-~ ^ C ; CORINNE GRIFFITH Country Store Dance Only 7 More Shopping Till Xmas 10 “ CLASSIFIED” Edna Ferber’s great story, W an t Ads ” and Jove S tartin g Sunday Dec. 20— 21— 22 G LO BE Albany H alley Happenings (Continued from page 1) D. J. Hayes and wife were in Albany last week Tuedsay. O. W. Frum took a truck load of hogs to Albany last week. Mrs. Shotwell spent the week end at her home in Salem. The Penlands and <,uu Mrs. airs Laubner were in Albany on Ihursday. J. W. Rector and Frank Koontz were in Harrisburg Saturday evening. W. A. Muller and Guy Lay- ton and wives visited at G. T. K itc h s n ’s, near Newberg, Sunda j M ik13' QHoffman. ner brother Milton Sargent and Mrs. Skir- vm were in Albany Wednes- » e d " e X . C han" ’ a"d d«J?M an? , ^ rs- Rickard and of Ag|fteS LlR,anJ and two sons, the M E .ac K d ” rVH C? “ Sunday. ,n Halsey Mr. and Mrs. B. M. Miller B e 2 l a h UM n r G a r d i e a n d M is s Mr L M l ! e r '? e r e * u ests O f S u n d a y ? M rS - K o b e « P a r k e r sumJw8 ue° ne PaImer has re­ sumed her school teaching duties near B e H o u n ta i^ S ? a i c i i i t "nfe Hf tW0 months on ration nCSS and an °P‘>- birthser,y Isom is to have a i S i f X d a P arty at her hom ‘ y e v e n in g . Q u it e .. G IF T S • • • , TU M BLE • • • • • • • • • A C C T Y L ,N E h"’ Pa«co Bank Pay« 50 Per Cent. Olympia, Wash.— Announcement ol a 60 per cent dividend on deposits ol | the Bank of Pasco, a state bank, wbicb closed its doors September 8, 1926 with deposits of approximately 3400, I 000, was announced by H . C. Johnson rf0nZ33QI3|E <> "D ress w ell and sucseed. a satisfactory liquidation is now In dlcated, Johnson said. w /h ? u24, 593 Ore‘ aD people died A - J - H ill and wife, Mrs with tuberculosis. Best estimates In­ S r” M ° 1 n ntJ MrS- Hi,1’s sis- dicate that probably 6000 are afflicted wpntM/ % Bailey of Portland, with the disease. Careful studies show that between the ages of 16 and 40 went to Eugene Monday. , which may be called the best year« Leighton Henderson left of life, more Oregonians die of tuber­ •ise r e nbH n td a y to t a k e a P ° s ,t{ on culosis than from any other cause of death and the same Is true through­ out the United States as a whole. All Whit« « r.‘° Perator on White Salmon (W ash.) En­ this Is In spite of the fact tuberculosis terprise. Is known to be preventable and cure- able. ALBANY w . M. BURBANK FORD SERVICE STATION Piano for sale near Halsey Beautiful High-grade Piano WI I save you tim e and money by Must be sold at once. Big savins m aking your neaessary repairs on and term s. $10 m o nthly to re li­ your car. able party. For particulars write The garage mao knows the ina Io Cline Music Co. 66 F ro nt et., P ortland. end otits of your car. The service it eetahllshed to help you to help y o u rs e lf T ake ad­ vantage of the o pp o rtu n ity while you can, Work Guaranteed arbitration treaties were with the league of nations. Cedar Fence Posts Delivered in Ila ls jy or vicinity 1 {T _ 1 t)C Roy L in c o ln , Goldson, Oregon. FOR SALE [Full Blood Duroc Boar 1 ) yeare old, cheap C. B. Qibgnn & 8on, R. 2. Halsey. FOR SALE Buff Orpington Cockerels, $2.50 H . G . T y le r, Near T w in Buttes. • • • . • is a good placo to havo y o uri and fender brazing ( O u r C ongressm en F a v o r S eal S a le " I am glad to most heartily Join in wishing the utmost success In the work of those engaged In the anti tuberculosis campaign." HO N. ROBT. N. S TA N FIE LD . U. S. Senator from Oregon. "In a time when we ere thinking of making a season especially Joyful to those of our Immediate fam ily and friends, the contrlbutlona to the anti- tuberculosis campaign Is an Instance of kindly good