HOM KLRAL ENTERPRISE A* IrxtopMdaBt—Net neu tral—ne»« SPLITTIN G HAIRS The Great Outdoors “ To whom does y our child belong, to you or th e s ta te ? ” D uring the cam paign fo r the late lam ented O regon school *1 a year in advance was Arrearages 12%c a montq law th e above question W here Dread. Meat. Clothing, Health and Vigorous H um anity are Produced A dverfleing, 20c an inch ; no dfscoun often propounded by its oppo­ lo r tim e or apace ; no charge for com nents. poet Mon or c laugcs. As f a r its we recollect it W h y the Big Grain another m onth the sales would ! cars of broccoli from 4000 Ui -Paid-for Paraa oawa. Certified Potatoes the sta te has a u th o rity to de­ •50,000 a day, and in another few Co-op. cide upon a course of studv i _ ____ Collapsed weens the preferred stock would ! Seven cruisers, headed by B. J A re Profitabl X REGRETTABLE FAILURE of which every norm al child re - as t. a* have been a ll marketed [and funds Briggs, are surveying timber land in is entitled to the benefit but ts Marketing was Sound provided in tim e to meet the b ig ; the Crabtree .«rti«« t i - « county ____ the Crabtree eection - of r Ltnn The failure of the Chicao Grain the court of last resort, when but It Blundered in loan]. In the Interest of the Weyerhaeuser Grange Growth Greates In Nebraska Nelson B . Updyke, company, It Is eald. There le consid­ this legal - Raising - - M arketing association was a m is­ »equired to sp lit Capital in Oregon... Weights a big g ra in dealer, had been h am ­ erable speculation as to the signifi­ hair, decided th a t it is option­ fortune to the farmers of Arrerioa. mering the co-operative movement al with th e p a re n t to choose cance of the and Measures (F a rm Journal) I t had hshdled wheat at the rat« through hie paper, the Omaha betw een instructors provided Econom ically, the G rain M a r­ Bee, the most in flu e n tia l re p u b li­ of 400,000,000 m illio n bushels i oy the sta te and those whom More money was spent in (State M a rke t Agent Spence) year, had held the m arket more said p arents or som ebody else keting company was sound. From can newspaper in the state. M r. m in in g on the Comstock lode, in F o r the th ird consecutive v.» a s trio tly business standpoint it Updyke bought grain through his N evada, than a ll the m etal taken steady than i t had ever been, and provides. Oregon leads a ll states in , L p«per, pttblished eveiy Weduetday, »» wae. a. »M inuta «. d o ie M S s * I « » “ i l o f S J ", own string of local elevators and out was w orth. Mince the begin made actual profits of s m illio n am sold in the te rm ina i) m arkets at a flin g of the o il in d u s try in 1859 organization of g ra n g e s -2 8 d n riD, a h alf in e ig h t months fo r its aul n relation to th e profit o f something lik e 11 500 profit in m any instances a twelve b illio n dollars have been the year. The to ta l number 0 at th e beainn?nby ) ,?®.ques. t ion P ° ° . wh'ch would h iv e been t u r n ’d farm er stockholders, but the old spent in d r illin g well«, w n ile o nly 1» n ,'ig o f th is a r tic le . I back to the farm er-etoekholders at> speculative p ro fit— on tbe transac­ llew granges io the U nited State. tion. I f tbe farm ers sold through gam bling board of trade trium phs' seven and u -b alf b illio n d o lia rs ’ " M In A lb a n y re c e n tly th e ques- dividends. The m erging of four 147. R ig h t new Ponioni w orth of o il have been brought to their own company these profits when the oonspany was unable t< none w ere: “ M ay the pareni | la r8« 8 ° 'D(? concerns effected im would be returned to them in the tbe surfs« e. D u rin g the last few granges were organized, 4 {„ ■ell enough stock q u ic k ly enougi give th e child tobacco which | ' portant sav‘.B8!? MW han dling . The -------- MMSSIIg. X Lie form of patronage dividends. years d ry holes have cost operators Oregon. There are about 26C to meet its deferred in itia l oblige- the sta te has forbidden it to com bining of th e ir fa c ilitie s gave an average of about »90,000,000 a granges in the state. tions. year. I f farm labor were as w ell n a v e ? ” and “ M ay th e child be the merger the greatest s trin g of U uder the seed ce rtifica tio n law THE MARKETS Im m e d ia te ly after its collapse a eourts. Nebraska h»s a law , practically northern spring. ,1.46; western red to get out of the s o u l-to rtu rin g I n P o I í / aw ' al i a tremendous volume of business contribute fortunes. The story <> ' m o th p / i a - t h e Otu e r d a y r nd actuallf did bandle more tha¿ *1.45. clutches o f the B ritis h rubber tru st the same as O regon’s, for certified the corporation is summarize! h iiri b, Inn tb a t b e r f b s lf of tbe caph grain transactions Hay — Alfalfa, ,1 8 0 1 9 ton; vallej by ra isin g our ewn, the