/ Halsey Happenings lyeTrent and County Events r , J hey Sidewalk- Ia’d this Alford Arrows now have a radio at Eldon Cross’. Doings Oi Our Populace! PeHey Chronicled in Brief H arrisburg, is Paragraphs The county’s TrUe’ nOW quite ill. Of (By an Enterprise Reporter) Pine Grove Points (By Special Correspondent) Happenings in I 1,11 bury Fou in my own grave- Public Schools ’W ay back by my den. Leonard H atton went to A l­ L. E. Eagy and fam ily spent bany Saturday. The executive com m ittee of Miss Ethel Taylor of C or­ Sunday a t Oakville. the Com m unity P. T. A. has vallis won the W. C. T. U. sta te Mrs. A. E. W hitbeck spent taxes are $66,- A lbertson appointed the following stand- school prize for an essay on F irst ice form ed in Halsey io r m T y e a r than S atu rd ay evening a t Lee In ­ snent « aiLd gram s. spent Sunday a t Joe E lliott’s in— “ inm ittees for the y e a r: ( igarets.’’ W e quote th e fol­ this season, Nov. 22. y lowing two p a ra g ra p h s from P H over «nd fam ily of Mrs. Joe Cersooski and chil- n The Brownsville Presbyter- » rogram com m ittee: Mrs her essay: Mr Papman has engaged the J. dn. churcb bas a new piano dien were Sunday afternoon L a m s b u rg called a t Bert ¿ a n pipe Mrs. M arks, Miss W. Moore residence as his home. and a new carpet. "Men could very easily do H aynes’ S aturday. callers at Joe Connely’s. ‘ t£ j f y’I Mr< ^ ‘F.v, Mrs. Isom. w ithout cigarets. One haa Mrs. Hettie Saylor and Mrs. M r and Mrs. Jim Thom as ■ W - 4D- a ” d C a rte r Ailing- There are tw o blank pages social com m ittee: Mrs. Kiz- anme Roes, who have been visit­ this week. Guess why. Sent and d au g h ter called a t Lee ham oi, P ortland w ere a t Bert er. Mrs. Coleman, Mr. K Van- never heard an elderly m an, ing their mother, Mrs. M. M. nice Mra Sayer Mrs. Sturt?. who is a non-sm oker, wish th a t Haynes S aturday. Ingram s F riday evening. he had form ed th e habit early Ward, and sister. Mrs Alh^rt in your guess before Dec. 5. D annen> Miss »n life, though one often h ears Mrs. N. E. C handler was Veach. MlSS Mr. and Mrs. Bob Allen and Miller, left Tuesday for Portland qrJ es? rd ay Was S heriff Rich­ an elderly sm oker voice th e s day fo r pouring 100 gal­ children of Halsey were Sun­ h a tin g dental work done at Fred Robins is home from Rav- ard com m ittee: wish th a t he had never form ed lons of seized moonshine into day visitors at Chester C urtis’. Brownsville T hursday. -Ira E sther Bond, Mr. Fred the habit. mood, Wash., where his father, the river. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. M ercer . . Mra. Sam Cam pbell and S ta ir vr K ota». Mrs. Wi ham Robin, died. The funeral "M any boys — in fa c t th e Don’t deny yourself the of Eugene spent S atu rd ay Miss Pearl Johnson visited the &ta.V ’ . r - ,8om» Mr. K Brant huge m ajority of them — think will be at Lebanon, for a I odi ? school F ridav afternoon. Smith MM ’ narker‘ Mrs- S- J - th a t they are very m anly fo r time the home of the deceased treat, S atu rd ay night, of see- night and Sunday a t E. D and family, the remains arriving a oondr r Ung Pe° ple Prese" t Isom ’s. d 1 ’ Mr- Patton. L; t E7 Eagy and Mrs. being able to smoke w ithout there today. 8 a good play a t the city hall. 'n h h e ity com m ittee: Mr. being overcome by th e fumes, d, n-LNlcho1'1 visited the C hester Curtis and fam ily but m this they are very bad- This it a good time to order the W illiam P. W ah l’s sightless visited C hester’s brother, J a y school T hursday afternoon. rh u rsd a y evening B ert y m istaken. They are m erely y « r . reading. Any Enterprise th a t brtCam^ S° troublesom e Curtis, and fam ily, a t Lebanon »<"• Haynes went into the haymow «u7mbsi 0 ,w d l' becoming slaves — binding subecriher not in arrears can th a t the other was affected S a tu rd a j. »ficnisds ps to - down with an autom obile in I he editor of this p a p e r lut, but the page got printed with­ (By an Bnterpiise Reporter) and New York.