will toward a number of our fellow citlsens who have cause for uneasy apprehension, and the fact that people are mindful of them will help them as much, I believe, as the money will help them. I cordially com­ mend the sale of Christmas 8eals.” HON. W IL L IS C. H A W L E Y , U. 8. Representative from Oregon. “I wish to cordially endorse the com­ ing anti-tuberculosis campaign la Ore­ gon. through the eale of Christmas Seals. I note with pleasure the report of the great decrease la the death rate from tuberculosis in dur home state, during the past fourteen years, and be­ lieve that this Is due in a large measure to the money derived from the sale of Christmas Seals ‘The Christmas Seel campaign is • most worthy one and I consider It a distinct privilege to be able to add my testimony to the great number who hold a like opinion.” HON. N. J. SIN N O TT, V. S Representative from Oregoa to e v e ry person w ho, b etw een thanksgiv­ ing d ay and C h ristm as eve, D e c . 2 4 , pays $ 1 for th e E n te rp rise one y ear to a N B A V subscriber A t th e end of th e y e a r th e p a p e r will be discontinued unless, as is usually the case, a renew al is o rdered It is to get these renew als th at offer is m ade of th at CHRHSTMAS CARDS FREE ■ > x-1* Subscribe now and get yonr eards. Ws have a stack on hand, but should it become exhausted it would take about ten davs to g»-t more from the east. You don I WBD‘ Toora to arrive after C hrist. ▲ DOM» O b itu a ry John B. McGee was born / s S " 0 » 00 “ 017’ TenD - J « " 18° L . waB ® » « i» d in Tent> «ee Feb. 2 9,1876, t0 Elisa Corbi and came, w ith h i. f , mi, . ’ Oregon M arch 1, 1892 , B row nsville. H e h a . liy.d * different placet in Oregon , i n < H e passed away quietly #t I home in Shedd Dec. 8, 1925 1«. mg a widow, Kliza McGee of Shsd and eleven obildren, as follow M |ri*’ W « H ’ W ,llo n ° f Crawford v ille , Mrs M a ttie Lamb H arrisburg, M rs. Lee Steeprow Alsea S. D . McGee near Hain Mrs. M a ry Sm ith of HcqUi.B M rs. V irg il H ow ell, Gresham, M rs. Glenn C h.no. , C orvallis, A . H McGee o, M, "The anti-tuberculosis movement has always bad my unqualified sup- port. I believe that conducting the Sale of Christmas Seals to raise funds for combating this disease (tuberculosis) Is a most valuable pub­ lic eervlce and should by all means be encouraged. Rest assured that I shall be more than glad to do anything I c .a. i b ^ oGee ° f T u " “ ‘ can to further the valuable work “ C al., F . W . McGee and Mrs £ HON. M. E. CRUM PACKER, L. Perkins of Shedd. U. S. Representative from Oregon Ten Nice Christmas Cards Free W o rk J. W S TE P H E N S O N . deposited FOR SALE BARBER SHOP First-class • P. PAPMAN. state supervisor of banking. The Bank I of Pasco will disburse other substan [ tlal dividends from time to time and 3 * -4 ls Committse Favors Flying Bill Washington. D. C.— The first action toward Improvement of aviation tn thf new congress was taken by the senate commerce committee In ordering fav o rab jj reported the Bingham bill tc provide government supervision ol commercial flying. • W E L D IN G Minckley loaded one of them Bill Asks Corporation for Urain export C hristm as S eals A id here. Washington. D. C . - A bill to create Mrs. Addie Moody was in T u b ercu lo sis F ig h t j a grain export corporation with prlco Brownsville Saturday. fixing power« was Introduced in the senate by Senator Shipetead. Farm er Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Quimby v , / --------- Labor, Minnesota. nave a new daughter. Knowledge and Practice of the Locarno T re s tle . Filed W ith League “ “ Alvin * ’ ............ Rules of Health Greatest Mrs Williams, form­ Geneva. S w ltxerlan d .