YOUTHFUL FLANNEL DRESSES; NECKWEAR ADDS DAINTY TOUCH %eKITCACÄ POP CORN GOOD WINTER S unday D i v i s i o n M a n a g er supper Indigo, blue, green, yellow, V IOLET, orange and red—not only are Indeed not while the neckwear de­ partm ents are so temptingly display­ Mutual Life these the colors of the rainbow but ing such a superabundance of lovely ’A. 1S26, W e s te r n N e n e p n p e r V a l u e ) of the mode has made so bold as to frilly accessories. A g e ca n n o t w ith e r h er, nor c u s to m appropriate these gay hues for Its Illinoia It Is really quite astonishing what s ta le own especial use. Not one at a time wonders a lacy Jabot or collar and H er in fin ite v a r ie ty . O th er w o m e n Never does fashion help Itself to the bright cuff set can accomplish by way of cloy T h e a p p e tite s th ay fe e d . bu t s h e tones, hut In p retty confusiou are they transform ing the looks of a frock. Without m ak es hungry applied In striped borderlngs on the This season more than ever exquisite W h e r s m o s t s h e s a tis fie s. very finest of sports flannels. — S h a k e ep ea ra, accessories are a purt of the dress Sometimes on the frocks made of program. N IC E F O O D S these attra c tiv e multi-colored woolens, T here are several outstanding ideas In H is Homo I the stripes travel up and down, other to be considered In respect to fashion­ A pretty dessert which will be good times around and around. It Is plain able neckwear, chief among which Is to he seen from this picture th at, be the m atter of the higher neckline. This to serve when a light and dainty dish Is needed Is • they vertically or horizontally In­ trend Is aptly Illustrated In the model ________ Mr. F. H. Fricke, w hose address T rilby Cream.—Take clined, stripes are very uecoratlve in to the right of this picture. I’rlscllla is 625 Pontiac Bldg., St. Louis, Mo., one pound of mashmal- dress designing. w rites under the date of June ¿5, may have taken pride In Just such a lows, one can of pineap­ Many blended colors ap p ear In the prim collar as this one which Is of net 1924 ple, one cupful of whip­ striped panel effect which Is at back and lace, but the modern maiden adds "My fam ily and m yself have had ping cream. Cut the splendid results from your Pe-ru-na. »nd front of the dress shown to the a coquettish bow of black moire rib marshmallows into q u ar­ \V e are never w ithout it in our borne. I w ouldn’t take a thousand ters. using shears dipped dollars for what it has done for Into cold w ater occasion­ m y fam ily and m yself. W hen I ally to keep them from contract a cold I immediately take sticking. Put the cut-up a dose o f P e-ru-na and get relief. marshmallows In soak In I recommend P e-ru-na everywhere." some of the pineapple juice. Cut the For coughs, colds, catarrh and c a ­ ' pineapple Into small bits and drain. tarrhal conditions g e n e r a l l y Beat the cream and when stiff add the P e-ru-na has been recognized as re­ liable for over fifty years. | drained marshmallows, and pineapple, a few chopped walnut m eats or Sold Everywhere blanched almonds and candied cher­ Tablets or Liquid ries, Serve in sherbet cups with a S « a « cents tHwtasa to TH E PE-R U -N A cherry on top. COMPANY Columbus. Ohio, lor booh en latairh. Casserole of Ham.—Take a slice of bam cut rath er thick. Place In the bottom of a casserole and cover with sliced potatoes, season with salt and pepper—salt will not be needed If the Popping Corn for Sunday Supper In Winter. B est/" 30 Years barn Is not freshened—place In the A » cool; knife, roll the strips In granulated ers, grated over sugar. Let the strips dry out for an pumpkin pie, in fact numberless »ays hour or two, then w rap In waxed pn will occur to the cook who likes to per, and keep In tlglitly-covereil tin prepare tasty food. co n tain er, until used. This confection Homemade Cream Cheese.—When A ttractive Packing G ive, Smell Home­ should keep in good condition for Iwo correct internal trouble«, stimulate vital cheese has become dry or is In u n at­ or three weeks, If atored In a mod made G ift Distinction. organs. Three sizes. All druggists. Insist tractive pieces, grate It and stir It eratrly-cool place. on the original genuine G old M e d a l Into a half cupful or more of boiling kind If they are decorated with bright- Candled cranberries and Jellied peel hot cream. Add enough cheese Io colored splashes of enamel palm or may both he used effectively for dec­ thicken, stir and heat well, add cay­ simple designs In hlacjc. orating C hristinas cakes and cookies In enne pepper, a hit of chopped pimento Candled cranberries are easily made or any seasoning liked. Pour Into a T he United S tales D epartm ent of Agri­ place of cherries, citron, angelica, etc. Is P u re a n d S w eet Jar and set away in the Ice chest. culture recommends the following way Those who have preserved watermelon rind on llund may like to tint It green Serve as any cream cheese. of preparing them. with harm less vegetable coloring, flu- Cottage Cheese Salad. — Arrange Mmmpl« «o*P. frtntwwmt, Talcum fm Candied Cranberries. vor It with a few drops of pepperm int, Well-seasoned cottage cheese In shape and use It In combination with the red ly spoonfuls on head lettuce, sprinkle 2 c u p f u ls o f ta r g e 2 c u p f u ls w a te r . of the cranberries uod the yellow Jel­ c r a n b e r r ie s . 