r e Mrs. W. P. Wahl was in Eu­ gene Monday. Miss Enid Veatch went to Eugene Friday. t L O N C H A N E Y In Mrs. G. W. Laubner was in Cut in Revenue For Next Year Salem Monday. Estimated to Amount to , George Drinkard was over from Brownsville Saturday. $304,000.000. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Koontz with were in Corvallis Thursday. Washington. D. C.— The lim it la tax L. E. Walton and wife were raductlon for next year has been HERM AN KERRY here from Harrisburg Sunday. reached by the house ways and means MARY P H IL H IN committee In revisions already ap­ Miss Nora Pehrsson was proved the new revenue bill, TOMIKO home from W. U. for the week ( halrman for Green declared In announc­ end. N ext S u n .- W o n .- T u n . - Wed. ing that the door was closed against N or. 22—23—24_26 Mrs. Edith Robnett was further proposals for tax relief. home from Corvallis over The 3304.000,000 cut In revenue next G LO BE AI.BAKV Sunday. year estimated to result from revi­ sions ordered by the committee In tax E. D. Isom is home from his rates, he said, la all the treasury can Haltey Happenings service on the federal jury in stand. (Continued from page 1) Portland. The chairman's statement Is hellev One of L . V. Chance'« good Mrs. Josie Smith had her ed not only to mean there will be no horiea died Monday n ig h t. ,_ tonsils removed in Corvallis further alterations In the tax rate schedule by the committee, but also c. P. Kizer of H e rn ,b u rg bap Thursday. that the threatened fight in the house eihoi»n,‘\ r iXK0xlOrd Si1Mp ** Mr- and Mrs- Gilbert Carev for greater reductions In the automo­ Chicago ° “ 7 Bnd n e7 d i ^ e r guests at George bile tax than have been voted by the • ‘ Taylors Sunday. committee will be opposed vigorously. verdict. Earl Klenck and E ari Gentry bodyguards of Stephenson and charg ed Jointly with the abduction and at tack on the girl last March 15. were acquitted. Miss Oherholtter too* poison In a Hammond hotel after th< alleged mistreatment, and died at hei Indianapolis home 29 days later. Th< men were charged with responslbllltj for her act. Murder In the second degree wai the finding of the Jury. It calls au tomatlcally for 20 years' servltudt which the Indiana laws call life lm prlsonment. Good behavior can re duce the term by several years. The Phantom of the Opera t e T ” L i t e ; ! io . -M r - .» » d * » - , lu , ; 8r' we have oo particular«. on M tK e n iz e . c. J. Shedd, veteran merchant HmOt.h «r ’ M rS of the neighbor c ity of Shedd 7 “e F Harrisburg, vis was in town yesterday and joiued | lte d h ls fam|ly Saturday. •u r " lu c k y d o lla r class ” — |J The Standard Bearer girls for one year and then the paper have set the date of their ba­ etope comiag unless the subscriber zaar for the evening of Dec renews. 5th. H . L. Blood, who recently bought the Beckett place of 130 acres, 7 miles west of town, has joined our " lu c k y d o lla r class." There are ten is the fa m ily and they have started in w ith twelve Jersey cows in th e ir dairy. North South Communique on Discoveries May Be 12, 3:24 a. m dig 17. 12:0» p. „ I t , sas ». Œ Given Out Soon. » . 12;45 p “ Cairo, Egypt.—The mummy of T u t­ 18, 8:16 s. m. 2*, 4:0a p. u, K 8 12 P m ft ankhamen, with the hands clasped on 8 the breast and a tall golden crown on No» ■ H a n d 16 stop to let off I S'n 7,°“ , *OU“ 1 of Eugene ° PU**n*i ' the head, has been disclosed at last, L 'po inU reC,COnnnCtÍ* n fo r M ‘ ^ í * l says a message from Luxor. The e x -. pert's examination established that I P*»«engers for ix itb of F the Pharaoh was only 15 years old I , , take «ram No. 17 usen* shoe when he died. On the breast w e »tag. leave, „ found two large gold scarabs and I eave, B r 'o w n . v U l- T i ? * 11 »trapped to the side two gold-hllted 5 «°d 8:45 p. m ‘ 7:40 1 ■»- u swords two »01a gold nanaiea handled knives. knives. I ™ — and twu ----------- The dispatches from Luxor say that Outooino M a il the mummy of the boy Pharaoh, when * * " ,ai1 Regular changing of pasture of 9beep prevents stomch worms. It Is extricated from Its wrappings, was not practical to feed them worm med­ found to be covered with gold. Gold close going north at 11 so . mai! icine The above method Is used by " •• 11 stars were placed to mark the heart and 5:20 p. m. practically all experienced sheep men. and lungs. Going south, 1110 m pl(Al the Hak*7 PMtoffice a 5:20 p. id . •' “ ' »» To Brownevllle. 0 20 > m 12 m. M orn in g stage to RrowaD' WHAT? WHAT? WHAT? h A Farce Comedy in Thres A c te Repeal of the automobile passenger car levy would cut another »50.000,- 000 from the annual revenue. Chairman Green said he expected the committee to complete the draft­ ing of the tax reduction bill this week, thus assuring early consideration by the house soon after congress con­ ” venes December 7. As agreed upon by the committee the bill will provide for widespread reductions In all Income tax rates, in­ creased personal exemption, repeal of ® many of the excise and special levies, repeal of the gift tax and publicity of Income tax returns, modification of the inheritance tax. B igge&t R eservoir Mrs. L. H. Armstrong is noise Idaho.— American F a ll, I I confined - to her bed with w itfi r rheu- neu- * The «««encan rails matism. Her mother, Mrs. S. „:;r:7,:..wu*.b WU* b* ,.,he ,be ■r‘R'ciai « « m c i., J. Chenoweth Oakland. ur., Or 7 ° f " a ,’ r ln ,he United state» knd it » of vaiuana, was " r . ,b,. • rd ,n th« " * uri<* ° r ld ■» . . a . re- re as called last Monday morn- m,i, ----— ing a week ago to care for he"'. ."ral.^tteThv*' ‘‘h“ and her , i , t er Eve|yn C4me UbH#• c . . of q«”f. nOf "ppeal (here was no trouble in disDoa- ng of it. About 427.00 was Mlnn ' ,b<’ut Ju|r 14 m^with*0*** taken in. t>«»»port. *• w|o>out » Presented oy ' Big L iv e T u rke y yw-a THE SENIOR CLASS of the SAT,"“ ™. „ T Six L iv e Turkeys given away 2 n a p p y muS,c CITY HALL, HALSEY, Prinn.v i for sale Registered Jersey Bull Calf PERSONAL SERVICE: .....1 Asst. Principals .. 2 3 Teachers .... 3 4 Janitors ..... 1 5 Clerk ...... 1 »'«»?«>« No. 1125.00 900.00 720.00 10.00 $1600.00 Sal.per yr. 2250.00 ‘ 2700.00 720.00 INSURANCE: EMERGENCY: .......................................................... Let's go; 8 A NN,°t)NCEMENT-W«lkor Bre. W ^ in llS iv v he’ ^ ' ‘ " j ! 1 P 'V »' Tum bleinn 1 . n O o u i ; y' ” ■ ' »'I-old ! Floral ami Mnsic Shop Albany BARBER SHOP STEPHENSON. Rece'P»» Bring the coming From state school fund during th » .......... - 1054.98 coming school year g the From elementary school 'fu n d d u rin -.'^ ...... 201 .72 coming school year “ dunn* th«? Estimated amount to be received r......... — 1007 55 sources during the coming X o , T a r T o , . , c „ im . te d Sheep— Lambs, medium to cbol< [ »12.00@l3.00. Seattle. W heat— Soft white, western whli - 100.00 150.00 1 0 0 .0 0 8907.38 western red. »1 4«H ; north»- «Prlng. »1 <8; Big Bend blnest : | |1 .DO. Hay—Alfalfa. »23; D. C.. »28; tli j olhy. »20; mixed hay. »24. Butter—Creamery, 5O@54c. Eggs—Ranch, 49@53c. H o g s-P rim e . »12.25©12.75. Cattle— Prime steers, »7,75®8.25. Cheese— Oregon fancy. 28c; Oregi standards 26c; Washington triple 2»c. Spokane. Hogs -Good to choice. »11.85® 12 C Cattle -P rim « steers, »7 50@8.00. It does not pay te grow low-prlct «’’’»pa on high priced land, nor vli versa. ° ‘ h" 2643.13 p ro p _ _ A D M IN IS T R A T R IX ' N O TIC B _ Notice is hereby given that th n * r by °™ eT0f ,h* County Con 4907.38 ^ o?7*, _ {Total estimated expensesToA'i,“ » in u ni C?nn,jr' Ora» °" h“ be«» W.tb 1 adm?n,*«»»«or of the estate Total Mtimated receipts n i? ta ih .5 S r ....... 