FACE 2 it u t v « . til I tn r n ijt DfcC. ». 1925 BUBAL ENTERPRISE A* to 4 « * M 4 » a t — N ut n e u tr a l— aewa paper p u blished e » e iy W ednesday. « F W “ - «*• W B X1CLKB 11 a year in advncae Arrearage« 12>£c * montq A d v a rtla o g , 20c an in c h ; uo diacoun tor tim e or apace ; no charge (or com •oatoon or changes ( • “P a id -foi paragraphe," Sc a lln a * e adrartiam g dlagulaad an aaw a per that there is plenty of room for more news, and as an invitation to everyone to hand the editor that item of news that might prove to be of interest to the community. If a second guess is allow­ able mine is that the editor slopped over. Es-Pee. T h i1 Paragraphs for Linn Farmers I will guess the reason for the blank pages in your last * 5 ^ |l- n ; n C o u n ty S h e e p is . (IrP a t O llfd n n v c and better production per cow. rather than through more cows.” He said that the Astoria district, by producing a standardized prod­ uct, was receiving in California seven and eight cents per pound more than was paid for butter shipped from Portland. What is most needed is a standard of grading cream, delivering to the creameries cream sweet and in the highest sanitary condition. THE M AR KETS Coolidge Frowns on Federal Farm Aid Portland W heat— Big Bend blueatem, >1.85; hard white, soft white and western white. >1.64; hard winter, northern ond that you forgot to print I C h a m p io n in t h e E a s t spring, and western red. >1.68. TAX-FREE QUERIES the other side. ~ ~ i tte r s B ~ e a te n Hay—Alfalfa. >19©19.50 ton- valley Ton L Robert Hover. timothy, >18@19; eastern Oregon One important reason why timothy, >21022. the taxes of the man of mod­ 4780 POUNDS AT 6 MONTHS see you ask your readers Butterfat—6>c shippers' track. erate means are so high is that to I guess why there are two Eggs— Ranch, 3 9 0 40c. C. P. Kizer's Oxford ewe “ Bo the capitalist has his money blank pages. Weil I’ll venture C heese-Prices f. o. t>. Tillamook; Alfalfa is successfully grown in Peep,” champion lamb at the Chicago. 111. — Convinced that co­ invested in tax-free bonds, two guesses. First is, that you Portland Triplets, 81c; loaf. 32c per lb. international stock sho_ places in Lino county and bids operative m arketing with govern­ Cattle— Steers, good >7.85@8.25. thus escaping taxation. — Ex­ would be more thankful if the last year and champion ewe there fair to grow in popularity. On Hogs— Medium to choice, >11 5049 mental encouragement is the best so- advertisers and correspond­ thie year, took first at Kansas the right soil it produces more change. v lution of the farmers’ problem. Presi- e n ts would send in enough C ity, as announced in tnese col­ feed than any other orop. O. A. C. 12.76. ie n t Coolidge intends to give the Keep your shirt on, brother, ' stuff” that you might print Sheep—Lambs, medium to choice reports that " a hundred small and look up answers to a few that large a paper; 2d. That umns, and now has won at Chicago patches movement his active and energetic were started iu Lane >12.00 0 13.00. issistance. He is opposed to proposals questions. Put on your think­ the type for those two pages making her the champion of county this year and practically America. Mr. Kizer received the that the government sell and buy farm ing cap when you tackle the got a glimpse of the "pottery” following Seattle. dispatch from Chicago: all were successful. In Washing­ products, or fix prices directly or In­ job: W h e a t-S o ft white, >162; western “ Oxfords made a clean sweep. ton county alfalfa is established as Where is the money that the printed in the reboot uewi tod First, white, >1.62; hard winter, >1.57; West- directly. Further he believes present fourth and champion ewe; a regular crop oh more than 600 ern turned pale. red. >1.56; northern spring >1 5 7 -I duties benefit the farmers and capitalist paid for those farms.” first and second ewe lam bs; first Big Bend bluestem. >1.62. ’ I ,hould DOt be revised. Mrs. E. E. Hover. bonds ? pen ewe Ismbe ; first flock , third .O f the total of >896,431.39 loaned to Outlining his views on the agrlcuP H a y -A lfa lfa . >25; D. C„ >29; tlm Did the municipality that Take time to conaider those new pen ram lambs ; against strone farmers in the frost-devastated areas tural situation and proposed remedies othy, >27; mixed hay, >24. * issued the bonds put the mon­ year resolutions carefully. Make field.” of eastern Oregon under an act of the In an address Monday at the annual Butter— Creamery, 54c. ey in a tin can and bury it in »rood