* NO V H. 1»» KURAL ENTERPRISE ^ /^ Íb a n y ^ ^ ir e c to r y i^ ÍHai*d Service Station n e serve all malte- and sell 1 W illa r d « C oder new management T h u is gotxl advice; " I f you live ,L M T , y l° r . Prop, in Albany trade in Albany ; if you hve 121 W c >° ,sonie.?,her “ >*"• fa d e in that town.' l - l W, Second, A lbany, I ut in these automobile days many re­ siding elsewhere find it advisable to do at least part of their buying in the larger town Those who go to Albany to transact business will fiod the firms named below ready to fill their require­ ments with courtesy an I fairness. e Save Y ou M o n ey E. L « L IN D A H L , hardware, A .J FURNITURE COMPANY N e w and r S e c o n d - h a n d 'uurnllur< _. . Dinnerware ... „ ,n *“°P 111 connection 33<>\\. First St. Albany, Oregon A lb a n y F loral Co. C ut dowers , and plants. Floral art for every and all occasions. y ___________ ___ Vlower phone 458-f. 422 W. First, —another im portant reason fo r your travel over P E N T R A L T IR E S H O P Tire Vnlcantziutr- R canuiug- Battery re- charging. 221 W. Second :ond. L p lite Cafeteria and coufectionerv Home cooking. Pleasant surround OLDEN < G T H E Ed Falk, prop. I ^ . i s tim m d ru s.— Iiv o big gtoceri , , plore.8' 212 \V. First aud 225 South Main Good merchandise at the right prices 1 LOW H o m e m ade fresh daily I and Ashland will be kept open the winter regardless of heavy snow storms. It was announced An effort also will be made to keep the Klamath Falls-Bend highway open L ig h t L u n c h e s ____ W. s. D uncan . F . W . R O S S , Albany ^ORD SALES AND SERVICE Firat street — Bikm ao Blog. Tires aud accessories Repairs K ik k -P ollax M otor C o . M E T Z G E R 'S JGVirtm iller F u rn itu re Co., fu rn i- ture, rugs, linoleum, stoves ranges F U L L E R GROCERY, 2U5 Lyon (Successor to Steuberg Bros.) Groceries Fruits Produce Phone 2b3R JJO L M A N & JACKSON _____________ I M PE R IA L C A F E , 209 'V . F irst Harold G. Murphy Prop. Phone 665 W e V O IIA K M OVED Opposite Postoffice never close . ■* Official Strömberg carburetor serv ice station. Couservative prices A1 work guaranteed. 119-121 W. Second en M and h l1 * V busy. I N ew s N o tes F rom A ll O v e r O re g on money are best when our savings ................... »Vings department. A lbany S tate I O l e a n O U hank t. . Under government sunervisinn supervision. I (A beauty aid for every need) St. Francis Hotel Prop. Winifred Rcse ROSCOE AM ES HARDW ARE The Winchester Store C e o o n d bain! Piauos from $185 up If you want a bargain in a piano now is your chance. They're in Al condition. Davenport Music House. 409 W. First Q ia p le and Fancy Groceries Crockery and Glassware Mrs. M G. Stetter Phone 139J______ 206 W. Second st. C TIM SON T H E SHOE DOCTOR k J Second . street . . . . . opposite Hamilton’, store. Sudden Service.’ T V fa ld o Anderroii & Son. dietrib- DV t h e \Y C S t e m -- . Newsapor U n io n fo r B usy Peeple Construction of a new »17,000 high sthool building was begun at Cascade Locks. Portland, with permits of >2,29&,Suu, took fourth place In construction on the Pacific coast In October. The Ed Douglass sawmill and plan­ er, located between Sandy and Esta­ cada, were destroyed by fire. Earl Fisher, state tax commissioner la In New Orleans to attend the an nual meeting of state tax commission era. The new Elks' temple at Salem, which was erected recently at a cost of approximately »175,000 was dedlcat ed Saturday night. A movement Is on foot at Ashland ’ ’ utors and dealers for Maxwell, Chal­ mers, Essex, Hudson & Hupmobile cars. to prevent the use of all Josephine Accessories, c pnlies. 1st & Broada'bin county grounds for commercial pur poses on Sundays. If you enjov a good meal, .vnd know a good meal when you get it, You’ll be back, tor yon’il not forget it. Our aim is to please you. PARAGON CAFE ALBANY GEO. M . G IL C H R IS T FARM LOANS Write tor booklet describing our 20- year Rural Credit Amortized Loans Tile loan pays out in 20 payments re- tiring the principal. Cheap rates, No delay. B eam L and C o ., 133 Lyon street, Albany, Ore. FARM LOANS at lowest rate of interest Real Estate Insurance Prompt service. Courteous ’ reatment. W m B a in , Boom 5, First Savings Bank builning, Albany You get T h e G IR L We have The D IA M O N D ’ FRENCH & SON Jeweler», Opticians, Albany Phone 226 •P A B C O L IN C o n g o le u m • and • GOLD SEA L Printed R ugs cash • A rm stro n g L inoleum R ugs, $ J 8 cash * All but I t of the 36 counties of Ore­ gon were represented at the annual meeting of the Oregon County Asses sors' association at Dallas. A limited season for the killing of adult bull elk was proposed by E. F Averill, state game warden, In a report filed with Governor Pierce. Ralls have been laid between the Kltson creek and Salt creek water sheds on the Eugene-Klamath Falls line of the Southern Pacific. A 4 year-old son of Mr and Mrs. Robert Kittson of Marshfield obtained matches and set his clothes on fire He was so badly burned he died. John Campbell, pioneer Klamath hardware merchanL died unexpectedly at a natatortum In that city when he was stricken with