p a g i ie bams of Albany were in town Sunday. Lake Creek Locals Halsey Railroad Tjme , Mrs. Lavina Clingman is '■ M e r p r ip . O o rrw p o n 4 .n o . , very ill at her home, southeast North WHAT? WHAT? WHAT? » 3:24 a. m. flag 17 12 “° " th DON of Peoria. hnni,Sf Lav*He Balmer was] U . 8:16 5:15 a. a .m 15 ’ "'- home from her school over the 18, m. . flag * $ n 8 « 1 Guy Layton and family now week end. 34, 4:08 p. m. * 3, 8 P » Si; spend their evenings listening N o . 14 « d 16 , tQp to l’et otf Î? i n ? n « ‘ n - Mrs’ Henry Brock over the radio. -, from south ol Eugene. and Dorris spent Sunday at Miss Josephine Durst spent Luther Brock’s. y I A Farce Comedy in Thres A cte SO N O F ZORRO ’ Friday night and Saturday with Vida Albertson. The H. S. Shingles of Cor. * E u i" ' "■«< The greatest stunt picture Presented oy Miss Josephine Durst was \alhs were visitors at Martin Fairbanks has over offered a supper guest of Mr. and Mrs Cummings’ Friday. - r s T Â Â - ï s ïv ,“ h j Robert Ramsay Friday even­ Photographs of the orphan-I ìss estt ■ V.S STARTS NEXT SUNDAY ing. ages helped to make the ap­ of the q 4 days, N ot . 2», 30, Dec. 1, 2 Frank Workinger and Ar- peal more impressive. Outgoing Mail nold Hanley spent a few days . h ,' h Williams 9Pent Sunday GLOBE ALBANY Al the Halsey poetoffice mBill I the past week at W. A w with Helen and Carl, who are . » T o s r r 1 • • 11:50 »' Muller’s. in HaJsey this winter. ® at the - HalMy Happenings O. J. Albertson and family U ;1 0 . B s ’ w * Hei*Jrich helping and Robert Ramsay and wife J J. b. (Continued from page 1) Nice wood to put in some spent Saturday evening at Guv cement To Brownevllle. 6:20 . . m. walks on his f a m ' John Mundy of Peoria was Layton’s. lZ m. Morning stag, to Browns in Halsey Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Thomas H n g° ei S” ‘° Craw,orJsv.ll Saturday, November 28, 8 o’clock Miss Ernestine Coleman at­ with) MgOn Sunday Holley and Sweet Home. Miss Ida Mitzner spent the tended the community meet­ with Mr. and Mrs. spent John Evans ing at Peoria Saturday night week end with her parents A D M IS S IO N : S y m p a t h e t ic S erv ic e Mias Maria Evans returned and also visited relatives at Miss Mearle Straley was the that place over Sunday. R eserved Seats 45c ( home Friday from Eugene S e a ts o n s a le (By Eliot M Epeteen.) guest of Enid Veatch Sunday. where she spent nearly a G e n e ra l.............. 35ei Second section of the overland Mr. and Airs. Mark Brandon a t C l a r k ’s s to r e at the home of her sis­ Uncle Jack Curtis of Peoria of eastern Washington are in C h ild r e n ............ 1 5c 1 limited majestically rolled out of ter, Airs. AI. E. Lackey. visited at J. J. Corcoran’s Seattle with their daughter the Sacramento station, and ju ,tM Friday. Harriet, where they have gone la^ V‘ A* B‘ Jones of Port­ the rear end ol the train di,lp. A guest at H. L. Straley’s is to secure medical attention for land, near eaat worher for the peered from sight a hatless young church south, was an his nephew, Frank Straley of her. They will probably visit • ; stuffing, that somehow made Tal- mao, out of breath, « m a runnin, relatives at Halsey before they interesting speaker at the Canada. madge's mouth water. Yet he said, onto the platform and asked morning services Sunday. return home. looking Instantly at Dora, "Yes. a austere and official locking m J O. F. Neal is home from a Wm. Allingham of Portland salad and tea. I think that’s what I Who wore a oap designated “ it , There was a reunion Sunday hospital in Eugene and is im­ shall have, too.” tton Master, *’ 1« that my train? of the Hillman family at the was here Saturday conferingg proving. So they supped together, and »ome- with Bert Haynes, who resides home of a daughter, Mrs. Mc­ The affirmative reply he re­ how as they ate Dora felt a funny Mr. and Mrs. C. II. Koftntz Cord, who lives on the old onk Mr- Allingham’s farm ceived caused him to reel and sobbing sensation— as of Intense home­ and Mrs. D. Taylor