A g rc u ltu re H o r t e u 11 u r e L iv e s to c k NTERPRI A \\ eekly t hronicle of Local Events and Progress on Linn County Land Halsey Happenings and County Events 1926 calendars and they are beauties. Mrs. Eliza Brandon has been quite sick the past week, but Doings of Our Populace is improving. Chronicled in Brief Miss Dorothy Satchwell of Shedd was the guest of Mrs. Paragraphs L. C. Merriam Wednesday. Curtis Veatch was in Al­ The new bridge over the bany Wednesday. W illamette at Albany is open Frank Kirk is back at the for traffice, beating the Har­ risburg contractors. Oaco orchard, Monroe. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Brandon Lewis Skin-in of Seattle came lor a visit with his uncle. and daughter Harriet andMiss Beulah Miller were guests at T. J., and wife. the Ped Templeton home Sat- Mrs. L. H. Ai-mstrong has urday- been taken to Boswell springs Mr. and Mrs. Mark Brandon for her rheumatism. of St. John, Wash., and daugh­ The returns from the bask­ ter Harriet arrived Tuesday et social at the Kirk school are guests of Miss Beulah last Wednesday evening were and Miller and Mrs.Eliza Brandon. $43.55. Mrs. P. J. Forster has been ♦ Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Elam quite ill since having her teeth and son Ivan, Murine, sister extracted. dentist left a of Miss Alice Simmons, and part of the The hypodermic nee­ J. W. Pugh and family were dle, which he broke off, in her thanksgiving guests of Mrs. gums. Pugh at the restaurant. Mrs. Irma Shotwell spent Mrs. Hettie Saylor and Mrs. Fannie Ross have returned to the vacation days at her home Portland after visiting their in Salem. Mr. Shotwell ac­ companied her back to Halsey mother, Mrs. M. M. Ward. Saturday to take in the high Mrs. Edith Robnett and school play. Truman and D a i r y P o u ltry W ool HALSEY, OREGON Pine Grove Points (By Special Correspondent) ■j. «OÄ»* • . > w ÜRj “Stand Bv * Us a Little Longer*’ C7 Observe International Golden Rule Sunday, December 6th, for Near East Relief Orphans Louisa were home Happenings in PubllC Schools P. A. Pehrsson was at June- (School Reporter) !tion City Saturday. Since thp ,lbrary worR u k M 7 '.i G' ? * e[! a.nd famiIy up so much time« a motion was I visited at A. F. Albertson’s paMcd (o pay the librarian Friday. ¡$2.50 a semester. iliere will be a community At this time of year there entertainment at the school- are many high school conven­ house Friday evening. tions to which Halsey high, as Bert Haynes and family well as others, has been asked spent thanksgiving at Everett to send delegates. According­ Hover’s an Harrisburg Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gib- ly . the , . student body elected son of Corvallis visited a t: • 0 “ e*e8at®s to the conven- Frank Gibson’s Tuesdav. iIon at University of Oregon, December 4 and 5. L. E. Eagy left Monday The return party, which the morning for Portland, being freshman class gave the soph- called to sen e on the federal omores, was declared the most jury. successful event this year by Miss Sophia Heinrich and all the students who attended. Fred Heinrich of Conallis The first basketball game spent the week end with their of the season will be played parents. December 4 at Coburg. The senior play was a de­ A number of Pine Grove people attended the high cided success and everyone school play at Halsey Satur­ who attended agreed that it was one of the best plays day evening. which had been given in Hal­ Mr. and Mrs. Fred Sylvester sey for several years. Even and Misses Nora and Pearl the seniors themselves were Pehrsson and Eunice Sylvester satisfied with the results as were Corvallis visitors Friday. the door receipts showed a to­ tal over $102. Agnes (handler, Grace The orchestra was Mrs. Pehrsson and Iona Albertson tame from Monmouth Wed­ George Hayes at the piano, T. nesday to spend thanksgiving