heart disease A total of 1.817,20» flsta were plant­ ed In lakes end streams of Douglas county, the eggs having been hatched In the Rock creek hatchery, according to the report filed by Superintendent H ill with the state game commission The highway fretwee> Klamath Falls H A LSEY M itchell B ackers T estify for H im HALSEY STA TE BANK H alsey , O reg o n S 3 5 .0 0 0 oause to thank us for th is sugges­ slstant attorney general, will repre tio n , because we know bow it b»a sent the sfato. The suit to test the worked In other cases. validity of the law was filed by R. B Morris, doing business as Morris A Six Japanese steamers of the 8000 ton class or greater else will load on Coos bay before the first of the year and take 10,000,000 feet of lumber to the far east. The Immigration office at Portland spent »1145 for tickets during the month of October to return aliens un­ lawfully In the United States to their native shores. H. F. Schillings, receiver of the First National bank of Bandon, which closed April 1, has announced that the Bret dividend amounting to 30 per cent would be paid depositors and creditors the letter pert of November HILL & Co. « « ALBANY M o b * 1 ~ 1 1 ____ ________t Make your , dollars work in 1 .-,, T tjA R lN E L L O PARLORS C. P. Moody A gent % n ’t forget th e place -1 *- For expert work send your films to Haskin’s film shop, 3d9 L'-on street Albany, Oregon. TLf AGNKTO ELECTRIC CO. r . Three children. Helen Peterson, age 8 years. "Buddy" Peterson, age 4 years and Howard Carr, age 7, suffered serious injuries at Baker as a result of the explosion of dynamite caps with which they were said to have been playing. Southern Pacific 6 Third & Broadalbin F IN IS H IN G Col. C. A. Thompson of Cleveland, who was elected commander In chief if the United Spanish W ar Veterans at their convention in St- Petersburg, Fla. after he had signed a confession that ne had appropriated funds from the Hammond Lumber company’s store at Mill City covering a period of 20 months, committed suicide at Salem Ratios of assessed values to actual by shooting himself with a rifle. Orders booked by mills of the West values for the year 1123 were announc ed by the state tax commission. It Coast Lumbermen's association drop­ was said that the ratios for 1925 show ped to the lowest point in many a slight decrease when compared with months In the week ended October 31, those of a year ago. totaling 87.360.648 feet. Output of the 105 reporting mills was 103,930,916 feet As the result of an outbreak ol Wo have some a ttra c tiv e p a tte rn s in L in o le u m ! for the week. Shipments amounted to smallpox among patients In the Ore 106.692,234 feet. gon state hospital at Salem. It may be • nnd felt-base y a rd goods Increases In salary for officers, necessary to quarantine at least two deputy wardens and office assistants wards In the institution. of the state game commission aggro­ Receipts of the state motor vehicle gating some »3570 a year are proposed department for the month of October In a revised schedule prepared by A. aggregated »50,632.29. according to a F. Averill, state game warden, which report Drepared by the secretary ol will be referred to the commission at state. Thus far this year the receipts Its next meeting. have totaled »5,316,625.18. Salem teachers have Indicated that A. J. Oreeg. farm supervisor at the they would appoint a special commit­ game warden, stating that there has state tuberculosis hospital at Salem. tee to demand of the school board a been such an Increase In the number Is suffering from numerous Injuries as special election to raise funds to in­ of white fish In the upper Deschutes the result of being attacked by a crease salaries. The adjustment of river that they are destroying the blacktall buck deer which ret recently was salaries requested by the teachers trout there by eating the eggs. They lmP°rted fr°n> Baker county would entail an additional expense of are asking that the fish be extermlnat- Mitchell Counsel Says "Crim* I mu- , ___ .. . _ ed. Similar reports are received from The ju ry In the case of J. R. Haless, »50,000 annually. Inal and Almost Treasonable" Crescent lake. tried in the Coos county circuit court Approximately 65 per cent of the at Marshfield, returned a verdict of motor vehicle owners in the state of Action Will be Proved. From the latter part of September not guilty after 45 minutes’ dellbera Oregon have had their equipment ad­ to October »1, 6929 quarts of liquor tlon. Haless killed George Holmos In justed In compliance with the pro­ »ere seized by the prohibition patrol Washington, O C — Another rever­ Haless' home in North Bend visions of the new automobile lighting of the Oregon customs district, the berating cannonade of accusations was Fire supposed to have started from laws, according to announcement appraised value of which was »24,496. turned loose Monday by Colonel W tl. a cigarette stub swept the entire up­ made by T. A. Raffety, chief Inspector In connection with the solzures 21 Ham Mitchell against those In charge per floor of the building occupied by for the state motor vehicle depart­ automobiles and