drove to home place north of Halsey. T h u S d ay ' ba™ Wa3 burned' fall in a faint. The sickness and disappointment, and Tnl- almost Corvallis Friday. Grandpa and Grandma Hill­ station master’s madge felt a curious sort of melnn look on the choly. Ray Frum and family of man of Brownsville, with most Mr. and Mrs. Martin Cum­ face changed. He quickly After It was over and Talmadge suggested that the young man Brownsville were guests at O of their children and grand­ mings drove to Corvallis Wed­ 'S di had paid the Insignificant Check, they W. Frum’s Sunday. children, were present nesday to visit relatives. While take a taxi, go to Roseville and went together as fa r as the corner and there Mrs. Cummings attend­ there catch his train. In a Miss Marie Sneed is expect-1 there Dora left him. ORA LO U ISE GRAYSON. ed a group meeting of the ed to spend thanksgiving with ' Railroads Accused Thirty minutes later Talmadge twinkling of an eye the youth In gplte of careasing brown missionary society at the AI home folks tomorrow. Scott, after some irresolution, entered was gone, with a porter, who bobbed hair and «tarry blue L. church south. the restaurant of the Sterling hotel. apparently sprang from no­ eyea, found herself at of Bootlegging Mr. and Mrs. James Bums Mrs. George Starr is among He allowed the head waiter to lead where, helping him off. twenty-five a full-fledged those who have recently had him In ceremony to a table near a I asked the station master: doctor of medicine, working all their teeth extracted. Washington, D. C.— Announcement spent last week end at Sagi­ In the clinic of the Children’s hospital. babbling fountain. H e was about to h 2 ° S ?S ’ , n k h e w i " r e t a k ’ naw m attendance at the an- Somehow, worn, anxious mothers order and in search of such delicacies The younger daughter of #aa made by Secretary of Agriculture 'ual conference of their looked at ber with so mnch trust and ns turkey, cranberry sauce and pump, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Gormlej, Jardine of the approval of 75,884 miles church. “Certainly he will.” They drove home so much confidence, she wondered how kin pie when he noticed that the girl ol Springfield, who has been of road In the United States for deslg “How do you know ?” nation as “United States highways,’ serried ®Vening a f t e r t h e la s t It had all come about Sometimes she ot the tuble beside him wore a hat like He seemed surprised at the doubted her own powers of endurance Dora Grayson’s. Why, it was Dora Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Vannice selected by the Joint board of state to go on. Urayson I And before her there was question and replied, “It will returned from Dufur Sunday. and federal highway officials under Roy Owen and Lyman Pal- Talmadge Scott, after several false a small platter of steaming turkey, take about 25 minutes for his I hey have been visiting their the coll of former Secretary Howard TommXere ♦ H self-a PP«inted starts and several years of business sweet potatoes, cranberry sauce__ son there. train to get to Roseville.. There M. Gore. committee to solicii supplies at thirty found himself in possession They exchanged smiles, and then Kenneth VanNice is giving I ,,™9 ,r°ad‘ lhu" de8'«nat«d “«•«* rivet to be given Beil Haynes, who of his degree of doctor of medicine. Talmadge Scott found himself at her engines must be changed, and k'iru I ' “ ™uU* 01 lnterstate and had the misfortune to lose his He wondered sometimes how It had table sitting opposite her. Dora the taxi can make it in time. a basket social at the th e ’Kirk Anyway, I wired to hold the national significance. Marked by barn by fire. Grain, hay and ever occurred to him that he could blushed with extreme embarrassment. train schoolhouse tonight, to begin number and by a sign carrying for him.” the possibly be anything else besides a “You see. I Just had to have turkey. at 8 o clock. shield of the United States, which It money were freely given. The doctor. “ Do you mean to say