same «eed potatoes, b u t in addition it elsewhere on this page. «•(••iuS.t “ hRhd } ° h e r ’ k i , k d R H Chicago, doing a 200.006,000 timothy, »18020; eastern Oregoi remedy fo r a Japanese m onopoly las a union of seed growers under I t w ill probably be long befote iccause “ it had never been bushel business d u rin g its brief timothy, *210 22. is proposed by the druggists, thus: rig id regulations. In a recent ii?bt. The sta te has put her I life. It sold a vast e xp o rt tonnage The o il of m entua aryeusis, or dem onstration one grower planted Butterfat—55c shippers’ track. another effort on such a scale tc Japanese pepperm int, contains certified seed th a t yielded 257 •i an insane asylum Eggs—Ranch. 41®50c. in com petition w ith the entire throw off the yoke. M r. Jardin. A t L ittleton, CoL, a Dr. grain trade of the co uu try, whioh n V U' *• 1 , Cheese—Prices f. o. b. Tillamook from 70 to 80 per cent o f m enthol, and his successors w ill once in i blazer put his 23-year-old had a sta bilizing influence o h grain Triplets, 31c; loaf, 32c per lb. and sometimes 90 per cent, and w hile the same va riety of unoerti. w hile chide the robbers in a sever« la u g h te r to d eath and his at- prices everywhere. Cattle—Steers, medium, »6.7508.15 the m arket price of th is Japanese bed seed, as sold in the local A d m itte d ly , the farm ers must Hogs—Medium to choice, *1150fi m enthol has ranged from $12 to m arkets, produced 191 bushels. tone of voioe. Government de orney, while claim ing th at $20 a pound in the last two or A fte r the two field and one bin »12.25. ' m arket th e ir grain in large volume jJazer is insane, also with an leotives w ill win laurels (am Sheep—Lambs, medium to choice three years. The wholesale price inspection have been made samples PP^reBfly stra ig h t face up­ if ihey are to exert any influence shekels, paid by the taxpayers) in New Y o rk last w in te r was »18 are sent to Louisana to be grown holds the doctor’s claim th at ui world markets. They must get *12.00013.00. w orking up “ perfectly good” case- to 18 25 a pound. The price usee iu tbe warm clim ate, where dis- he girl h ad no soul and th ere together. I t i? essential th a t they against the oil and coal trusts i f to be from »2 to $6 a pound, b u t ease, if any, w ill q u ic k ly develop. proper vehicle. The S eattle. ore the law s ag ain st rmu-ifX I n iave ? ,‘ the be . P.roPer ‘ |G r ,ln M aiketingoom pany supplied the country and the cement an« lid not apply. Wheat—Soft white. »1.49; wester» the Japanese have a m onopoly on I t it does develop the grower is tobacco trusts of this coast and It is probabe th a t th e cnnr+u I * i Veblc,e'. -but they wer® not white, *1.48; western red. *1.45 th is k in d o f m enthol, to have run notified not to longer use the seed W '? dr,V0 “ • A g ric u ltu ra l northern spring, *1.46; Big Bend blue the price up. The cost of p rtd u c - but to get new seed ; otherwise be the lik e , and, as heretofore, th< Mil dodge th e h a ir X i ’ 1 hair-splitting nerc.eve a wide lo o p h d e carpet by a special com m ittee and To date 1495 carloads of pears and factory solution of farm problems" ap d mned ; 3022 liq u id measures 26 are more interesting and el l a v » ? Whlch our industrious 374 cars of apples have been shipped peared In prospect. inspected and 26 condemned ; 594 severely questioned. In effect he tractive than ever, according t< •layers m ay escape the n ar to eastern market by Medford packing The recommendation of the confer ga-oline pumps inspected and 10 'c u la r loop th a t ought t 0P'be *as told th a t he had better not bouses. inform ation from the style eeiiters make another such statem ent i f he ence. dealing with cooperative mar put out o f business ; and there daced about th e ir necks I f yog would learn more abuu Teeta of sugar beets grown by 17 ketlng, which has not been acted upor were about «5 other inspections. valued bis seat ou the board of Marlon county farmers have proved by congress, has been taken up bj If a woed dealer g ’ vea short them in detail read Ju lia Bottom I trade. Since th e league of nations so satisfactory that the chambers of Secretary Jardine with leaders in th< measure a request to the depart, ley's fashion departm ent in ever) A few weeks later Em anuel X ’ S ' ed t h a t - *’ith o u ? a Sim Rosenbaum came out w ith a state, commerce at Salem and Portland are movement, and they have assured hin ment w:JI b ring a deputy to tbe issue o f the R ural Enterprise. ban Lnv1*’ h 'S m ° re P ^ e r f u l ment s till more drastic, charging much interested In the pos.lblllty of of their assistance in efforts to im place in q u ic k tim e ; if a pou ltry Those who have followed this m? isnl \ e r or« a nization, «hat now. under his very eyes, establishing