/< / < Z Y VXA A g rc u ltu re Ho r t c u l t u r e L iv e s to c k H alsey Happenings and C ou n ty Events Doings of Our Populace Chronicled in Brief Paragraphs i phc cujeion songs. Christmas A ifo rd A rro w W. L. W e lls’ brother C. T. ar w ife came vielting from Salem Sunday. (By an Enterprise Reporter) Kirk Kinks Pine G rove Points (Enterprise Correspondent) (By Special Correspondent) Lee Ingrain and fa m ily went to Eugene Saturday. D a iry * P o u ltry W oo 1 *, Happenings in H ublic Schools John McLaren has a radio. William Pence spent Sunday R E. Brock is w orking in a visiting at R. E. Bierly’s. ‘ saw m ill near Portland. c . E. Mercer of Eugene spent L p ¿llai, ^ n 5 ^ ™ ^ a Bierly made a trip Saturday night and ¡Sunday at E. / 1 °rtland Wednesday. MJJ,esdam* W. H. and J. S. D ' | Henry Falk and family visit- McMahan were at Corvallis Genrge Gants and family from ed at A- Snodgrass' Sundav. Saturday. W illmina Corcoran was in Albany Saturday. The Ben Holt family visited Sunday9 at’VeS &t HarrisburS Miss Emma Laubner of Al- (By an Bnterpiise Reporter) !banX is at the L. E. Eagy home I this week. K a rl Eram w ell is home after Little Irma Smith is a new ju ry isrvice. Miss Agnes Pugh spent the beginner in Mrs. Cross' room. The “health crusaders” have Steele seeds the tra il of week end with her sister, Mrs. sent for their first pins of blue th a t W indigo. George Chandler. Only two fell short of the re­ K oontz’ windows are gay with Bert Haynes and family vis­ quirements to wear them. Christmas goods. near Eugeu« v h i,ed at the Cersov. Mr. H arding and fam ily at- ited T. A. Hover apd family at Karl Williams was absent ■ k boo,. Sundav. ¡tended C h a ,.,' M r. Parker ie a t Roseburg at A . J. H ill and w ife and .Mrs. from school last week on ac­ Halsey Sunday. Joe Com ely went to Eitnene Sat- d ay. M ethodist d is tric t convention. Holt and family were in Al­ count of getting infection in a urday to v is it hl» daughters An- Mrs. N. E. Chandler was a le g which was skinned during bany Saturday. Mrs. Ringo got home from Al- Mr- and Mrs. Philpott and na and Josephine. Brownsville caller Wednesday, a basketball game. f d iip M erriam and Dorothy bany last evening. She is reported children were in Harrisburg having teeth extracted. M r. and Mrs. B. E. Cogswell of Teachers and students are Satcbwell o f Shedd are scheduled feeling slig h tly te tte r this m orn­ W ednesday. Portland spent several days laet to m arry next Sunday. ing, but re tra in , at home. Mrs. Emma Knighten of Al­ starting work on a Chirstmas week at th eir farm. Miss Grace Kirk spent the bany visited Mrs. J. A. John­ program. The date for it has Henry Kirk of Brownsville, a eek end at home from her son and family last week. r.ot been definitely set as yet. Three bams and contents Miss L illie R ickard and her of larceny, was set school near Albany. Prof. Carlton’s subject at nave been burned near Halsey accused friend, Miss H azel^harw ell, spent Mr. and Mrs. Will Eagy and the Calapooia parent-teachers’ this fall. See C. P. Stafford tree by the grand jury. the week end at horns. J- P. Templeton assisted Mrs. M. H. Coon of Oakville meeting Friday was "Tremen­ and insure your hay and if Mrs. Shisler and two daugh-i Mrs. Charles Tandy and son ( larence Gillitt with some car­ visited Mrs. L. E. Eagy Friday. dous is the Responsibility of yours burns you will have ters from Harrisburg spent Elm er o f H arrisb urg visited at penter work the last few days. Who Accepts the Role of something toward replace­ lhursday with Mrs. C P Chester C u rtis’ Sunday. Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Gillispie Him Teacher.” ment. Stafford. of Ingrams island spent Satur­ A lice and Velda C urtis and the C hanty Grange is Students who have partici­ Jay W . Moore was on a ju ry I A fp lln œ V, v. day night at A. F. Albertson's. Lee Ingram fa m ily attended pated in theatricals after her EJ •< about l Z h " Æ nt Lake Creek Sunday af­ F ifty Years O ld L. E. Eagy returned home training give Mrs. Inez Free­ cinn county buying church stealing a horse, saddle and coat ternoon and evening. Sunday from Portland, where land great praise for her part' from W. H. M cConnell, by whom poultry and giving’worthless Mrs. L. E. Bond of A lb an y he has been serving on the in winning the successes they he had been employed. Trevistou checks in exchange. Celebration Held at the federal her grand jury. have enjoyed. said he took the property for a trip A bowl of goldfish makes a g ift spent the week end w ith Hall...More Festivity to A lb a n y, twelve miles, one Sun­ th a t is a th ing of beauty and a jo y daughter, Mrs. E. D. Isom, and W ith the leaders of more than 25.000 A large crowd attended the day when the McConnell fa m ily for a long tim e. Coming M u rp h y ’ s geed fa m ily and accompanied them to high school students throughout the community meeting Friday ev­ the C ha rity grange hall Saturday, was away, not th in k in g his store mentions them on page 8. state In attendance, the University of ■w*» — — ening. Rev. Mr. Fallis of Al­ Oregon’s to the anniversary meeting of that employer would object. sixth annual high school con­ T he annual anniversary bany was the speaker for the ference held Announcement is made of the organization. a two-day session at M onday n ig h t somebody stole evening, and a farce, "The engagement of Gertrude, daughter meeting of Charity grange oc­ Eugene. S- V . Sm ith » anto and a hammer of M r. and Mrs. F ra n k Porter, Weekly Meeting of the House­ curred last Saturday. Venerable V enner and chisel from H u lb e rt's garage now residing in Portland. A Mr. Roberta Vannice and Geor­ maids’ Club,” was given by in A lb a n y and early next m orning McKelson of P ortland is the A large crowd was present eleven ladies of the commun­ gina Clark were the Halsey dele­ J. F. Venner years ago had pried open the door of the Shedd lucky fellow . gates. a photograph gallery in Hal­ including friends from Albany, ity. back, blew open the w ault door F ra n k \ an A t ten, a resident of sey, but soon removed to Eugene, Shedd, and Browns­ w ith n itro-glycerine and got over Mr. Cedar, an organizer, The b a z a a r h e l d b y the $5000 worth o f plunder from the Ha s?y many years ago and of Brownsville. He and the edit­ ville. held a meeting at the school­ Standard Bearer girls Satur­ deposit boxes. recent years of Portland, where he or of the Enterprise hail from The ladies served a banquet house Tuesday evening. A day afternoon and evening ejry?d on the police force, mostly farm at noon to which every one the same state, but Mr. Ven­ union was organized was well patronized E. |B . Penland, H. C Davis, and a de­ as traffic officer, died at his heme did justice. with the following officers: cided success, the proceeds George S tarr end George’s sister be- yesterday. Funeral at Pine Grove ner opened his career almost from M ontana visited the elder An entertaining ■ •■B program p iu g ian President, P. A. Pehrsson; vice five years the sooner. The fol­ was F rid ay at 1. ^'^-30. Groceries, can­ given. A * ' humorous im- president, J. R. Mode; secrc- M rs. Starr, who is an in va lid , at lowing allusions to Venner’s personation by Harold C. tary> O- G. Coldiron. Not a dies, ready-made clothing and Newport, yesterday. The gentle­ Mrs. E. J. True, Mrs. L. V fancy work of all kinds were men were home again early in Chance and Mrs. Arlie Cum­ spectacular youth and the lat­ Kizer was of special interest tfreat many joined, but o th e r1 sold. There was a cooked er course of his life are from the evening. When they passed mings visited the invalid Mrs Paul P . Maris o f O A C >a ve i ineetinKs W«H be held when food counter and the fish pond the bight o f land going west they Perley True at Harrisburg the Albany Demotrat-Heral* a vefy interesting address. m° re niembera are ^ p e c ted . was an attraction. A short emerged from dense fog in to b righ t Thursday. BROWNSVILLE. D e c . 