DBC 2. 1,25 „ y ^ lb a n y ^ 7 ) ir e c to r y | * ThJSis good advice: "Jf you live in Albany, trade in Albany ; if yOU ilve in some other town trade in that town. But in these automobile days many re­ siding elsewhere find it advisable to do at least part of their buying in the larger town. Those who go to Albany to transact business will find the firms named below ready to fill their require­ ments with courtesy an 1 fairness. J- L IN D A H L , hardware, _. , Dinnerware . I in shop in connection 3 j 0 ft • Firat St. Albany, Oregon A lb a n y Floral Co. Cut dowers , and plants. Floral art for every and all occasions. ___________ Flower phone 458-J. C E N T R A L T IR E SHOP Tire Vulcanuiug- Battery re charging. 221 W. Second. 7 ___________ Ed Falk, Prop. t^ a s tb u rn Bros.— Two big grocery stores, 212 W. First and 225 South Main. prices. Good m erchandise at the right Ip l.te Cafeteria and confectionery *-* Home cooking. Pleasant surround- ,T?KS- Courteous, efficient service W e make our own candies. ___________ W. S. D uncan . P O R D SALES AN D S E R V IC E Tires and accessories Repairs K ikk -P ouak M otor C o . P o r tm ille r F u rn itu re Co., fu rn i- * ture, rugs, linoleum, stoves ranges. Funeral directors. 427-433 west First street, Albany, Oregon. p C L L E R G R O t~ E K \\ 235 Lyoo * (Successor to Stenberg Bros.) Groceries Fruits Produce Phone 263 R J 1 O L M A N & JACKSON Grocery—Bakery Everything in the line of eats _ ____ Opposite Postoffice IM P E R I A L C A F E . 2 0 9 'V. '\ First ■E Harold G. Murphy Prop, rop. Phone 665 W e never cu 6 se Willard s ta tio n W, F I QTICC furniture L. L. O llrr (A beauty aid for every need) St. Francis Hotel Prop. Winifred Rose JJOSCOK AMES HARDWARE The Winchester Store ; C econd band Pianos from $185 up If you want a bargain in a piano «low is your chance. They 're in A1 condition. Davenport Music House, 409 W. First C ta p le and Fancy Groceries Crockery and Glassware Mrs, M. G. Stetter Phone l39iJ 206 W. Second st. GTIMSON T H E SHOE DOCTOR ~ Second street, opposite Hamilton's store. “ Sudden Service.” ULTaldo Anderson Armstrong Linoleum Rugs, $ 18 cash • A • W o h a v e s o m e a ttr a c tiv e p a tte rn s in L in o le u m ! : h ill & co. a • HALSEY THE OLDEN I Germany Signs up for World Peace alned a postponement of the effective late of the Increase. Shorter average hours per week and ligher average earnings per hour were found to prevail in Oregon s»w- Representative John N. Garner ot C. W. Dewitt of Philadelphia, whe Texas, ranking democratic member of nills than those of 20 other states President Hindenburg Immedi­ /isited last summer by special repre­ claims that he I* the long missing ately Signs Measure the house ways and means committee sentatives of the bureau of labor sta- Charley Ross, the lad who half t istlcs department, a report from the Legalizing Pacts. century ago was kidnapped by a banc of conspirators. for Interfering with and assaulting H. lepartment of labor has disclosed. M. Averill, deputy game warden. Aver­ The state board of control haa ae Berlin.— President Von Hindenburg can bay timber sale area or the Crater ill. it is charged, was clubbed ovet •epted formally the new state train- placed the seal of hla approval of the national forest, 45,000,000 board feet the head by Smith. ng school for boys erected recently Locarno treaties by affixing hla signa­ of timber were sold In that area this Voters of the city of Prineville ap­ year Woodburn. The plant includes ture to the bill which legalizes the se­ year, an increase of 10,000,000 over proved a 20-mtll tax to pay for the lo­ ’ight buildings and was erected at a curity pact and arbitration treaties 1924. oat of approximately $145,000. Tho and Germany's entry Into the league of comotive purchased during the sura A fire starting In the kitchen of tner and to care for indebtedness In ute coat an additional $36,000, while nations. the hotel at Siletz destroyed the hotel curred In the operation and mainten­ 125,000 waa appropriated for furnish­ By giving executive approval to the and butcher shop owned by Grant ance of the City of Prineville » » » . . ings. law In less than 24 hours after it was King, and the store belonging to Cochran, in Washington county, has The partly completed