DEC 9, 19/3 n u n n i- , . , i L K r K I d t PAG! J T h' Court.,» Shop - li.illn.rv • • « Ï Ï Î Â ' S T . Â , f " ' “’“ any ¿ //re c to ry 11/ Broadalbin . >hiK *S *£° ° '1 aJvlce • " i f you live in A lbany trade , u Albany ; ,f yOU ve in some other town, trade in th at town ■ But in these automobile d ay , many re­ siding elsewhere find it advisable to do at least part of their buying in the X ± " i , rhOSe wh° £ > £ Albany to transact business will find the firms nam ed below ready to fill their require­ m ents with courtesy and fairness. T here', a ou’ll like in our "’Smart Shop Willard Ser'^ at,„„ We serve all m ake, « v . . . , tire shop and sell W illa r d » Tire Vulcamziug- Battery re­ charging. 221 w . Second. 7 L nder new m anagem ent CENTRAL _ _ _ _ _ _______ ’tores, 212 W. First and 225 South Main. Good merchandise at the right . * G THE Home cooking. Pleasant surround­ ings. Courteous, efficient service. We make our own candies. ________________ W. S. D uncan . Home made fresh daily Tires and accessories Repairs K ir k -P ollak M otor C o . Ice Cream, Soft Drinks and T ig h t L u n c h e s Jp o rtm ille r F u rn itu re Co., furni- ture, rugs, linoleum, stoves ranges, funeral directors. 427-433 west First street, Albany, Oregon. F . W . R O S S , Albany. Kir,t street—Bikman Bldg. P U L L E R G RO CERY , 285 ’ Ly?n M E T Z G E R ’S x (Successor to Stenberg Bros.) Groceries F ruits Produce Phone 2b3R H A LSEY | 0 Ä every week at the Sandy Union high school, receipts feoin which are be­ ing used to buy lib rary hooks, m ake paym ents on a new piano and m ain­ tain the band and orchestra. T here were 22.312 traffic accidents In Portland during th e fiscal y ear en d ­ ing N ovem ber 30, and a total of 35 d eaths from autom obile accidents, ac­ cording to figures compiled. Of the 35 d eaths 11 were due to druuken drivers. James E. Jones, form erly assistant prohibition director, who has been elevated to the newly created position of director of prohibition. tl'-n as to w hether or not It should be flooded and created into a bird re serve. Stage service between Eugene and Bend has been suspended while a sled , T H E U N K N O W N BABY is being built for the passenger auto­ which . n ^ r t h : : : ' : « « : T c r n 7 , , e 7 ^ , . br ? ,t; ’ • • froB mobiles. The autom obiles are to be knows whose baby will be i X t e d w’ li tk . r i ! ^ 7 " ’ 0M N° ko204.24 a month W ashington county pays th e lowest company. The state penitentiary arsenal w hen salaries to men teachers, the average Tom Murray, Ellsw orth Kelley and being >112.77. For women teacher» More th an 100 F orest Grove high Jam es Willos obtained the rifles and K lam ath county ranks highest, the school stu d en ts were rein stated in average monthly salary being >146 30 th eir classes a fte r a sp ectacular strik e other firearm s with which they shot Women teachers In i ’nlon county re their way out of the Institution on in p ro test ag ain st a three-day suspen­ ceive an average of >100.65, which I t sion of a sm all group for “cu ttin g -’ August 12 has been transferred from the lowest. the turn key's office in the adm intstra classes to atten d a recent football A protest against the req u eit ot tlon Building to the new guard tower gam e a t Independence. H. B. Evuns of Portlund for a survey erected recently outside of the prison Purchase of th e plant and line of th e inclosure. of G rassy island In the Columbia river Tillamook County Mutual T elephone in a mu ot exceptions filed with as the property of the United States company by the Pacific Telephone & County Clerk Boyer at Salem. Will R. was filed with the com m issioner ot T elegraph company was form ally a p ­ King, P ortland attorney, contends that the general land office at W ashington. proved by the in te rsta te com m erce the state of Oregon has no right to D. (’., by Attorney-General Van W inkle commission, which found the m erger hang Tom M urray until he has com The protest on the part of the state to be in the public interest. pleted serving a prior sentence of 2« contends th at the lRland sought by A nother large water-filled c ra te r years for bank robbery. Murray is E vans Is the property of the state and has made its ap pearance in th e T u­ under sentence to hang December 18 uot under the Jurisdiction of the fed­ malo reservoir basin, the resu lt of a for th e m urder of John Sweeney, eral governm ent. It is understood that cave-ln of part of the reserv o ir floor. prison guard, who was killed in the the request on the part o t E vans for I This new hole is 38 feet in depth and prison break August 12, 1925. Murray a Survey of the island Is prelim inary is the larg est of a series of holes was serving a sentence of 20 years to the filing of a formal request for its purchase T he Island Is said to for robbing a hank In Linn county. above