FACE 4 ROV 29. iyjj RURAL E N T E R P R IS E P ro m is e « o f C a n d id a te s T J lP G f P i l t i l l l t d n o v e li*d a *a a 4 M t—Not a vu trsl—saw paper, published eveiy Wedueaday. J. J. Crossley, can d id ate for the republican nom ination for •r senator, w rites to this p a p e r: You have probably noted J I a year ia advance Arrearages a montq th a t I introduced th e resolu- _ I2%c --------------- 3t«c an m e h ; a . diet h was ad o p ted at th e — • jmc < , oo charge for cot * mass m eeting a t th e public I D ►uWtlon or e jaugea * • T a l a -foi Paragraphe.'' le a Haa. auditorium in this city on SaT r shce. sell belter on dull markets. eoS * a advertising dUguiaad aa aswa but little more to raise, and bring bet urday evening, Nov. 14, favor­ ter prices. The following typical com-' ing p erm anent court of in te r­ ments Illustrate the success which COST O F SCHOOLS n ational justice, otherw ise many breeder» have had In disposing F ra n k W . Groves of L eba­ A ru ra l mail c a rrie r shot a ' of pure bred stock at meat animals • Few places can be found known as the w orld court and non is potato inspector fo r this haw k on th e road th e o th e r P oultry B reeder M ust Rely “I always find that pure breds are w here schools cost as much I ^ announcem ^ « ^ n ent t of th the e sam e was county. reedy for market In far less time than day and w hen he w ent to pick Tll>_ „ . „ n m ade in the S unday Jo u rn al on N ature, Says G overn­ scrubs and grade«." few are th *’ l*" O re* on’ a " d | <*nd O regonian Most of th e Vi control » ----- of _ Nov. . w 15. -----WUUVI puui- of pota- it up, th e supposed dead bird m ent A uthority. “Our bull veals at two weeks old lew are th e places w here th e ' 1 ■ have ■ a lre ad y m ade the | to diseases, if it is to am ount took a peck th a t put out his as large as scrub calve« at six weeks’ schools are as efficient as in following sta te m e n t: “ W ill | t0 m uch, m ust rest in the eye — for which no one can P r t p t n f l b y t h . U n l t . d s t a t e s D . j x r t m . n t “I find I can get around 2 cents a this state. W h eth er th e in­ work zealously for develop- I P lanting of uninfected seed, o f A s r ts u ltu r e .) blam e the h aw k, says th e S a­ K you are one of the many who be- pound more, live weight, for pure crease in service here is equal breds, ss they are more uniform." m ent of O regon and O regon A t the M onroe potato show lem C apital Jo u rn a l to th e increase in cost is a con­ ports, £ for irrigation and recla- outside th e certified «tLd ,-i ’ S^ < H w r a l ¥ PlOye, b r° kC ~ "With hogs, purebred Utters are troversial question. m .U on an d fu lfill,™ ,, of lr,,h Band an” ' n ^ ^ T d more uniform In else, develop more several law s and regulations, the male chicks, and that the smaller N ebraska furnishes te x t­ m easures for real benefit of produced th e h ig h e S orize It is ag ain st rules to c a rry a w ar® the ones which give birth to evenly, and put on fat more quickly " books and all needed school farm ers as suggested by th eir I winners. g P gun On duty, w hile delivering i r^e future layers of the flock, you need supplies free, and the follow ­ organizations. W hite D iarrhea Is Not matter, mail. It is a violation Of th e to revise reT*ge your opinion on the m utter F av o r world I n ing figures are tak en from the court, reform senate rules, and I. u regon certified seed pota- state law to shoot on a public l'ou may as well leave your tape D ue to Disease Germs £ a g le , published a t North will su p p o rt necessary p ro v i-l;^ * 8 a re *n deraand in C alifor- highw ay. A haw k is one of measure, scales, calipers and other Much of the so-called white diarrhea Bend, in th a t state. units at home when you go forth to •ions of law enforcem ent." I m a, and as th e certification the of , h , ir d S « purchase — I * among little chickens Is not due to the a n d most beneficial Yu i 01 lrd a T "setting of JOU eggs" 10 from your Children of school age in 1. N. P atterson, who would S”„d» es gTeat€r - a s re v a o s . this in i s ^nd one of th e farm ers best poultry breeder, and rely s o le ly o n germs of the disease, bnt to overheat­ county, 7613; enrolled in •un on th e republican tick et L a te m ay f ecov le r Its lost Sta- , rien d l, d a i l y destroying its Mother Nature to give you a 50-50 deal ing, chilling, or overfeeding, according schools, 5826; average daily or governor, w rites to th e I, to Q. L