J. Skirvvin, C. P. Moody, Hrfr- ry Mason, Lawrence Taylor at their homes here. and Leighton Henderson. Miss Pearl Pehrsson, who A member of the audience, is teaching school at Moro, asked which were the best spent Thanksgiving at her actors of both sexes on the home. Miss Nora Pehrsson stage, said: “Tom Palmer and came from Salem for the Agnes Hayes.” j thanksgiving holiday at home (By an Bnterptise Rapoyter) Mrs. Johnson and Miss Haz- It was Torn Miller'« first ap­ i el Johnson drove to Kings Val- pearance on the «lag« and hl« i ley Sunday, taking Sam Camp­ Irlenda were agreeably itirpriaed,* bell and family, who have The whol« cait was carried off I been at the Johnson home for in a way that ahowed (bat Halsey rome time, to their home there. need not send «bread for enter­ “Care and Feeding of Poul­ try” was Prof. Crosby's sub­ ject at the Lake Creek* com­ munity meeting Tuesday night Millions Saved O u r Unfinished 1 ask ol last week. He is an agri­ cultural college specialist on in P ear P,ast Am ong the O rphans poultry. Governor P ierce signed papers J. W. Moore of Brownsville, They Need Help Until authorizing the extradition of Roy C. who more flagrantly than the B elieve T ask W ill be Com ­ Old Enough to Help W alters, alias Fred Cram er, w ho is editor of the Enterprise has pleted In the N e x t F e w wanted in Los Angeles on a charge of violated Solomon’s rule which Themselves Y e a rs . forgery. W alters was under a rre s t a t would cut us off at threescore Alhanv and ten years, found gold- l’urtluiid, Nuv. 30, T hat America will com plete Its wor! F. H. Porter shipped one of bearing ore in the Calapooia , E d . Hural linterpriae 1 * his prize red poll bulls Nov. liver gravel on a Brownsville In th e N ear E ast In the next th ree or Mrs. Aristene Felts of Port­ four years Is th e confident assertion 24 to a buyer in Lewiston, street the other day. Mr. of J. J. H andsaker, N orthw est Region land, former president Ore­ Idaho. Moore has a nose for gold, be­ D irector of N ear East Relief. gon P. T. A., who is spending ing one of the most experienc­ al “For tainer«. ten years we have been busy Mrs. LaFollette, now of Cor­ ed prospectors in Oregon the winter in Paris, has writ- binding up the wounds left by the vallis, has been visiting her Mrs. Shotwell has added Kirk Kinks Worid W ar and the w ars which foi ten an interesting l'tte r to J. sister, Mrs. W. F. White, and Henry Bert Wolfe died very lowed two beautiful goldfish for bi­ the W orld W ar. A million lives J. Handsaker, Northwest re­ her sons, the Cross boys, and suddenly Monday afternoon have been ological study in the school saved and 200,000 children (Enterprise Correspondent) the wives of the married ones. on the way home from Salem, rescued and many of them given train gional director of the near east room. where he had gone for treat­ Mr. and Mrs. Gage visited Ing for lives of future usefulness. To relief. She spvs : Mesdames Bradford Moss Mr. and Mrs. C. N. Moody, ment. He had been in poor day th ere a re some 35.000 children In mid S. J. Smith were visitors “America must continue her at A. L. Falk’s Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred S. Moody health for several months. A m erica’s care In the N ear E ast. Their and family of Harrisburg and Mr. Wolfe and family moved average age is about ten years, 2000 work in the near east for a few Mr«. McNiece left Haturduy for 1,1 grade rooms Wednes- Mrs. Edith O. Thompson of onto are under the age of four years. The years more, for she is dealing her home in Idaho, «(ter an e x -¡d a y . the present home place T. , . Yoncalla were the thanksgiving just east of Brownsville about N ear E ast R elief keeps them only un with children and some of the tended visit with her daughter, Mrs. W A Falk I here were short thanks- til they are sixteen. So carefully are they trained in various han d icraft» : , » OS[ P ,'O lm ^ i n « \ h H d r t,' P n day guests at the home of C. six years ago and by industry Miss Ellen Vannice, who is £ 3 7°*™ ™ hHeld >n th,e P. Moody. th a t they are able to support them . L i t t l e 18 being (lone by and care had one of the best ...... ..... ....................... . . ----------------- --- ^ te n d in g Willamette univer- 1?e r n o o n A m o re ^ x u is fv t selves at th a t age. and although we relief agencies for adults, al- The Halsey meat market places in the community. — try to follow them a fte r they have left though they are worthy of S 1 came Wednesday evening :one jg beinir nrenared fo r n»vt and the Southern Pacific com­ Brownsville Times. the orphanages to care for them ii help, for the Armenian will : to sPend thanksgiving at home ,f rjdav evening when the pany are first in the field with they are ill or to find them new jobr at everything and any- ■ ■ ■ ■ ' (Continued on page 8) The program and basket ^«chers’ branch meeting is to in case they are m isfits still our ,e ,v thing, j f hj school, 1 e h<*ld. Ice practically ends when they an daj|y |,read -J h social at the Kirk BlItoen | ---- — »ue presence of where Kenneth Van Nice i 1 he next regular meeting of thw "N early all th e money th at A m erica1^ ® 8« thousands of refugees Needs No Br&âking In teaches, last Wednesday was Community Parent-Teacbere «•- gives N ear E ast R elief today is spent ’ moi alizcd the labor Slt- a success and $43.50 was tak- "delation will be bald at the Hel­ for children. Help given to adult? n a t i o n in a country where lab- en in from the baskets to be «choolhouie Friday evtuing, tak es the form of clothing and this it oi' is already poorly paid and used for equipment about the December 11, at 7:46. The pro­ never furnished free If the refu g ed where there is little work and schoolhouse. gram committee haa prepared a a re able to work or can pay even a 1’ttle money. ______________ v*ry intereating achedule «nd the few cents for th e ir garm en ts Money “ Boys trajned jn American D is n a tc h e s th e la st fe w davs ,oc' * 1 committee ha« a «urpriae io is spent on th e children and a . soon o r p h a n a g e g w j |, , h nispaicnes tne last lew days s,ore ln - en«rel good as they are in a position to care foi . ; * 7 m u v ii pictured , war • conditions tim. »• gooa them selves o u r work will cease. Jt c l ( fiances than the pres- nave c . . time. No member can afford tw in Syria. Tucked in between [niig ¡, “It cannot be repeated too often ! nt generation, for they are the accounts of the movements th at the children are out of Turkey > eitlg taught carpentry, black- etc., while most of the revolting tribesmen and . Hie C«l»pooi« Teacher«’ »«saei«. and are safe frem the slaughter te smithing, which th eir p aren ts were exposed adult refugees are fitted only cf the French forces, are brief ' lon 1,1/-o,,e 2 w'll meet Friday, ' December 4, at 8. , Mr. Carleton r Carleton They are under friendly but impover lor common labor. I wish . , accounts of the suffering of the people driven from their ", ’* 'llv* r"‘t 7 °r«»on will be Ished governm ents In Armenia. Syria could take you through ,B "P*" er ° th« evening. Kvery- P alestine and Greece, and the chll little carpenter shop in N • aze-,, homes and congregating in re- one ia invited to attend the pro­ d ren 's only hope, not only of life, but camps. "Sanitary ar- gram and enjoy the address, of training n ecessary for au ■ “ss in reth where the boys are learn- rangements totally inadquate, life, ________ la In America Rufferiag I- in mg carpentry just opposite the tease in ihe refugee cam ps in Ai« ppe spot where Jesus learned his water scarce, many refugees The average cost of book» ill, no medicine, children sick." and G recA , although more than one t r a d o . for sixth grade pupils per It is impossible to say whe­ million people have