NOV. 18, 1W5 KURAL ENTERPRISE ^ b a n y ^ i r e c t o r y l W ÿ a „ r d PACE Ä Service Station serve all makes and sell " THANKSGIVING DAY » I la r d s s ’ ’ ■ ' I nder new management This is good advice; “ XI yon live 151 nr e L M -T aylor, Prop. in Albany, trade in Albany ; if you live Wi Second, A lbany. m some other town, trade in that town.' Hut in these autcmobile days many re siding elsewhere find it advisable to do at least pait Of their buying in the larger town. Those who go to Albany to transact business w ill find the firms named below ready to fill their require­ ments with courtesy an t fairness. W e Save ou Money F I QTIEF A L. L, dllll J. L IN D A H L , hardware, COMPANY Roundtrip Fares Specially Reduced —you can take the w hole fa m ily at surprisingly small expense. C om fo rtab le trains m ost everywhere. N ig h t and day service, w ith conven* ien t hours o f departure and arrival. Ask tiny agent fo r complete travel information. C ut flowers 422 W. First, and plants. Floral art for every and all occasions. ________________Flower phone 458-J. (C E N T R A L T IK E SHUP charging. M ake it a m em orable h oliday; v is it frie n d s o r relatives fo ra happy reu nio n. N ew and n Second-hand1-uurnltur' ** • Dinnerware . Tin shop in connection 530 . First St. Albany, Oregon A lb a n y F loral Co. furniture ’ Tire Vulcaniziug- Battery re­ 221 W. Second. Ed Falk, Prop, THE stores, 212 W. First and 225 South I I I G 1 f I 1 *1 nom e made Fresh daily Ice Cieafll, Soft Di'IlkS 311(1 . ’ pn'es Gtxxl,nercliandiseat lhe r>Kh t J ü b t e Cafeteria and confectionery OLDEN LOW E ’ astburn Bros.— Two big grocery Home cooking. Pleasant surround- ings. Courteous, efficient sendee We make our own candies. W. s. D u nc a n . Albany I . I lf t i t Southern Pacific F lU ld lC S C. P. Moody A gent F . W . R O S S , Albany p o R D SA LE S AN D S E R V IC E | i’ iret Strcet — Bikm an Blug Tires and accessories Repairs K ir k -P o l ia k M otor C o . L jV jrtm ille r F u rn itu re Co., fu rn i- ture, rugs, linoleum, stoves ranges, Funeral directors. 427-43J west First street, Albany, Oregon. P U L L E R G R O C ER Y, 235~Lyon •*- (Successor to Stenberg Bros.) Groceries Fruits Produce Phone 2b3R IO L M A N & JACKSON H( M E T Z G E R ’S SHOE SERVICE Grocery—Bakery E verythin g in the line of eats Opposite Postoffice M OVED I M P E R I A L C A F E , 209 W. F irst Don’t forget the place Harold G. Murphy Prop. Phone 665 W e n e v e r close Stanley Doyle of Montana, who was elected president of the 40 and 8, the fun making organization within the American Legion. Third & Broadalbin |ZO DA K fin ish in g ALBANY Col. Hanford MacNIder, former na­ tional commander of the American Legion, who was appointed assistant secretary of war. He succeeds Dwight F. Davis, who was made secretary when Mr. W eeks resigned. ing machine In eight hours 15 minutes. ed for violations of the atate prohibi­ The net scale was 611.697 feet. tion laws during Octobar, according to The annual conference of editors report prepared by W illiam 8. and business managers of the Pacific Levens, state prohibition director. Intercollegiate Press association con When Mr. and Mrs. Newton Smith vened at Eugene with 24 delegates, drove up to their home In Salem F ri­ representing every collegiate news day night they discovered a large paper on the coast, in attendance. white hen roosting on the front bump A high wind, bordering on a torna­ er of the machine. The hen was do, caused damage In the rural dis­ asleep. tricts lying betweon Independence, Fire losses in Oregon, exclusive of Polk county and Liberty, Marlon coun­ Portlnnd, during the month of Octo­ ty. aggregating approximately 12000. ber aggregated 5166,706 24. according The storm followed a path 150 feet to a report prepared by the state wide. fire marshal. I fires. There were a total of A report favoring the deepening of the Columbia river channel between Ray Jlllson. 34, a Southern Pacific the Tftngue Point naval base and the ticket agent at Ashland, shot Mrs mouth of the stream has been made lU A G N E T O E L E C T R IC CO. fc •C’ A official Strömberg carburetor serv Fred Nell. 88, and then, turning the to MaJorGeneral Harry Taylor, chief ice station. Conservative prices. A1 pistol upon himself, committed sut of engineers. United States army, by work guaranteed. 