roof of a big been quarantined and no one may ratified by the relchstag. the presi­ ft alter Hall, the total loss aggregating tabernacle which is being built at leave the place without a certificate of dent administered a rebuke to its re­ $2£ 000. actionary opponents, who atlll hoped The general merchandise store own­ Bend for E. Arthur Lewis and Edmund health. A carrier of epidemic cere­ he would refrain from apprving it on T. Campbell, evangelists, crashed ed by C. F. ftade at Olex was destroy­ brospinal meningitis has been isolat­ constitutional grounds. Hla action de­ ed by fire, which also took other build­ down while 32 people were working 'd at the county hospital at Hillsboro finitely smothers tho last embers of ings housing the telephone exchange an the main floor, but one sprained following the death recently of three the fiery opposition kindled by tho and postoffice. Loss was estimated wrist was the only injury. loggers employed by the C. H. Wheel­ German nationalists, and It la also re­ at $40,000. M. N. Ford, secretary of the Ohio er Logging company on Gales Creek. ceived in parliamentary circles aa a One hundred and four mills report­ state board of pharmacy and presi­ Law enforcement, as handled under compliment to Chancellor Luther and ing to West Coast Lumbermen's asso­ dent of the National Association of existing conditions, is the greatest Dr. Htreaemann, the foreign minister. ciation for the week ending November Boards of Pharmacy, has announced hypocrisy on earth, was the charge By a vote of 291 to 174 the relchstag 21, manufactured 104,847,909 feet of the appointment of Frank 8. Ward of made by L. H. McMahan, Judge of the Rdopted the hill legalizing the security lumber; sold 108,594,417 feet and ship­ Portland, as a member of the associa­ Marion county circuit court, in an pact drawn up at Locarno aod the tion's committee on publications. ped 98,248,042 feet. address before the Salem Rotary club. supplementary treaties with France, F. M. Brown of Portland, chief de­ To hold a man merely for Investiga­ Belgium. Poland aod Csecho-Slpvakla. Fritz Drebert, 50, operator of a shoe repair shop in Portland, was killed puty state game warden is in Klani- tion is a violation of the constitutional Approval also was given to the ar­ when the motorcycle sidecar in which ith Falls in an effort to collect delin- rights guaranteed to the cltlzena of rangement whereby Germany is to apply for membership in the league. he was riding was hit by an auto­ ]uent fines assessed in local courts the United States, fie said. Parliamentary sanction came after mobile on the highway between Mil for game violations over a period of Tire mountain and Mount June, In several years. The delinquent pay­ he Cascade national forest, proMhly a stubborn partisan battle lasting six waukle and Oregon City. ments are said to total nearly $1500. will ty> designated as forest fire ldok weeks The outcome was never really Ducks recently found dead at Ocean A derision to invite the officers o' nut points, according to Nelson F Mac in doubt but the chancellor and for­ beach, near Astoria, died from eating fermented, or spoiled, wheat, accord the national organization of the hu­ duff, supervisor of the forest, who, eign secretary were confronted with ing to a report from the state food and mane society to attend the 17th an­ with H. E. Haefner. ranger located St unrelenting opposition by reaction­ aries. dairy commission chemist received at nual Pendleton Round-up September Westfir, ascended these peaks a few 15-18, 1928, was made by unanimous days ago. Both these mountains are the game commission offices. consent at the annual meeting of higher than some of the others that The state board of control, over stockholders of the association at have been used for some time past the protest of Sam A. Kozer, secretary Pendleton. A larger appropriation of federal of state, has approved a policy of Klamath Fails is to have a mounted funds for channel operations in the refusing to return to the state train­ ing school boys who escaped and get policeman. This is the decision of Willamette river between Salem and Washington, II. C. — Soviet Russia lie city council, which has authorized Portland will be urged by Senator Mc­ outside of the state of Oregon. has begun Its long threatened -and he purchase of a horse and saddle Nary, according to letters received at feared campaign to bore openly Into The Cope Film corporation will lo­ The mounted ’’cop" will devote most Salem. ThM year’s appropriation for cate the northwest studio of its mo­ Chinese affairs, according to oonfl- }{ his time to driving stray horses and dredging the Willamette river chan dential advices reaching official tion picture Industry in Eugene, ac­ •attle off cemetery lots and the lawns nel was $20,000, but this was not suf­ sources here. cording to ft’. 