A g rc u ltu re Ilo rtc u ltu re L iv e s to c k A A\ eekly Chronicle of Local Events and Progress on Linn County Land weeks with her mother, Mrs. Luoy Halsey Happenings A. Pray. and County Events I F- M. Brown, form erly of the Alford Arrows | Brownsville Times, is dangerously til at his home in Portland. D a i r y P o u ltry W ool ‘ Italy Gets 2 Off The Big I ish Elat Happenings in and Long Time The Little Ones Public Schools (By an Enterprise Reporter) Leonard H altea is d riv in g a (Halsey School Reporter) Capacity to Pay Basis of Dividends on a Valuation A» we go to press Mr». Ringo'» new Ford roadster. condition is reported wor»e. Mrs. Edward Perry is staying w ith and Taxes on One Agreement Reached With J- C. Bramwell is her nurse, bis grandmother, Mrs. Kum p, iu Much Lower (School Reporter) Debtor Nation. Go to the school play. M r. add Mrs B. M. M ille r are Eugene. at Brooten Spring» for th eir health. Monday being constitution Mrs. Raymond Rickard of Bruce Delora W ells visited her father GOVERNOR PIERCE GIVES A Washington, D. C.—As evidence of day, a school assembly was at Junction C ity over the week You can’t read thia paper w ith ­ spent the week end at Michael FEW FIGURES 'the sincerity of the purpoee of the end. out seeing the advertisement of ths Rickard's called and Rev. Robert Parker Italian government,” Count Volpl, Dr. Bridgewater of Albany has school farce-comedy. Go. M r. and Mrs. Fred B u rkha rt of Governor Pierce has issued of the Methodist church ad­ head of the Italian debt commission, been sued fo r $25,COO for running Report cornea th a t Rena W alker Salem spent the lust two weeks at tendered ths treasury a check for »»,- a statement on the inequalities dressed the students. The in to G. H . Koster's horse and was married in C orvallis last week, th e ir farm . $00,000 as the first Installment on the of taxation in Oregon and the talk was on the origin of the buggy w ith bis car going 40 miles but does not give the happy m an't Chester Curtis and fa m ily visited recently negotiated war-debt funding injustice done owners of real an hour and in ju rin g Mrs. Koster. oamo. constitution and its relation to at Jack C urtis’ , near Peoria, settlement. The payment wne not estate, from which we quote the Bible. She says the collision Kosteer the following; In “ The Valley of V oices” we Sunday afternooj. due until next June. m isery and money. Bessie Reynolds gave the shall son have Brent Steele and The law provides that ever)’ The »2.000,000.000 war debt Italy R. E. Brock and fa m ily were preamble to the constitution Mrs. B. M Boud is pushing the guide on the tr a il o f the W indigo. county assessor in the state owes the United States was funded Sunday visitors at the Leighton sale o f Red Cross Christm as seals, See page 2. on a basis of a 75 per cent cancella­ shall assess property in his and the students all joined in home, near Brownsville. being entrusted w ith the tesk in tion of the entire amount due thia county at 100 per cent of its singing “America” and "The C. H. Davidson and Ed Zim­ The A lfo rd pupils are preparing country. The debt Is to be discharged value, but it has been found BAttle Hymn of the Republic.” H alsey, as is Mrs. C la ir K ir k at B ro w n sville , Mrs. Gretchen Rob merman attended the stock a program to be giveu the ufter- In 62 years at a rate of Interest be­ by experience that assessors . l .? senior P*«y> "AH A Mis­ bins at Lebanou and Mrs. J W show at Portland several days noon before thanksgiving ginning at ’a of 1 per cent and rising do not comply with this re­ take, is progressing and ev­ ery night the seniors may be Owens at Harr;s'>urg. Joe Begley of Brow nsville is . Chester C urtis and daughters to 1 per cent and finally 2 per cent quirement. For that reason, seen hastening to practice. In the last 17 years of the period. V «Ida and Alice weut to Browns­ the law provides that the state On her way to churoh Sunday under $500 bonds, dharged with At a second meeting of the This was the counter offer made I tax commission, consisting of ville Saturday to have dental causing the delinquency of Bessie Mrs. Wheeler slipped on tbo wet to the Italian debt mission by the the governor, the secretary of arent-teachers' association work done. sidewalk and fe ll and got several Pox, a m inor. American war debt commission and state, the state treasurer and the name “Community Parent- bruises. She proceedee to the A lice C urtis accompanied Mrs. M rs. E lla B. N orton, once of accepted by the Italian envoys early teachers’ association" was the state tax commissioner, chosen. meeting, but her hurts became so the Brownsvilie hotel, was married tt. D. Isom and Beverly to the this afternoon In making the pro­ p a in fu l that she went h >me before Oct. 1 to W. B W illis of Los An­ parent-teachers’ meeting at Halsey posal the American debt commission I shall meet annually, take tes­ the services ended. 