RURAL ENTERPRISE TJCTtOV® LTOEOWi uniMATlOtUL The V alley o f V oices B y GEORGE M A R S H W IH G L E Y S Sunday School » Lesson ’ IB . * 1 ' .. A u t h o r o f “ T o llers o f th e T r a il." " T h t W h a lp « o f th e W o l f " F B , I.* -* * r a at»« *f TH E JVINOlGO To» s s v .r aaw » W l« 4 t« » ; (J ia . a • « • * T » « t a a a t a a aza .S a t »bass b a d ¿ a x is »too ecrald p ay Il k « ttoat?" T fj* to«lf-W w 4 tofanM irin M arked W .th "Bayer Crsaff* Has Been Proved h a ft by M ..on«. W a n tin g ! Vnleaa you see tne name “B a yer" on package or on tablets you are not getting the genuine Bayer A spirin proved safe by mill; .ns and prescribed by physicians fur 25 yean. Say "B ayer" when you buy Aspirin. Im itatio ns may prove dangerous.— Adv. Packer ■ tblrfc ar-ruto t«n»»r*1 fb * n * * r . From ; -ft T O P IC — B a a l a n d o a J e r a - , «ei e. baa tl»e rr.mpan the foot of if** rapida fb * tra il bad father, made ii.p fn tol'-to bmabip of a »ery-—be beaitated and ' ••• " E P .M E O IA T K A N D B E N 1 O R T O P - ' •w ur.j' a « a y from fb * torok*® flantoa F a 'e v a M ob ■ o f ito* < « £ * . boi a bo rtii H f* * ’* a «« fin -Led weekly—"bla daughter." .■••.'J FEoPLJC AND A D U LT TO P ­ Mb« laughed In bla fare. “Ah, m. » < fc ’ * f » » 4 * * A r o * H - at the coming to W ailing rl» e r of ciytde a gaab In the eroded cliff- «tum­ • fa tora »a pt -oved to him by the elders th a t be "W h e re is the kitchen? I want to la BreDt »tee e I am In the field for a t. 4 a l r o a < AM w te • » b f • a« The Irfith led Io a huge, flat-topped take a Jewish vow to prove that be see how tbe meats are prer-ared i»fora <•»».» a *** lo ’ o I to« » • *F of the American Museum of .Saturai H l» le.a ld e r throating out Into the atream. . was in no way opp<-«ed to the law. I order mine."— Indianapolis Newa Vo?»» »f-4 •*«« •»« fta rrft of !>•<>;»« 11» O n « « a r.4 r«aJI»«a I k a l T ’ e effort waa te remove prejudice. im Hie rock her dark head neatnng . tory." wood a woman * h* ^ ’ »*<1 '« » w ,th roo' k «T»T,tT ttoa r».y«’ * r io a a w»to4 «»rumpromla« or In- | Surprise held the man motionless And double your razor efficiency as 4 ro p a av»rytto>a< »!»♦ a r.4 a t a r t a H ila ire Mt. Onge. will tie honored In 1» u> a o lr a »to« m a il« « ro y a ’ a ry . ; To eye« which for months had n.M volve the G entile brethren. Further- < w ell as promote skin purity, skin com­ offering the poor hospitality of W all Tto«r« a a B arca r iv a lr y b»’ w « *a i iMrked upon a comely white woman. more thia would not compromise bla fo rt and skin health. No mug. no t r a 4 ln « p*z«<>- wto'^ to com p lie s * «a Ing River to a learned Am erican acc­ the picture o f the lithe figure nt the ow n principles of action, viz., to the slim y soap, no germs, no waste, no irri- It o « « i l s a ’ lo«» A&4 U»«toia« io a ava ent 1st ." ' musician, a r r w n <>t dusky h air h alf Jew« he became a Jew. and to the to«r fa»to»r, baa toaas f o r ' * 4 In to I tatio n even when shaved twice daily. Sm ilingly Steele raised protesting a pror.' -aa o f rr a r r ; » < * > lir » r l masking the face lu r e « ) to the river, Gentiles, a G e n tile ; all thing« to all One soap fo r a ll uses— shaving, bath­ hands at her characterization. How M t««l«'a >oto la a to«-m as a >"** men In order to gain them for Christ, j was a delight he hesitated to cut abort ing and sham pooing— Advertisement H a l to« 4 o *« ttoa Job— a<*4 to*’-« charmingly, he thought, thia atrange by a betrayal of bis prevenre. II Paul'« A rraat (21:27-1*1) tola r « w a r 4 girl, w h '* * violin had Mjng so polg From the passionate bopeleasn**« of H -w fa r thia act conciliated the A R e m in d e r n an lly o f deapair. who«« fa *e had re­ Massenet'« "E legle" tbe violin swung Je - » we are