5 program was given in the ev- One of the main features of sunshine and vice versa coming (Special) — Frank Venner, William Smith of Harris­ 'ening, after which a social Scio and eastern Linn coun­ Brownsville Civil war veteran Hie day was a large grange back. 6 birthday cake bearing some burg came up in the circuit time was enjoyed and cakes ty stockholders in the Crown life story is full of titty-odd Mre. C lingm an of Peoria, a pio­ Mining company operating in vhose candles. This was court Monday on an appeal I and lemonade sold. The pro­ thrills and reads much like a neer oyer 90 years old, is very low the vicinity of Gates are jubi­ t ut and sold by the slice at the Horn conviction in a justice’s ceeds are to go toward the and her recovery is not hoped for. lant over a ledge of paying ore tale from Dumas, was so far close ol the meeting. support of a Chinese girl stu- recovered from his recent ill­ court of selling liquor. Wil­ jdent H. L. P ittock, for many years tecently uncovered. in a Chinese school. - . < ness, that he was able to walk business manager of the Portland liam Begley and three Browns­ Next Saturday a big social Oregonian, but now dead was re­ ville girls testified that they Mrs. G. W. Laubner was in to town on the occasion of his Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Muller membered by Mrs. C liugm an as Albany Saturday and Mrs. eightieth anniversary of birth. event, one oi the largest ever went to Harrisburg, got liquor drove to Albany Monday. planned by the grange, is to lrom Smith, got drunk and having passed this way on foot on He was born December 3, Emma Laubner was here with be characterized by a program wrecked their car. On the his a rriv a l, footsore, and being en­ her Sunday. Mrs. W. H. Mc­ 1845, in Vermont. ol readings and music equal to jury were John W. Miller, tertained at her home. The two As a lad of 11 years he went Mahan was there that day for fam ilies always m aintained an ac­ maJ?/ K*ven by professionals. to Boston to learn a trade and Karl Bramwell and Frank ainner. The Albany lady has I his is to be followed by a Kirk from Halsey. quaintance. in his brother’s studio learned been visiting at L. E. Eagy’s. the art of photography. Hav­ general good time such as this Gn pa^e 3 is an interesting die- Tteetie ,F o x, who«» name was ing prepared himself in this community is noted for. (Continued on page 8) coupled, a» a m inor, w ith Begley’» The fact that Curtis Veatch line of work he went to Provi­ whan he wai arrested fo r hi» part dence and set up a studio of and Harold Kizer are to vie in the spree, appeared before the with each other for the laurel A splendid selection of his own, and was doing re­ grand ju ry under the name of NeectiJtoBri H yacinths. Narcissi, Cro­ markably when the Civil war as auctioneer speaks for fun.- Mr». M cCormick. S m ith was con Everybody is invited. cus and other bulbs for came on. When 18 years of victed. fa ll p la ntin g D rop as • age he enlisted as lanyard boy, postal for description and With all the road improve­ The rivival meetings at Tan­ and quickly worked up to ar­ prices. tilleryman. As a marksman ment in recent years one of gent have been suspended on the most neglected places has account of two or three cases he won the personal commen­ dation of General Grant, for ,ieen„ 1 ro?d leading from ¡of diphtheria, which has also he demolished a distant chim­ the Brownsville-Crawfordsville ¡closed the schools and other ney top on a house far distant road to the district where the gatherings. N othing is mors a ttract, _____________ where sharpshooters were in f earl sawmill is located. El- | ivee in the boms than a a us. u . ... hiding. Some of the marks­ mer Pearl and other men from bowl of Gold Fish. They 1,1 men were behind the verv the locality and from Brown™ a A lthou * b conditions give the room life and ville were pleading with the ! A .Ter,ra.arp the most favor- chimney which Venner knock­ county court for justice last ab' C t h e ? ’orld for co»n- provide