Stevenson, professor of pool- as th e hom e J of good pota- pota w eight in verm in, and as it is tbe matter of sex. a tten d an ce, 4896; average try husbandry at South Dakota State E n terp rise: “ One of th e p ara- r oes' Many Inquiries. useless as food, th e re is no jus- ... ----- ’ w.awr«». U 11V college. There la a tendency, he says, to st p e r pupil, ru ra l, 168.17; In answer to the continuous stream E- Russ brought in th e last tification in its slau g h ter. to call all bowel troubles white tow n grades, |7 7 .2 5 ; high m ount questions before th e of Inquiries pouring Into the depart­ people of O regon a t th is tim e I of this y e a r ’s fresh red rasD- As a resu lt of sim ilar w an­ diarrhea, when. In fact, many of them school, ________ $116.07. A verage cost o f to rih n A b . 1 s aquation a t th e state I berries from h i, , ton sla u g h te r of eagles, haw ks ment office relative to determining the are doe to poor management and are sex o f the chick In the shell by the preventable. and owls, all birds th a t ju stify slae, shape or weight of the egg—It J 1“ ' 1»' “ “ P1^ •«»» the ° ° te r p e n „, p er r PUP* m X , « l . s i , u J , : The prime factor In brooding chicks ades, -,th th a L is the m a tte r of too week. He also Pfiad sfm n ? 1 th eir existence, th e balance of just isn't being done. That Is. nor in g rad es, $1.63: h irh p,eS nature has been destroyed and a practical way, at lea st The scien­ successfully Is to keep them comfort­ $3.24. ” ---------- -requent g ran tin g of pardons, of .some Drettv f in f u :nd when we learn th a t eight from his to e e u to i? c^ s t n u t s a g rea t increase in rabbits, tist la able to Identify the sex of a ably warm. They should be kept In A verage cost of o th er su p ­ / e a r s constitutes th e average eating. th 1 m ade 2 ° od diggers, gophers and mice is chick In the shell after seven or eight light, well .ventilated quarters that are sanitary and free from vermin. At plies p e r pupil, ru ra l, $2.79- causing an economic loss to days of incubation, however. first, a temperature around 95 to 100 town grades, $2.07; high im prisonm ent of crim inals sen-1 p Because of the Important bearing on tenced to life term s in this l t 11S rocco,i is su P planting the every fa rm e r in th e land. All degrees should be maintained In the school, $4.03. practical aspects of the poultry In­ brooder; but, as the chicks feather out sta te , it brings us to th e r e a l i - l l z * ey crop in southern O re- of these birds should be pro­ the dustry which the ability to select ° pera*inK expenses, and tu rk e y s a re scarce tected by law to prevent th e ir hatching eggs according to the sex de­ and as the weather moderates this $395,634.11. New buildings zation th a t some d efinite and exterm ination, which is now sired would have. If such were pos­ may be grnduallly reduced though not w orkable plan m ust be adbpt-1 na h ig h e r this year. and equipm ent, $27,838.18. entirely discontinued, as the -chicks th reaten ed . sible, a number of Investigators have would then be apt to pile up on cool A ’ *r«ge teashtr'a salary, rural, in. a statem en t issued to th e er, r e g is U r in g ^ J e ry made studies concerning the sex-ratio nights, and heavy losses result. » •n . »780 ; women, $638 61 ; town situation In the domestic fowl. Re­ en, it was found , ta k * THE MARKETS 5 " d! ' ; tt' D> 11100; women. public Mr. P atterso n sa y s: cently Dr. M. A. Jull, poultry husband­ ‘‘W hen the boys’ tra in in g a t h e r household task s wTfkl $1287.31; high school, men, $1630 W ood Ashes W ill Supply man of^ h e United States Department school now being constructed, m ore th an 5000 m i l « \ * women, $1182.31. Portland ° t Agriculture, completed some obser­ Potash and Phosphorus e a r W oodburn, is finished w ithout leaving t h l 1 y e a r Wheat—Big Bend bluestsm, 1 1 ,5 7 ;.____ vations In which he concludes that A correspondent in Halsey n md Wood ashes furnish various per­ the old school a t Salem while th e wom an with J l f 1 ^ ’ hard white, »1.84; soft white, » .5 S ; | lhere - Is no v«.re.