Halsey Happenings church the forepart of the week. and County Events 'M i l t o n Bond has been quite Alford Arrows Lake Creek Locals Pine Grove Points Happenings in ill the past week. (E n terp rise C orrespondence) (By an Enterprise Reporter) (By Special Correspondent) Hublic Schools Miss Mearle Straley was an B. L. Cummings of Hood Joe Cersovski and famil/ Albany shopper Saturday. visited at the Joseph Stroda jr. River is visiting relatives here. oi h new , N. H. Cummings and family P*"- J- C. Booth of Lebanon i home Sunday. At a meeting Dec. 9 the stu- Mr». Am elia P. Sm ith is home was a visitor at the D. H. Albany shoppers Satur­ ! tester ( urtis and family .were Mr. and Mrs. Bert Haynes . body voted on several day. Sturtevant home Thursday. rom her visit in M ichigan. ¡spent Sunday at Bob Allen i were Albany visitors Thursday lmP°rtant motions. I Miss Lavelle Palmer was A. W. Foote came over from in Halsey. I t ia announced th a t the Leba­ o * . A committee was appointed non cannery w ill run this year on nts camp and spent the week Mr. Switzer of Albany tun- , work up amendments about Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Whit- home from Coburg for the “ Uit and Vegetables. end at-home. ed the school piano Wednes- xi®e.V_ ^ ? U8 S‘Zes of for beck spent Sunday evening at week end. different sports. Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Cross Lee Ingarm’s. Lane county has presented her Mr. and Mrs. Charles Poole day. lhe report of a committee interest in the H arrisburg ferry were guests of Mrs. E. A. P and son of Lebanon visited at LaFollette at Corvallis Sunday’ r S'E' M,ercer °f Eugene spent Henry Brock's Saturday. allowing students until Dec. boat to L in n county. Dean Bilyeu was having Enday Saturday and Sunday 1“ to pay their dues was ac­ ■ywen and Elw yn Kayser, grand. J r- a»‘d Mrs. C. H. Koontz at E. D. Isom’s. I Mr. and Mrs. Manlee Spores dental work done in Albany cepted. Dues are to be doub­ •QOS of Mrs. Wheeler, stopped and Mrs. James Drinkard ‘ “ Lee Ingram and family visit- of Springfield spent (he week Thursday. led U not paid within stated here over S aturday night and re­ drove to Corvallis Monday af­ end at C. S. Williams’. ea Mrs. Ingram's sister, Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Albert- j S “ "n W’. T i Who„ have. not turned home next day. ternoon. Clover, at Springfield Satur­ J. S. Nicewood and family son and Earl were Corvallis • . not bve , alloWed to The Santiam Fish and Game Miss Genevieve Wells is vis­ day. were dinner guests at Bert callers Friday. participate m athletics. association has elected Waldo An­ iting with Ruth Frum during ' A t a meeting Wednesday, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Cersovski Miockley’a in H d u j Sunday. derson president, Olin N ebergali the absence of the latter’s Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hyatt December 9, the student bodv went to Eugene Monday to at- i u jBiirney - Cummings of of Albany visited at the John­ decided secretary and Lawrence Metzger parents. to lend the piano to field secretary, DeVoss10 funeral °f Henry Hood River is visiting at the son home Sunday. any organization in Halsey Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Carey P h ilip M erriam aud D orothy home of his brother Martin. is well known, at the fol­ Satchwell were married Sunday at were guests at the home of Mr. Ellis of Newberg visited that lowing prices: $5.00 if the or­ and his stepson. Charlie Nelson, who suffer­ the Satchwell residence, Shedd, Mr. and Mrs. George Taylor rtiee Clifford Willsie, are home ed an attack of flu several his nephew, Arthur Albertson, ganization has a piano, $2.50 fu lfillin g the prediction in last Sunday. several days last week. from the saw mill where they months ago, has not yet re­ to organization which has week’ s Enterprise Mr. and Mrs. Algy Sweet of were working. gained his health. The