89o7-38 e,n . C " A Br ° ' k' dec**»' UUÄ1 ....... Total n.va INDEBTEDNESS.-................................................................ 319.88 2 & " ' • a n d in ,e r M t ......................1 0 0 .0 0 N otice SECOND A N N U A L Paid-for S • HALSEY HIGH SCHOOL • Financial M uddle G. H offm an U’ Life During th > r e a r e d niuric ‘ ^ i t T m ^ ” Old papers fo r sale at 5c a bondl. at the E nterprise office. Mrs. W. W. Bass and Lena at the had as guests Sunday Mrs. El­ don Boner, their daughter and sister, and Miss Conley, both from Eugene. Saturday, November 2 8, 8 o ’clock C. L. Shotwell came down Misses Iris MoPhereoo, France from Portland Saturday even­ Judge A dvocate is ing and spent Sunday with A D M IS S IO N : Norton, Ernestine Coleman his wife, who is staying at impelled to Resign] Reserved 8eats 45c j and Lillian, Elsie and Bessie Miss Ruby Schroll’s. Seats on sale Reynolds drove to Brownsville G eneral..............35e l Sunday afternoon in the Rey­ Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Vannice a t C la r k ’s sto re Washington, D. C .- T h e resignation C h ild re n ........... 15cf nolds car. are visiting their son William of Captain Paul J. Foley as Judge ad Prof. Patton and wife a t­ and wife at Dufur and inci­ yocate of the naval court that has tended the ball game at Eu­ dentally making the acquaint­ been Investigating the Shenandoah gene Saturday, Roberta Van- ance of a new granddaughter. disaster was accepted by Secretary mce caring for their little u iv n im ie A C. Armstrong has his of the Navy Wilbur. Captain Foley resigned following daughters while they were »ew dwelling house started on away. Mrs. Margaret Lansdowne’s charge i his farm at Oakland. The that ' CNE„ ,S4,H o ES S S y I t X ‘T ' A “*"'3 ° f S' h°° ' he endeavored to persuade her to d S Karl Bramwell and Mr. and 1 ram stopped the work for a give ‘ false testimony" before the SCHOOL MEETING of L °3 district will be hZh?";, 1 Mrs. Eidon Cross, H. C. Davis , uay d ay or °,r, so. He is doing it court that would tend to “whitewash” Miss Beulah Miller, Mr. and ,hlmseif- the navy in the Shenandoah Inquiry. a J".1 at ' the b" diet w fw H*11 Robertson, James Mrs. Bel vary Loiran Pnm„ Margaret Ross Lansdowne testified McWilliams and many others home last week *frnm rT before the Mitchell court-martial that hereinafter set out with the “e v v X ho.?d ” ' °" lhe £ \ eJ ? otba11 Kame at James Newman lesidenTe ai 1 sptaln Paul Foley, Judge-advocate of priE ° s;tl?n, ° r '« '’ym r » »peeial diftrirt u'x* ... .......a t Eugene Saturday. Corvallis, to stay here a few the Shenandoah court of Inquiry, had trict Suring ™ °nL ta °fy ema ? " lX 1n m ied '’Y ' “' 5“id Sch»°‘ dls- The Ladies’ Study club has days before resuming her so­ submitted to her a prepared statement ending June 30 192« u ? ? ? ? 7 ° n June 15th> 1925, and which she was to adopt as her testi­ « is upply of »tamjxs journ with her daughter, Mrs mony before the nary court Inquiring and includes the’amouiits to be’i e c e b J d l/116 f° 1,owin« budget fund, state school fund el ^ irom the tuberculosis associa- Newman. Into the disaster which cost her hue l!on- , They are sent twenty- trict tax, and all other moneys of the district ’ SPeC‘al diS* band. Commander Zachary Lane five dollars’ worth to sell this Idaho to H ave downe, his life. BUDG ET •' oar, which is a rise of five The Mitchell court-martial refused d ollars' w orth over last year. I ; e“ ', r H olley and Sweet Home. • A ll a M is ta k e j • '«te-season out- TUTANKHAMEN AGE F IF TE E N < H l,“ y R l,,road fif* h,r