5 h t is recov­ geles, says the Brow nsville Times. Friday and than spent the nigh was a unit and President Coolidge ap­ timony, examine into the facts (By an Bnterpilse Reporter) w ith them. ering from the injuries. iand fix a ratio., 'showing at proved it as the best settlem ent that J- B. Thompson, for many year» 1 he school board has in ­ Another new fa m ily has moved can be effected in the light of Italy’s what percentage the property Since our last issue we have » Shedd husin.as man, died Tues­ stalled four 100-watt electric has been assessed in each been getting the rain we a ll wished day evening o f last week, ot into our com m unity, th a t of J present and future Incapacity to pay county. light bulbs at the school build­ C. Cornley, who comes from Sum­ more than a traction of the obliga­ for. Some dahlias have loBt their pneumonia, aged 65. M r. Thom p­ The commission, at the reg­ ing, which is a much needed glorious bloom, but others are s till son had lived in ibis sounty all hie m erville to the Rogers farm nod tion. November meeting in '."’Provement. One of these The administration Is confident tha* ular gorgeous, roses are m any, nastur- hfe. He was buried in the Baptist adds three pupils to the A lford congress will approve the settlem ents 1924, fixed 42 percent as the ights the steps in front of the iuins are growing and blooming cemetery at Brownsville Thursday. school. with both Italy and Belgium, which latio at which the assessor of building. and a profusion of other flowers At the Powf/l schoolhouse will have the profound effect of Isolat Clackamas county had assess­ are in evidence, after the middle Miss Enid Veatch was a where Mearle Straley teaches Ing France, ths only recalcitrant war ed property, and 55 percent of November. visitor m the rooms of Mes- Doings of Our Populace Chronicled in Brief Paragraphs Kirk Kinks a pie social will be given next Friday eve, Nov. 20th. A good program will be given free. Everybody invited. Ladies bring pies. Proceeds are for the Some *' sm art kids ” have a h ab it of fu m b lin g w ith the doors of m ail boxes in the >ostoffice. Many patrons tru st the honesty of Halseyites and leave th eir boxes benefit of the school. unlocked fur convenience. Post, master B ram w ell has put up a It is announced that the notice requesting parents to caution Harrisburg bridge will be op­ th e ir children against meddling ened about Dec. 10. Oh! w ith them- Uucle 8am is pretty Won’t that be jovful ? severe sometimes. He provides fo r fines up to $1000 fo r tamper, The rainstorm was so severe ing w ith m ail boxes. Parents, you about Mill City that the San- would better te ll your children tiam rose two feet and rail and about th is than have them caught other roads suffered. some day and ba a t into court This is a good tim e to order the Mrs. M B. M orrow took train year’» reading. A ny Enterprise F rid a y noon for her home in subscriber not in arrears can Seattle, after a visit of several choose five m onthlies from the lis t o f nineteen on page 4 and gel them a year fo r 75 cents. T h a t’ s 115 cents a year apiece. Can you beat i t ? Bancroft Optical Parlors E V E R Y T H IN G O P T IC A L 370 State st.. Salem, Ore. o o © G. J. Rike and wife attended the W orkinger sale Saturday. J. I I . Vanuice and wife started Monday for The Dalles te visit their son W illia m . H enry Seefeld’s daughter, Mrs. A lice Jones, and R aw ley Hike were in A lbany Thaisday. Pine Grove Points cared for. No bones were broken, but she was considerably bruised. (C ontinued on page 8) [ N o v . 9 to 21 STOCK YOUR PANTRY Mr. and Mrs. McCdlky of C orvallis ' From Preferred Stock Vegetables, Fruits, Fish, etc. Spinach, 25*; Pumpkin, 2o*, Ripe Olives, 40c Apricots.40c*. Cutsnp 30.; Tiny Kernel Com. 25*; Fancy Maine Corn. US; tomatoes. 25c, lei- I eplione Peas. 2 tor 45*. Tender Melting peas. 25*, Sauerkraut. 20*. Hom i my, 20*. Pimentos' 10#, Dill Pickles, 30c Stringiest Bean«, 25c Aspar- gus Tips, 4Oc; Fishflakes, 15c; Kippered Snacks. 