«uuB ueiween m e correlation between the centages of potash and phosphorus, w rites: Some of th e patrons of vacated, i ± e la tte r should cal help d o e ? n^arlv in n /i we8tern wblte. »1.53H ; hard w lnteil lenrih, shape or weight of the egg and ou r schools were 'shook down depending upon their source, and for * IDUO and northern spring, »1.60; w e s t e r t |,he s e l of the c,llck hatched from'it. that reason they make valuable fer­ irom i$3 to $6 to s ta rt the pu­ be used for first tim e offend-1 miles a year. ; red, »1.4». I He has also made studies to determine rs sentenced to th e peniten-1 . tilizing material where these elements pils on the first day of school, tiary. ................. ,Je v e en n h h u undred n d red acres —Alfalfa, »19@l0.5o ton- v a lletl nhether or not there Is a correlation P ractically all of these 1 £..11'^ acres of c are needed. Some plants will grow to say nothing of pencils, p a ­ be young men com m itted 11 “ L’g r ®?V p,e tre es have timothy, »18@i»; eastern O regoJ bet.ween the we,«ht ° f the w e ....... ............... ■ .?.vap1 •• “ ppic better on a slightly add soil. One of per, erasers, note books and will and the sex of the chick, or between for th eir first offense against I ° U* W asco timothy, »21 @2». thpse Is potatoes, but practically all w h at not. the yolk water-content and sex ratio, other garden plants prefer an alkaline Butterfat—65c shippers' track. the law. I«»'Jn ty to m ake room fo r with the same negative result. "In th e interest of tax con­ . _______________ - , i f htha2 nC5Ct ye,a r ’ And w h a t soli and also require considerable Eggs—Ranch. 46O47c. Safe to Count on Females. servation and general economy Cheese—Prices f. 0. b. Tillamook-I amounts o t potash and phosphorus. If crow ded th a t the prisoners fi,eu pntce °Z w h e a t should It has been determined, however, it strikes me th a t Oregon ashes are applied In too large amounts Triplet«, 31c; loaf, J2C per lb. says Doctor Jull, that the greater the lye may be formed which is caustic cannot be p roperly seg reg ated „ n ™ w here R was two u weP a d o p t the system and as a result these first of |y y ears afiro Cattle—Staers. good »7.75@g.oo. ago? ' number of eggs which a hen lays be­ Hogg Medium to choice, » 1 1 5 0 3 1 fore being put into the breeding pan, and will Injure the plants. Coal ashes tn a t has been m any years in have practically no fertilizing value W '^ o n sin has a law which 12.00. ' 1 the larger will be the proportion of vogue in N ebraska and no fenders are in daily contact but they are valuable for their power with h ard en ed c rim in als; in will go into effe c t Ja n u a ry 1 doubt in m any o th e r sta te s.” Sheep—Lambs, medium to choice females and the smaller the propor­ to lighten heavy soils and may be R eaders, tell us w hat you fact, it m ight be called a s M n 'i provide« th a l commis- »12.00 0 13.00. tion of males produced by her eggs. profitably applied for this purpose. The practical poultryman may be able X sh ° iM S a n i1 produce d e a l­ Know about school costs ant ;chool fo r vice and crim e.” The Douglas county agricultural to take advantage of thia fact to some economic conference wag held at Rose- ers shall be licensed under school service. Seattle. The follow ing concise and nftnd a e f?re th e y m a y here- W heat—Soft white. »1.62; westert extent by making hla selection of eggs ruthful sum m ary of th e Mit- n fte r do business, and S tate white, »161; hard winter. »1.4»; west for batching with reference to the urg with a good attendance. The I conference arrangod by the Oregon hell court m artial a p p e a rs in M arket A gent Spence says he orn red. »1.48; northern spring, »1.49- hen's period of production. Agricultural college will have a he Aum sville S ta r: T he pub­ iopes a sim ilar law will be Big Bend bluestem. »1.65 thorough survey of all of the various i c has sense enough to know Pure-B red M eat Anim als H a y -A lfa lfa . »2»; D. C , »28; ti» Passed in O regon a t th e next agricultural activities In the the county. county d • n - . 1 -— - — — » .c u v in e s in th a t M itchell h as com m itted legislature. “ I have investi­ othy, »20; mixed hay, »24. B ring B etter R eturns mark°t conditions m the county, state no crim e ag ain st the civil law . g IR„ .. an- Butter—Creamery. 60064c. In every Important point of comparl and an<^ nation, nat,on and from — • the » - - ----- material - - so a te V d VU m IIiailv any eases w here it Washington. D. C.