ones and then don’t break last legislature, all but >49,368.20 has convention here of the American Farm A litter of pigs weighing a ton at Eggs— Ranch, 51® 53c. the barnyard, where it would them within a week or a month. been re said Bureau federation, the president said [6 month« old is a good one, but we Hogs— Prime. >12.50®12.76. not be taxed ? F B. Ingels, secretary of the Wasco Bring in your new advertise­ that despite its present embarrass­ Cattle— Prime steers, >7.6008.00. Did not the “man of moder­ ments early and we will publish have a piciure on page 6 this week County Stockmen's association, has Cheese—Oregon faa cy j2 8c ; Oregon ments, agriculture as a whole should ate means” get that money in them if we have to print extra |of one that almost reached 24 written Governor Pierce urging that tons. That was iu the corn belt. standards 25c; Washington triplets lead Industry In future prosperity. exchange for products and la­ pages to do so. he send Dr. W . H. Lytle, state veterln Referring to the co-operative move­ 28c. bor in public improvements? Cool cream quickly. W ater will arian, to The Dalles to Investigate ment as the most Important develop­ Isn’t he paying taxes now R e in d e e r A leat a t malady that la killing a large number Ido this in a small fraotiou of the ment of late years in the agricultural Spokane. of torses In that section of the state on property which he "bought lime required to cool by air. Held and emphasizing the crop surplus Hogs- -P rim e mixed, >11.85®12.00. with it? G a m e M e e tin g Prospective losses to the state re­ problem as a vexing factor in the farm Cattli —Prime steers. >7.76@8.OO. Among winners of prizes at the Isn’t the present possessor price situation, Coolidge expressed the The Santiam Fish and Game uorthwest potato show was W. E. sulting from loans to farmers in the frost-devastated areas of eastern Ore of the money also paying as Protective and Propagating opinion that with the economic In­ McCroskey of Monroe on certified gon under a law enacted at the last F a r m P r o d u c e W a n te d much in taxes as the capital­ formation furnished by the department Uuibanks aud on Burbanks in the session of the legislature probably will ist would have paid had he association will hold its annual commercial class. This year it Is again neces­ of agriculture, with better warehouses meeting next Monday at the kept it? not exceed >2000 or >3000. according snd storage facilities and a better sary for the Pacific Protective credit Has not the money been the I city hall, Albany, at 7 p. m. Convicts are to be employed in to figures'compiled by James S. Stew­ structure, much can be done to means of increasing t h e IA big reindeer feed will be on preparing lime by the state for the art, field representative of the state society to make an appeal in take care of the ordinary surplus. behalf of the unfortunate ones amount of other taxable pro­ the menu and this, together farmers’ use. I t is thought this board of rnntroi The leaders in the co-operative Appointment of a statewide com­ perty, while itself remaining with the fact that it is the time will bring the product low enough mittee under its care. It is asking movement, with the advice of the de­ to present to the next legls for the election of officers and in price so that it will be more partment of agriculture, having pre- subject to taxation? rescuing each friend to help, each in „ erally used r ' on farms where i t *atUre ways and means If the bonds had not been reports of the last year’s ac­ generally his own w a v a n / ’ v • | pared what 18 believed to be an ade- ' ’ 1 present reclamation projects from dis- ms own way, and knowing k u a te bill embodying these principles tax free would it not have tivities, should make this the is needed- ®ster’ Putting the work on a business th a t considerable farming is I which win be presented to the con been necessary, in order to event of the year for the In Klamath county 500 acres of basls aDd the vote to amalgamate the make thdm salable, to pay just sportsmen of Linn and western sugar beets were grown this year , Oreson drainage association with the done in our community, asks I greS3 for enactment. I propose actlve- ly and energetically to assist the farm­ ’ so much more interest on Oregon. shipped Io a Sacramento Oregon reclamation congress featured that we supply potatoes and ers to promote th eir welfare through Reels of motion pictures will ind them ? factory. An Oregon factory is ' the n th annual session of the Oregon other vegetables. Would not the burden of be projected during the even­ hoped for. T h e sugar co n ten t in ! dralnase association at Salem. Forma This society has four insti­ •^operative marketing.’’ ing- It is planned to have that increase of interest have Klamath was 18 to 19 per cent, tion “* ■* ~ ----- of “ the Oregon reclamation con- tutions to care for: the Cottage Believes Greater Benefit Will Be Derived Than Through Direct Federal Aid. to be raised by increasing the present State Game Warden agaiust 14.3 in California. BRIEF GENERAL NEWS gress probably will be completed at hospital, Y lk 3 ’ the tHe Louise home, the taxes of the “ man of moder­ E. F. Averill and members of the next annual session. " lbertma Kerr nursery, and Howard Cox, a Lebanon high Lassen peak, the only active volcano the State Game Commission. ate means” and others? the Portland Commons. Dur­ in continental United States, la again All phases of game and pro­ school boy, took the home flock of Would not the best way out ing the past year they provid­ 26-5 white Leghorn hens a year Prohibition Clash In Congress Looms. in eruption. of the whole trouble be to pay tection and propagation will ago, kept an accurate account, and , Washington D. C — The conflict that ed for 189 girls, 234 babies, ------------------------ ------------ Burglars knocked the dials off three be discussed, and a tentative as we go, as Washington pays and over 500 men, women and in one ye ar got > 715.83 for 573 has enveloped prohibition enforcement vaults in the Stillw ater, Minn., post- for her roads, and entirely program for a five-years plan □ours’ tim e caring far th e m . boys. j ever since Its inception and gain­ office and escaped with approximate­ cease issuing bonds and pay­ for restocking of fish and Any kind of vegetables that ly >20.000 in stamps and cash. Potatoes have been igber in price ed new momentum and Is headed to- game will be discussed. ing interest? The German cabinet, headed by than ever before during harvest in ward its original battleground—the you can send and thus help in Albany is paying interest floor of congress. Among various pro­ their good work will be great­ Chancellor Luther, resigned In accord­ Oregon, although there is a g iOd I t W a s n .t C a tc h in g now on money borrowed years Send your do- ance with the chancellor's announce­ posals to be presented to congress. ly ? appreciated. oena crop. There it little prosptet of posais ago to build the bridge over to 195 Burnside (Harrisburg Bulletin) ment prior to the Locarno pact-signing enough rise before spring to much outright repeal of the Volstead act _ wui nation I’/kW InrtsJ Oregon. __ i it freight e Street . . .’ ceremony. the Willamette which has be sought by Représentative Dyer, Portland, All told 11Dore lban cover shrinkage Wh.-n The following joke is Men worn out and closed to Missouri, ranking republican of the „ charges will be paid and your It is understood that Governor Gen­ on a Linn county schoolma’am ’ price» showed a decline, about a house Judiciary committee _______ travel. and one of sacks will be returned if you eral Leonard Wood baa vetoed the month ago, the growers did not winch is too good to keep. Interest eats up taxes and the wet leaders, who heretofore has so desire. measure passed by the Philippine leg­ One morning one of her lit rush their holdings to market and contended merely for modification of incomes and whole estates. ------ islature providing for a plebiscite on thua increase the drop, but held Ho girl pupils was late and , Exile it. Rhinelander Lose. Annulment Suit. the independence question. on to the crop as if acting in ,h 8 la W " when asked the reason she re- concert , The French senate sanctioned the . ’ W hlte Plalna- N - Y — Leonard Kip plied that her mother was South Dakofa Man Eata Eats 43 Pancakes. Rhinelander, wealthy member of a government government's * plan to increase lnfla- lnfta- sutn Dakota Some of the most prodigious ly ­ sick. As there had been small­ Groton, S. D.