Rural enterprise. (Halsey, Or.) 1924-1927, December 16, 1925, Image 7

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’ Lesson ’
( B r KKV F H F I T Z W A T E H
D P . D ean
o f th e E v e n in g S c h o o l U uotljt Bifci« ! • -
••H u i« e f C h ic a g o .)
• t , 1>25. W e s te r n N e w s p a p e r U n to * )
Lesson fo r D e c e m b e r 2 0
O g y * a t o ! * * '* *
tô,tbc M n ( r m p c u r c o f cÿc
Ole* onbCTcw Ztftamntt .foúfc-
fuJIy «rtö troll «aniUttöO«
4 f fcead)e<utb í.4tyu
tn to tgngiiß^.
Cb«* •n’ ü?elrrvt< d?tx
tfco«fy»lr;«T< befwe ifc«
I:9 ^5 >
<5.p«ti!.n. Efffx.m.
pr«U foi w,r$xu
of iffoh mot
b¿ix frt {x»ftjg«,an& bc gUrt|iib.tet.
e.p4oi Cot in.
JUtttx » o it* ofC^igowtn«yo«pfan
«oofouiaUttYfoome I«*-
3 « fr » l
L tt not tfyt bof« of tW« km« hepar«
Otttoft^moutV.but trtrcyfc tfyyftlft
teerin bayt anb nt 5 fyt < tc î.
o f f t r j i (bm/olebe fnÿfrsh 3t b ^ ¿535
tan t undertaking is shown by the ad­ considered a scholarly version. No per*
dress to King Jam es of the translators, feet copy Is known to be extant.
Much of tlie lettering of tlie illus­
of which the beginning and fourth
tratio n s enn be read.
The upside-
paragraph are as follows:
down scroll in connection with Adam
T o th e M ost H ig h a n d M ig h ty P r in ce
J a m e s , b y th e G ra ce o f God. K in g o f and Eve and the serpent in the Gurden
G r e a t B r ita in , F r a n c e an d Ir e la n d , D e ­ of Eden re a d s :
fe n d e r o f th e F a ith , &c. th e T r a n s la t o r s
“In w h a t daye so ever thou eatest
o f th e B ib le w is h G ra ce, M ercy a n d
thereof thou »halt dye.”
P e a c e , th r o u g h J e s u s C h r is t o u r Lord.
Note the "vv” which is used for "w,"
T h e r e a r e In fin ite a r g u m e n t s o f th is
r ig h t C h r is tia n an d r e lig io u s a ffe c tio n which is not followed In thp center
In Y our M a je sty , b u t n o n e is m o re lettering. In old English v and u wers
fo r c ib le to d e c la r e It to o th e r s th n n th e
v e h e m e n t a n d p e r p e tu a te d d e s ir e o f a c ­ practically interchangeable; hence w
The seven­
c o m p lis h in g a n d p u b lis h in g o f th is was literally double-u.
w o r k , w h ic h n o w w ith a ll h u m ilit y w e teenth verse of the second chapter of
p r e s e n t u n to Y o u r M a je sty . F o r w h e n
Genesis In th e King Jam es version
Y our H ig h n e s s h ad o n c e o u t o f d e e p
re a d s :
() GOES in p art the story in it w a s, th a t o u t o f th e O r ig in a l S acred
"B ut of the tree of knowledge of
the King Janies Bible (1611) T o n g u e s , t o g e t h e r w it h c o m p a r in g o f
good and evil, thou shnlt not eat of i t :
of the birth of Christ and tlie th e la b o u r s , b o th In o u r o w n . an d o th e r
for In the day thou eatest thereof thou
adoration of the “T hree fo r e ig n L a n g u a g e s , o f m a n y w o r th y
m en w h o w e n t b e fo r e u s. th e r e sh o u ld shalt surely die.”
Kings of the O rient"—Magi, be o n e m o r e e x a c t T r a n s la t io n o f th e
A significant piece of decoration on
wise men—as told by St. h o ly S c r ip tu r e s In to th e E n g lis h
M atthew.
T he Bible is T o n g u e : Y o u r M a je sty d id n e v e r d e s is t this title page is th at a t th e bottom
between the two scrolls.