—Revision of the reorgan lies, Mrs. Will M cLaren knows a young couple who out. He is thankful for all the A lbany and running over him. Ixatlon terms of the Chicago, Mllwau fam ily -nd Mrs. E. E. H ove’ w L a s t week was education,! were strongly a ttrac ted by reasons mentioned on the page breaking bones and bruising kee & St. Paul railway, designed to and son atten d ed the comm un­ each other but the girl by a and, in addition, for the fact that meet the objections of the dissatis­ ity m eeting a t Peoria Satur- struggle with her feelings re ­ so many people signed fied stock and bondholders, were an­ flay. p H' Eubottom of fused his proposal. P erhaps The Halsey Study club dis. i ortland com plains th a t as nounced by Kuhn, Loeb & Co. and the a beam. A hen which h a p ­ he never knew why she so cussed the pilgrim women last sh e was passing Mr. and Mrs. National City company, the reorganiza deeply disappointed him, but pened to be roosting in the tlon managers. week. Under the heading: “ The H. C. B aker of Brownsville in Tuesday, “ patriotism d a v ’’ she confided to her relatives The compromise brought to an end mow becam e frightened and Mayflower Women” in this p.per h er c ar a t H alsey T hursday M ayor Clark was asked to th at the only objection she ew into the lantern, upset- a spirited fight waged against the are about three columns devoted Baker, w ithout w arning sw erv­ had to him was his use of to- not to Puritan women, but to the ed his car in front of h er and original reorganization plan by op­ f / 11 a,ld setting the barn on lacco. She disliked the arom a .'. M r- H aynes jum ped ou. Pl'8” ™ women, who came in th e there was a collision in which posing factions — one representing and Ihe filth th a t alniotit al- of he mow and succeeded in dissenting bondholders headed by Mayflower and were of a quite dif­ all three were h urt and th e ways accom panies the use of George E. Roosevelt and another fe t­ S lnfR. 0llt the tow s and one ferent class of people from the cars dam aged. ing for stockholders under the direc­ set of harness, end some help Thursday. tour, ovdtbearing Puritans who severaI rooms 'h e weed and she feared she m ight never become reconcil­ and followed them some time later Compilation or aata on the timber tion of Ernest Iselin. Both groups an arrived so th a t the c a r ed to them . Ja n ito r F orster had an en nounced their approval of the modlfi The pilgrims were not puritans. some m achinery stored in the lands of Linn county la under way cations and called upon their follow­ a ? d ” th, W,th * Wasp T hursdav shed p art was saved, but ev­ H arrisb u rg has 4700 feet of with a survey and cruise being made ers to assent to the amended plan. erything else was lost. The by Dennis Merrill, local timber man “'" a" r a m " - - Charity Grange One of the outstanding provisions horses had n |j been put in The cruise was started last summer C harity G range No. 103. of the modified plan Is the designs when the fire started. W M id>v»: m. to finish the can didates in sions by soviet Russia for working the I . E sther Seefeld Spent Fridav the third and fourth degrees, 5k , my m0Uth rich Kaidak bay oil fields night with Nellie Falk and I r An l ? dlik? VeF W hand- Mrs. Johnston, a well-known President Coolidge will make no they atten d ed the high school Th k most ariything entertainer, will put on a pro­ recommendation for a ship subsidy In p arty in Halsey. T hat can walk or stand gram at the grange hall Nov, his annual message to congress which „ J I eat revolver bullets » J J1* M p' nb Adm ission: ho plans to transmit In writing | . rt„ o «» Nemchick and -------- from - Adults, 36c; students. 2.5c; Receipts national forest re 'bon R oy,and Mr. and Mrs. A. t a ’ i ft?akfa«t every mom i h"",' n7 “ as ° and children children, 15c. Proceeds to be sources for the fiscal year, which end M. Snodgrass J chew ed a saddle horn divided Between, Mrs. .John- ed June 30, totalled »5.000.137, aoeord were a t Henry F a lk ’s Sunday. 