KU K A L E M IL K P R IS E íbany^);rectory|WÍllard Service Station W i ll a r d s He serve all make! and»«i?i , i r * - — J 1*? 13 lf°»d advice: " i f you live ■a Albany, trade in Albany ; if you live H k o in e other to.vn trade in that town.' But .n these automobile days many re* siding elsewhere find it advisable to do at least part ot their buying in the ■ g e r town. Those who go to Albany te transact business will find the firms npmed below ready to fill their require­ ments with courtesy and fairness J. L IN D A H L , hardware, ~. Dinnerware k r , . lln 3l,0P 10 connection First St. Albany, Oregon A lb a n y F loral Co. astburn Bros. — Two big grocery E. L SlIFf 422 W. F ir st,. THE Tires and accessories Repairs K irk -P oeeak M otor Co. * ture, rugs, linoleum, stoves ranges. Funeral directors. 427-433 west First street, Albany, Oregon. p C L L E R GROCERY, 285 Lyon *■ (Successor to Stenberg Bros.) Groceries Fruits Produce iPhone 2b3R U O L M A N & JACKSON I “"*■ Grocery—Bakery | E verythin g in the line of eats J __ Opposite Postoffice 209 »v. h irst Harold G. Murphy Prop. Phone 665 G 1 L OW V t l U A K F IN IS H IN G A V p or expert work send your films | to H askin's film shop, 309 Lyon street, Albany, Oregon. ice station. Couservative prices. Al work guaranteed. 119-121 W. Second en F . W . R O S S , Albany. First street — Bikm&n Bldg. cordfng to a report on the fires In the forest prepared by Nelson F. Mac­ duff. supervisor. M E T Z G E R ’S SHOE SERVICE M OVED ALBANY N ew s N o tes F rom j i f A GN ETO E L E C T R IC CO? •G-k Official Stromberg carburetor serv Senator G. W. Norris of Nebraska, who, in the belief of many political observera, will be the leader of the progressives in the senate. L ig h t L u n c h e s Third & Broadalbin WK NKVER CEOSK A ll O v e r O re g on and money are best when One hundred and four mills report­ ing to West Coast Lumbermen’s asso­ ciation for the week ending Novem­ ber 14 manufactured 99.989.931 feet of lumber, sold 108,766,554 feet and ship­ ped 75,495,032 feet. Two hundred ten direct inquiries for agricultural information on Ore­ gon were received during the first two weeks of November by the land settle­ ment department of the Portland Chamber of Commerce. A resolution favoring the proposed extension of the state normal course for public school teachers from two to four years was unanimously adopted by the Polk county W. C. T. U. In convention at Independence. Only 66 votes were cast In Medford’s school district election on the question of approving the annual budget and raising the school tax of the city more than 6 per cent above that of 1924, ind every vote was favorable. M of HA LSEY •in7^001 .tl4000 which the budget did not carry at the home of a son, W illiam H. Cush­ to pay interest on the general bonded ing, on the Columbia highway, three Indebtedness of the city, carried by miles from The Dalles. Mrs. Cushing 104 to 69. had been a resident of Wasco county To comply with necessary legal re since 1853. qulroments whereby the city of Med­ Klamath Falls now has a population ford can hold Its recently purchased of at least 10.000, according to an and long unused Medford A Coast estimate of Fred Peterson, county railroad, betwesn Medford and Jack school superintendent, following com­ sonvllle. until a possible future pur­ pletion of the school census for the chaser appears to operate and extend city. The census shows an Increase it to the timber and mineral resources of 1730 over last year, with a total of of the Applegate section, the city ad­ 2490 persons of school age. ministration has organised among Its The The firm of Lee and Son of Raker members a holding company ompnny will run the railroad's one recently made a sale of 80,000 pounds of wool to Roston interests, the ship­ engine once every #0 days between ment going east by rail. The price Medford and Jacksonville to show the was not announced but the total con­ world it is a going concern b llS y . M a 1rs» v your n t t r i dollars l n l l n r a work w io » l. i in n I I C ' 1 busy. Make j i aU ti- a I Dave Arthur- member of a prominent our savings department. A lbany S tate | ^ l e a n e d b y t h e V \ O S t e iT . | Baker county fam ily of mining opera B ank . Under government supervision. tors, was acquitted of a charge of N e w s a p o r U n io n f o r nanslaughter In connection with the A R IN E