Rural enterprise. (Halsey, Or.) 1924-1927, December 16, 1925, Page 5, Image 5

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16. JVZ»
^/^íbany^^X irectory
i , , 1?,1.’ 18 KOO<? advlce;
' « you live
in Albany, trade m Albany ; if you live
in some other town, trade in that town."
But in these automobile davs many re-
MdwK elsewhere find it advisable to do
at least part of their buying m the
larger town. Those who go to Albany
to transact business will find the firms
named below ready to fill their require­
ments with courtesy and fairness.
J- LINDAHL, hardware,
Tin shop in connection
330 W. First St.
Albany, Oregon
/k lbany Floral Co.
Cut flowers
. a“ d P,ants- Floral art for every
and all occasions.
___ _______
Flower phone 458-1.
Tire Vulcamziug-
221 W. Second.
.?_•»« ready-to-wear Xmas novelties
exclusive but no* expensive.”
117 Broadalbin.
Willard s"
l ta
We serve all make«
and «ell
W i ll a r d s
i nder npw management
m . ... „
L M. Taylor, Prop.
1-1 W, Seeond, Albany
Home made fresh daily
Reduced Fares
Ice Cream, Soft Drinks am
CEN TRA L tire shop
T h e Courtesy Shop — Mülinery I
L ig h t L u n c h e s
Battery re­
F. W . R O SS , Albany
firs t street—Rikman Bldg.
Ed Falk, Prop.
jp^astburn Bros.—Two big grocery
stores, 212 W. First and 225 South
Main. Good merchandise at the right
l ? l i t e C a feteria aud confectionery
Home cooking. Pleasant surround-
Courteous, efficient service.
We make our own candies.
W. s. D u nc a n .
Tires and accessories
K ir k -P o lla k M otor Co.
rportm iller Furniture Co., furni-
ture, rugs, linoleum, stoves ranges.
Funeral directors. 427-433 west First
street, Albany, Oregon.
I? L L LER G ROC E RY, 286 LyZn
(Successor to Stenberg Bros.)
Phone 2b3R
M PERIAL CAFE, 209 »V. First
Harold G. Murphy Prop.
Phone 665
W e n e v e r close
For expert work send your films
to Haskin's film shop, 309 Lyon street,
.Albany, Oregon.
aud money are best when
busy. Make your dollars work in
our savings department. A lb a n y S ta te
B a n k . Under government supervision.
M A R IN E L L O parlors
(A beauty aid for every need)
St. Francis Hotel
Prop. Winifred Rose
The Winchester Store '
Q econd band Pianos from $185 up
If you want a bargain in a piano now
is your chance. They're in A1 condition.
Davenport Music House. 409 W. First
Q ta p le aud Fancy Groceries
Crockery and Glassware
Mrs, M G. Stetter
Phone 139.-J
206 W. Second st.
Second street, opposite Hamilton's
‘ 'Sudden Service.”
U U ald o Anderson A Son. distrib
* ’ utors and dealers for Maxwell, Chai
men. Esses, Hudson & Hupmobile cars.
Accessories, a pnlies. 1st & Broadalbin
If you enjoy a good meal,
..nd know a good meal when you get it,
YouTl be back, tor yon’ll not forget it.
Our aim is to please vou.
G E O . M. G IL C H R IS T
special meeting of the state banking
board at Salem.
Don’t forget the place
News Notes From
All Over Oreg on
G le a n e d b y th e W e s te rn
N e w s a p o r U n io n f o r
B u s y P e e p le
Official Stromberg carburetor serv
ice station.
Conservative prices. A1
work guaranteed.
119-121 W. Second
Grocery— Bakery
Everything in the line of eats
Opposite Postoffice
Third & Broadalbin
Graham B. Nichols, who has the dis­
Scott Turner of Lansing. Mich., who
tinction of knowing more about the
income tax than any other man In : has assumed the office of director of
the United States, has for many yeare the bureau of mines, succeeding H.
been In charge of the information of­ j Foster Bain.
fice of the bureau of internal revenue.