7'-ic; California Sar- I dines, 3 for 5Oc; Norwegian Sardines. 20c. White Tnna, 35c, Select O ys-i ter* 45c; Minced Clams. 25 and 35c, Shrimps, 25c Red Sockeye Saltnoa 35c: Royal Chinook. 45c; Sliced Pineapple. 20, 25, 30 and 35c: Yellow I Cling Peaches. 40c; Preserved Fig». 35c; Pitted Red Cherries, 45c; Porto ( Rico Grapefruit, 25c; Mayonnaise, 35c; Olive Oil, »1.25: All Ceylon Tea,, 60c; Coffee, 1 R>, 60c, 2,Qtba, »1,45c. 1 S 1 Peeta' Washing Machine Soap, 10 C ry tta l W hite, 3 Creme- O il, 3 B ath Tablets . . . . i CASH SPECIAL < jl 1 Gold Dust, 4 £ F u r y Soap . 9 * o » 98c 6 Jell Dessert, . 49c | f M. V. KOONTZ CO. j HALSEY, OREGON - * * visited th e ir (laugh 1er, Mrs. John McNeil, Satur­ day. I T his year " national canned foods week ” has been set for the 1 I weeks of Nov. 9 to 21. I i More and more each vsur consumers are learning to be , p a rtic u la r. They want Q U A L IT Y canned foods. We take P R ID E in th e record of P R E F E R R E D STOCK 1 Our offer ie one can F R E E w ith each dozeu or 10 per ceut 1 1 in free goods—your own selections. I W e O ffe r L. E. Eagy was a Corvallis caller Thursday. Rev. Mr. Gillispie and fam­ ily moved film Peoria to In­ grams island last week. Mr. and Mrs. Dobrium and daughter Emma left Tuesday by auto for a trip to Califor­ nia. N o v . 9 to 21 CASH SPECIAL • t ie two burned F a lk harm). M r. aud Mrs, F h ilp o tt, with Dons and Bernice, have returned rorn Hood R iver, where they Mrs. H. C. Powell, 81, presum­ have beeu for several weeks. ably in a dream, fell from the window of her room on the second floor of E B C o rn e tt’s roeidence, near A lb an y, early yesterday, and lay in the rain an hour before she (By Special Correspondent) was discovered, at 7 o’clock, and Canned Foods Week ! debtor. as the ratio in Multnomah Rumania has begun negotiations for county, The law fu rth e r pro­ a settlement and Ju goslavia and the property of H enry F a lk and fa m ily were in Greece have signified a desire to pay. vides that public utilities shall be assess- H arrisburg Saturday. By the time congress acts all the l ed by the state tax commission W. A. F uik and wife were in debtors will have settled save France, at its actual value, and this Armenia—a nation which does not Browusvtlie M unday. exist—and Ruasla. a nation which haa i amount is then reduced bv us­ Adolph F alk and fa m ily visited repudiated Its debts and the govern­ ing the ration that the county at K o b rt B ily c a ’s Sunday. ment of which Is not recognized by assessor used in assessing oth­ er property in the county W ork has beeu e ta iltd to rebuild the United States. (Enterprise Correspondent) Bert Haynes and family ami Robert Hover visited Mr. ana Mrs. Frank McManus at Cor­ vallis armistice day. ^Mjsses Agnes Chandler andj Iona Albertson came from Monmouth to spend the week end at their homes here. Mrs. George Chandler at­ tended the meeting of th t YoU-Go-I-Go club at Mrs. El­ mer Munson’s Thursday after­ noon. W. G. McNeil and family and Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Albert­ son attended the all-day meet­ ing of the Holiness association at Peoria Wednesdav. Grange for 1 ax-free Co-operatives Sh°tw cll. The fourth, fifth and sixth grades had a 60-word spelling test last week and there were ofVeiOOUPil8 ,eceivinK a K*'adu Tuesday was "health test day among the grides and Mesdames Coleman, Cross and Kizer were kept busy exam­ ining teeth aqd tonsils and weighing and measuring the youngsters. With a few ex­ ceptions they are pronounced •n very good health. Sacramento. Cal Co-operative mar­ keting organizations would be reliev­ I be first regular meeting ed from taxation und?.- a resolution adopted at the convention of the na­ of the parent-teachers’ asso- tional grange here. It was submitted ' lation was held Friday at the by H. N. Sawyer, delegate from New Halsey high schoolhouse and Hampshire. The resolution urges pass was well attended by parents age of legislation to that effect. Ob­ jection was also made to making puh 1922 »25,495 064 »3 and teachers of the surround­ »14.479,324.91 lie financial returns of cooperative 192 1 '5 972.417.60 19,246,793 01 ing community. An interest­ 1924 .10, J l«,u9? 