young people’s mission­ none and expects the school No m aterial change yet in ‘ 'o u r Eugene spent Sunday with the society met at W. G. Mc­ boys to move it, and $1.50 to Joe Schrock of Albany visit­ The collection at Sunday ary glorious c lim a te ’ ’ (apologies to latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. organization which has none Neil’s Saturday evening. ed at Frank Kropf’s Sunday. fschool next Sunday will be C a lifo rn ia ). Pasture lush, stock P. J. Forster. and moves it themselves, , Mrs-H attie Layton and chil­ fat and happy, just enough rain i ' en Salvation Army. ■ Charles McLaren arrived and moves it Itaelf. ——- Mr. a dren of Brownsville spent sev­ j . \ W e hope to receive a goodly Saturday for a visit with his fo r plowing, everything lovely and A motion was made and car­ drove to Brooten springs Wed­ eral days last week with her sum. the goose away up. brothers, John McLaren and ried that the high school buy nesday. They expect to be mother, Mrs. R. E. Brock. some song books. Agnes The city council did little of there two weeks. A nine-pound son was born W. D. M cLaren, anil families. A Farmers’ Union was or­ to Mr. and Mrs. Carlos Kim­ Hayes. Ruth McNeil, im portance Monday night exoepj W. D. Allingham of Port­ Robins and Karl Williams Elias H. L. Straley and family and ganized at the Alford school- mell at the home of the lady's to decide to appoint a night land spent Saturday at Bert appointed a committee to were watchman. W iliia ra McDowell Miss Beulah Miller attended house Monday night. Theo, mother, de­ Mrs. Lulu Brock, Haynes' and Halsey arranging cide on the books wanted and tukes the job at $50 a month and the meeting of Charity grange enters of Lane county was phursday. This is their sec- for the new bam which will the price. Saturday evening. speaker. George McCart was I end son starts in w ith a brand-new gun. be built as soon as possible. elected president and Julius S. J. Smith and family and J One of the third grade stu­ Mr«. C yrus Clingm an of Peoria, The L. C. B. club met at the ralk vice president. Glenn Nichols is recovering dents informed the teacher drove to whose serious illness was reported Mrs. N. T. Sneed home of Mrs. Peterson Thurs­ from a light attack of scarlet th a t decoration day was resur­ in last week’s Enterprise, died on Harrisburg Sunday and took a d a y afternoon. Fourteen lad­ fever and precaution is being rection day. trip across the new bridge. the day of publication. She would Killed by a Bull ies were present. An interest­ taken to try to avoid further Both of the Halsey teams have bean 90 March 1. H. C ling, A committee to superintend Manley W. Hodges, a farm­ ing and amusing feature of the cases. There have been sev­ were defeated at Bellfountain man ia her son. B n ria l at Pino a Christmas program has been er living four miles south of afternoon was guessing the Grove. appointed at the M. E. church Albany, died late Saturday Look that each lady represent­ eral cases at Peoria recently. Friday. Friday morning at 11 the (B y an Hnterpiiae Reporter) Mrs. L. Bass received a M r. McGee, whose obituary no­ with Mrs. B. M. Bond as chair­ alternoon ot injuries received ed. tice appears in the last column of man. when attacked by a Jersev i prize for having the most cor- funeral services for Mrs. La­ Mrs. Joe Elliott was a visit this week’s paper, and his wife, reet answers. The hostess ser­ vina Clingman were held at How the autos whizz bull. i? Coleman's roon who survives him , were evidently through Halsey, one “treadnig Hodges was alone “at the ved luncheon, assisted by Mrs. the Pine Grove church, and at X Wednesday. 