It quite
“The Book" for every day in to u r g e a n d to e x c it e t h o s e to w h o m it
w a s c o m m e n d e d , th a t th e w o r k m ig h t evidently represents King H enry VIII,
the year, as shown by the be h a s te n e d , and th a t th e b u s in e s s
to whom the tran slatio n was dedi­
fact that it is incom parably the m ig h t b e e x p e d ite d in so d e c e n t a m a n ­
cated by Myles Coverdale, presenting
w orld’s “best seller.” But it is espe­ ner, a s a m a t te r o f s u c h im p o r ta n c e
this first complete English Bihle to
cially “The C hristm as Book,” for it Is m ig h t J u s tly req u ir e .
This Jam es (1566-1625) was the son church and civil dignitaries.
th e very fount of the C hristm as in­
VIII (1491-1547)—Bluff King H al—the
sp iratio n and of the C hristm as spirit. of Lord D arnley and Mary Queen of J
king o f many wives—procured In 1534
C hristianity is tlie driving power of Scots. In 156” he became Jam es VI
the passage of the Act of Supremacy
th e world. Skeptics may point to the of Scotland and in 1003 succeeded '
which severed the connection of the
W orld w ar as evidence th a t C hris­
He English church with Rome and ap­
tian ity has failed. Churches and sects England, Scotland and Ireland.
pointed the king and l\ls successors
may quarrel among them selves. F u n d a­ was said by his contem poraries to be
the protector and only «supreme bead
m entalists and m odernists may fiercely the “w isest fool In E urope.”
The King Jam es version 1» by no of the church and clergy of England.
dispute about tlie authority of the
So It was quite In order for him to
Bible. The Reds may predict the de­ menns the first English Bible. T hat
bring out a new version of the Bible.
cline and fall of C hristianity. Never­
An odd bit of decoration for the ti­
theless, C hristianity, a fter nineteen script tran slatio n of about 1380 by
tle page of a Bible Is the sugges­
centuries still rem ains the driving John Wycliffe, the fam ous preacher, tion of th e O rder of th e G arter, with
pow er of the world. And th e central from the Latin Vulgate.
Its fam ous motto. This is the high­
fa c t of C hristianity is Jesus C hrist— ally, it is of Interest to note th at in est order of knighthood In G reat B rit­
H is life, H is person, His teachings. So
is for th e governm ent of the people, ain. and its m em bership is shout 50,
th e Bible is the C hristian Book.
th e people and for the people"— Including th e sovereign, the Prince
The four verses from Kt. M atthew 's
of W ales and 24 knights compan­
account of the birth of C hrist are which Is suggestively sim ilar to Lin­ ions. It was established by Edward
given exactly as found in the modern coln's fam ous u tterance in his G ettys­ III (1313-77) about 1345. The legend
printing of the King Jam es Bible, burg Address. How many manu­ of It Is th at a t a sta te ball the
which Is still the accepted text with script copies of Wycliffe's translation C ountess of Salisbury lost her garter,
m any churchmen, notw ithstanding the were m ade is not k n o w n ; eight of his which Edward picked up and placed
m any versions which the centuries time are still In existence. It is on his own knee. His courtiers there­
have brought. It is often called the known, however, th a t these manu- j upon snickered, whereupon th e king
“ A uthorized Bihle," for th e reason script copies were in semi-secret cir- i exclaimed (as we now w rite It) “Honl
th a t it had the sanction of both the culatlon In England down to the end soit qui mal y pense.” T his literally
E nglish king and of English scholars. of th e Fifteenth century.
Now we come to the first complete m eans: “Shamed he he who thinks
The King Jam es translatio n had In­
evil of It."
We now tran slate It:
ception in 1604 a t a conference at English Bible, the title page of which “Evil to him who evil thinks."
Its date Is
H am pton court.
It was then d eter­ is herew ith reproduced.
Suppose we put the king's utterance
mined that a translatio n should be MDXXXV—1585—as the fac simile conversely t h u s : “Good to him who
m ade which could he accepted as
good thinks."
T hat Is not so very
fundam entally correct.
Forty-seven ; original Greek and Hebrew texts, fa r front “Peace on earth to men of
tra n sla to rs were named from the fore­ from th e "Douche and L atvn," ns the good will," as the Roman Catholic
most scholars of England
The first title page sets forth. The names of Ilouay version o t the Bible tran slates
d ra ft w as completed in 1600.
Two tran slato r and p rin ter are not set th e C hristm as message.
B ut they are known.
years were devoted to revision.