— Judges of the pan- blew York family, lost his annulment ®-000,000.000 francs by a vote ing of our times is being done in We criticized Judge Morch- pox in the neighborhood, the cake contest held held here here award- award- oult 8ult »gainst ° f ‘ 205 overwbelmlng ma- ma- caae eating eating contest »gainst his his mulatto mulatto wife. wife, Alice Alice "* W“ t0 l ° 26' 1 tory for Premier Brland, who was able had made more than a score until the case could be inves­ enough “ poultry vitamine tablet»’’ to slip the measure through the cham­ that are to start hens to laying in of years ago, at the demand tigated. ber by a m ajority of only atx votes. hours. And probably the hen of the wealthy defendant. We Presently the little girl re­ 24 will start laying as promised if sbe are glad to note the outstand­ turned and yelled from the was about to begin laying, and will ing impartiality and soundness door to the teacher: lay as many eggs as she would of his instructions to the jury. "Mamma said to tell you have lwid if she had not been doped, Attractive prices are given on half-ton lts , only a little boy, and it aod another fool will give a testi. rid your lystem o f Catarrh or Deatnew Mr. Coolidge’s aircraft in­ isn t catching.” lots or more of monial to help draw dollars from caused by Catarrh. vestigating committee reports d e n A h t i t h f e i X I 81’ mora ,c>o1»- But will if she 4, /.»(swc, aw 4C lean ? B4 # f p re ti- L o t 11 ready to lay she need was to its belief that the next war F. J. CHENEY &. CO.. Toledo, Ohio will Wind up “in the mud, as at A lb a n v S«tP.e Ad en t C° le g e s work overtime to get the ingredi- the last one did.” Mud re­ s t , t u t i n n y Saturday «very in- euts ready for a batch of egg. and “ We Dress the Eyes sembling that in the flood of I ', , d m i l re p re o n te,d except begin in 24 hours to turn Hum testimony and oratory at the ‘ id college, Portland, was lout at the rata of on# daily Molasses in barrel lots. of the World. Z T ? ♦ * ', P' ° b ib ! ,in « • m ° k - Farmers all over the country Mitchell court martial ? We are authority when it comes L by students. Every test, |»f# becoming im patient over the to frames and eyeglass housings People driven out of Florida ana there have been many of , inequality between the customs Never ask for a second-quality by the recent terrific rains them, has shown that tobacco- I tariff protection afforded them lens. Give your eyes the best. and destructive floods might using students are slower, p ud 'bat O given , -- to - manufacturers ~ It ie the eheapsit io the end. The rumblings ot their discontent come to Oregon, where such duller, than the average. “ The house of dependable are already heard by i o i b i ot the things don’t happen. Leroy Childs, head of the »•pient ones io Washington. service.’ experiment station at Hood A brief filed with the interstate The chief counsel for de­ Kner, announces the discovery fense in the cases of Col. Mit­ of an inexpensive and effec­ I commerce commiision by the nstioanl grauge show» that the chell and Mrs. Rhinelander ts e poison for the strawberry (average rail freight rate for J1 proved themselves live wires. weevil. This promises to be Harm products is >4 50 a toD, a veritable godsend to straw­ while on manufactured articles it berry growers. T h o se G u esses ,s a little over $2 About half the H a ll’s C a ta rrh Medicine K E R R ’ S OR F I S H E R ’ S E G G P R O D U C E R V I The time for guesses on tbs reason for the blank pages in last Kuterprlse expired Saturday night and here are the beat of them : 1 Left to put in new year reso­ lutions. 1— Giving place for new year advertisements. K arl Bramwell Rural Enterprise, Halsey, Ore. — It is my guess that two p>ges were left blank in your iskui of Nov. 25th to impress upon the readers of your pa- DELBERT STARR b uneral Dirertsr and Licensed Ernbalmer Brownsville, Oregon Call 0 . F. S taffobp . Halsey, or D xlbsbt S tab a Sraw o.villa ”e W R IG H T & C O . Funeral Directors W. L. W right, Hafriahurg Mrs. S. C. Bramwell, Halsey agricultural products are moved by trains and 6 per cent of the entire income is paid for freight, while 90 per cent of the products -* other industries go by rail for little over 2 per cent of tbeit income. In an addreaa before the Albany "hajnber of commerce aud aeeem. bled dairymen Wednesday J. D Mickle, ttale dairy and food com- miasioner. said ; “ Albany .„ d Ltno county do not need more creameries, but better backlog for what are already established. Ad vane, the industry by . g re .u , A m e ric a n E a g le Fire Insurance Co. H a y is w o rth j u s t a s m u c h in s to r a g e y o u m ig h t g e t f o r it in c a s e o f fire Thj A m e r ic a n E a g le F ir e I n s u r a n c e c o m p a r i/ M i l p a y y o u 85% o f th e c a s h v a lu e in c a s e o t lo ss b y fire. I C. P . STAFFO RD, A gen t E. C. M eade, Optoœetrl H. Albro, Optician ALBANY OREGON. Modern Barber Shop Laundry sent Tuesday> Agency Hub Cleaning Works » i ABE S PLACE A .