1 services for Frank VanAtta Bass. persons of physical stam ina which on another’s heels/’ since the time and said, before he died, Mrs. J. W . Cook and daugh­ were held. Many friends and they traasm itted to th e ir offspring. Harrisburg bridge was opened that a strap on the end of a ter Betty visited Mrs. Kizer’s He was past threescore and ten neighbors were present to pay pole to which the animal was BRIEF GENERAL NEWS room Wednesday. when he died and eleven of th eir h a t Thursday ! their last respects and th/J fastened broke and freed the Last week was test week. sons and daughters are liv in g . No floral offerings were many and Judge Bayard T Halner of Okla­ Walker Bros.’ old-time band, bull. Although dehorned the h - j° ,“ rth K,a de pupil gives race suicide there. beautiful. known and liked a ll over this bull rushed the man, rolling homa was appointed as chief counsel this definition for horizon: “ It him on the ground and crush­ for the federal trade commission. The D em ocrat.H erald reports is the cold air pushing the valley, will play again at Tum­ ing Gold production in the United States his chest, breaking three George Cox ot Brow nsville as warm sir up.” ble Inn Wednesday night of Budget Figures In 1924 was valued at $52,277,000, an ribs over the heart. saying there are many tim ber A fourth grader also gives next week—Christmas eve. Increase of $500,000 over 1923, the wolves in the Cascades and th .y this answer as to who is presi­ fake a Climb treasury has announced. The Church of Christ plans k i l l m any deer. Cox and David When Paul Brooks was rid­ dent of the United States: The Italian chamber of deputies, at Mealey got a lo t of valuable furs in ing Roy Reynolds’ horse Sat­ a protracted meeting of two Mr. Rector is president of the- behest of Premier Mussolini, approved weeks beginning Friday night. one m onth’s h un ting . One m ar­ urday afternoon the animal United States.” Washington. D. C. — The expondl a measure making arbitration of all ten was a beautiful orange and one became unmanageable and Elder G. W. Hayes of Stayton Here is one from the sixth fox was reddish orange and another Paul was thrown to the ground will preach and G. Merle Ap­ disputes between capital and labor tures of the federal government fot grade: “ Winship was first compulsory. • he coming fiscal year were estimated a beautiful gray w ith o nly traces at the corner of Hill’s store. plegate of Crabtree takes Outstanding prosperity for America | by President Coolidge at $3,696.207,921 settler in Oregon. He settled of red in it. A gray tim ber wolf) charge of the singing. On He received several bad cuts In 1926. with the way cleared for com i an Increase of $160,036.326 over the in the Columbia river and the was another catch. This brings on the face and an injured Sundays Lawrence Wells will plete world recovery, was predicted by outlay for the current year. water rose and washed the $25 state bounty. fill the Crabtree pulpit and knee. He was not seriously Secretary of the Treasurer Mellon In 1 he prenldent informed congrena lr house away. Indians were so Clifford Carey that at Stayton. his annual report submitted to con his budget message that the minimum Harold Stevenson of Browns­ hurt. The horse was captur­ A numerous that he moved on.’* special program is being great. ville was doing some electric ed at Lake Ogle. cost of running the government bad The December meeting o f prepared here for Christmas Governor Small of Illinois issued a been about reached, and that the nor th e Community Parent-Teach­ light wiring at the Christian eve proclamation establishing an embarge mal expansion of a growing nation ers’ association was well at­ against counties In a number of west would henceforth Involve added ex tended. The committee pre­ ern states which are Infested with si pendlture to keep the government ma sented a very pleaing program. falfa weevil. The embargo Is against chlnery In motion. Mrs. Veva Marks presided. Infested counties In Idaho, Colorado The budget estimates, transmitted The first number was a little Nevada, Oregon and Wyoming. with the messages, reflected the con community sing” led by Mrs Washington will assist Oregon