refineries In that section prove conditions and In supportint buyer uses fa u lty scales tbe de- department in the past have com. mi solationists are not using m anipulators were endeavoricc to ship 2000 legislation. p iT tm e u t w ill be hot after him on be term “ Wilson leag u e” as comer the m arket on M ay rye and to recognize In M rs. B ottom lej request. E v e r y t h i n g under wei^hia and measures w ill be a style a u th o rity and w riter on r q ue ntly as they did whs,, they corn. Where M a rcy’s statement bad inviStigated free o l charge. modes whose advice can be de iim « 8 '» ? po,aible t0 cloud tb? S T u e V i ’ fu? .hOr by made a aensation, Rosenbaum’s pended upon. N ot o nly js ,h , caused a veritable earthquake. M r Fancy Oregon pears b ring $5 20 competent from her constant Rosenbaum came very near to a box at auction ia New Y o rk. For best results use osing hie seat over Ibe episode oontacts w ith these stylee ente» His tr ia l was set fo r J u ly 15, but but she also possesses th a t knaok S15 0 0 n n n n / unners lost was dropped when it became abandoned of choosing in advance ju s t tboei H o ,000,000 and things which she in s tin c tiv u ly •nm low , o ff th e New Yor u io w n th a t the G ra in M arketing . J l W in abaPe and colors made to blen md New E ngland coast, in the company was about to dissolve. knows w ill become popular. In any am ount, from one gallon a barrel eallon t to o a l.ir w .i .« J not to blemish aat year. They began to get Cause of the Collapse tu rn to her departm ent in to heir money back in Florida Style Beauty Com fort d a y ’s Enterprise. Aod remember, Am erican a g ricu ltu re suffered a m t now U n d e Sam has hit Satisfaction and Ihe R ig h t Pri • 11 tbe m aterials she describes can them hard th ere and they are severe relapse when G ray Silver president of the G ra in M arketing be purchased from Halsey mer- osing more coin. Gives results company, announced on July 8 obants and advertisers in thee« ' hat the pretentious plan of grain columns. Because A1 Sm ith and whis m arketing would fo rth w ith ky won in New Je rse y and dissolved. The plan involved The Oregon Voter believes th a t New York th e y dream of re­ o u trig h t sale of a ll the phveioal ths common people of Oregou are pealing prohibition. D ream of properties of the Rosenbaum G rain satisfied w ith the wide-opeo nom- it is ns n e a r to it as th ey will ■ompany, Rosenbaum Brothers. A rm o u r G rain company and Inating p rim a ry , but i t woUtd O'» la l)a v is -N o la n d -M e rril| company of remove the reetrictions on ex­ Kansas C ity to an organization of T L H s i n g & TLSSING penditures for p u b lic ity by osudj farmers. fistes. Ths financial department lawyers Tbe contract involved a pries o f the Enteipriee holde no prejn determ ined by Appraisal, and W. Halsey and Rrownavllle Optometri ett Lanck of W ashington, one of dios «gainst such expenditures, _ _ _ _____ Oregon the best-known economists in the M* nuf’ ctn¿ x b ut the e d ito ria l departm ent it of co un try, set the value at *17 382 - A LB A N Y the opinion th a t in three days, OREGOÍ DELBER T STARR 088. ’ when everybody reads the newspa- 11 uneral Directsr and Licensed I he vendor* advanced $4,000,- 000 ou which to operate for the Embalmer pers, enough p u b lic ity is g,yr n first year. The crow ning error B ro w n sville , Oregon Hay is worth ju st as much in storave as by them to every w orth-w hile me e a rly ia June, when the tsIlO . P. S t a p p o b b , Halsey, candidate, and is surely as fa ir you nught get for it in c a « o f tocal and Internal, and has been «uccea h itte r opposition o f the Illin o s or D b l b b b t S t a b a R rew n tv ille and im p a rtia l as paid propaganda f ,h e * * ov< |z \m e r it an Ertale Lire Insurance comnan ■ A g ric u ltu ra l association pracipi- forty years. Sold by «11 d r u a liti. would be. lated an agreement th a t the G rain M l pay V«m 85% of the cash va| ue in F- I. CHENEY &. C O , Toledo, Obi Marketing company would stop Colonel M itc h s lfa smug perse- W R IG H T & C O . "of loss by fire. case w ilin g its stock io Illin o is u n til Funeral Directors tu to r s adm it th a t no im pair­ hearings before the commerce m ent of discipline has resulte«! commission were completed. " . L. W rig h t, H arrisburg ,f ro ™ Í ' 8 s l,c ak in g the tru th , Stock was beiug sold a t the rate Mr®. S. C. B ram w ell, H aitey b ut thby w an t him to stop it. of about 10.000 a y a y when the Laundrv w o t Tuesdays Illia o is agreement wet made. In Agency H u b Cleaning Works Farm Paragraphs An-Fo Sheen Din $The Prince,on Fran FISHER’S EGG PRODUCER A m e ric a n E a g le F ire Insurance Co. C. P. STAFFORD, Agent E. C. Meade, o H . Albro, H a ll's C a ta r r l M edicine Modern Barber Shoi A ABES PLACE