a su b terran ean cavern. Oregon pensions have been granted represent valuable fishing rights. The sta te suprem e court has held Insurgents in Revolt, But House as legal an assessm en t of 5 cents an as follows: A lbert E. French, Port Organizes Speedily; Sen­ acre levied ag ain st all lands In the land, >18 per m onth; John A. Gwynn. Portland, >24 per m onth; William E Ochoco irrig atio n d istrict i n ’ Crook ate is Slower. county. The assessm en t was levied Stull, Portland. >12 per m onth; George by th e board of d irecto rs of th e dis Lallour, Portland, >10 per* m onth; W ashington. D. C. — The 69th con­ Thom as L. Garland, Portland. >12 per trlc t to take care of delinquencies. gress, elected with P resident Coolidge W ashington, D. C. — Discovery of m onth; Anna M. P ratt, Portland. >30 ■vThe state gam e comm ission alms 13 months ago, took over legislative ulld up a stock of wild turkeys per m onth; Nannie Pugh, Portland, white pine blister ru st by plant path­ control of the nation Monday. le woods of Oregon, it was in­ >30 p er m onth; John A. Godfrey, Mil ologists of the departm ent of agricul­ With Its Insurgents already on the I ^ c vested a te in tin- m onthly rep o rt of 1 waukle, >30 per m onth; William H. ture on both wild and cultivated cur w arpath, the body th a t Is to provide D anforth, Bend, >18 per m onth; Alice ra n ts In Tillamook and Clatsop cottn- verill, state game w arden. The W o r irt t shows th a t 15 wild turkeys, five A. Bain, Bend. >30 per m onth; Pearl ties, bringing the rust Infection within the new >325,000,000 tax reduction and w restle with the world court, term from Maryland and ten from Arizona, A. Bonney, C entral Point >12 per 175 miles of the great sugar pine for­ month. ests of southern Oregon and n o rth ­ relief, prohibition, the Mitchell air de­ were received by the com m ission dur­ Hood R iver county pays the highest ern California, will probably result in fense program and coal legislation ing November. came Into power. M em bers of the Oregon sta te game salaries to men teachers of any conn an agricultural quarantine applying to With alm ost a mid-session momen­ comm ission arriv ed In K lainath Falls ty In the state, according to a report a t least the w estern portion of Oregon. tum the house put tbe new tak reduc­ It was announced. prepared by J. A. Churchill, state su Monday to make a thorough Inspection It is proposed by the federal hor­ tion hill at the head of its calendar and of th e lands of th e lower K lam ath lake perlntendent of schools. Men teach­ ticultural board to prohibit movement prepared to go to work at once. ers In Hood River county are paid un before they m ake any recom m ends Meantime the senate, after Its cus­ from Oregon Into o th er states and ter­ ritories of all five-leafed pines and tom ary manner, was organizing leis­ currant and gooseberry plants, the la t­ urely and putting off Its decision re­ te r being described as "interm ediate garding the recognition to be given host" plants, which carry the disease republican Insurgents on Its big com­ from one pine tree to another. A h ear­ m ittees. In the bouse th a t Issue had been ing on the quarantine will be held be­ fore the board here on January 8, at settled by the open revolt of the Wis­ which interested parties may appear consin delegation against the party Co-operation of Oregon state author­ slate of house officials. C A P IT A L A N D SU RPLU S S 3 5 ,O O O Declaring th eir Intention to oppose ities In stam ping out the rust epidem ic m ust bp assured before the quarantine the tax bill which was all ready to be Commercial and Savinjs accounts Solicited will he. lim ited to w estern Oregon, It reported to the house and to vote on was stated . O therw ise It will be ap­ all other legislation as they saw fit was given by the Insurgent group In plied to the en tire state. The disease already exists in the » statem ent lasued by the Wlsconaln C H R IS T M A S n o rth eastern states, In the middle group through R epresentative F reer w est and In W ashington. The cul­ and endorsed by the full group a fter CO NFECTION S tivated black c u rran t Is blamed for an organization m eeting at which Rep­ much of the spread, and for that rea­ resentative Nelaon of Wlsconaln was for til» tree, flocking or preterit«, son Is being eradicated In the Infected re-elected chairm an. "Wa refuse to compromise," the Good to look a t ; good to eat. Our areas. statem ent said, "or to bargain with candiert are pure an>] w hobeome. Mr Longworth or with any other mem­ T ry us for candy satisfaction. Two Slayers of John C loutlsr Concivtsd ber of the house on an Issue affecting Montesano, W ash. — Mr and Mrs. Please youreelf and your friend« our rights as representatives In con­ A rth u r McCallum, who form erly re- gress to vote our convictions of duty bjr buying ours. elded In the Wynooche valley, were to our constituents." found guilty by a Jury In superior But even w ithout their help the re- court here of m urder In the second » pnhllcan '« • • '« »’ «a«l I organization II g a i ilM II JUU I had I AU T U IW H votea to > degree. In connection with the d eath RparF tnr S ection to the sp e .k e r.h lp of John L C loutier, Septem ber 29 ,,r Nlchola« Longworth of Ohio, son le n ie n c y w a. recom m ended for tbe lB , . w of Theodore Roo„ T.