in re tlnulng efforts at economy, Mr. Cool Esther Bond and Elbert Isom. slating the application of western rail Idge said, adding that on the basis oi "America,’’ “Keep the Home roads for a five per cent Increase In the calculations, a surplus of $330.607, F ires Burning,” "Long, Long: freight rates, according to a plerfgt 000 was Indicated for the fiscal yea’i and “ Mummy Song * given members of the Oregon Public I’'-’7. He expects a surplus of $262, Trail were the songs used. 041.756 for the year ending next Jum ; Service commission by official» of th. A pantomine, "Columbia. j Washington department of public 30, although a year ago It wag estlmat I works. >d that the surplus this year would ex Gem of the Ocean," was given by Eloise Smith, Alice Sturte­ teed $373,000,000. vant, Dorothy Corcoran and S u it A g ainst Louis W . H ill Dropped Irene Parker. St. Paul, Minn.—A million dollai NYE IS TURNED DOWN Christmas recitation, Elaine suit pending in New York for foui years against Louis W. Hill, chairman Report on North Dakota's 8.natorghl| and Geraldine Straley. Baper’ “Beas°ns for P. T. of the board of directors of the Great Is A g ainst Seating. Northern railroad, filed by the allied Miss Uashington. D. C — An unfavorahl. A.,” nan o s Merle o io " Straley. Sm n» ru i heirs of James J. Hill and Mrs Hill Piano solo, “Sioux Chief*« • r. port oa the Bearing of Gerald P IJ a u irh ler ” M r ’’i* S fe n r « C h S ? E 1 v was dropped last week. The contro Nye as aenator from North Dakota wa, Doings Oi Our Populace Chronicled in Brief Paragraphs T y • Surprising • • ^ Neckwear Leather Belts Gloves Silk Shirts Overcorts Sweaters . Nice Things for Gifts Thoughtful Pleasing Practical I t is f hristmas time, when friends are nearest, when hearts are warmest, when the air quivers with its load of greetings. Gifts for Him T X .1’“ * For Her Papeterie Silk Scarf Table Linens Stamped Goods Silk Hosiery Parasols For boys and girls a good assortment of toys to choose from. Come in and see. You are welcome V • I For the Family Blankets Felt Sliopeps Auto Kobe Crockery Silverware Candies |\ 1V OONTZC1 GOOD i\ GOODS* versy hinged over custody of the fa mous Hill farm. North Oaks. located near St. Paul, and the ownership ot 1750.000 in bonds. The farm and sbonds were deeded to Louis Hill by his mother. Mrs. James J Hill, widow of the ‘ empire builder" shortly before she died Hugh \ Tncent and w ife <,{ Brownsville have gone to Cali­ fornia. Hugh is an aged war veteran. *■ M. E. Church Robert Parker past nr. Sunday school, 10. Preaching, 11. Junior le a g u e , 3, Epw orth league, 6:30 Preaching, 7:80, Pravcr-mcetiag, Thursday, 7:30. Bible S tu ly t ueaday, i. adoptrd by tha aenate election, com . hr,"tfna8 Ltlllsby, mittee. pupils from Mrp. Coleman’i Only two memhera of the commit 1 „ •M voted in favor of u a t t a f N ye. win e. *’ow I »rent* Can Air v «■ appointed by Governor Sortie t< ^ S in e r s , Mrs. S. J Smith, fill the vacancy caused by the dealt . So*°> “Sometime," Mr. El- of Senator Ladd. , bert Isom. A subcommittee conalatlng of Chair short business session fof- mau Ernst and Senator Goff, West V lr j ,owed by a Very pleasant SOcia glnla. republicans, and Senator Georg. h°Ur Completed the evening'« democrat, of Georgia, was .ppoint.-, program. Our next meeting Id prepare the report for submission t. will be Jan. 8. All are invited (he senate < The committee sustained the find Average cost of textbooks rnmJJ»P' 7 d o’ <,,r*c"00 nt th‘ furnished free in the elemen- br f,' n” OT •*»> ‘ary »chools of the state of Lu?horuy’ta"m^,h'’,', "°‘ W«»>ington was $1.85 per ------- r . J 1 ,he ’•'»■<* hr ap pupil per year during the 5- pointaient. The rase will now b, year period, 1920 to 1924 in taken up on the senate floor «her« elusive. For the high sch o o l It la expected to be th e s u b l e t e ihe average annual cost wa« prolonged debate $2.23 per pupil per year. — Oregon Voter.