I 000,000 and 325,000.000, has been iden­
Early buying at a base price of 45
cents, characterized the opening of the
Christmas turkey market at Roseburg.
Leland Carl, 16, of Hubbard, died
at a Salem hospital as the result of in­
juries suffered In an automobile acci
Concrete products manufacturers of
Oregon, Washington and Idaho met in
Portland and formed a permanent or­
Three robbers held up the Bank of
Troutdale, seized >400 and escaped in
a stolen automobile after eluding two
deputy sheriffs.
The twenty-ninth annual convention
of the Oregon Wool Growers' associa
tlon will be held In Pendleton for
three days, January 21-23.
Klamath county assessed fines In
the amount of 39233.50 for liquor law
violations during August, September
and October, according to a report
prepared by W ill Levens, state pro­
hibition commissioner.
One hundred and one mills report­
ing to the West Coast Lumbermen's
association for the week ending De­
cember 5 manufactured 97,157,191 feet
At the meeting of the Western Nut
of lumber, sold 94,179,341 feet and
association at McMinnville.
shipped 105,267,470 feet.
J. A. Holt of Eugene was elected presi­
Oregon taxpayers will be obliged to dent for the coming year. Dr. Robert
contribute 37,200,830.79 for state pur Nixon of Forest Grove, vice-president
poses during 1926, according to an­ for Oregon; John Spurgeon, Vancou
nouncement made by the state tax ver, vice-president for Washington; C.
commission. The 1926 levy Is 3292.- E. Schuster of Corvallis, secretary-
000 less than that for 1925.
treasurer. Forest Grove was selected
Miss Thelma Martin, of Salem, prob­ as the meeting place for the associa­
ably has the distinction of being the tion In 1926.
first woman to serve as an officer of
Taxable property in the state of Ore­
a barber’s union in this state. At a gon, including equalizations and ap­
meeting of the Salem barbers’ union portionments by the county boards and
Miss Martin was elected vice-presi­ state tax commission. Is 31.084,637,-
618.91. according to the assessment
W illiam
Hart, Umatilla
county roll summary for the year 1925. It Is
rancher and buckaroo, wus freed by upon this figure that the state tax
a Jury in the court of Federal Judge levy for 1926 will be based, after being
Bean In Portland on a charge of hav equalized by application of the tax
ing murdered Math « Sheosbip. Uma­ ratios of the various counties. The
tilla Indian, who died September 12, assessed valuations for this year show
an increase of 325,656,882.30 as com­
Assurance that the timber will be pared with those of last year
A survey of the cost of producing
saved In the immediate vicinity of the
Lava river cave, scenic spot of great hay on the irrigated lands of Crook
interest to tourists, ten miles south of county is being made by R. 8. Besse,
Bend, has been given by officials of farm management specialist of the
the Shelvln Hixon company, who have extension service, Oregon Agricultural
written the state highway commission college, cooperating with W . B. Tuck­
a notice that the company is preparing er, county agent.
to deed a strip of land surrounding
So successful has been the policy
the mouth of tho cave to the state. of oiling macadam highways in east­
The Lava river cave is one of the ern Oregon and on the Mount Hood
volcanic wonders of the Deschutes loop that the highway commission has )
announced that It would have nearly
Charles A. Smith, president of the three times as many miles under oil
Pacific States Lumber company, bet­ in 1926 as there were in 1925.
The city of Vernonia has acquired
a tract of three acres one block from
the main street on Rock creek, which ter known as the Coos Bay Lumber
will be made Into a public playground company, died at his home in Berke­
The annual short course In dairy ley, Cal. Mr. Smith, whose Invest­
manufacturing conducted by the dairy ments in Oregon were between 320.-
department of the Oregon Agrlcul
tural college will be given January
4 to 30.
at lowest rate of interest
Real Estate
W m
J. K. Flynn of Portland was reap­
pointed a member of the state board
of conciliation for a term of four years
Mr. Flynn represents the employers on
the board.