L L O PARLORS ß u s y P e e p le leath of G. C. Tucker in a fight In (A beauty aid for every need) the Mother Lode mine September 1. St. Francis Hotel Prop. Winifred Rose I The public school at Dexter has | State traffic officers operating un- been closed on account of scarlet | dor T. A. Raffety, chief inspector for J ^ O S C O E A M E S H A R D W A R E fever. the state motor vehicle division, have sideration was believed to be a little started a systematic enforcement of less than 140,000. About 160,000 Construction work has been started I The Winchester Store J on the new terminal grounds of the ] the so-called automobile lighting law pounds of wool remain In Baker ware Q ec o n d hand Pianos from $185 up I Southern Pacific company at Eugene. enacted at the 1925 session of the leg­ houses unsold, as growers are expect­ ing higher prices. If you want a bargain in a piano now J Tho „ mia ,.,, nr islature. The total number of children of is your chance. They 're in Al condition Pupils passing into any grade above There were three fatalities In Ore­ Davenport Music House, 409 W. First school age In Lane county at the the fourth grade of the public schools gon due to Industrial accidents in the time the recent school census was of Roseburg must be able to write week ending November 19. according Q ta p le and Fancy Groceries taken te 14,309. the words of America, the first and to a report prepared by the state in­ *>■' Crockery and Glassware A Pkckwlek stage on the way from last stanzas of “The Star-Spangled dustrlal accident commission. Mrs. M. G. Stetter The Phone 139*j 206 W. Second st. Yreka to Roseburg struck and killed Banner" and the 'oath of allegiance,’’ victims were W alter C. Weber, Tills a big buck deer In the canyon south the school board has ruled. ’ mook, foreman; Axel Lind, Kerry, G T IM S O N T H E SHOE DOCTOR of Canyonville. Second street, opposite Hamilton's Any attempt to consolidate the Uni- windfall bucker, and Hugh Jackson, store. Mrs. Stella Magladry. wife of J. S verslty of Oregon and Oregon Agrlcul- Bridge, logger. A total of 642 accl- “ Sudden Service.” Magladry, state senator, died at Ku tural college, as has been suggested dents was reported. gene after an Illness of a few weeks by newspapers In different parts Y l f a l d n Anderson Ai Son, distrib- from pneumonia. ’ ’ utors and dealers for Maxwell, Chal­ mers, Fssex, Rudson & Hupmobile cars. Corn sweepstake« at the annual Accessories, a pnlies. 1st A t Broadalbin Marlon-Polk county corn show which was held at Salem were awarded to the city of Woodburn I f you enjoy a good meal, CAFEI £ H ALSEY OLDEN < D o n ’t forget the place mperial ca fe , a n ti fe lt-b a s e y a r d g o o d s Albany Ice Cream, Soft Drinks and M W o h a v e s o m e a t tr a c t iv e p a tte r n s in L in o le u m * N e w and n S eco n d -h an d F u urniture 'lite Cafeteria and confectionery p o r t m ille r F urn iture Co., fu rn i- ' I I L FURNITURE COMPANY H o m e m ade fresh daily p O R D SALES AN D S E R V IC E I W e S ave Y ou M oney stores, 212 W. First and 225 South am. Good merchandise at the right ices. Home cooking. Pleasant surround- J'-P Courteous, efficient serviee. v\ e make our own candies. J _______ W . S. D uncan . ■ A Congoleum $ | ( ) • and Printed M HVj (¡OLD SEAL Rugs cash • A rm stro n g L inoleum R u g s, $ 1 8 cash • I. M. Taylor, Prop. 1*1 W, Seoond, Albany tire SHOP Tire Vulcanuiug- Battery re larging. 221 W. Second. Ed Falk, Prop. •* PABCOLIN Luder uew management Cut dowers , and plants. Floral art for every •xui all occasions. ■ _____________ Flower phone 458-T, ■ central PAG B 7 D r. C . F I C Q , D entist “ PLATES THAT F IT ” Growns, bridge work and fillin g s n w ill pay you to get my prices on »our dental work, Cusick bank b uild ng, A lb a n y enennee•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ! : : A n y G irl in Trouble may communicate with Ensign Lee of the Satvition Army at the White Shield Homs, 565 Mayfair avenue. Portland, Oregon. T h e wisest girls keep out of trouble : : A C h an g e in the F rench M in istry Foreign Minister In Rainleve Cabinet Asked by Presi­ dent to Act. Paris. — Orowlng discontent with Premier Palnlsva’s financial proposals, even among tbs government’« support­ ers, finally brought about his fall, less than a month after ha had reconstitut­ ed bis ministry to meat the wishes of the radical