(A NTERPRI A g r c u 11 u r e H o rtc u ltu re A W cekly Chronicle oi Local Events and Progress on Linn Comity Land L iv e s to c k Halsey Happenings and County Events Salad and cookies were served. ( larence Evans is building a new silo. Doings oi* Our Populace o C’ Bond has a new Chronicled in Brief Studebaker sedan. Harry Leeper and wife were Paragraphs Partial List of Contents News of Halsey...................... p»ge j Creat Outdoors—Farm Items . . ................................ 8 Fine Grove______________ Alford_____ ____________ , All Oregon_______________ l ; 5 M a rke ts Why Gram Market Co. Failed Farm Bloc Disorganized____ klarkec Agent’s Notes ______ Superstitions_______________ Whal's in a Name ? . . . . . . . ___ Uses for Green Tomatoes.. . . . . A Well Balanced Diet_____ . Washirgton’s Early Start____ Faulty State L iues__________ Palaability of Meats................... Fashions _______ Column of F u n ____________ jungle Story....................... 4 1 4 4 4 D a i r y P o u ltry W ool Reducing Federal ! | I appening, ¡„ 1 ax on Incomes Public Schools (Halsey ftchoel Reporter) House Ways and Means Com­ mittee Agrees on Vital i The seniors are practicing lor their play, which will bo Points of New Bill. Riven the latter part of tho month. Washington. D C —Practically trel Basketball practice has be­ ted support both In the house and sen gun and those who are devot­ ate of the tax reduction bill now in ed to this sport are once more preparation by the house ways and happy. There has been a means committee—an almost unpre good turnout for both boys’ cedented prospect—Is now confidently and girls’ basketball. expected by house leaders. Many of the high School With virtually all of the vital and students participated in the controversial points of tax reduction program given on Armistice already acted on by the committee. day at the city hall. Chairman Green said that a non parti- Willmina Corcoran, who has san measure "Bearing almost unanl been absent from school for a mous support" seems certain. Removal of more than 1,000.000 In week, after having her ton­ divlduals from the federal Income tax sils removed, is «once again in roll by Increasing exemptions and school. Harry Hussev, who has widespread reductions in these levies l een in California, decided was voted by the committee The Income tax exemption figures that Halsey suited him best agreed upon were $1500 for single per and has returned to school. 7 here from Sherman county Plot to Murder Dictator............ 1 7 The two little daughters of Sunday. Jail Proposed for Bo a ers____ 1 3 Prof. Patton were on the sick New Oregon Prohibition Chief . 1 5 Miss Leone Palmer is home list last week. Fruit Freigh Rate Hefd Down.. 1 7 from an Albany hospital re­ « Church Announcements - ____ J Miss Velva Hadley spent cuperating. School N otes........... ................. 1 ft Sunday with her friend, Miss Claron Gormley and wife Serial Story . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 6 Roberta Vannice. attended the Portland live­ 7 Sanday School Lesson................ 2 Mrs. Russell Githens and stock show. 7 Editorial Comment___ . . . . . . 4 Beulah Wade of Peoria were Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Harvey in Halsey Saturday. of Glendale are here for a vis­ Pine Grove Points Jail Proposed for O. W. Frum and Adolph it at J. C. Standish’s and at Spurlin were among those Brownsville. Buyers of Booze who visited the stock show at (By Special Correspondent) Frank Porter is up from Portland. Portland looking after his Mr. Blood and family were Chicago.—There are teeth In the Mrs. Karl Bramwell and .arm, having brought home Albany visitors Saturday. Volstead act, little used or not at all, Mrs. Albert Miller and moth­ his red polled prize winners. Mr. and Mrs. Gillespie visit­ bu, which would make prohibition en er, Mrs. M. M. Ward, were Al­ forcement far more effective. An David Foote and son A. W. bany shoppers Thursday. butchered a fine big beef Sat­ ed at W. G. McNeil's the first drew J. Volstead, ex representative In congress, father of the prohibition law- Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Penland urday and remembered sever­ of the w’eek. told the Anti-Saloon league's crisis returned from a business and al of the neighbors with a Mrs. George Chandler was convention He recently return sons and *3500 for beads of families pleasure trip to eastern Ore­ generous helping of meat. having dental work done at