endless entertain­ ed to pieces while Grant, seat­ week. ment for the children. J aS ,nerci«l aviation, this country ed on his horse, was watching. —--------------- is being distanced by all other Reasonable in pries. In ­ After the war Venner turn­ Standish Will Broadcast !,nportant nations, according expensive to keep. ed sailor and voyaged into far i, u- c. j l i . .. ,o the opinion of the Hoover and little known parts of the »PV now m'»«" ' i S h '” r 't “1' committee on civil aviation, B ird Seed world. After this period of »py, now manager o f th e B roadus J cruising he turned pioneer and ( M n .t) Pub. Co., is on a tr ip O ur own special m ixture, in te res t of the M ile » BIG RUM RING IS S M A S H E D in 1868 landed in the Puget past in and the Sheep co m p an y, owner ________ 2 lbs. 25c, Tonics, sone Sound country. He engaged o Stock f the p u b lis h in g com pany, and is 19 Arretted, Including W. Dwyer, restorers, m o ltin g food ; in various occupations while viso co-operating w ith the fa rm everything for the tong You have probably concluded that the country was being settled bureau and m a k in g sddres-es Widely Known In Sporting World. bird. Aek for booklet on to be tough and durable a shoe must New York. N. Y.— Federal problbl- up, and then in an early day th ro u g h o u t the c o u n try . care of birds. be uncomfortable. You have a new ItloD agents believe they have »mash came to Portland where Wood­ N e xt F ird a y evening, from sense of satisfaction coming with your rd the mo«t powerful rum amuggllng ward and Clark sent him out 11 45 p. in , ce n tra ! sta n d a rd tim e , Spratt’s Dog and first pair of Weyenberg Comflex “All over the country with magic fo r an h o u r and a h a lf, be is b ille d syndicate on the Atlantic coast, with Solid Leather ’L shoes. lanterns. Cat Remedies Io broadcast from sta tio n W CCO, the arrest of 19 men, Including the al­ leged head of the ring, W illiam Dwy­ ■M WCVCN8CRCS Eventually Mr. Venner ar M iiiiiP a n iiis. |iw, M in n , an address on widely known sportsman and race rived at Brownsville, liked the ¡economic condition» in th» ce n tra l er, w e carry a complete stock owner. place and settled down here, “fid western Mate-, to u ch in g nJ-» track of these well-known rem­ The syndicate, they charge, bribed as the pioneer druggist and •di the c o n d itio n of farm ers in coast guardsmen, operated a fleet of edies Also th e ir Dog If you want work ' shoes * thgt will photographer. In the occupa­ *’ poor year».” ” Biscuits, Puppy Cakes 19 or more vessols off the coast and wear longer, that will be comfortable tion last named he was engag- Tuesday be will broadcatt from developed an elaborate system of con­ and Cat Food. - and flexible, that will protect your ( d for 50 years before retiring. Chicago. “ Dogs and How to Cars trol over both the wholesale and re­ Holland Bulbs ingln & Gold Fish Longer W ear Greater Comfort C o m fle X feet and your health-get Weyenberg's Comflex with the double-tan soles— we sell them because they offer our cus­ tomers, at a moderate p ri« , the beat service th..t can be bought atany price. M. V. KOONTZJCO. I > The Missionary society held M. E. Church a meeting with Mrs. Ed. Z im ­ Robert Park<*r pastor. merman Friday. Twenty mem­ Hunday school, 10. bers were present. Mrs. S. J. Preaching. 11. Smith gave the lesson, and a Junior League, 3, ( hristmas thank offering was E p w o rth league, 0:80 taken. Several members made P reaching, 7.80. and served candy at the close I’ taver-m ceting, Thursday, of the meeting. Bible S tuJy Tuesday, J. 7:30. tail liquor trade, running Into millions of dollars annually. Six members of the coast guard are among the prisoner« gathered in after six months' investlcatlon. Dwyer, pert owner of the Mount I Royal race track In Montreal and of the Coney Island, race track In Cin­ cinnati, was releaned on 140.000 bail after h<- had deniea|the charges for Them,” a ¡valuable booklet, free for the aek- «"I. j» » . stori J