119-121 W. Second olde, at the Nell residence, where Major R. T. Coiner, district officer at Portland. Jlllson lodged. |en and money are best when I Unless the Thanksgiving turkey busy. Make your dollars work in Whether the teachers employed In our savings department. A lb a ny S ta te | G le a n e d b y th e W e s te rn the 8alem schools will receive salary market Is unusually high the majority B a n k . Under government supervision. N e w s a p o r U n io n f o r Increases aggregating approximately of the Umpqua valley birds wll be Growers 530,000 annually, will be decided by held over until Christmas T L fA R lN E L L O PARLORS B u s y P e e p le report that their birds this year are the voters at a special election to be (A beauty aid for every need) above the average In sice, but are not St. Francis Hotel held December 3. yet fully fattened. Prop. Winifred Rose) One hundred and four milts report Brief Resume of Happenings of ing to West Coast Lumbermen's asso The cornerstone of the Veterans J^O SC O K AM ES H A R D W A R E Memorial hospital at Klamath Falls elation for the week ending November the Week Collected for 7 manufactured 100,880,415 feet of was laid with appropriate ceremonies The Winchester Store' Our Readers. lumber, sold 91,063,431 feet and ship­ by the American Legion post. The building Is being erected to tho mem econd band Pianos from $185 up ped 96,696,647 feet. ory i a world war veterans by the peo If you want a bargain in a piano now Outstanding bonds of the state of is your chance. They're in A1 condition. Klamath Falls now has a population pie of Klamath county. Oregon November 1 of this year ag Davenport Music House. 409 W. First of nearly 10,000 It Is estimated. John W. Blodgett of Grand Rapids. gregated 560,589,690, while the total Plans for the organisation of a civic Q ta p le and Fancy Groceries credits were 523,091,068.02, according Mich., and his associates have pur k-* Crockery and Glassware league are under way at Silverton. approximately 1,000,000,000 to a report prepared by Thomas B. chased Mrs, M. G. Stetter An increase of 495 children of school Kay, state treasurer. feet of yellow fir timber In Tillamook Fhone 1392J 206 W. Second st. age In Eugene was found by the school county from the W. H. W hile Lum The Flora Logging company of Carl her company. The consideration wa T IM S O N T H E S H O K D O C TO R cegsus enumerators this year. ton gave the logging world something Second street, opposite Hamilton's The population of the county Jail to shoot at when they loaded 70 cars said to have been approximately 82. store. at Salem has dropped to 17, the small­ of large logs with one W illamette load- 000,000. “ Sudden Service.” est number of prisoners In more than iM » ' For expert work send your films to Haskin’s film shop, 309 Lyon street, Albany, Oregon. [News Notes From All Over Oreg on M S S Y lfa ld o Anderson & Sou, distrib- a year. ‘ " utors and dealers for Maxwell, Chal­ Jefferson county schools were clos­ mers. Essea. Hudson & Hupmobile cars. ed two days last week to permit teach­ Accessories, a polies. 1st & Broadalbin. ers to attend the Institute held at Madras. If you enjoy a good meal, The board of trustees of Linfield .»nil know a good meal when you get it, college at McMinnville has decided to You’ll be back, tor you'll not forget it. raise 1500,000 for new buildings and Our aim is to please you. equipment. PARAGON CAFE ALBANY GEO, M. G IL C H R IS T FARM LOANS H A LSEY STA TE BANK Halsey, Oregon C A P IT A L The bed of lower Klamath lake yield­ ed 48 bushels of rye to an acre this year on a 378 sore tract, according to M. Metschenbacher. Bernd Christianson, "9. an Inmate of the Lutheran heme for the aged near Eugene, sustained a broken neck when he fell off a barn. Prompt service. Courteous treatment. The G IR L T he D IA M O N D ! FRENCH ft SON Jeweler«, Opticians, Albany *he coming aouncansent Upton, state A'‘total f t primaries wan the an made at Bend by Jay H senator >•! perions were w rest­ and Printed .G O L D S E A L • • 11) R ugs cash ! Armstrong Linoleum Rugs, $ 18 cash 1 W o h a v e s o m e w ittr a c tiv e p a tte r n s in L in o le u m J 6 a n d fe lt-b a s e y a r d g o o d s < : H ILL & Co. ; 2 H ALSEY ! George A. Loud, who aerved 20 years In congress from Michigan, was killed In a wreck near Coquille. He wae riding with J. 8 W hitaker when the automobile collided with the rear end of a truck parked on a turn In the road. Mr. Lead had spent several moot he at Myrtle Point, looking after Sxtenalve timber Interests He wee Both Klamath Falls hanks are re­ about 70 yeara old. fusing to cash Klamath county toad W hite cedar logs to the number of warrants. The banks point out Ihat 2O0n were floated down the middle the road fund Is now overdrawn to the fork of the Coquille river In one of extent of 516,000 and they refuse to the most tuccetsful drives of late Re­ handle thia paper until the county cent rains were sufficient In volume court gives them some assurance as to give a good head for the several to when they will be paid. splash dams which were used to float Three boys. Dal Ward, Al Schafer and Charles Anderson, students of the Eugene high school, were arrest ed while attempting to break Into a store at Salem to recover a huge wood en ax which hag played an Important part In school activities In the W ll lamette valley. Ballot titles for a constitutional amendment and Initiative measure authorizing the state to engage In the development of hydro-electric power were prepared by the attorney general at Salem. Both the proposed amend­ ments and the measure are sponsored by the Oregon state