one boat were con­ of the military end navel elr services. fiscated, their appraised value being the Wentworth & Irw in company in ment. Through his counsel. Representative »14,980. Cases disposed of up to the Portland, damaging 39 automobiles Final liquidation of the defunct Gold Frank R Held, the colonel Informed and working Injury to stock and build­ HUI State bank will be made this end of October notlod »3600 In fines. the court martial trying him hecause ing estimated at »35,000. Plans have been made to consolidate of his previous ulterances In the elr week with the payment of a dividend After being stalled for more than of approximately 10 per cent based on the ( alifornla-Oregon Power company controversy, that he was fully prepar­ a month in the W illam ette river ap­ tile claims of depositors, according to with a new company to be organised ed to prove hie rharge of "rrlm laal proximately four mile» below Salem, Frank Bramwell, state superintendent and controlled by the Standard Qas and almoat treasonable" negligence to the river steamer Northwestern ar­ of banks. The loss to depositors as a & Electric company, It Is announced, government aviation rived at the dock in that city Friday. result of the failure will not exceed The California-Oregon company oper­ Among the multitude of offenses ates a system supplying electric light of which the defense conneel promised The Northwestern started on Its trip 8 per cent, it was said. from Portland October 3. Sportsmen of the Bend section have and power to 44 communities In north­ to furnish proof were these _D. L. Bailey, 31, within 15 minutes forwarded complaints to the state ern California and southern Oregon, That the Shenaadoab went on her Including Klamath Falls, Medford, fatal western trip unfit and against Ashland, Grants Pass and Roseburg, the will of her commander. Zachary In Oregon. Lansdowne. The state of Oregon through the That a naval officer sought to have apportionment of funds derived from I^nsdowne'e widow give false testi­ the sale and lease of lands within Its mony. national forests, will receive from the That those who arranged the un federal government »168,804.20, ac successful Hawaiian flight of tbs cording to information received at the PN-8, No. 1, were "Incompetent." executive department at Salem. Fol­ That high army and navy officers lowing receipt of a check covering had testified falsely before commit­ C A P IT A L A N D SURPLUS this amount, the state treasurer will tees of congress. apportion the funds among the various That Colonel Mitchell himself "was Commercial and Savings accounts Solicited counties In which the national forests demoted and transferred because he «re located. There are 12,198,888 acres told the truth." of land Io the national forests In Ore­ That government aviators are put gon, according to the federal report. In unnecessary hazards and many SW EET THOUGHTS Whether the state highway commis­ killed as s result. That the government has failed to When yon pass C la rk ’s th in k how sion has authority under the law to appreciative jo u r sweetheart or limit the weight of loads moved over thwart a project to give a foreign w ife , m otlinr or sitter, would he if the state highways will be determined flight organization a foothold near the y o u esnt her a box of «trietty fresh In a legal action to be tried In the Panama canal and to have provided chocolates or a mixed assortment United States district court In Port adequate air protection to Hawaii and of fr u ity sweetmeats. Y ou’ ll have land November 26 J. M. Devers, as the Philippines. SHOE SERVICE n ... . . . Grocery—Bakery E veryth in g in the line of eats Get extra value for your travel funds—go hy train. Ride in long,easy-riding coaches—a comfortable, roomy seat in which you can relax in entire ease, read or convene or plan your activities at journey’s end. Speedy trains leave at con ven ien t hours. N o matter where. Southern Pacific Lines and connections can taka you. Aik Agror Roy C. Lyle, who It federal prohibl tlon administrator for the Twentieth district (Oregon, Washington and Alaska), with headquarters at Seattle. Ice Cream, Soft Drinks and' throughout ¡?,^s Courteous, efficient service « e make our own candies. Funeral directors. 427-43J west First street, Albany, Oregon. Because it's Comfortable Southern PacificLines Albany C la rk ’s C onfectionery D r. C . H C Q , D entist “ PLATES THAT FIT»» Growns, Lridgo work and fillings i< w ill pay you to get my prices on »out deutal work, Cusick hank b uild ng, A lb a n y » :« : Lowther; the John Day Valley Freight line. Bend Portland Transit and the Portland-Hood River Truck Line tom pony. Two federal Judges will bear the case. A R R O W BARBER SHOP H rst-class W o rk J- W STEPHENSON. G A R A G E , G ansle Bros. AU TH O R IZED LIG HT-TESTING STATION R eflectors and lenses fo r n e a rly a ll makes o f A n y G irl in T ro u b le may communicate with Bnsign Lee of the vtlvdion Army at the J White SInrM I lunit, .565 Mat fair avenue. PW tlM d * MogM, • • T h e wisest girls keep out of trouble w e a rn . E ro c o n d itio n a ll makos of C ant and M o tr r n