„ M. SHOE 209 w. pint SERVICE J lO L M A N & JACKSON .. . . ' . Grocery—Bakery E v e ry th in g in the line of eats Opposite Postoffice I mperial cafe , H arold G. M urphy W. Prop. M urphy Prop. Phone 665 WB NKVER CI.OSK * ITODAK finishing For ex p ert work send your films to H askin’s film shop, 309 Lyon street, Albany, Oregon. M g ü Nicholas Longworth OLDEN | of Congressman Ohio, republican, who was chosen < speaker of the house of representa- I I fives. LOW g l i t e Cafeteria and coufectionery p o R D SA LES AND SE R V IC E w 500,000 D avenport Music House, 409 W. First building fund. ' The Marlon county school census C ta p le and Fancy Groceries Crockery and Glassware shows a gain o t 33 for th e year 1925 when com pared w ith th e census of a Mrs, M. G. S tetter Phone 139JJ 206 W. Second st. year ago. Dr. O. T. K ornlpk of S tayton was C TIM SON T H E SH O E DOCTOR Second street, opposite H am ilton's elected presidenrt of th e W illam ette store. Valley V eterin arian s' assoclatloo which "Sudden Service.” was organized a t Salem. A gain of 11.79 p er cent was made V V 'aldo Anderson & Sou. distrib- ’ ’ utors and dealers for Maxwell, Chai In receipts at tise E ugene postoffice niers, Essex, Hudson A Hupm obile cars. In N ovem ber th is y ear o v er those of Accessories, a pnlies. 1st & Broadalbin the sam e m onth la s t year. The L. D. L eao n sto re a t M onitor If you enjoy a good meal, was en tered T uesday night and sev­ .vnd know a good meal when you get it, eral hundred d o llars' w orth of dry Y ou’ll be back, tor yon'll not forget it. goods, boots and shoes and other O ur aim is to please you. articles stolen, t W heat land, leases on land and farm ing equipm ent outfits having an ALBANY aggregate value o f about >45.000 have G E O . M. G IL C H R IS T changed hands recen tly In th e vicin­ ity of Adams. '< PARAGON CAFE Achlel DenewMh, aged 45, of H ills boro, killed him self by slashing his th ro at with a raBor. Hla action was W rite lor booklet describing our 20- the term ination o f a series of nervous yesr Rural C redit Amortized Loans disorders and a long Illness. The loan pays out in 20 payments, re ­ R eports received from C rater lake tirin g the principal. Cheap rates. No delay. B eam L and C o ., national park a re th a t th ere a re 30 133 Lyon street, Albany, Ore. Inches of snow aX the lake rim, 20 Inches a t Anna S pring cam p and 10 inches a t th e K lam ath entrance. E zra M eeker, 9C, Oregon tra il plo- | neer, is In W ashington, D. C., to ask congress to au th o rize 50-cent pieces at lowest rate of interesL com m em orating th e 75th ann iv ersary Real Estate Insurance of the m arch of pioneers over thia Prom pt service. Courteous treatm ent. route. Im provem ents, costing about >400,- W m B a in , Room 5, First Savings Bank .builning, Albany 000, will be made, in .th e p lan t of the B eaver P o rtlan d C em ent com pany a t Gold Hill w ithin th e next few m onths, doubling th e cap acity of th e presen t plant. Gold Hill, w hich recen tly voted an You get additional bond' issue of >35.000 to reco n stru ct its w a te r system , will have Its w ater ra te s Increased from 15 to 100 per cent, tlw* city council has an­ We have nounced. , One hundred a n d four mails re p o rt­ FARM LOANS FARM LOANS T he G IR L T h e DIAM OND^ F R E N C H & SON Jewelers, Optician«, Albany ing to Weet Coaat Lumbermen's asso­ ciation for the week ending N ovem ber 28, manufactunat 93.041,098 of feet lumber; sold 114.7J4.079 faat an d ship­ ped 87.241,485 fe a t MOTlng fc_4»Tfs »re h e ^ a j^ p u t on I J • Congress Again is a Slow Coach White Pine Pest in Western Oregon H A LSEY STA TE BANK Halsey, Oregon Clark’s Confectionery Dr. C. FICQ , Dentist “ PLATES r THAT woman. Grown«, bridge work and filling» i t will pay you t get my prices on »our dental work. Co-tick hank build ng, A lbany ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••»••••••••••••♦•ex« Any Girl in I rouble may communicate i. with E n og n Lee ol • publican floor leader in the last ses­ sion. F IT ” \rm y at the White Shiel l Home, 565 M ayialr avenue» Portland. Oreffon« J A R R O W G A R A G E , Gansle Bros A U TH O R IZED LIGHT-TESTING STATION K e fle c to rs a n d le n s e s fo r n e a rly all m a k e s o f c a rs. E r e c o n d itio n all m a k e s of S ~ The wisest girls keep out of trouble C ar» a n d M o to r »