8. Cope, head of the if private homes. ficient to meet the demands of the Tho crumbling of Marshal Chang concern. The construction program navigators. An attempt will be made Tao-iln’a Manchurian empire, which The Southern Pacific company has calls for an expenditure of $500,000. placed itself on record against Ihe in to double this appropriation for the ■caves General Feng Yu-hslang in vir­ Attempt to prevent arrest of his rease in butter, eggs and cheese year 1925. tual control of all of Central China, father for shooting ducks from a mo­ 'reight rates ordered by the interstate Public service corporations operat­ and the quiet Inflltratloh of thousand* torboat caused Owen Smith of Lang •ommerce commission between Port- ing in the state of Oregon will pay of Russian troops disguised as civil­ lois to be bound over to the grand and and California points, and has ob- taxes in 1928 on apportioned corpora­ ians. are the main developments In iry of Curry county under bail of $500 tion property valuations aggregating what la regarded by diplomats as a gi­ $155,053,507.71, based on a total as­ gantic soviet plot to cnminunlse China. sessment of $258,531.608.02, according General Feng la openly barked by to figures made public by the state the soviets, who for many month* tax commissioner. The increase in have been pouring arms and ammuni­ apportioned corporation valuations tion Into Kslgan, his stronghold, east for the year 1925, on which taxes will of Peking he paid in 1926, when compared with Russia's activities in China are said the valuations upon which the 192$ to he baaed on a desire to smash the tax was based is $6,598,661.42. British empire in Asia hy spreading C A P IT A L AN D SU RPLUS S 3 5 ,O O O soviet propaganda in Indio, which la regarded as s fertile field. LO W Home made fresh daily | Ice Cream, Soft Drinks and L ig h t L u n c h e s F . W . R O S S , A lbany. F irst street — Bikroan Blag. M E T Z G E R 'S SHOE SERVICE M OVED Don t forget the place T hird & B ro ad alb in ALBANY News Notes From All Over Oregon b y th e W e s te rn N e w s a p o r U n io n f o r B u s y P e e p le Portland water rates will be raised 20 per cent December 1. Two new grade school building are planned for next year at Eugene. Nearly 300 school teachers of Coos county assembled at Marshfield to at tend the annual Institute. A poor season was experienced by salmon fishermen on the Stuslaw river, according to reports. The 20th conference of the Inde­ pendent College Presidents' associa tlon of Oregon was held at Albany. A vein nine feet wide and rich In copper ore was struck at the Mother Lode mine, 25 miles northeast of Baker. The Russ Would G rab Far Cathay H A LSEY STATE BANK Halsey, Oregon I <£• The A r r iv a l o f T h a t Box o f C andy is always quite an event, but bow the enthusiasm dampens if the confectionery falls short of whst the affectionate one has a rig h t to expect ! I f you «end a box of out delicious confections th e y ’ ll b« everything «be dreamed o f and more. Q f course our cofectiouery is pure and it surely cannot be called high in price, The .contract was awarded by the Eugene water board for construction of a 3,000.000 gallon reservoir on Skin­ ner’s butte to B. C. Seydel company of Portland for $61,802 83. Merging of the Oregon State Drain­ age association and the Oregon Irri­ Real Estate Insurance gation congress probably will be con Prompt service. Courteous treatment. sldered at a meeting of the drainage W m B ain , Room 5, First Savings Bank association In Salem December 15. bnilning, Albany J. Lyman Steed, assistant superin­ tendent of the Pennsylvania state school for the deaf, has been elected superintendent of the