ed to public here. life as legal adviser of the compared with »1000 and »2500. re gon Friday. They visited Albany last week. The girls’ basketball team Mrs. Gordon Munkers and prohibition director for Minnesota. speettvely, In the present law. friends in Sherman county. children spent Friday at the The community meeting Fri­ It is not generally known, Mr. Vol­ Other changes decided upon Includ 33 ill have the use of the show­ er bath this season. This Mr. and Mrs. Will Robert­ tiouie of Mr». Mungers’ par. day evening was well attended stead said, but the purchaser of Illicit ed; should lessen the chance for liquor is subject to 90 days' imprison son and son Wayne and Mr. ents, Mr. and MAs. H. L. and a good time had. Reduction of the maximum surtax ment and for a second offense not to rate from 40 to 20 per rent; reduction taking cold. and Mrs. Jess Cross drove to Straley. They also shopped in Sam Campbell hauled woo< exceed I»eila Gansle has had the two years. of the normal rates from 2 to 134 pci Hoskins Sunday to visit their Halsey. from the Johnson farm to splints removed from her "It would have a salutary effect," reut on the first »1000 of taxable in sister and aunt, Mrs. Evelyn Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Wade Fayetteville last week. arm and is able to he went on, “to prosecute some ol come, from 4 to 3 per cent on the next broken Byers. and children of Peoria and L. E. Eagy and Floyd Nich­ these purchasers, so that the countr» »1000. and from 8 to 5 per cent on th» move the injured member now. Russell Norton had a birth­ Mrs. Oliver McClure and son ols attended the parent-teach- might know some of the so-called remainder. The high school and grades day last Tuesday and invited Lester and Miss Edith Putman ei meetinjFat Halsey Saturday good people' are simply In the boot Increase In the age limit from the leg class. in a crowd of playmates to of Sweet Home were guests of evening. »400 exemption allowance for depend are to be well represented in The federal government rannol help him celebrate in the ev­ Mrs. Nora Coleman Sunday. from 18 to 21 years In case» the Armistice program to­ Mrs. Neva Knighten and carry the burden of prohibition en enta night. Come and hear them. where children are In school. ening. Many nice gifts were, Linn Norton is using a novel Thelma of Albany spent Sun­ forcement—each community m ist po Retention of the present 25 per cent Janitor Forster evidently be­ presented to him and he in method to haul in his winter’s day with M t . and Mrs. George lice itself so far as local law viola reduction In the tax when applied to lieves, "An apple a day keeps turn treated them to real ven­ wood. He loads it on a farm Githens. tions are concerned, Lincoln C. An earned Incomes of »10.000 or less, also the doctor a wav." He treat­ ison sandwiches, cake and wagon and hauls it into town drews, assistant secretary of the was decided upon by the committee Bert Haynes, W. G. McNei ed the faculty to some very lemonade. behind his Oakland. He and N. H. Cummings attendee treasury in charge of prohibition, de Reduction of the Inheritance tai fine ones last 33'cek. makes good time, but we think The Standard Bearers met the district road meeting at dared in an address before the con ratea from a maximum of 40 to 20 per Russell Norton has returned at the home of Ruby Schroll he won’t get pinched for Grasshopper schoolhouse Sat­ ventlon. cent. to school after an absence of speeding. The federal government, Andrew» Tuesday evening. The regu­ Repeal of the gift tax. urday afternoon. four weeks while suffering asserted, will have done Its full dutj lar meeting was held first and Retention of the present corporation from a stubborn breaking out Mrs. Robert I. Parker con­ Charles Nichols and N. E. when It eliminates the sources of sup and capital stock taxes. then all members busied them­ ducted the lesson at the meet­ on his arm. selves with work on articles ing of the W. F. M. S. of the Chandler went to Portland ply and traffic In liquors from ont Basketball season started section of the country to another. Tuesday to attend the live for a bazaar to be held early M. E. church. Mesdames B. last Tuesday. The girls’ team returning Alleged Plot to in December. Interesting let­ M. Miller and S. J. Smith re­ stock exposition, will prat live at. the hall Tues­ Thursday evening. ters were read from Miss ported from the Salem meet­ and Thursday afternoons Murder Mussolini day Marie Comer, missionary to ing of the Columbia river R. K. Stewart came from New Prohibition .'lid the boys Wednesday and Nagpur, India, and from ’Miss branch. Next meeting Dec. Pleasant Hill Tuesday even­ Chief for Oregon Rome.