not told, but It only en­ N ew — W hy do you keep so many old flected fea r of the stranger, now j Into a d*aHi|e«a lament of tirleg. grim raged the nnlielleving Jew«, causing CHAPTER I magazines scattered around your j with the eternal tragedy of bla own lap«ed Into raillery. them to resort to mob law . These room? "Oh, pardon, monsieur." she went _ t_ ' gray n/rTtb u m i . Aa «he played, the maddened Jews on the basis o f a sup­ T ed— Oh. It's to remind me to go on. " I forgot m yself; I am Denlae Mt. Mteele flopped In bla track«. W ith girl turned, eiposlng her face. On to the doctor.— L ife . irnge Now that the conventions have position -eized him and dragged him : bla rigid band be freed bla ear from her cheeks were leers. But she did from the temple and beat him mercl- , been satisfied, w ill you follow me to the b ea d p le te of bla lam p line and not to-e tbe listener for tier eyes were le --ly i n t i d i n g to put him to death.! W l , S a lt e r P a in our chateau—o f logsT’ f r o m a c u t o r b u r n ' C o la s C arbc;:«a!v» Blood llatenlng Murely. he thought. , etoaed. Paul w a- rescued from the mob ?iy J "Thank yo u !” s to p s p a in In s t a n t l y a n d n e a ls qu ickly lh Jf no mean reputation. WMlted The«« were no fancied melo­ I «end abut IF from sight. dic« of auwm er w bltcw alcra It was (2 , His Education (v. 3 ). W hat eyes and hair, he mused, and 25 the violin aang of 1055 PINE ST., SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF. death," so th a t his attitud e was on« yearning and despair, unullerahle, - I Coma Hara to Play, M o n a la u r- '«»«iiilitwr of the factor at W alling of hatred as was that of the Jews. which genius liaa voiced Io the world O ften," She Replied in a Tana«, Un- River? P A R K E R ’S 3. How Ilia A ttitud e W as Changed even Vole« 1 h,> * he certainly had through the magic of Ila airing« And H A IR B A L S A M R em o ve* b e e d r a f f S tep e H a ir F a lfia « been frightened at hl» appearance—■ , ( w . d-l(5). aa he llalcned he wondered what trag R e s to re a C o lo r e n d W h ile on hla way to Damascus with edy lay behind Hial playing, what stark despair, tbe trespasser, con- had looked him over aa If he were a Beauty to C r a y a n d F a d e d H air 60e end 11 '« a t I l r u g r i i t t Then «he had seemed super- authority to bind the Christians at trick of fata bad burled Hila iriaater acloua of sacrilege, had turned to ghost H tece» «.'hem to k a . F a u h o g t> e | atltloua; hut she couldn't really he- Jerusalem, he was smitten to the of the bow In a fur post on the W a ll­ retreat when he waa «topped by: HINDERCORNS RzmoTwa Ores. C<1- . Ileve In thia tradition o f the valley— > ground by a light from heaven, and k.a»ea. “Qul vlent In? Who la there?" ing river. etc.. all pam. eniurM comfort to iba feet. maM*B walking caxy 15c by mall or at I>ru<- Hila W lndlgo and spirit »tuff. T h a t the voice of the Lord said, "W hy Caught. Ihe eavesdropper faced BATHE YOUR EYES "W at you hear, de Wlndlgo aeeng (lata. UiBooa Chemical Wcrfca, Patchogue. N. I . Lae l>r Thompson ■ Byewmer. waa Inconceivable. .She waa not ' persecutest thou me?" When Paul In- alxiiit, hat In hand. In de strong water?" at tout druMMlai » or afrald to come here alone and yet «he j quired w hat he was to do, he waa told W . N. U., San Franciaco. No. 45-1925. Uta Buy H irer. Troy BootolM. "Madem oiselle," lie began, redden­ Turning. Mteele smiled r.t the hl.a ky • ailed the riv e r terrible. W hat had to go to Damascus where he would be figure of the speaker Handing In Hie ing under the questioning gaze which ¿ 7 e p t" h im ’fr’.w 'n ..e • aalna “to tattered w h«t do. itte re d : »'«ppenjMl here anyway? Whom could tra il, hla head and «houldera bent un­ »«« 1 * bY’ 4 ¡,or(j ( ’ommlwilonefl Him to »lilrt. H on fea rfu lly searched Ida eyea « " * • ” KB n' der a ianeiird, with Nicotine docs not appear In tobacco V I. The Conspiracy to K ill Paul lint the spirits scared him ao with toward Ids frayed clothes, "and have smoke. It Is split into pyridine and (vv. 18-22). th eir walling that he drove hla dug« some trading to do at the post, a» collodlne D f the.