—Colonel William it also has sense enough to Ipeared FlikUtvgxzl thè o-rnwer __ . . * t a p H ' E ggs—Ranch, 4»@5»c. son. pnre-bred meat animals show so obtained will formulate a program for Mitchell took the w itness stand be know th a t he is being punish- delib erately s w in d le d ^ o u ^ n f H ogs—Prime. »12.26012.60. perlorlty over grades and especially future agricultural development. fora the court martial trying him for cd because he m ay have told his p r o d u c ts ” s a v s t h l V f Cattle—Prim« steers. »7.76 0 8.00. over scrubs, according to reports from braacb of discipline as a result of his th e tru th and by ,o doinu run- a f e „ V by ¡ ' r r S t Ì h u I * ' ' The salary of the Tillamook eounty Cheese— Oregon fancy. 28c; Oregoi farmers received by the bureau of ani­ public criticism of the administration dairy and food commissioner, now dared . p atriotic d u ty to the te rn a w h o im p ly p o Ì e te r th„' mal Industry, United States Depart­ standards 25o; Washington trlp l.u vf the army , nd n, T, , , r , , p t|cw 1175 a month, was ordered by the ment of Agriculture. 28c. * h For the third time within a few people as we I as to t h e arm y m oney and closed up In the experience of stock owners county court to be reduced to »1 a and navy. He is not being I qf .. .. , , . monlhs. the air crusader repeal.-,I who are In a poaitlon to make com­ month beginning December 1. Spokane. . ICS of crops and ttader oath his reasons for assailing tried on th e question of th e L,,» parisons. pnre-bred animals produce Hogs—Prime mixed. »11.3(011.60. tru th or falsety of his state- ™ :pU ts-tm ea? h ttle to general thoae in charge of governmental avia Fifty carloads of canned fruits and better meat, develop more rapidly, are Cattle—Prim« steers, »7 60 0 8 00. lion and for hla advocacy of a larger m ents, but on an alleged vio- H ?S p e n ty w h e n Producers get more uniform In qualify and appear vegetables were »hipped by the Eu­ article of w a r I?., one' t 'lird of th e price con- and batter trained and equipped air ation of an gene Fruit Growers' association last fore«. designr ed by the d e p a rtm e n t | ^ ' ners Pa y for th e products, month, according to J. O. Holt, man- Much uf his teetimoay hinged upon to enforce servility am ong em -II, y , rd Ltelis t}>c farm e r a « e r __________ the tarns points he had strassad last ployees th ro u g h a court of its 1^ " \ust cut tlie COst of produc- •p rin t before the house aircraft com own creation. M itchell has l ” ? 1?, to £ em cdy th is condition, rnlttsa and later before the president 1 not denied, nor will he re tra c t L ; e. H erb ert H oover tells F o r b e s t r e s u lts u s e special air board. hi; criticism s, but he does dejay |i-’r?? he m ust produce less, Ma than recited a long succession of th a t he has injured th e navy. these m en know th a t local and internal, and hai been auoceaa* reeomm sndatloas regarding aviation In this contention he will u n - |? 1 tp e farm ers really need ful In the treatment o f Catarrh for ovei mads by him and rejected by tha war doubtedly be su p p o rted by t h e | ( ° r ^ ,lef 18 a ju s t system of forty yean. Sold by all druggistt. department He eald ha never had A m erican F. J. CHENEY & C O , Toledo, Ohio people who a re | -f-?0” ’ baaed on income — bean able to have a study made of w eary of m ilitary anv a amount, m o u n t from .» In any from one gallon to _ a i___ barrel au to cracy | f . , , Ity pay — a " d power- tha precautions a city like Naw York w h eth er it be in G erm any, ,/Y , se ,,in * agencies to cut “ We Dress the Eyes should taka to deread Itself frOm an France, Russia, or th e U nited enorm ous m iddle-hand- air atu oh . o f the W orld.” S tates. p in g expenses and profits — "If aa enemy came within 10« miles M arket A gent Spence (Jiv es r e s u lts Ws are authority when it comes of Naw Y ork." he said, "ba could stand A gold-silver dollar with silver to I W estern W ashington county to frames and eyeglass housings. off la aa airship, after picking up an Never ask for a second-quality narcissus Identifying point, nod I believe e r , rr take the most o f the wear and enough I J188 Fone into th e l«n». Give your eyes the best. aerial torpedo ha fired would fall with gold to . - . ’ ten acres. Most o f 't h e Mosul Tangís Up to Lsagua. o th er plantings run from 1000 Tk* Magua - The permanent court to .»000 bulbs each. Because a* International Justice In Its findings TU SSI NG & T U 8SIN G regarding tha disputa hatwsan Ureal onions, a lfa lfa , clover and LAW YERS •rtto la and Turkey over t h e ____ beans su ffe r from th e ravages Mosul •raa of Mesopotamia declares tbs de of the narcissus fly, the fe d e r­ Halssy and Brownsville •talon to ba taken by tha caundl of al governm ent has ordered the Oregon aragraphs for K,lli"e t p Linn Farmers