—Many arrests and detention! Friday. Their positions in the Ung Ding Ging, of Futsing, 4, Mrs. S. J. Smith giving the ing and on Wednesday, ac­ teams have not been definitely were reported In various parts of decided yet. China, a Chinese girl who is lesson. companied by his daughter, Seattle. Wash.—Roy C. Lyle, federal Italy In connection with the plot supported by the society. Mrs. Hover, went to Portland Prof. Patton presided over Frank Kirk is home from to visit relatives, returning to prohibition administrator for the 20th against the life of Fremler Mussolini «Saturday’s meeting when a dlatrtct. has announced that Wllbut The conspiracy, which was of wide the Oaco orchard at Monroe Halsey Saturday. K. Newell of Eugene had been recoin spread ramifications. Is declared tr parent-teachers' organization for a Vacation of a couple of Mode, George Chand­ mended for deputy administrator foi hare been aimed at ths overthrow ol " a s formed. Mrs. Kizer was B a n c ro ft weeks. One of the several ler, J. R. Charles Nichols, P. A. the state of Oregon the Savoy dynasty and the establish secretary. Mrs. Inez Freeland varieties of apples he brought Pehrsson, E. E. Hover and 34 as elected president of the Mr. Lyle also announced that Dr ment of a republic. with him is the Ortley, a new Dean Bilyeu drove to« Corval­ Joseph A. Linville, for four years state Tito Zanlboni. former deputy of th« association, Mrs. J. H. Van- one, equal if not superior to lis Monday to get almost a prohibition director for Oregon, had Unitarian Socialist party and trusted nice vice-president, Mrs. J. W. the bellflower, but which he ton of Pyrotol that they had been made assistant administrator la political advisor of the king of Italy Clark secretary and Lawrence says will, if gathered early ordered. If stumps could talk charge of permits for the whole dis has confessed the plot to kill Premia» E.igy treasurer. and handled right, keep till many in this vicinity would trlct and would hereafter be located Mussolini and dethrone the Italian The pupils of the primary July. The specimens he had say, “Well, I'll be blowed.” at administration headquarters In de monarchy, according to the police. EVERYTHING OPTICAL grades, directed by Mrs. El­ attle. were in their glory for eating Under grilling, proceeding constant don Cross, gave an enjoyable 370 State st.. right now. These two appointment« complete ly since he was taken, rifle In hand program. Salem, Ore. the higher official personnel of the from a hotel near the balcony wher« Alford Arrows Much good to the local (Continued on page 8) district, previous announc>cnent hsv Mussolini spoke on the seventh annl cause of education is hoped ing been made of the app»*ntment oi vnrsary of the Armistice with Austria for from the association. (By an Enterprise Reporter) William M. Whitney as dlatrict legal Zanlboni shouldered the entire reepon Lee Ingram and family were adviser, H. S. McClure as deputy ad slblllty for the plot himself. It Is said Sunday evening callers at A. mlnistrator for eastern Washington and denied he had any accomplices The Study Club and E. O. Birgflold as deputy foi E. Whitbeck's. Meantime, however, active polie» , met with Mrs. Alaska. ferreting In several cities tended tr ! The d ub Keith Hayes spent Friday Thursday No special deputy will he name l foi Indicate that the plot had widespread j Martin Gummings night and Saturday with Carl western Washington, where Mr. Lyle ramifications afternoon, the business session Nov. 9 to 21 Isom and Carl returned his will retain personal charge, with,Whit Not. 9 to 21 being devoted principally to visit Saturday night. ney acting when he Is abseut. from preparation for the armistice Pruitmen Head Off Three new students have headquarters program to be given in con­ : STOCK YOUR PANTRY entered Alford school. They junction with the schools and * This year “ national canned fooeb week ” hai been aet for the f reight Rate Rise orchestra at the city hull to­ belong to the R. E. Brock fam­ 6en. Wheeler Would Drop Charge I weeks of Nov. 9 to 21. Washington. I). C -DIumlsHiil of th» ily, which has moved into the night. Admission will be free. I More and more each vear consumers are learning to be house vacated by Brian Perry indictment returned agalnnt him her« Washington, D. C Fruit growers of Ice cream and candy wlil be particular. They want QUALITY canned foods. »harping conspiracy to defraud th» the Pacific coast were successful io told, the proceeds to go to the and family. We take PRIDE in the record of PREFERRED STOCK government In connection wtlh oL preventing new higher freight rales on public library. S. J. Smith and family visit­ prospecting permits In Montana wai 1 Our offer is one can FREE with each dozeu or 10 per c e n t 1 fruit and vegetables being put Into Mrs. G. W. Laubner was 1 in free goods—your own seleetions. 