that It may be a myth— all this business Hayoeses have the sympathy Miss Dorothy Satchwell re­ will be unlawful to use elsewhere, they of For several weeks Doctor Scott had about Thanksgiving— but I like It.” Y^^ would hold up a tfouple of the neighborhood in th e i So they feasted leisurely and hap­ million do lors of been stopping every day , t the Chil­ turned to her home at Shedd are made secure as favored routes for equipment dren a hospital to speak to Doctor pily together. Later there were ex and all those passengers for Friday after a visit with Mrs. the traveler aud tourist. Grayson, who received her little pa plana tlons. Many of these roads are already fa l . c . Merriam juet one young men who mil / T i,,M ary. Evans reports a I was going to ask you to dine tlents in the room tuoua to the the motoring motoring world world. Some Some ex ex Ml and M r s r , , . , . - v , ra° u . to delightful time spent with with me,” said Talmadge Scott, "but ed his train ?” right across the visited Mrs. Eliza Brandon 20. which begin, at Bo.ton and girdle, her nephew and family in Chi- when . ..v... . I begaYi to , “ Well, that fellow probabl corridor from the Saturday, enroute from Port- the continent with the Columbia River Cag0’., TILe triP thither was s m a l l operating talk about It you spent a couple of hundred do Mtned to pooh- I ars for his trip. This is th land to Crawfordsville room where he highway a . I t . last lap. Others run over the Great Northern and pooh the Idea of worked two hours the return was on the North- last day the excursion rate Mr and Mrs. P. J. Forster from Canadian border to the Oulf of Thanksgiving din every morning. In Mi«« pC’flC‘ Oli her w ay home are in effect east. All of hi tiers— ” were Brownsville visitors Fri­ ■Mexico. Interlacing these long routes Miss all bis life he had Evans and her sister, day, Ali-s. Forster having her are shorter ones, forming connections “And I ’d Atide baggage, hat, etc., are on ths never known Mrs. Lackey, who went with between and branchaa to all Import up my mind to train The delay won’t b teeth extracted by Dr. Shelton. woman doctor be­ ant cities and to national features as her, visited relatives in Port­ ask you fore; be tried to »nd > to come - l?V7 X ,Ve minutes at the mos '•Mr. and Mrs. B. M. Miller well. land and attended the Pacific Im a g in e , and ^daughter Gardie a and All the roaa. roads or of the the United States international stock show. Miss c o u l d not M i« « R .» h « c u na United States I ¡not think m ?" ’ “ y °' elude, wbat 7r M Sc?roll were guests 1 « In number, will be m ark., I Evans also visited the Ole was so anxious to . of p e r s o n 01 .Mrs. Eliza Brandon Sunday. | wlth »«andard direction and warning mans at Monmouth. cook it But you I ., ° 1 received a new slant 01 must be. Linn Norton is seriously in­ s a id something Ia*lroading. Certainly, then ui?iheML' CA.and B' club met "Clinic la closed disposed from having an at­ about the Thanks was a good-will building em tomorrow,” he re­ I««? ti ! ” ’ ,C arence Williams tack ol boils on the back of [Country Roads to giving"myth. w i ploye. I have discovered thal marked the Wed­ I ast Thursday afternoon, fif­ £ * ! “ * * • He “ «• p e ltin g nesday b e f o r e dl?n L I under the surface there is a teen ladies being in attend­ It was after din- rpn I i- . wiere is a Thanksgiving. "I and ean t go too fast Be Numbered ance. It was Pollyanna day suppose you wUl have ner together that dinner with tr to g eth er th a t luc forc^ ’ Sympathe‘ and many pretty and useful frlenda.” Dora asked Doc- «eriously ill with something Chicago.