Oregon deaf In­ stitution to succeed O. L McIntire Dancing In the Salem high school You get In lieu of secret organisations, which were abolished recently by the school authorities. Is advocated by Max O. We hsve Buren, ex-member of the school hoard Luzern Gray, an aged bachelor, was burned to death when he attempted to start a fire with the aid of kerosene in his lonely one-story frame cottage FR EN C H & SON located In a remote suburb of Port­ I Jeweler», Optician», Albany land. , - * , - . According to reports from the Pell MINERS ACCEPT PROPOSAL Commercial and Savings accounts Solicited Two hundred boys from various towns In the Willamette valley at­ tended the annual older boys’ confer­ ence at McMinnville. Secretaries of the various commer­ cial clubs In western Oregon met in Salem Saturday. Problems of special interest to western Oregon were dis cussed. at lowest rate of interest. The G IR L • C ongoieum f t I (J P rin te d U 'J 'J R ugs cash • a n d fe lt-b a s e y a r d g o o d s PARAGON CAFE G E O . M G IL C H R IS T « N ew and r . i Second-hand^ uurniture | 422 W. F irst, AlbJ A new shingle mill to cost in excess of $15,000 will be add.ed to the plant of the Spalding Logging company at If you enjoy a good meal, .»ml know a good meal when you get it, Salem. Ye n’ll be back, tor yon’ll not forget it. Fire of an unknown origin destroyed Our aim is to please vou. an apple storage house and 4600 boxes of apples belonging to B. M. Durland at La Grande. ALBANY < • COMPANY ]Vfen and money are best when T V i busy, Make your dollars work in our savings department. A lbany S tate B ank . Under government supervision. G le a n e d JLf ARINELLO PARLORS • PA B C O LIN and e («OLD SEA L Second, A lbany. W e Save \ ou Money For expert work send your films to Haskin s film shop, 309 Lyon street. Albany, Oregon. A’A JOHN N. GARNER L M. Taylor, Prop. U O U A K FINISHING J L fA G N E lO E L E C T R IC CO. A’ * Official Strom berg carburetor serv ice station. Conservative prices. A1 work guaranteed. 119-121 ft’. Second C. W. DEWITT VS-serve a ll makes and «ell " » H a r t ls Coder new management Clark’s Confectionery Dr. C. F1CQ, Dentist “ PLA TES T H A T F I T ” Pinchot Plan Adopted "As Basis of Settlement" of Strike. Harrisburg, Pa.— Representative» of tlio United Mine Worker» accepted ’’as a basis of settlement" the plan sub milted to them by Governor Pinchot ending the present suspension of hard coal mining. They agreed to meet the operators’ representatives in Joint conference at any time to negotiate an agreement covering the proposals submitted by Mr Pinchot and announced that promptly after such an agreement on the part of the operators they would arrange to resume mining at the earl­ iest possible date. The action of the miners waa taken at a meeting here of union officials and members of the trl-dlatrtct scale committee. German Navy Hero Joint U. ». Army. New York, N Y —A gunaer in th» German fleet during the historic hattl* of Jutland, Wilhelm Gleaocke, was en­ listed for service in tho ranks of hl* one-time enemy -the United Htat»* army. It was announced Bunday that, he had been accepted as a private in the sixteenth infantry, quartered on Governor's island. He waa personally decorated by the Kaiser for bravery in action while a member of a Ger­ man submarine crew. 7600 Mayers In Ita ly Rsmdvsd. Rome. -About 7500 Italian mayor* have been suddenly legislated out of office and the control of fasclsmo ha* been extended to municipal govern­ ment* by the paaaag« of the new muniiipal reform bill by the chamber ot deputies. _, Crowns, bridge work and fillin g s n wnl pay you to get my prices ou »out deutal work, C uuck bank build ng, A lb a n y £••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••»••••»•» I Any Girl in Trouble | T he D IA M O N D ' • • ma; communicate with Ensign Le. Nation Army si the White Shield Home, 565 Mayfair avenue, Poitiand. Oregon. J • • • • , • • • • • • « • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • «g* I he wisest girls keep out of trouble A R R O W G A R A G E , Gansle Bros. A U T H O R IZ E D L IG H T -T E S T IN G S T A T IO N K o flc c tu r» a n d le n s e s f o r n e a r ly a ll m a k e s ’o f cars. E r e c o n d itio n a ll m a k e s o f t a r » a n d M o to r »