It ' forth
w as printed in London in 1611 by Rob­ tran slato r was Miles Coverdale (1488-
1568), and th e printing was done in
ert B arker.
T hat this tran slatio n was an impor­ 1 Sw itzerland, probubly in Zurich. It Is ,
N o w w h e n J e s u s w a s b o rn in B e t h ­
le h e m o f J u d e a In th e d a y s o f H ero d
t h e kln ir, b e h o ld , th e r e c a m e w is e m en
fr o m th e e a s t to J e r u s a le m .
S a y in g , W h e r e is h e th a t is b orn
K in g o f th e J e w s ? fo r w e h a v e s e e n
h i s s t a r in th e e a s t , a n d a re c o m e to
w o r s h ip h im .
. .
W h e n th e y s a w th e s ta r , th e y r e ­
j o ic e d w ith e x c e e d in g g r e a t J o y
A n d w h e n th e y w e r e c o m e in to th e
h o u s e , th e y s a w th e y o u n g c h ild w ith
W ary h is m o th e r , a n d fe ll d o w n , a n d
w o r s h ip p e d h im : a n d w h e n th e y h a d
o p e n e d t h e ir t r e a s u r e s , th e y p r e s e n te d
u n t o h im g i f t s , g o ld a n d fr a n k in c e n s e ,
an d m yrrh.
L E SSO N T E X T — M att. » : ! - ! » .
DBM t i : \ v - f . t u n to y o u la
born th ia d a y In th e c ity o f D a v id , a
S a t or. w h ic h ta C h r ist th e Lord.'*—
L u k e 1:11.
P R IM A R Y T O PIC — W is e M en V is it
th e B aby J e su s.
J l'M O U T O PIC — W IM M en F o llo w
th e Star.
IC—-T he C h r is tm a s S p irit.
V i'l'N G P E O P L E A N D A D U L T T O P ­
IC— T h e P r in c e o f P e a c e .
Timely tale from the Ladles1 Hom«
Jo u rn al: A little stalk of goldenrrti
was Just r.hout dry enough to blow
'As a broadcaster,” he chuckled. “1
claim to rank with the most powerful
stations In the country. Wonder how
many are tuned In?"
A scattering volley of sneezes told
N ote: For this Sunday’s lesson the that a number of people were ulreedy
lesson comm ittee has given us an op­ getting hint.- -Boston T ranscript.
tion of a C hristm as lesson or a sum- J
Not That W a y at All
niary of Paul's life. It Is presumed
Mr. Bell—I hear your husband had
th at most teachers wilt prefer the
C hristm as lesson since Paul has been an accident. Was he hurt?
Mrs. Wise—Yes. His face Is all cut,
the central tlguru for six months.
I. The Wise Men Seeking Jesus (vv. his arm in a sling and he broke his
Mr. Bell—How did he do It—on his
These wise men who sought .Testis
were either A rabian or Persian as­ motor cycle?
Mrs. Wise—Oh, no. If he could have
trologers. students of the stars. The
appearance of an unusual star a ttra c t­ stayed on the motor cycle lied have
ed tlielr attention. Perhaps they were been nil right.
acquainted with the famous prophecy
A ll It Would Bear
of Balaam (Nilin. 24:17). Doubtless
“Tou say the trout weighed ten
through the Influence of the Jew s who
remained in Chaldea, or tlie direct In­ pounds?”
'Y es, sir! It was the biggest trou.
fluence of Daniel extending to tills
time, they had become acquainted w ith I ever saw.”
“And It got Mway from you?"
tlie hope oi" a Messiah. The llglit they
had was dim. hut they lived up to ttm
"Will you ntHke an oath to that?"
best they had. We learn from th e m :
‘‘I'll make no more oath s; I swore
1. That All T rue Wisdom Leads to
the Savior, for He Is the Fullness of enough wtien it got away."
2. T hat God’s Word Shall Not Re- H A R D -B O IL E D , N O D O U B T
turn I'nto Him Void (Isa. 55:11).
The seed cast upon (he E astern wa­
ters brought forth fruit after many
days. This ought to tiring confidence
to many m inisters and Sunday school
teachers who have not as yet seen the
fruit of their labors.
3. The Grace of God Calls Men
From Unexpected Q uarters.
Some who have tlie least opportuni­
ties give the greatest honor to Christ,
wtille others, blessed with the richest
opportunities, shut Him out.