-T h e original erly Airs. Harrison of Browns- Need. Ixicarno security pact and collateral •|j e’ is reported dangerously A correspondent for whom «>c Oregon Voter vouches as w< II experienced in Oregon Politics announces that the*K is politically dead in this • Postoffice close going north » I 11:60 , and 5:20 p. m. Going south, 11:10 a. m. 5 20 p. uj To Brownsville, 6:20 a. m , 13 tn. M o rn in g stage to Brow, nJ e goes on to Crawfordsvi H olley and Sweet Home. •d . A l ll l m my work is i/ilflr guaranteed. I Tf f I T don’t do __ ae g oo T aT og as’ ' «d. v w ork IS * n ia * J I promise you I w ilt do it over w ith o ut extra charge to you ’ Free towage w ith in five miles of Halsey. I f you ueed me lu st < rem em ber 1 5 x j. I ’ll be there. ]U it < d o n igh ‘ and in ifn y o th e r a rtic le s n o t m en Boned. L e t us e x p la in o u r new service of w r a p p i n g y o u r ______ — ___ C h ris tin a s g ifts (BLAIN CLQTHlNGCO] LANG WOOD C O M PA NY , J IN N J f old-tim e • ¡¡Halsey Garage Gloves, Cuff Bnttons, Slippers, Hickok Belts, Jewelry, Handkerchiefs Hats, Mufflers, • A ss BARTCHER ( M ay w e S u g g e s t » Shirts, Ties, Socks, BROTHERS, W ednesday, Dec. 23 B uy a m an's g ift fro m a m a n ’s store. W e k n jw m e n ’s tastes, m e n ’s needs and, m o st o f all, m e n ’s wear. L e t’s h e lp y o u choose y o u r g ifts fo r men. ”W e know enough about tubercu» osl. to scotch It within a generation, it is not lack of knowledge. It Is lack of application of knowledge that Im­ pedes our progress." These were the words of Dr. Allen K. Krause, leading 1 here are to be no mail de- American authority on tuberculosis, on C h r i" United States when he visited Oregon last summer. on Christmas day this year. He also pointed out that the knowl­ edge which makes physicians confi­ a -c W : i i 5 V g K r : A,ai) your packages a week dently assert that "tuberculosis Is pre­ wiD4i ° f tlme if you can- They ventable and cureable” Is not knowl­ ' ill be more likely to reach edge regarding medicines or treat­ their destination on time ments that can be called "specific cures.” It Is knowedge regarding the ,c , “ " d a *m”" BEND RECALL IN PROSPECT fundamental rules of healthy living. It Is disregard of the rules of healthy ¡ n x a t ? , , , w , : : v ii ; e ° ' S y m A .t, ' Petitions Seek Removal of Mayor and living that permits tuberculosis to con­ tinue as so great a menace to humane thur Wes lev I,.u v ! Ar City Officials. back tn u Ji "h en driving life, it la knowledge of these rules, Bend. Or.— Recall petitions charg iously % Ha JZy’ became ser- and care In their application which i ‘ y ’• He was brought lug that Bend city officials have been will eventually overcome tuberculosis. home and a doctor summoned extravagant and Inefficient in the ad It Is the tremendous progress In this ministration of city affairs, naming direction which hag made possible the He is reported much better layor Fox and all members of the city 50% reduction In the tuberculosis death St'veii double-deck carloads council, were prepared here. The peti rate in the United States within the r Went from this vaiev tlon against Mayor Fox state, thst last 16 years, and the 28% reduction In to California last week. Bert he has used the common council ol Oregon's rate within the last ten years. Christmas Seals finance the cam­ Bend to provide him a salary of >2500 » year, "a sum grossly excessive in paign of the Oregon Tuberculosis As­ v ew of the duties and responsibilities I sociation which Is speclflcly designed to meet the need of teaching health. attached to said office.” Public Health nurses are put Into the The petition further states