spent Thurs­ A A Tussing is vice-president island visited Earl Albertson will yield better results. day night with Nellie Falk. Prof. Lyman Marsters is Isom's. of the county bar associatiou. Sunday. home Irom Napavine, Wash., Lee Ingram and fam ily and The grades and high school A. M. Snodgrass and family Wayne Veatch came for­ to spend the holidays with his »elda C urtis went to Eugene Mr and Mrs. Will Eagy of give a program at the city hall were at Henry Falk's Sunday. ward at the call for new join- parents. Saturday. Oakville visited L. E. Eagy and Wednesday afternoon, and af­ trs at the M. E. church Sunday. Henry Seefeld and C. L family Sunday. terwards have their tree to­ Judge dandy, a resident of Port- Mrs. Eliza Brandon enter­ Falk visited G. J. Rike Sun­ Roland M arks got an automobile and and grandfather of Mrs, day. Mrs. J. A. Johnson and gether. tained Mr. and Mrs. Robert from his fa th er for Christmas He The English IV class will daughters were Albany visit­ arker and children at dinner Chester C urtis, aged 96, was buried took it w ith him to P o rtla n d F ri- Mr. and Mrs. William Pence ors Wednesday. 110 A lfo rd cemetery Mondav, Ji“ie„ ? p A bating as soon as i hursday. day. visited at R. E. Bierly’s Sun­ the Christmas vacation is over. The bridge over Lake Creek Thomas Rogers, a resident of day. The biology museum has Mrs. E. A. P. LaFollette and on the road that goes into the Eugene but who was born and Mr. and Mrs. Grant McNeil son George spent the week end Mrs. Mary Bierly and Mrs. cemetery is in a dangerous added an aquarium consisting and daughter Ruth and Mrs -it the home of Mr. and Mrs. rented in this com m unity, was of two goldfish and two sun- K. E. Bierly were in Halsey condition. buried in tlie A lfo rd cemetery h’ri. J. T. McNeil were in Albany Eldon Cross. fish. Above the aquarium one day last( week. day. He was accidentally killed 1 hursday. Misses Agnes Chandler, may be found the signs: “ Do by an automobile in Eugene. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Falk Mrs. Irma Shotwell spent Grace Pehrsson, Nora Pehr- not feed the fish’’ and “No <»n?,a'8ey s aPPra’ 8ernent is $19,- the week end with home folks and daughters Pearl andGrace sson and Iona Albertson and lishing allowed.” From all ¿06 less than last vear and L in n -v Beverly Isom entertained entertained at Salem. Mr. on Shotwell o tw e n came a and son Everett were in Al­ I-red Heinrich are at home for evidence the students have co u n ty’s is $319,816 less, although irom Portland and joined her number of her schoolmates F riday bany Thursday. the holidays. taken too much interest in the neither is poorer. A stroke of the there. th p ro levenine. the the nrruuinn occasion being t.. her _ fish. With lots of new concrete assessor’s pen does it. Thank you, The orchestra met for the b irthday. She received The work connected with M r. Assessor. Mrs. Ellsworth Shedd of manv nice presents. Her guests pavement and the bridge the regular lesson at Will McLar­ whole state has been hoping en s Wednesday evening fbe- the Christmas program was Shedd attended the meeting repoit to the Enterprise that they George Welch. V incent M nrphy of the Study Club Thursday much eDjoyed the evening. They for for years — and a grand cause the schoolhouse was assigned to the high school in Portia'8^ 1 Uhr " ‘V ^ aV<- u *en h el. l i n u w as tn e g u e st o f M rs classes. The freshmen class end was the guest of Mrs. Inez were Alice S turtevant, June Day A. L. Falk accompanied Al­ closed for fumigation. in ortlaud, charged w ith possess] F reeland T h iirs d n v n i„ k t was favored with the privilege ton, Bessie Reynolds, Ernestine night. mg securities stolen from the sbcdd L“eeland d Thursday lh u r s d a y n ‘ght bert West on a trip to Sixes, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Nich- of transporting and anchoring Coleman, V iv ia n F rum , D orothy bank two weeks ago. The bonds, Oregon, for a few days’ visit G. McNeil and family, the Christmas tree in the hall. Miss Amanda Mitzner, from which they had been offering fo r Portland, and Ida, from A1 Corcoran, Gertrude Robin», R ett# with friends and relatives Carl Nichols, Mr. and Mrs. L. I he sophomore class was al­ - -— « .