Rural enterprise. (Halsey, Or.) 1924-1927, November 25, 1925, Page 5, Image 5

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    NOV. 23,
kukal enterprise
ri a
oy w . n . r i E K L L
THANK the«, thou Most High, for youth,
v (j U ) For’ tkou6h t" fl« “ng. yet fonooth
—z T “ tile J with freshneu and with hope.
And all unfathomed u the scope
Ot pain, of torrow, or of un.
And sordid cares ne'er enter in
The bright young years, and naught is seen
Save through the rosy, golden sheen
That shimmers in the summer sun.
Hope wins the race before 'tujruik
And knows, though slues m iy weep
The morrow's sun will drive aw ay,
All clouds. And so we say, in truth.
W e thank, thek.'thou M o $ High, for
E GIVE thee. Master, thanks foe age.
The whitened hair that marks the gauge
__ _ Placed on our brows by passing years
Tells us our weary journey nears
Its enJtng, and our backward .glance
Is keen and searching, lo
Some stumbling-block of
Athwart the path some
The morrow— that is U
For w e have learned humili
W e know ourselves; this
By. h^ril experience, has brought
weapy sojourner his wage.
thee. Master, thanks for age.
E GIVE thee. Father, thanks for death.
"I am thy way," we take thy hand.
And, by thy side, just waiting, stand
Ready the tittle step to take
'Tween Here and There; to sleep, to wake.
To live again, and so to learn
The lessons from which now we turn
A s deep and far beyond our ken.
W e e ,bhnd
blind, unseeing sons of ment
not hear, we cannot see
helpless, can but turn to thee,
O. Father,
ther, and with trembling breath,'".
V ie thank thee most o f all for death.
’ ,
<sa i s s s . o u m .1
f f h a n k f u j a r e w e t h a t t h e r e is ie s s w a r t o d a y t h a n a t a m / ti m e in
th e p a s t
y e a r s , a n O t h a t th e r e is a p r o s p e c t t h a t th e w o r tO
h a s seen its h a st g r e a t w a r, a n d th a t w e m a y h o p e fo r an e ra o f p e a c e
o n e a r t h an O g o o O w i l l a m o n g m e n .
W e are thankful for a happy harvest and for good markets for what the earth has produced ; for prosperity on the farm, in the factory and
in the marts of trade.
W e are thankful that our form ot government is the most just and liberal, our people the most enlightened, makmg fuller use of all modern1
improvements for the amelioration of the tasks of mankind, than can be found in any other clime, hence our people are the most prosperous
on earth.
W e are thankful that we are situated in one of the largest and most fruitful valleys known ; that we have not suffered from pestilence,
destructive floods, earthquakes or tornadoes.
W e thank our patrons in our several lines of business for their trade, which has conduced to our prosperity, and we feel encouraged to put
forth every effort to merit a continuance of their favors and an expansion of our field of service.
Albany Bargain House
Second and Baker
New and Second-hand Furni lure
Bartcher Furniture Co.
Everything for the homo
Fisher-Braden Furniture Co.
The best is not too good and is not dear here
Hill & Co.
See French and see better
Complete house furnishers
New and used furniture
General Merchandise
D. H . Sturtevant
General Morchnaise
O. W . f rum Hay, Grain, Feed, Seeds, Live*
Moved to Third and Broadalbin sts.
Kirk-Pollak Motor Co.
Halsey Meat Market
Frosh and cured Meats] etc.
Arrow Garage
4 l « « nv . 0 r [ .
Hardware and Furniture
M. Y . Koontz Co.
Elite Cafeteria and Confectionery
Metzger’s Shoe Service
E. L. Stiff Furniture Co.
Gansle Bros., Proprietors
W . M. Burbank
Service Station and Restaurant
Mrs. J. A . Pugh
Eastburn Bros. 2 Stores
Groceries end Provisions
Blain Clothing Co.
Dress well and succeed
The Smart Shop
Ladies’Coats, Dresses and exclusive Millinery
Albany Gun Store
Firearms, Ammunition, Fishing Tackle, etc.
Albany Floral Co.
F. M. French & Son
Furniture, Carpets, Linoleums, etc
Roscoe Ames
Authorized Ford Dealers
Fortmiller Furniture Co.
l)ac sa n d Mam’s Restaurant
^ oo - oockíoooixuxhjoc
Good Eats Restaurant
Mrs. Grant Reynolds
For work that gives us the
opportunity to become creators.
For necessity that drive« us
to make a supreme effort.
For discontent that refuses
to longer endure an Injustice.
For failure« that compel ua to
discover our weaknesses.
For enemies who give us th«
benefit of truthful criticisms.
For children who help us real­
ize how much we do not know.
For competition to fore« ua to
etrtv« for perfection.
—Kev. Roy L. Smith.
T . J. Skirvin Seed Co.
Wholesale and retail Seed m erchants
Ringo’s Drug Store
Drugs, Medicines, Stati
Stationery, Periodicals
Say it with Flowers, anywhere, anj time
: •**