II. Herod Seeking to Kill Jeeu t (vv.
The news brought by tlie wise men
struck terro r to Herod's heart. lie
was not alone in this for all Jeru sa­
lem was troubled with him. A glimpse
"Ilia wife SM.vs he's hard-boiled."
nt the social customs In and about
"She ought to know she keeps him
Jerusalem In that day will enable its
to understand why this news brought tn hot w uter all the time."
uneasiness to tlie people They were
Counting the Coat
living In the greatest luxury. Beauti­
ful apparel, sum ptuous feasts, palatial It w o u ld afford th « h u m a n race
O f happln**nfi a b e tt e r c h a n c e
houses, Ptc., led to gross Immorality. I f t-very w a r th a t m ig h t tHke p la c e
We can thus readily see why Herod
lla d to be paid fo r In a d v a n c e .
and nil Jerusalem should he troubled.
They did not want a Savior who would
Abaolutely Safe
save them from their sins; they w ant­
“You'll have to dive off th a t tall
ed to continue In them. Herod de­ cliff and rescue the heroine,” pro­
manded of the priests and scribes In­ nounced the movie director.
form ation as to w here Christ should
''W h a t!'' ejaculated the star. "Why,
be born. They were soon able to tell there’s not two feet of w ater helow !"
him. These people had a technical
“C ertainly not," returned the di­
knowledge of the Scriptures, hut I ihi I rector comfortingly, “you cun't pos­
no heart for the Savior as set forth sibly drown."
therein. Conditions much like these
prevail today. Tills reception of tlie
Savior shows th a t perverseness of
“How did you like the sam ple of my
hpart Is the cause of so many being In­ m arrow Jam 1 sent you?"
different to Christ, and of their oppo­
“W as th a t marrow Jam? Oh, my
sition to Hint w hen His claims are pre­ dear. I’m so rry ; m.v husband Is using
sented. It is tru e todny that the lux­ It for sticking stam ps in Ills album.”
uries of wealth, the frivolities of tlie
fashion-lovers, and the gross Immorali­
ties to which these lend, make Jesus
“I don’t bear George any malice, hut
Christ unwelcome In many quarters.
I hope he'll be thoroughly unhappy I"
III. Jesus Found (vv. 9-12).
"Make sure of it, my dear, und
Tlie wise men. having obtained the
desired Information, started I m r .e d ! m arry him."
ately to find Jestts. As soon as they
left the city the sta r which had guided
them from the E ast appeared again to
lead them on not that It had dlsap- |
peared from the sky. but no doubt tlis
city buildings shut out its light. Tlie
sta r guided them to the place where j
Jesus was. When they found Him they
worshiped Him in this they displayed
true faith. They did not see any
miracle, only a baba, yet they wor- |
shlped Him as king. Blessed are they
th at have not seen and yet have be­
lieved (John 20:29). Note God's over­
ruling providence In all this
hundred years before the prophet hart
said th at Christ «liotild come from
Bethlehem (Micah. 5 :2). God so ordered
F irst Hall— Wtiut's Mr». Sea Cow
affairs that Mary should lie brought to
doing now?
that city to give blrtb to Christ. I* t
Second Fish—Running a dairy 1
us he assured that nothing <Hn thw art
the divine purpose. God so ordered
Wrong Number
th a t these men should depart another
le a d e d w ith h> r fo r an » n e w e r .
w ay, therein defeating Herod's w icked I p My
b r a in w aa a ll In a w h ir l;
purpose. Through these wise men the B u t 1 p l-a d e d 1» va in fo r an a n a w e » —
F o r aba w a a th e te le p h o n e «IrL
Lord gave gifts Into the tiands of J o
»•ph and Mary before their going to
Glad of It
Egypt. Doubtless this served a good
pur|s>se in meeting their expenses dur- j She (cnm plalnlngly)—Yon are not
Ing their stay there. Truly all things tike my first husband.
He—No, thunk goodness t I'm alive.
work together for good to them that
love God (Bom. 8 :28).
Going Up
Tradition of a Plant
T he little wild crsneshlll known as
H erb Robert and which flowers In the
hedges and ditches of the Old land
from April 29 onward, was of consid­
e rab le consequence to our simple-
m inded ancestors. It cured rush, ill-
cent. scrofula, (tout, and repelled lice
It figures in the most ancient herbals
under the nam e Sadroc. It Is supposed
to have come Into existence through
Mohammed spreading his sh irt to dry
over a mallow plant.