groups In tha chamber of deputies. The defeat of the ministry ctma when the chamber refused by three votes to accept article 6 of tha pro­ posals providing for enforced consol­ idation of the short term debt, al­ though a previous motion for tha elimination of the article had been de­ feated. Foreign Minister Hrland provisional­ ly accepted President Doumergue’s orders to form a new cabinet. M Rriand was suggested as tbs only man capable of leading Frace out of the present political and financial Jungle by the president of the senate, M. Deceives; the president of the chamber of deputies, M. Harriot, and other parliamentarians consulted by the chief executive since the begin­ ning of the cabinet crisis. The concensus was that the second Palnleve cabinet fell, like all other French cabinets durlDg tba last two years, a victim of tha financial situa­ tion rather than of a political man­ euver. The press of all political shades adopts a serious attitude re­ garding the fall of the ministry as secondary In Importance to the ques­ tions now facing the coun'rv. ARROW M o re M o n e y C om es to U . S . T re a su ry es s i se . — — y $25.482,690 Increase in Rev­ enue for 1924 Over 1923 is Shown. Washington. D. C.— Despite a reduc­ tion In rates, treasury receipts from taxation on personal Incomes for 1924 are greater by 2Z6.4S2.«8O than for the previous year. Tbs total of personal tax payments for 1924 Is 2«89,184,185, or a gain of 3.7 per cent over taxes received ou 1923 Incomes. The growth in the total receipts occurred notwithstanding a decrease of nearly lu the num­ ber of returns filed, which to Septem­ ber 30 last was 7,289.481, Statistics of tha 1924 Income mads public by the internal revenue bureau as the house ways and meant com­ mittee neared completion of Ita work on a new tax law, showed an aggre­ gate personal net Income of 226.022,- 210,893. That amount, the bureau cal­ culated. was about three fourths of 1 per cent greater than the net income In 1923. There were substantial decreases In the number of returns for the classes with Incomes from 21000 to 24000 For 1923 a total of 2,616,334 filed returns on Incomes from 21000 to 22000, while In 192« the number was 2.360,494. There was a reduction from 2,740,790 to 2.308,8(2 in the number of returns on Incomes from 22000 to 22000 Those between 23000 and 24000 decreased from 1,126,462 to 1,061,34«. Increases were shown In the num­ ber of returns for the class beginning with Incomes of 25000 and extending to (he millionaire class The report disclosed that approxi­ mately one-third of the estimated amount of outstanding tax-exempt securities are held hy persons having a net Income of 26000 or more. The treasury frequently baa calculated tbe amount of such «scarifies at 216,900,- 000,000 and tbe statistics compiled from the tax returns showed that 25,212.- 569,294 of such paper was held by Individual!. 400.090 COLONEL MITCHELL BACMEd Rickanbasksr Says United States Stfs In Air Fewer Ameag Nations. Washington. D. C — That the grave­ yards of America hear mute testimony to the haaard of human Ufa In using wartime material on peaeoitme flying fields, was the quiet nseertien of Cap­ tain Eddie Rlrkeabacker, Assert can world war "nee," before the Mitchell court-martial. He called sending men Into the air without parachute equipment "sui­ cide," and said anti-aircraft gone were no protection against air attacks. Rlakenharker said the United Htates ranked eighth la air power, behind France. Oreet Britain. Italy, Germany, Russia, Japan and Poland. Lieutenant H Sheridan, an army air service observer who was aboard the aircraft carrier Langley during the Hawaiian maneuvers, told the court- martial that the navel air unite tak­ ing part In the maneuvers' were In­ efficient, poorly organised and Im ­ properly commended. W. W ill Seek 2.75 Per Cent Seer- Washington. D. C.— Increase la the alcoholic content allowed In beer from one-half of 1 per cent to 2 TS per cent will be sought by amendment of thn Volstead act to be proposed at the coming session of congress by Repre­ sentative Dyer republican, of Missouri. The proposal was defeated laet eee- tloo in the Judlrlary committee G A R A G E , G ansle Bros. AUTHORIZED EIGHT-TESTING STATION R e fle c to rs n n d le n s e s f o r n e a r ly a ll m a k e s o f ca rs . w J E r e c o n d it io n a ll m a k e a o f C a r s a n d M o te r a