*’ f » ______ . . f At Last! Tb» w o rld . f«m »u» ___ Fe^ene, visited Arthur and wtf» bare I **» stage m s m c su.4.«, „ i Uon ia m o tio n p ic, uree. E r ie Von S tro h eim ’s r \ r . ~ ~ H a l ( ^ n h ? ii- H a l f a M il l i o n C a la m ity H o w ler« , T r u e to ' w“ ? “ The Merry Widow” " v rw u . trw i t n n t n c O b Giad>* H xLcy i. home . , ff< frv£n Oladya HatLe-y fr o « Mw) Mon mouth for a weec’i visit. 1 O rm - M u ltip lie d it ____________________ — — 'C u s to d ia n o f A l i e n 5 1 L Ha«w Railroad ran. L ig h t o n C o o lid g e ’s P r o o e r tv A r « , « d A ,„ p „ |- . c. , •». I a F e w T im e s Hwi- i t e * f u k ” in« f^ „ h . ____ ___ ~ -----' o v e re ii Sanders . «rsnu jury cnarged with con I secretary t0 President Coolidge thev P o in t* — »piracy to defraud the government In would "seek copies of all corresDond MAY M URRAY Hassenger» i»r gXl(. * r ’ “ C. M ille r and Thomas an,! /o r publication Nov. 5 This paper connection with the handling of the af ! ence exchanged between the nrealB.«. J O H N G IL B E R T ------graayee. 1 »ho, . — ” 11 »in A a 17 lût .« 1 all ..1 ---------- _. presinent fairs of the American Metals uvuip.ne, company and W. A Alien were in Eugene Friday. --- ——— - persona relative to the neces­ * y “ * a ^ n d V z î s * ^ ] ’. * « • i “ printed Nov. 4 but not putlisehe< seised as German property during the sity and reasons for the formation of comae The phrenological lecture a t the until the 5th. war. N e x t 8 u o .-M o o .-T u e a -W e d . air board, headed by ; Christian church Munday night drew W hat t h . state really i , f o in g I . The aliens are accused of working P ^ fcb t Morrow, as contained in the la rather small congregation N o r. b — 9 — 10— H through Colonel M iller and others in Ocea - * lh* W’hU* H0USe executiTe et- V prospective deficit, fo r 1926, of O u tin g Mail Mrs. Ida Workinger, of Shedd. 25, fiona 8600,000 to HM.OOO, due to’ the poaitions of trust and responsibility at G L O B E albabt Colonel Mitchell asked the con« daughter of P. H . Freerkeen and referendum of measure» which the Washington to obtain cash and Liber­ A t th e H a ls ey Doetr,«„ ty bonds held as part of the German •Iso to summon Secretaries Davis of d o - g o i n g oonfa7 wife, died Sunday. The W orkinger, i.g w a iu r e intended tz »s* to in » n n .ik * tBli Hstssy Happtning» lagulature intended to provide reve- property seised by the United States the war department and W ilbur of the were married in 1918 , nd two sons r , A U provide »nd 5 : 2 0 p m . U W » government at the start of the war. (Continued frona page 1 ) navy department, as witnesses. and two daughters survive their * C° V" 'U ‘ - W - ^ P . ria - tio G oing a o ^ , j , . l o a — n _ . But The whole case centers around the Several officials of of the the 5 :2 0 p. tn. mother. tn. t*fo ra the session adjourned, the W o rk baa began to w ard rab o ild — other ------- high oniciais allegation that — 1«.c the cue American American Metals Metals I ‘ wo departments, several member. 0» lo g tha tw o burned F a lk bar nr. I o B ro w n sville , 6:20 Koss Major,» n. js e d the McKercher estimates as to receipts from income company seised by A A. Mitchell Palmei Palmer congress and more than 60 a . s, w iuau at the outbreak of the war. was fraud- navy officer. a — l T ^ * w army “ an* d • AK« V« Ul I P au l A s h to n «UU and 1BUJUJ fa m ily w art at ° r “i ‘fe’ ' * * ' Crawfordsville, last week tax and inheritance tax were revise-: at the outbreak of the war, was fraud­ nary offIcer, , „ 0 weM ------a gOe* ° " '»«.C raw 'fordïvîü ulently made to appear in large part ra. . Sophia bass’ S u nd ay. ay “nd “ “ c* r threw hi® through the upwards by »350,000 M rs defense in a list of those it would like New revenue at Swiss property, whereupon the gov­ to question. I windshield when it stopped. Some measure», not referended, provide an Miss L a V s rd a K syser