The G IR L
We have
T h e D IA M O N D '
for the tree, stocking or presents,
Good to look at ; good to eat. Our
randies are pure and wholeeome.
Try us for randy satisfaction.
Please yourself aud your friends
by buying our«.
Marlon county's tentative budget of
proposed expenditures for 1926, as pre
pared by the budget committee. Indi­
cates an Increase of 369.666, when
compared with the year 1925
Jeweler«, Opticians, Albany
Removal of Frank Bramwell, state
superintendent of banks, was demand
ed by W. B Hatnes and other officials
of the Portland National bank at a
Claw I* Moody Agent
Clark, and John Jacob Astor, founder
of Astoria, were announced by Ralph
Budd, president of the Great Northern
The state fish commission and T ill
amook county officers are defendants
in a suit brought against them by Tom
Price, commercial fisherman, who
seeks to enjoin them from enforcing
a recent order dosing certain streams
In the county to net fishing and com
merctal fishing.
Robert W. Cameron of Portland,
wealthy life Insurance man, died at
his room in the GelSer Grand hotel at
Baker According to Dr. A. H Hixson,
who made an examination of the body,
death was caused by drinking poison
ous liquor, of which two partly filled
bottles were found In the room by
Phone 226
Vermont Leads in
Savings Accounts
Coolidge Home State Recorded
as Most Thrifty of
Washington. D. C.— Practicing econ­
omy and th rift at home, as urged hy
President Coolidge In government af­
fairs, Vermont, home state of the chief
executive, has amassed greater sav­
ings deposits per capita than any other
W ith a population of only 3(6.«0«,
Vermonters have accumulated 3171,-
586,000 In savings accounts. This fig­
ure sets a new high record tor the
country In glvlag the state a per capi­
ta ratio of 3486.16.
New Englanders are the thriftiest,
and mlddlewesterners save less than
any other section, statistics made pflb-
llc hy the treasury department shoved
California la the wealthiest of Pa­
cific states with 32.803,910.000 In In­
dividual deposits and a per capita t a r ­
ings of 3386.28.
Washington and Oregon have per
raplta savings of 399 60 and 398.88 re­
Every man woman and child la tho
United States and Its possessions
should have had 3142.16 saved by Juno
30, figures showed. Savings deposits,
exclusive of postal savings and de­
mand deposits, were *18,008,671,000 on
that date with the estimated popula­
tion under the American flag vae plac­
ed at 126,691,000.
Individual deposits In hanks of the
nation. Including postal saving!. Inter­
est savings and checking accounts,
amounted to 346.765.942.000 on June
30. The per capita Individual deposit*
were 3269.13.
Fifteen inmates of the old state
training school for boys at Salem were
transferred to the boys' Institution
completed recently near Woodburn.
Approximately 105 other boys will be
sent to the school as soon as the build
Ings are equipped. Between 50 and
60 boys will be retained at the old
Fresh oeef, which on June 10 of this
year was quoted at 37.2« a 100 pounds,
was listed at 39 35 In bids received by
the state board of control In connec­
tion with furnishing supplies for the
various state institutions during the
six months starting January 1. 1926.
Bacon, which six months ago was
quoted at approximately 30 cents a
pound, hns dropped to 27 cents per
pound, while coffee can he purchased
under the new bids at 29% cents a
pound us against 31% cents six
months ago. Hard wheat flour has
advanced from 37.42 a barrel to 37.64.