there has 1 field tn Oregon. Health teaching Is been an almost complete breakdown) taken Into the Oregon schools. L ite r­ of law enforcemunt In the city. Five ature ts distributed, exhibits are pre­ members of the council and Mayor F o i pared, p,,rea- ,n a every «’ ery known channel cl and of declared they would not resign under ,eachln« health Is employed, fire. On« T h * nhUctiw- . . «re. One mimrlln,™« councilman declined . tc The objective of the a health teach- make a statement. in« Is to overcome tuberculosis by striking at Its vulnerable spot. f u r n it u r k w , that W ill P lea se the M en Bath Robes, W ALKER North >uuth 3:24 a. m. flag r i 120« n _ 5:13 a. m. ri. 12;45 ¿ 5 8:16 a. m. flag f t * « î * 4:08 p. m. 31’ » * B « | N o. 14 and 16 , lpp u *0U,h of Fugene No 31, direct connnctien for point«. Passengers for south of Eugene take tram No, 17. * e - Halsey-browniyi)ie i. * y at 7 a. m , nd 1 2 4 5 * 5 a j V Leaves Brownsville at 7 to T * ’ 3.35 and 8:45 p. m. W “ I f y o u e n jo y o ld -tim e m u sic and d a n c in g # Outgoing Mail fo llo w the cro w d to T U M B L E I N N * A t the Halsey Hert Haynes is hauling grav- S i t i rn; f hei; friends a “e an < for the foundation of a new ban, on the Ai|ingh, m ucipating a pleasant time. Miss Ruby Schroll was a pie of weeks ago. burned „ cou- SAVES FUEL LASTS LONGER LOOKS BETTER PRICES RIGHT ; ' P layers, w ill p la y again at Shop Early C O M IN G — 3 days ÜMBLE INN S a tu rd a y N ig h t 1*2) The funeral of Abrahi Loon, an old pioneer of Li county, was held at the Pi Grove church Thursday at P- m., Rev. Mr. Harper of C< valhs officiating. Mr. Co, was born in 1840 and came Oregon with his parents by , team in 1863, and settled Linn county. They lived mar years ago on the place no owned by Mr. Blood. He survived by the followin pothers and sisters: Mr Mary Herbert of Eugene, Toi Coon of Bellfountain, Georg -oon of Corvallis, Mrs. Lydi Javis f Portland and Mar Coon of Idaho. Miss Nettie Spencer cai home from Corvallis Fridi returning the next day. IN r t l K C IR C U n COURTRorthsSl of Oregon, in and for the County of Linn In the matter of the applies-) tion of Seth S. Haves. Daniel J. Hayes. fra n k lfty e t ,n d Gertrude ‘Tt1 u" ‘ ,o re«'ster the title ' the following described land to w it . I he west half of tlie south­ west quarter of section twelve (12) of township fourteen (14) Not wiuth of range four (4) of W il­ lamette meridian, containing 80 acres, more or lea», situated in Linn coanty, state of Ore­ gon, Against Otis F. Neal and all whom it may concern, Defendants. « To Otis P. Neal aud all whom it cocn ern, defendants .■ Take notice ,hat on the 4th di ecemb*T -925, an application was by said Seth S. Hayes, Daniel J. Hi fra n k Haves and Gertrube Kentlam the circnit eourt of the state of Orerr and for Linn county, for initial regi tiou of the title to the land above • y ’ hea Now. unless you appes, or before the 8th day of J a n u a r/ 1 ’ »a »ho» cause why sueh applies »h all not be gr, n(, d the , „ ue wd] taken is confessed and a decree wil entered according to the prayer of application and you w ill be fori ban-ed irom dieputing the came. Witness my hand and the seal of •eid circuit conr. this 4th day of camber. 1925. M Ru; seil. T 'T , Clerk and es oil J * 41 I erk of the Circuit Conr t ’« State o Oregon for Li County. H ill, Marks A McMahan, P. O. address Albany. Oregon, Attorneys for Applicant. A D M IN IS T R A T O R 'S N O TIC E of hearing of final account Notice is hereby given thst the fi sec mnt of J. C. Bramwell at admi, trator of the estate of Naney Pain deceased, has been filed in the Com Court of Linn County, State of Oreg. M d thst the ;-