« .e u u iiji, C iurworio Armstrong, E llsw orth and Krro: E rro l sale, were not found when they , E. Eagy and Mrs. E. E. Hover lowed to decorate the hall. ’Ja,iy» are spending the Christ- 1 Gardner, Kenneth Sm ith. Rov * here. Were arrested, mas holidays with their par­ Reynolds. G ilbert Miller, G ilbert Henry Falk went to Albany were among the Christmas I he junior class embellished A J usual, C. G. Rawlings, owner ents, Mr. and Mrs. G. Mitzner Hayes, Herm an Koontz, Frank Monday of last week to have shoppers in Albany Thursday. the tree with decorations oth­ W illis and Donald Bramwell, of the Globe theater, A lbany, While chopping wood one er than themselves. The sen­ some dental work done and Mr. Applegate, choir lead­ remembers the children at CbrisU evening last week a stick flew ior boys took care of the W. R, Kirk went Wednesday mas this year. Tom orrow 130 er at the Christian church, has lor the same purpose. ■ >'d hit Mrs. Floyd Nichols, lighting problem, while the organized a children’s choir orphaus from the W C. T- U. Foreign R ubber senior girls had charge of the meetings. Paul As G. J. Rike was leading bruising her face and cutting gifts and acted as general borne w ill see a Jackie Coogan during the a gash in her upper lip that it L rooks, though only a six-year- a young horse to water, the picture and the Elks w ill give each nipervisors. Monopoly Irks animal became frightened, required two stitches to close. o f then? a present. The telephone old, gave a splendid solo Sun­ (B y a:> Hnterpiisa Reporter) Owing to the closing of throwing Mi. Rike and badly operators, who w ill be givin g g day. W ashington. D. C. — A nother blow fracturing his right shoulder. school because of the pppils p a rty to children, are also invite d Instead of the next parent- William Corcoran is again was aim ed at the British monopoly to bring the little ones. being exposed to scarlet fever eachers’ meeting a play will industriously spending his va­ controlling crude ru b b er prices when there will be no Christmas tree be put on at the city hall, “The drug R epresentative Tilson, Connecticut, M cN ary Coolidge’s James M. D a lry m p le and Miss cation as clerk in the or program at Pine Grove. So Wedding of Tom Thumb.” A Maude M cDonald of Shedd were store at Oakridge, He is re­ republican floor leader, a fter a con­ tar no new cases have deve! lady from Portland will have H ight H and M an quired to do a certain amount married yesterday, Deo. 22, at the ference with S ecretary Hoover, intro­ >»ped and it is thought the charge. home of the bride’s father, J. of this sort of work before he duced a resolution calling for an in­ danger is about over. The biology class under thn M cDonald. Present were Mr. can become a druggist, but has vestigation into th e situation by the P urpose is to E xtend Help in upervision of Mrs. Shotwell M cDonald, \ aleria M cDonald, put in so much time he will be house com m erce com m ittee. ias been doing a little dissect- H u b e rt and H erbert McDonald, almost a full-fledged one by The resolution charged that extor- C o -o p erative M a rk etin g Coolidge Consults ng lately and several frogs Mrs, A. Coates, M r. and Mrs. J. the time he finishes school. tionate profits w ere being taken in of F a rm Crops. lave met their doom in this Carothers and Mrs. R. M . Shep­ the ru b b er supplied to A m erican con W ilson’s M enton way. The Standard Bearers held sum ers, through a B ritish monopoly herd. Rev. Mr. Calder, pastor of the M. E. church, officiated. their monthly meeting with and asked th e com m ittee to recom ­ W ashington, D. C.—S enator McNary W ashington. D C ._ P re sid e n t Cool | Didn’t Steal the Car L ig h t refreshments were sarved. Misses Roberta and Edna Van- mend a course of action for the gov­ n' < >r- , <-n > | y |>r ,... The bride is a h ig h ly esteemed nice at the Parker home Wed­ ernm ent to p rotect th e public. I Coolidge to introduce the adm lnistra Idge, considering th e league of no­ There was more excitement Mr. Tilson rep eated figures first Ic o n 's first farm bill of the present tions proposal for Turther disarm a­ young lady who has been telephone nesday evening. Fifteen girls had been planned when ment, called into conference Colonel made cu rren t by Mr. H oover who has [congress. authorizing the creation of operator at Shedd for many years. were present. After the busi­ E. M. House, confidant of Woodrow tne Christian Endeavor enter­ M r. D alrym p le has been herd ness session Mrs. Parker serv­ charge th a t tor this y ear alone >«66,-1# division of co-operative m arketing. League W ilson, and S enator Underwood of tained the Epworth foreman for J M . Dickson & Son ed fruit salad and cakes and 000,000 will be unfairly obtained from Final term s of the bill were upprov fo r three years and is much the-meeting adjourned so that A m erican ru b b er u s e r s ' through the | pd a t a W hite H ouse conference to Alabama, the dem ocratic m em ber of Wednesday night. While the young folks were respected. The couple are in T il­ the members might be present w orkings of the monopoly which h e l which P resident Coolidge Invited Sec- the American comm ission to the playing games and' enjoying lamook county on th eir honey, at a Christian Endeavor party. said was only one of sev eral operating I re ta ry Jardine and S enator McNary of W ashington arm s conference. Invited to W ashington by th e themselves moon. generally, two in the supply of essen tial raw m ater jU regon and R epresentative T lncher of ►resident. Colonel H ouse was an over­ hoboes appeared from some­ ials to in d u stry in the