come back to sell “ What lugs at your heart .... .................... support a fte r being robbed and exiled most is (he babies four and ther (he near east relief will vear in Oregon is litlte over from th eir an cestral homes in Turkey ne able to help these refugee I)er PUP*D (he average cost T here are no few er than 10,000 exiles five years old, of whom there children, as its funds are ex- books for all pupils in Ore- are more than 2,000 in near Including m others with little children You have probably concluded that relief orphanages now. hausted in the care of the K” n elementary schools is very who are aaking tem p o rary «id thia cast to be tough and durable a shoe must w inter, and at a cost of only two i «nta Children are leaving the or­ 35,000 children now in its or- Lttle over a dollar a year per be uncomfortable. You have a new per day per child could he given milk phanages at the rate of 300 a phanages and homes. Aid to PPP'F — Oregon Voter, sense o f satisfaction coming w ith your will depend How many in Halsey havt» but N ear E ast R elief funds are ex month, making room for oth­ these sufferers first pair of Wcycnberg Comdex “ A ll had experience that would hausted In th e care of th e 35,000 ch it ers in the refugee camps. upon the responses made to In Solid Leather” shoes. dren. »he last two year«, homes have noar east relief on golden rule confirm these figures? “It 1» the hope of the N ear E ast Re been found for 25,000. ¡Sunday and Christmas. M g W EYCNBERC'S Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Vannice ll" f th at Golden Rule Sunday. I " '« ' " “ I am most enthusiastic o v e r -------------------- h er Sth. will so bring home to the left early Monday morning for Willard Maxwell, — 21, of Clarkston, Wash., where they coaaclence of A m erica th e needs of the work the near east relief | these children th at funds may be doing and feel that the mag- Drain, and Edith Ross, 20, of will visit their son. They ex- available, not only for the w ants In liitudf I f you want work shoes that w ill iltude and necessity of the Tangent were among couples nect to be gone for about tw o wear longer, that w ill be comfortable th e orphanaxea but th at r. nef m.M b< v.Ork can not be overestimat- getting marriage licenses weeks Thei daughter Ellen given to Mine, at least, of th e other» , d •• --- - - ° x i i c i Hhem to Wednesday. accompanied Salem and flexible, that w ill protect your for the week end. The Standard Bearers will hold a bazaar and cooked food sale Saturday evening a t 8 o’clock at the town hall. A short program will be given. j Lender W ear Greater Comfort. G o m f l e X feet and your health-get Weyenberg's Comdex w ith the double-tan soles— we sell them because they offer our cus­ tomers, at a moderate price, the best service tha» can be bought at any price. M. V. KOONTZ CO. “N ear East Relief offices are at 613; Ftock Excbaage. P o rtlan d ; 339 Burke Bldg. B eattie; and for the Golden Rule Campaign tem porary offices have b«en opened a t 301 W alker Bank Bid., Salt Lake C ity; «27 Peyton Bldg . hpo kane; Briatol Hotel, Bolae, and Y. M C. A., Tacoma '' 72 Zo Sfatti* M. E. Church Th«y were m arried at th« bride'« where she is attending school» home at T a n g 'n t T hursday and I - [ w ill reside al D'aiu. Mr. Max­ Miss Julia Hulse took a va­ w ell ia e m p lire d in a garage there cation thanksgiving morning R obert ¡’ ark ‘f pastor. S unday school, ¡0- P reaching, 11. Metzger's shoe store adver­ to Sunday night and attended J u n io r le ague, 3, tised elsewhere sold more foot- a wedding at her home town. E p w o rth league, 6:30 vear the latter part of last Grant« P««a, where ih« waa ¡’ reaching, 7:80. James Rector P r a v e r - m t r t ii.x , Thursday, 7:30. v/ec,t th a n a l* o ther Albany bridesmaid. B.ble StuJy ïueaday, I. ¡houses com bined. substituted at the drugstore. wf r