Lard compound also has Increased In
price from approximately 12 cent» a
Plans for the erection of a 125 foot pound to 13 2-6 cents. Pure lard has
monument at Astoria to Captain dropped from 17 2-6 cents a pound to
Robert Gray, discoverer of the Colum­ 16 7-10 cents. Mutton has advanced
bia river, the explorers Lewis and from 37 20 a 100 pounds to 314
sugar has dropped to 35 45 Ham has
dropped from 27 cents to 28 cents a
pound. Prices for beans are approxi­ Relchatag Approvai Treaty W lth Rm
Relchetag Approvai Rueelan Treaty.
mately 25 per cent lower.
Iterila.—The relchatag gavs Ita ap
Krim W ill Accept French Term«.
provai to thè Rusto-German trede
Tangier, Morocco. — Abd el Krim treaty.
leader of the Riff tribesmen now a
war with France and Spain, will ar French Francs at New Lew Figure
<ept the French peace terms as 1
N ev York.— French francs decllae«
S 3 5 .0 0 0
basis for negotiations, Robert Canning to a new low for 1926 of 3.<6 cents
French peace envoy, announced.
In the foreign exchange market.
Clark’s Confectionery
Courteous treatment.
You get
Southern Pacific Lines
Commercial and Savings accounts Solicited
Government hunters In Oregon kilt­
ed 437 coyotes, 36 bobcats, 79 porcu­
pines. 35 badgers and five skunks dur
Ing the month of November, 48 hunt
ers working.
Portland's population at the close of
1925, six years after the last decennial
census, is 335,774, compared with 258.
283, an Increase of 30 per cent, accord
Ing to a survey Just completed
Major R T. Coiner, district engineer
at Portland, has submitted a report
to Washington. D. C„ recommending
construction of a channel 35 feet deep
and 500 feet wide from Portland to
the sea.
Sale dates Decem ber 18-26 ¡ lim it January«,
P roportionate reductions «0 m any other points.
Ailc Agent
Halsey, Oregon
When the Salvation Army took In­
ventory of Its receipts from street
B a in , Room 5, First Savings Bank
kettles at Salam, there was found In
builning, Albany
one of them a set of teeth In which
were a number of gold fillings
Prompt service.
A»lc agent for tale
dates, limits.
2 15
Total budget expenditures of 315,
089,297 for the year 1926 were certl
fled by the tax supervising and con
servatlon committee of Multnomah
W rite tor booklet describing our 20-
year Rural Credit Amortized Loans
That the bag lim it on mule deer In
The loan pays out in 20 payments, re­
tir in g the principal. Cheap rates. No Oregon be reduced to one buck with
B e a m L a n d Co.,
horns, was a recommendation made
P 3 Lyon street, Albany, Ore.
by the Deschutes Rod and Gun club to
the state game commission.
tified with the lumber industry of this
state since 1900.
t ir e tosses in Oregon, exclusive of
Portland, for the month of November
aggregated 3178,956.22. according to
a report prepared by Ihe state insur­
ance commissioner. There were 43
fires reported, three of which were of
an incendiary origin. The most dis­
astrous fire was at Olex. where a store
aud contents were destroyed with a
loss of 340,000.
Also for
N e w Y e a rs
For example:
Portland and return ,
Dr. C. F1CQ, Dentist
“P L A T E S
• •
Any Girl in Trouble
may communicate with Ensign Lee of the Salvation Army at the
White Shield Home, 565 Mayfair avenue. Portland. Oregon.
• • • ’W
• • W • W • W W
• • W
Congoleum $
I (»
cash i
Armstrong Linoleum Rugs, $ 18 cash
W o ha vo s o m e a ttr a c tiv e p a tte rn s in L in o le u m (
a n d fe lt-b a s a y a r d g o o d s
HILL & Co.
F IT ”
Giowns, bridge work and filling« it will
pay you to get my prices on vo'ii dental work.
Cusick bank build ng, Albcny
— w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w WWW w
The wisest girls keep out of trouble
A R R O W G A R A G E , Gansle Bros.
R e fle c to rs a n d le n s e s f o r n e a r ly a ll m a k e s o f
E r e c o n d itio n a ll m a k e s o f
C ars a n d M o ttm