When the urban council, says the London Dally
prophet resum ed the sacred garm ent News.
The police appealed fo r volunteers
the mallow was gone and the Herb
Robert took its place. Some of local to rescue the sheep imprisoned on a
names, such as “knife and fork," Lon­ ledge 200 feet down. Among the vol­
unteers was Thomas Williams, a
: don pink, dog's toes, sailor’s knot, are
farm er.
hard to account for.
Lowered on ropes after three hours’
labor In the blazing sun Williams suc­
Riaka Life to Save Lamb
ceeded In rescuing one lamb. The
i H ollday-m skers at Barmouth were
spectators of a thrilling attem pted res­ other fell from the ledge over tho
cue recently of two lam bs which had precipice-like slope. W illiams’ set wag
been stranded on the dangerous slope a risky one. as the descent Is rockj
and dangerous.
, of a local quarry belonging to the [
L ife
Life Is but a day, und the honrs flee
Soon it is hlgn noon, then afternoon,
evening, night, when all service ceases.
—R. P. Anderson.
S im p licity and P u rity
“Simplicity and purity are the tw a
wings hy which a man is lifted up
above all earthly things,"
A W ro n g Deed
A wrong deed should he Immediately
repented of and confoaaeil
Custom er—Another boost tn prices?
How come?
B arber—Wtien we made our last
raise our custom ers pulltsl such long
fir es it whs worth more than we got
to shave ’em.”
Few, i f any,
remedies can equal the value
o f Pe-ru-na for catarrh of the
A t this season it is esti­
mated that every third person
is more or less troubled with
this form of catarrh.
C ured
"If a feller lias u hobby Hint is likely
to kill bint he can get rid of It if lie
tries hard enough,” In tlie crossroad«
store staled Gup Johnson of Rumpus
"D'ye reckon?" ret or till the propri-
etor of tlie emporium.
"I Just nucherly d—n’ know It I
When I was a young feller they used
to any that 1 had a reg’lur fad for
hard work, hut by fighting It 'pears
like I got plumb over It long ago,"—
K ansas City S tir.
Pleasure Unit isn't shared with an­
other loses half Its power to please.
can I d o ?
( Z N I I , why can 't I have a skin like
other girls? Why do I have to
lave these ugly pimples, blotches and
"If I could only find som ething that
yould clear up my akin and give m e
lack my soft, rosy complexion, I know
would be the happiest g irl in th e
rorldt What can I do?"
la th a t you talking? I f it la, you
lon't have to w orry a m inute! Ju a t
mild up the rich, red blood In your
sidy. Then your skin will bo as clear
ind aoft aa anybody's.
T h at's w hat S. 8. H. has been doing
or generations—helping N ature build
•Ich, red blood! You can build red-
ilood-cella so fast th a t the Im purities
hat cause breaking out on the akin
lardly got Into the ayatem before th e
jure blood annihilates them — kills
hem rig h t out — stops them from
ireaklng out through th e akin.
And then thia rich, red. pure blood
eeds and nourishes th e tlaaiiea of th e
ikln and keeps It looking healthy.
T hat's all th e re 1« to
1. H ealthy, vigorous,
cd blood am h aa 8. H. H l
mips N a t u r e b u ild,'
Bakes you h ealthy all
iver. I t beautifies your
ikIn — drives away plm-
ilea, blackheads, blotches, rash, holla
ind eczem a—gives you back your ap-
letlte—hullda firm, plum p flesh and
Ills you full of new life and energy.
All drug sto res sell B. H H Get th e
arver bottle. It a m ore atonomicaL
2 0 0 Y EA R S
haarlem oil has been a world­
wide remedy for kidney, liver and
bladder disorders, rheumatism,
lumbago and uric ac id conditions.
c m ija iim
correct internal troubles, stimulate vital
organs. Three sixes. All druggists. Insist
on the original genuine Gui n M id a u
Boschee’s Syrup
Relieving Coughs
Might Be Partly True
“They say jo u r husband squeezes
hia employee«"
"Well, I don't know, but I have m j
■uapblons about the blond ilenogrn-
p h e r.'
fo r S 9 Years
Carry a horde In
your car and always keep it In th«
JOc and 90c at all druggists.