1 ed Dr. Shelton at Brownsville asked of the District of Columbia su effect December 4, as scheduled appointed on the finance com­ Saturday, and had tooth trou­ preme court hy Senator Rurton K Tho Interstate commerce commis­ From Preferred Stock Vegetable*, Fruits, Fish, etc. bles attended to. S. J. wears Wheeler, democrat, of that state. Th» sion ordered cancelled proposed rates mittee in place of Mrs. Tuss- ing, removed to Brownsville. Spinach, 25*; I’umpkin. 30*; Ripe Olive», Apricots,40c*; Cut»up. a broad smik now. principal ground for the requeal wa» le-»ween points In California, Oregon, 30.; Tiny Kernel Corn. 25*; Fancy Maine Corn, 25*; tomatoes. IV Tel- • I he wild iris was chosen for acquittal by a Jury In the federal epbone Fees, 2 lor 45*; Tender Melting reas, 25*; Sauerkraut, 30*; Ham - j Washington. Idaho, Utah an»l Mon the club flower and blue and my, 20*; Pimentos' 10<; Dill Fickle», 30c. Stringle»» Be»n», 25c. Aipar- A small sum ol money and courts In Montana tana maize for colors. gus Tips, 40c, Fishflakes, 15c; Kippered Snack», California Sar- < The schedules were Intended to rem some flashlights were taken M illar Denies Guilt In Conspiracy Css» Mrs. C. P. Stafford gave the dine», 3 for 50c; Norwegian Sardine». 20c; White Tuna, 15c; Select Oys- | ndy rate Inequalities alleged by the from the Howe Garage, tera 45c; Minced Clam». 25 and 3.5c; Shrimp», 25c Red Sockeye Salmou, lesson on Rostand's ‘'Chanti­ New York — Thomas W. Miller Me: Royal Chinook, 45c; Sliced Pineapple. 20, 25, 30 and 35c; 5 tllow I Brownsville, Saturday night former alien property custodian, sc « «Triers to exist on through shipments cleer.” Cling Peaches, 40c. Preserved Pigs .15c; Pitted Red Cherries, 45c; Porto | by burglars who broke the cused with several German and Swla» along the coast. The commission A Pollyanna club was or­ Rico Grapefruit, 25c; Mayonnaise. 35c; Olive Oil, SI.25: All Ceylon Tea. lock when they tried to get firms of conspiracy to defraud tjie gov found the higher rates unjustified In ganized trom members of the 60c; Coffee, I lb, 60c. 2', tbs, »1,45c. ’ ----- ----- ------------------------------------------------------------ into the safe. Then they took eminent In connection with the at view of water competition and (he Study club. some clothing from Thomp- fairs of the American Metals cogipauy fact that no loss In revenue was shown W e O ffe r I Mrs. C. It. Evans assisted hy the carriers on the present rates pleaded not guilty when siralggp-d the hostess. CASH SPECIAL CASH SPECIAL son's store and vanished. ____ Mrs. Thomas Ardry, was a Grates Wants Security Agresmen« The basket social ht Oak I Gold Dust, 4 1 Peete' Washing Machine Soap, Athens.—The Greek government hsi guest. Plain last Friday night was M. E. Church Next meeting with Mrs. 10 Crystal White. 8 Creme- $ Fairy Soep notified the League of Nations that t 98o, well attended and a splendid von Id like to Initiate negnttaflone foi Laubner in two weeks. Robert Parker pastor. 49o. program was rendered by the Oil, 3 Beth Tablets . . . . 9 8 c l 6 Jell Deeeert, a Balkan security pact, similar to tb< Sunday school, 10. school and a few of the young Last Sunday was open-house ¡’»caching, 11. l.oisrno pacts, enforcing arbitration people of the neighborhood. day at the greenhouses of the Junior League, 3, The sum of $11.25 was raised and N e w Z e a la n d e rs R eje ct R ro h tb ltln n Albany Floral company Epworth league, 6 30. by the sale of the baskets. It people from many HALSEY, OREGON Preaching, 7 80. Wellington. N Z.—I’rohtlbtlon ba» many is to be used to help pay for a Piaver-tnceting, Thnrpday, 7 30. J>ean defes«ed In Naw Zealand. Incetu places viewed the wonderful plaj’shed for the school. Bible Stuly Tuesday, 3. (floral display. elele returns Indicated. Optical Parlors o e Canned Foods Week M. V. KOONTZ CO. Reducing Iecome T a x _____. . . 1