-e, the la tte r la said More than forty men placed them­ ten mile« before he dared Io make you see. la It far?” i to he the less active and to pre selves under a curse to abstain from camp I c a n t understand why Ihe "Only a short distance, monsieur ponderate In cigar smoke, while the Pa t e x t : / i a. J. Lesùrgt Mt lonely amount of pyridine. R O A D S T E R ................................. |J 2 5 plan without a miracle. ula I Ion " h er* " T O U R I N G .......................................>52> •But attrely,” he protevted, “It 1« • W al," replied David w ith a grt C O U P S T E R ............................ ..... 159J M a rv e lo u s P re c o c ity D a rk n e s s mace, " I nevalre hear one of deae more lonely for a w o m a n " Mo «he COE. PE $(,75 The precoclou« Infant was being was the daughter o f the F re m h fee- T h e darkness which is the result of Wlndlgo howl ren de night, hut eef C O A C H .................................... J69J submitted to Die payehologleal tesi in S E D A N ............................................|7 7 J the aliaen.e of the light which others I see him now I eat lieem for aure. tor, and lie wondered what force of order to determine Ihe degree of circumstance« had driven the father ought to »bed Is hail enough; hut how I call ilia ile Starvin' riviere " •nt genius lie had already picked great Is the darknesa of disbelief and Mteele laughed loudly al the remark of thia talented girl Into the fur nttmhera. arranged blocks and ill m D U R A N T M O TO R S, Inc. unbelief Into which some w ill volun- of Ilia hard headed companion, whose trade aa an employee of the French gulalied colors. Then came the 250 W est 57th Street, New York company; thia girl w ith Ihe « er legacy of auperalltlon frmu an DJIh ,iri- j tsrlly plunge!— T h e Mennonite. preme test, the IdentlBcwtloO of wav mother hail boon heavily diluted eyes who came to the wtitle waters ou s c o in s General Sale» Dcpt.— 1819 Broadway, New York The Inveatlgntor toss.-d a with her violin and her grief Waa by Ihe bliaid of a Scotch fattier. T h e Stream of L ife nickel on the floor. T h e pre.-.« I.nia DisUn s s i Servii» Ststum tbrtsgbtst the Veiled Stetet " I could eat a caribou myself," he It tragedy he had chan.-evl ui*on, or liifanl bent o. er It while the proud T h e atream of life for the heond- said, "hut we ll have a Idg feed at the nicrr lon*lln*towT minded man flows steadily forward Caetds sed Mexiit parcels held their breath “ Lonely here for a woman? Surely, |M>at tonight. You taka the canoe over Then Hie precocious Infant winked with.wit rush and roar in ways of monsieur, you apeak aa a man of Ihe P l s v t .: Eliaakrth, N J. Lanang, Mich. Oakland, Cal. Toronts, Ont. w hile I flml "«It Who'S playing that pen.'» and good w ill.— Western 7hrla at Ids dad and cried evul .atty world w ith umlerat«tiding. ’ The aeo violin Who would gueaa that there I an Advocate. •Heads I '— l ’alhUnder Magaxlua. M llva mouth of the g irl ahaped a was a uiau w ithin a thousand miles A * ** r t o » /4 <#<-« fcwt » > ’ • ytz« to*«4 a !•- <;«» or to»jf-tof**4 of »to« Catoto4»- w .4 « U ll * f >»• tovr **>*•' M« t«r*> y *» « **• • 4 i I xa 4 'wr4*»-< •fci»< */*’ vf »to« A»y- Sure Relief :.A ELL-ANS FOR INDIGESTION MORTON | HOSPITAL I I 0 4 a. K c< ■I In pu Jl ieo KA rd EAR OIL M o re P o w e r ! M ore P u l l ! M o re P e p ! Low -cost Transp o rta tio n S ta r© Cars