U nited S tate. (C ontinued on page 8) Clifford Carey filled Mr. an The hill proposes to set up maebin- night guest at th e W hite House A fter where about 10:30, took |e ry in the d epartm ent of agriculture conferring with Mr. Coolidge, the overcoat from the Savage car I through which to extend governm ent American com m issioner to the Ver- e-nd another Irom the Quimby laid in co-operative m arketing of crops, sallies peace conference called on Sec­ car, and had removed the li­ l i t also will direct th e bureau of econ- reta ry Kellogg at the state depart cense plate from the Dykstra lo m les to aid in finding m arkets for ment. Colonel H ouse said bis visit car and seated themselves in was purely social. [th e sale of surplus crops. it when Mrs. Dykstra, return­ Before coming to any conclusion, ing from lodge, saw them and P rovisions of th e Capper-Volstead [act which perm itted producers to sell the president and Mr. Kellogg will con­ called her son from ‘ the [p ro d u c ts c o llectiv ely would he extend- fer with several lead ers In congress. church. While n eith er would discuss the de­ Jed. under term s of the adm inistration The men pretended to be [b ill, to the co-operative m arketing or- tails of th eir conference, President The Dykstras called Coolidge has m ade It olear th at In asleep , ganlzations. Elbert Isom and he talked to A clear road for th e bill In both determ ining the governm ent's course the strangers, not knowing of [ the senate and house is predicted by with regard to*the league's Invitation them the I proponents, hut a stubborn fight is ex he would be guided largely by the the theft, telling night watchman would find [pected to be m ade by some middle wishes of congressional leaders. them a place to sleep. [w e s te r n m em b ers of both p a rtie s tor I he men left in a hurry and I enactm ent of additional legislation to USE OF RUM IS FO R B ID D E N later search failed to locate I provide for an export corporation to handle surplus crops Hard Liquors In M edicinal or F la v o r them. It is believed they spent the balance of the night in the Ing E x trac ts Hit. [Cum m ing to Urge C om pul.ory M erger D. J. Hayes barn. Mr. Sav­ W ashington, D. C —Use of whisky, I t is I h ristm a s tim e, when frien d s are nearest, w hen h e a rts W ashington. D. C .- A o r * bill pro- nrandy, rum or gin a fte r next Pebru age's coat is missing, but a ie [v ld in g for the com pulsory consollda- w arm est, w hen th e a ir q u iv ers with its load of greetings. ary 1, in the m anufacture of medicinal Quimby’s was left in the Dyk­ [tio n of all A m erican railroads into a It is believed the preparations or flavoring ex tracts and stra car. [few great tra n sc o n tin e n ta l roads was lellows intended to steal syrups, was forbidden by a treasu ry Gifts for Him [ made public by S enator Albert B. Cum- For Her For the Family order Alcohol and wlnea can be used Dykstra’s car, as they had I ■ I-publican of Iowa, co-author of substituted another license Instead for th e purposes named N eckw ear [th e E-ch Cummins act The hili would P a p e te rie B lankets The order was Issued by A ssistant plate for the one they found [g iv e the railroads th reo ly ears to effect L e a th e r Belts Silk S c a rf S ecretary Andrews, In charge of pro­ on it. F elt S lip p ers [consolidations, and a t .the end of thht ip u c c Nice Things - for Gifts Surprising Gloves Silk S h irts O vercorts Sw eaters Thoughtful Pleasing Table L inens S tam ped G oods Silk H osiery P a raso ls F o r boys and girls a good a s s o r tm e n t o f toys to choose irom . Com e in and You a re welcome Practical A uto Kobe C rockery Silverw are C andies r/OONTZCi good A GOODS*-7 hibition enforcem ent. It will have no | period th e in te rsta te , comm erce com- effect on use of whisky, brandy or J mission would be em pow ered to effect other distilled sp irits by druggists In | com pulsory consolidations. filing prescriptions or m anufacturing preparations upon prescriptions by physicians. E. Church To acccm plish th e re strictio n s Un Robert Parker pastor. posed. A ndrews ordered prohibition Sunday school, 10. adm inistrators dr, refuse approval for P re a c h in g , I I . perm its for w ithdraw ing for the pur ju n i o r L e a g u e , 3. poses stated the distilled spirits which E pw orth league, 6:30 coma under the ban, and revoked Preaching, 7:80. form ulae In which th e y were used Praver-Dicetiog, Thursday, 7:30 and which previously had been approv­ Bible Study lueaday, 2. ed by the treasury. The members of the state highway commission and En­ gineer C. B. McCullough arc summoned to appear in Judge McMahan’s court at Albany Jan. 9 on charges of contempt of court in finishing the Ells­ worth street approach to the new bridge in that city. The bridge contractors obeyed the injunction, which was issued on complaint of Barrett Bros, that their adjoining property was being damaged.