2 c u p f u ls su g a r . with chopped nutineats and at the lied peel. Or the Jellied peel may he side place a spoonful of good salad Select large, firm cranberries. Make colored with harm less vegetable color­ dressing. A bit of colored Jelly may three small sills, each one eighth Inch ing by adding a small quantity of col­ be used as a garnish to the cheese, long In each berry with a point of a oring to the Inst w ater In which the If preferreil to the nuts. penknife. Boll the sugar and water peel Is parboiled. Cheese Savory. — To one cream together until clear. Allow this alrup Dates stuffed with strips of grape­ T'S O O N B I That a w f u l agony! cheese add a tahlespoonful of soft­ to cool, add the berries and bring very fruit peel Instead of with |*eanuts or R heum atism can't stand th e rich, ened butter, one teaspoonful of Slowly to the boiling point. The sauce­ almonds are Interesting and new. red blood that 8. 8. 8. helps N ature tnlnced chives, one-half teaspnnnful of pan should he large enough to permit When the date pit has been replaced build. D A IN T Y N EC K W EA R all the berries to float at the top of the by a strip of the peel, the date la But rheum atism w ill bring pain and minced parsley, one-third of a tea m isery to your Join t, and m u sc le , Just frock and w rap as well, also for gance. Now th a t th e vogue Is startea spoonful of Worcestershire sauce and sirup during cooking. If the l>errlcs closed und rolled In granulated augur. a , long a , you are w ithout plenty of are heated too quickly, the skins will nery to match. One of the most th ere la no limit to the possibilities anchovy essence, with salt and pap rich, red blood In your system . burst before the sirup soaks Into the rika to taste. Press into a glass and of th is delightsome them e of fanciful ■d-of colors for the flannel frock Is It’s the red-blood-cells that 8. 8. 8. pulp As soon as the sirup bolls, take serve with salted wafers. Use L e ft O v e r C e re a ls de rose, also salmon and peach lace, lingerie or silk collar and cuff helps Nature build that drlvs out of the dish off the stove and let it stand Hmall amounts of left-over rooked your system the Im purities th at cau se Cream cheese mixed with a tehle- i and raspberry shudeg are com- sets. Any tailored frock Is favored when apoonful or two of chopped green and overnight. cereal sometimes present a problem rheum atism . And until you do build n with the new est fashions, Next day drain the sirup from the to the housekeeper. She could, how­ up your blood to w here It Is pure and sim ple flannel Jumper frock In It la complemented with a handsome red pepper, made into halls and serve*I rich and red, you sim ply can't g e t rid de ruse is of appealing charm, es panel shaped Jabot such as la shown with salad dressing on lettuce, makes berries and reduce It to about half ever. put them Into bread, muttlna, or of rheum atism . lly L enhanced with tea-colored to th e left In the picture. For this a pretty as well as a nourishing salad. Its original volume by boiling Uool griddle cakes In place of part of the And 8 8. 8. Is th e thing. Red blood the sirup, place the berries In It, heat flour and liquid. Khe could use them e o n q u e r a rheum atism . Everybody effective pnnel-wlth-round-collar fine cuffs and collar. Cheese Supper O*th.— This has ap­ ded leather trim m ings are favored crepe de chine Is used In conjunction peared before, hut will never grow again slowly; boll very gently for to thicken soups, slews, ,,r gravies or knows that. three or four minutes, and allow to fry them for use like a starchy dinner 8. 8. 8 m ea n , m illions o f red-btood- the sim ple flannel frock, or the with lace. old, as It Is so well liked; Spread Very Interesting collar« and enffa bread with butter, sprinkle with stand for two hours or more. Then vegetable, or to serve with sirup for cella— m eans health all er may be In gay colors, such as over. N o m ors rheum s nstance a red leather belt, collars are being styled of gay leathers, either chopped cheese, making a» many la y ­ boll gently a third time for five min­ a dessert, the United Mtatea D epart­ I tism . N igh ts of r e s t - cuffs on a navy woolen dress, or multicolored or gilded In silver or gold ers as needed In a baking pan Pour utes. Allow the berries to stand in the ment of Agriculture points out. lays of Joy, filled w ith I thick sirup overnight; warm once Stole cake can he made Into cabinet the happiness o f accom ­ f>plique decoration featurtng leath- effects. A fu rth er touch of novelty Is over a rin ta rd . using a pint of milk more, so that the sirup will be thin pudding, jvlth custard m ixture and a plishm ent — m ade poa- supplied by clever handiwork done multi-shades. to two e g g s an d salt to taste Baks enough to pour easily, and drain the few raisins or prunes. Try drying It. «thle by a b rw ly brimful st because strictly tailored one- with colorful floss or metal threads. In a m oderate oven until the custard berries from the sirup. rolling It Into crumbs and sprinkling of red blooded life, en ergy and vita lity . ■ and two-piece frocks are the Often several color» of leather are la set. Serve hot. That’s w h st th e end o f rheum atism Spread them on a clean cloth or them through or over Ice cream, used together. These leather sets are of the mode do not for a moment m eans—that's w h at 8. 8 . 8. brings to oiled |iaper to dry. When dry, the whipped creern or custard desserts, very effective. l that women of fashion are go- you Get 8. 8 8 from your druggist. terries should he bright, firm, plump, eays the United Mtates I ap a rtm e n t of The larger bottle u B o r e econ om ical. o look m annishly attired to the JULIA BOTTOMI.EY. ’ ’ grlcultura. nd sem itransparent. (fc . 1S2S. W w i m i N e w s p a p e r L s > a a .| of losing fem inine charm . No PE-RU-N A, o h Never Grows Older B eecham ’s P ills FOR OVER ZOO YEARS nnnHXR C u tic u r a S o a p Ideal for Children No m ore RHEUMATISM I •y, -