'h e only thing th a t bothers »ton and the grange. ing to a final tabulation by the United oWSev,e ral L from this vicinity me States department of agriculture «iiienfled the pie social at th<> If V won?^n- 80 seems. The will record a «5,000-1 »5,000 PoWell " ,B year 1925 i-,Zo win s c h n n l h m .J i The Study Club 000.000 building program, the l . r g . s t ' M i s s M e .rie StnHev ’ f ’i " * I WHI "“ " '¡x h t. Mrs Stafford entertained IB the history of the Untied state, 1 F riday X n i n J teaches, w ill gpp them in my th e W om en’s Study club on «•ys Herbert Nelson, executive »me seers X evening. --- —. -.«ux-taiiw dream s. Ihursday. M embers respond­ ’ary of the National Association of n,e Bt,r a I um e t a wom an : Z1. P o t t e r Sewing club met Real Estate Boards I asked her to be my wife ed to roll call with discussions You have probably concluded that el th« pilgrim fathers’ and moth­ After fen days spent in efforts to with Mrs. W. G. A braham on what was her answ er? to be tough and durable a shoe must unwrap the mummy of Tutankhamen, Friday afternoon with H m em ­ Y0U|jfer " ,e a d ' n* • lo olish ers' boms methods be uncomfortable. You have a new present. conditions found to he such that it bers and 4 visitors Mrs. S. J. Smith led the les­ sense of satisfaction coming with your M esdames ' “ l“ ' V . h . r a t ,h - m' a a i son on the homes of our fore­ cannot be removed from its gold cof­ I he visitors were first pair of Weyenbefg Comdex “All fin Experts find the mummy firmly D II. S turtevant of Halsey. fathers. Mrs. M arks disc us­ Solid Leather", shoes. glued to the bottom of the coffin with v vneth Bobson °f Shedd, j . A n d .said “ i d ’ ' J u 8 t W h at 1 ed modern and future homes. dried pltch-llke raateriai, material. wHie wMle skin skin * * Elliott and L aura A braham . w evCN Hrac-« ■ 'lr; d pt’ch'ilke A pap er on pioneer home life and « underlying ttasues have, have, become become Wl® « MM« I “'’«r'ylns tissues ftc r iK io n W M BDent Ih e a afternoon was sp e n t in in 1 And 1 ° ’Lt in the de8Prt in Oregon was read. I ’’’'"•’“’•'r J h 'n «nd brittle Experts p ■ ie c i n ” g b ------- lo c m k s u i i u f o , i io i <)u ilts’ for Committees were appointed A nd J «hore wished I was ■■ I also say Xr»y X ray »«-‘w*« pictures wilt wllE be 1m im the the ch ch ild ild ren ren ’. ’r, -: home home a at t Corva!- Corva! daid. to solicit for the Red Cross. possible hs. R efreshm ents were serv­ I retty soon I saw a dust, If you want work shoes that will An apron and food sale in ed by th e hostess, assisted by I w ondered w hat it was. wear longer, that will be comfortable December were planned. C‘srs Morris. Noted Actress,sDles Mrs. L aura A braham . and flexible, that will protect your Next m eeting with Mre. B. A woman on a bare-backed New Canaan C onn—Clara Morris. feet and your health-get Weyenbergi M. Bond Dec. 3. hogs, originally Morrison, once acclrfmed as Comflex with the double-tan soles— H it w asn't I ’|| CU8fi. the greatest emotional actress of the M. E. Church we sell them because they offer our cus­ ih a t woman rode rig h t up to English speaking stag* and later as Mrs. Annie Bailey of Eugene tomers. at a moderate price, the best me ’ the woman of sorrows,’* because of spoke in the C hristian church Robert Parker p»«tor. service that can be bought atanypnee. And fnll j|,to Wy flrm her illnesses and financial reverses. Sunday morning. Hundsv school, 10. Is dead of heart disease at »the age of Preaching. 11. And said that she would m ar Mrs. Bailey is the state field 79. rv me Junior League, 3, w orker for the W om en’s Mis Epworth league, 6 30. If I ’d keep her from all 8lo" ary »oetety of th e church. Jesst Safley and fam ily Preaching. 7:80. harm . A Miss Smith of Eugene play­ spent F riday evening a t Guy Pravsr-mceting. Thursday, 7:30. Bring on your bowje knives, ed an oboe at the services. L ay to n s. A Bible Stuiy luesday, J. Ih e collection w»c $16.50. you fig h tin ’ men, Bancroft Optical Parlors Afeetfy In Longer W e a r Greater Comfort. M. V. KOONTZ CO. r .4 .J