90 2», 025 447,40 ing program organizations. was given, «a 1925 41 965,0.59 10 21,000,000,00 follows; That the Muscle Shoals plant "he The year not being complete, leased or sold undpr the conditions of Bong, "America," the water powers act and protecting the $21,000,000 item is au approx­ Reading. Mrs. Kizer. the Interest of the nation," was urged im ation. Chinese song in costume. In a resolution Introduced by P. H. The value fixed upon the 'A yes McNeil and Agnes Dewey, delegate from Pennsylvania. property of the cornpanv, up­ The grange was asked In the reso­ on which that company is al­ Recitation, "He D id n ’t lution to recommend such action by lowed to earn dividends, is Think," Billie Kirk. the Muscle Shoals commission. $71,575,214.62. The actual Recitation, "Two Ways of Harry Caton, delegate from Ohio, selling price of fhe stocks and Muffing a Turkey," Louise presented a resolution on the child bonds of the company is ap­ •Starr. labor amendment, stating that "fed­ proximately $61,000,000. Their Recitation, Alice Curtis. eral Interference of drastic nature Is operating income for the Iasi Song, Phoebe Isom. unnecessary; that adoption of the pro­ few years has been as follows; A business meeting follow­ posed amendment would he dangerous $2,819,603,21 'd . at which the name “Com­ to the best Interest of society and 1922 1923 3,216,4701 munity Parent-teachers’ asso­ would be precedent for (he establish 3,326,193.48 ciation" was adopted. Other ment of other costly, centralized and 1921 The foregoing figures rep­ business followed. bureaucratic methods which would re­ The Association is anxious move government still further from resent the net earnings after all operating expenses htue fo r the patron« and teachers the people." Proposed changes In freight rates been paid, and show that the d all the districts surround- were firmly opposed In a resolution company earned in 1924 a lit­ "g Halsey to join, and that presented by Ralph Rmoth. delegate tle less than 5 percent upon veryone consider himself or from Iowa Broker Capotes »9,000.000 Beer Ring Washington. D. C.—Abraham Levin millionaire whlakey certificate broker haa made a complete confeaalon o the operation of the ao-ralled »9,000, 000 "beer ring," which haa been flood Ing the East with hlghpowered beer and the Information thus obtained wll be laid before a new federal gran« Jury In Chicago for Indlctmenta. 7 number of reputed "higher upa," In volvlng well known persona In Nev York and Pennsylvania, have been In volved In Levin's revelations, it wai Mrs. F. E. Roberts of Eu­ gene, with her little daughter, M. E. Church visited her parents, P. J. For­ Robert Parker pastor. ster and wife, from Thursday Sunday school, 10. until Sunday. Preaching, 11. J, A. Stevenson and wife * went to Eugene Saturday to I visit their son Stanley, drug­ gist there. , where the public utilities are operating. The following table shows, for the past four years, the amount assessed against the Portland Electric Power com pany by the state tax commis­ sion and the amount upon which that company actually pays taxes after the county ratios are applied: Amount After applying Year Assessed Co, Ratios Friday Cf OS3 and Junior League, 3. Epw orth league, 6:30. Preaching, 7:80. Pigver-mceting, Thursday, 7:30. Bible S tu ly Tuesday, 3. the amount fixed by the pub­ lic sendee commission as the amount upon which they could tarn dividends, but 15 percent of the amount on which thia company will pay taxes in 1925. Only a very small per­ centage of the real property in this state is earning any­ thing like 15 percent upon its «•usessed value. Anothei conspicuous exam­ ple of under-assessment is that of the California-Oregon Pow­ er company, reflected in the lemelf a committee of one ‘o most. Come and help make t a success. The second Friday of every 'u°»th is the meeting night. Vatch for further announce­ ments. While giving the primary department a talk on proper lourishment and food value Monday morning, the teacher earned that quite a number of the little tots are sent to chool without breakfast. Just Amount After applying how or why a mother can Year Assessed Co. Ratios lend the little one to school on in empty stomach is beyond 1422 »1,246,927.00 » 651 030.21 1923 3.125.137 00 'he understanding of the 1, 363,2 7 2 33 HJ4 3.050.526.00 1,960,476.9« eacher, who has sent some of 4 050.751 00 1924 >«00,006 00 the children home to eat their The value fixed upon the breakfast. — Scio Tribune. Oregon property of the Cali­ fornia-Oregon Power company Delora Wells had Miss by the public service commis­ Myrle Blair of Junction City sion, upon which that company for a week-end guest at Mrs. (Continued on p*gc 4) Pray’s.