—"The expose hat Just be- p m iiK a i, apartment. "Thanksgiving dlnnerT" she queried. tor Scott to her little ■ like asthma for some time, is kun." says District Attorney Edwin A gifts were exchanged. Fruit Stafford’s mothei and vegetables had been plac­ I am afraid I don’t feel In a very where they talked before the cheerful I Mrs. on the road to recovery. She Olsen, investlgstlon of the I»,- ed about the room and each thankful mood. I ’m thousands of th . open fire ta her ilivng Mrs. D. F. Dean of Bandon , ^ouEhed up from h e r' lungs 000,000 whose middle western beer syndicate ’I ’ve aiw sy, wondered Just why a b r o t V / ^ I n” QJ h u r s d a y he lady was asked to give a miles from home. Do you still believe the half of a peanut hull and b” re Itn first fruit Wednesday. In turkey and cranberry sauce and ‘® c,Pe foT Preparing the ones was immediately relieved. girl like you studied medicine?" he I r > „ ’ D. Stone or of Wol pumpkin pie?” D ■ 7 7 , wol Beer running wss charged against she found in her hunt for the ventured to begin. ,i0int’-7 i0n-. and his wife an« " It ’s a pretty myth.” he aald. The pie social given by Mis, the Boston a Maine railroad, employes same. W. Peckover o were wondered, too,” said Dora. "It Mrs. Fred I f Dora had been a keen observer Mearle Straley at the Powell of the New York Central and the Mil- sened by Refreshments the hostess, assisted she might have noticed that a look of all seemed so wonderful and so easy Oregon City were added b waukee A St. Paul railroads, three pro­ schoolhouse, Friday evening, by Mrs. Peterson and Mrs disappointment passed over Tal- In medical college. But now I ’m prac­ tht? reunion at Stafford’s lo t o n e t h in k « n f Izu, was a success financially and hibition agents, a Chicago police lieu Henry Brock. The next meet- madge Scott’s face, and If he had been ticing by myself, I wonder, too— ’’ - n 6 thinks tenant, brewsra and almost a score of " It seemed." Talmadge went on. "as u Willame L c o il locating in tin socially $27.75 was taken in. others. a mtnd reader he might have been mg will be Dec. 10. with Mrs. illamette If you were the sort of girl— the sort 'W I -------- \ a l le y . valley, Mr. and Mrs. W. AI. Bur- The Boston & Maine Is the first Peterson. aware of her own disappointment, ^ot being so gifted they parted with of girl that would want to marry— Lank, also Mr. and Airs. I) H railroad ever tadlctad for beer run­ A D M IN IS T R A T O R 'S N O T IC E that Just couldn’t escape marriage— ’’ a brief farewell. Sturtevant and others from ning Guy Layton and family are of hearing of final account "But I never wanted to marry any- by federal grand Jury. Talmadge Scott knew where Dora HalMy. attandad. The pro- The evidence on which the Indict­ soon to enjoy the convenienc Grayson lived. All Thanksgiving day one but a doctor” she began, and S C ^ « , f ^,rf?by * ,ven th lt ,he fin« trstnr C' B r,mwell as adminii ments were Teturned revealed an ot hoi and cold water in the he thought of her. In w i t . of efforts then stopped In confusion. g0 t0 P^chase •m And this gave Talmadge Scott the tr.tn r of the estate of N ,ee y Palme atin g story of how beer runners house, as Airs. Tobin is having to put her out of his mind. Several a bell and flag for the school- deceased, h is bees «led t h . Count cue for hla flrst and last proposal. are alleged to have "fixed" railroads a w-ater system installed and a limes he found excuse to pass her house. C° ’Ir,t. of I; lnn County, State ol Gregor apartment. At half past six. as he felt and thalr employes, prohibition agenta bathroom fitted up. it tht»bV ,he ?rth dl,yof r>*cfrab«r. 1’ 21 for the flrst time since breakfast the H the hour cf 10 o’cleok a. m„ h. k Ir.ma Shotwell was and police nay need of food, he again walked by her d»1y «ppointed by said court fo, The shipment of beer on which the joined by her husband nt Al- Notice i r r ^ ? , r' n t .o f? b ),c,' on‘ to '» ld fin« ° U7 l . V W” then that h* «£. 1111. M cClar« Nswseaper Svadlcste.) ”any FIiday evenin» «id to- government s oha rges are based was a“ ount aad the settlement thereof, a r iOr hla «“ *'««« waiting, Plcflsc do not brinjf for D». D o r, Louise Grayson Just then “i . ’"ne - n r person interested ii .« r went to Corvallis Mixed at Morton Grove In September it was alleged to have been shipped CAPT. FOLEY EXONERATED ,e «nay apoear «ud «1. objec ,: ° a,ttend the stud