grange. j the drive. The outgo belonged to the I Cooe Rey Lumber company and to tho Western White Cedar company. The Washington. D C.. office of the biological survey has requested a com­ plete survey of the rodent condition In the state of Oregon, particularly In regard Io the numbers In counties where campaigns have been carried on as compared with numbers In those counties before campaigns were atari- ed. according to Ira N. Oabrieleon, leader of the rodent control service. There were two fatalities In Oregon due to Industrial accidents during the week ending November 12, accord ing to a report prepared by the gtete industrial accident commission. The victims Included A. Klelndleat, Spring The federal government, while It field, powderman. and William 8. Or- would be glad to sanction construction mand, Portland, truck driver. of a wild bird refute In tho Klamath Federal asalstance In maintaining lake hod area of aouthern Oregon and and Improving Champoeg park, one northern California, has no funds to of the moat historic spots In the Pa use In constructing such a preserve, rifle northwest, was advocated by Al­ was the position which Interior depart­ bert Toaler, caretaker, In a letter ment officials took in response to received at the offices of the Stale suggestions from the Klamath district board of control. During the summer that the reclamation service should of 1925 a total of 11.600 persons visit undertake the establishment of a bird <>d the park. refuge there. Clark’s Confectionery West Coast Tanning company In 3alem will be considered at the next meeting of the lecal chamber of com­ W m B a in , Room 5, First Savings Bank merce. builoiog, Albany The Arllngtoa city council has ap­ proved the city budget for 1928. I d the amount of 812.145. an against 522.445 for the year 1925 a redur lion of 5300 You get Trsnchall * Psrellns of Portland were awarded the contract for the general construction work of the state We bave normal school at Ashland. Their bid was 8109.575. That he would be a candidate for jcvemor on the republican ticket at $ 3 5 ,0 0 0 5 Congoleum $ Umatilla county has received Judg Oregon pensions have been granted mania amounting to 5177.S22.04 as billows Charles T Evans. Port­ against owners of property In the land, 512 a month; Frank Woodruff. S W E E T THOUGHTS county on which taxes are delinquent Portland. 516; George L. Cunningham. The lands have been ordered sold. Portland, 530; Maude M Hathaway, When you pass C la rk ’s th in k how The total bonded Indebtedness of the Portland, 520; Lucy L. Thomas, Port­ appreciative your sweetheart or city of Salem Is 5430.000, according to w ile , mother or sister, would be if figures complied by 8. E. Purvlne, a land, 820; Jessie B Stewart, Portland, 120. Fred E Hoakln. Portland 515: y ou ssnt her a box of s tric tly fresh member of the city council •idward 8 Wsrner, Portland. 813; chocolates or a m ixed assortment Horace E Coolidge, Le Grande. 818; The Jury trying J. 8 Trent at Mc­ nl fr u ity sweetmeats. Y ou’ l l have cause to thank us for thia sugges­ Minnville for murder returned a ver­ Crnest Wagoner, Prineville, 816; John tio n , because we know bow It has dict of guilty of manslaughter Trent >V Gates, Creswell, 812, May T Moon, thot and killed George Hamlin ol Eugene, 820; George A Rite, Cor­ worked In other cases. Portland, and dangerously wounded vallis, | l l . ______________ his father as the Hamlin parly was (Crowded out last week) jtopped alongside the former's farm All the Cross boys were at September 16 I t was Trent’s conten 'ton that the Hamlins had been In his home and had their mother with them from Corvallis over watermelon patch. FARM LOANS Insurance SU R PLU S Commercial and Savings accounts Solicited W rite lor booklet describing our 20- The city council of Bandon has In year Rural Gredit Amortized Loans The loan pays out in 20 payments, re­ stalled W. U. Foster of that city as tiring the principal Cheap rates. No city recorder to fill the vacancy caus­ delay. B ea m L a n d C o ., ed by the death of James Mast. 133 Lyon street, Albany, Ore. The McKenzie pass highway over the summit of the Cascades was open­ ed to traffic again after having been closed two days on account of deep snow. at lowest rate of interesL Establishment of a branch of the Real Estate AN D • PABCOLIN Phone 226 Dr. C. FICQ, Dentist “ PLATES THAT C low ns, bridge work the week end. F IT ” and fillin g s 5, w /i1 pay you to get m y prices ou vooi dental work. C utick bank build tg , A lb a n y •••••••»••••••••!••«••••••«•••••>•••••••••••••••••• Any Girl in 1 rouble j I : : • may communicate with Ensign Lee ol the Salvation Army at the White Shield Home, 565 M aylilr avenue, Fottland, Oregoa. The wisest girls keep out of trouble A R R O W G A R A G E , Gansle Bros. A U T H O R IZ E D L IG H T -T E S T IN G S T A T IO N R e fle c to r» a n d le n s e s f o r n e a r ly a ll m a ke » o f ca rs . : W E r e c o n d itio n a ll m a k e s o f C a rs and M o to rs