of S ilv e r ern men t paid »7.000.000, representing tuts on his face were sewed up and additional »2O«7ss 7 naj »208,000 for the biennium. Per cent of the company's capital to n visited her g ran d m o ther, Mrs Paid-fw Paragraph» ne went on to Sweet Home. mcome tax collection, have ex- |« o c k valu, to the Socieu S u f a . T ^ SELECTION IS DEFERRED W h e eler, to day. wobietpation by nearly I b’aieurs De Meteaux. Hoys at play found some dynamite (5c a lin e ) ° r' i - V EI‘T inated P r . . ide„t l„ J. H i l l and ben H o lt and japs stored in a prune dryer near ♦30,000 more. By virtue of thia ex- I - ------------------ -------------- fam ilies w ent to th e P o rtla n d lir e - Choice for University Head. a t í h e K ; ; r ¿ x v 5c ,b o n d Lebanon Friday. Dick Kaufman, tra revenue, the theoretical deficit C* " ,d * Vote Endi lB Near-Osadloek. •toek »how yesterday Portland, O r — Regents of the Uni sged 12, tried to open one with his now confronting the state is onlv , ° t U ’r* ’ Ont ~ g e n e r a l elec- »«sC.OOO for 1P26. Il0 M brought about the nearest ap- verslty of Oregon, meeting fn Port A* T. ^• W. Frum Friday t/tem o o n and «□res w ill begin to come in about — vvuiiuuui, ¿'re* In d / T rt ° f M r’ ° ’ T ’ G a n g e r «OMI tribute, ’ “ k“ “111' | ” ' r, K.‘“r wh0 had ur«ed a moderate Mrs. M. B. Morrow arrived from 1 very enjoyable time was had. Au- S aCoU' 601,2 01 Portl*nd ♦n. 1, 1927. They may yield a I tariff, himself went down to defeat in r o W „ | | „ „ r, umn leave, furnished decoration» Seattle Monday evening and will be recommended that Frank Parker Day 1 ^ “ 7 7 ;‘mount Provide fo r the his own constituency. Seven of his o L or the rooms and candy and popcorn r e,fIe lD’ tltUte of Tecbnol the guest of her mother, Mrs. L A C h ild re n and F a m ily 1926 deficit and such . t . t e expendi­ ministers also were beaten ted by N O T IC E o f T A X P A Y E R S ’ .M B tT lJ Syrians Appeal to League. Miss Beulah M iller and Mrs. g The next all-day meeting of the are not provided fo r by existing lec^on r ’ ^ Ugene’ the se- g -inn County Holiness association will revenue«. h ixer were guests of Ruby Schrol G « e v a .— Protests to the League oi i « d L u “ el Day and rec°m <» 111 the South Methodist church at Taking all the foregoing probabil­ Nations mandate commission from 612.00 «> lent’a naval-'oil reserve there from .................. 20.00 . , '"terstate commerce commis ley remained for a visit with hei I t Fall before his fall. w” . d 1' , mother, Mrs. Esther Rike. l Ä i " ^ “ 8 ........ Men with shotguns visited these Th . Lumbermen's association The Standard Bearers, under the ittlers and advised them to leave if The Increases range from 2 to 30 i direction of Mrs. Irm a Shotwell, are I Street work ....................... I » hey wanted to live. One old couple Mainten.ace city propen'. working hard on articles fo r a »5,00 ••fused to go and their house was I MisceJIaaeoD, and labor. haaam- which will be held early i, 136 60 ncked up and hauled away. When The commission Investigated the 1 December. hancy Sickeis was there he talked »1520.00 H i The Darbey fam ily, who lived in • ith their lawyer, who said he felt tributaries fixed with Denver. Colo. M r. Hike's house on F irst street ure of winning a million or so for I L iceo « feeE.* b “ * ,ed 1 theJ lDe’ ° ' U e » gone to Springfield. The gen fern for their home and their oil Northern. I Road tax ..................* -?0 0* * ° Ul'- M ° bl,e & ighta. Orman is a Mountain States Powet ........................... 500.00 truck driver. Conversing with an O k’ahoman ro b .1? ! ? 1” ° f tbe8e road8 ’ *re In »520. »0 lr. Skkels was asked why our Joint r . . i . C,nCe!a tl° n ° f the,r P reen , . » R*c«Pitulation: The Kijrrisburg Bulletin has pass Estimated espensea "hools were opening later than Waahl . ed from the hand, of M. D. Morgan Washington °° and B 'nber rltl.h fr°m Columbia vl. Estimated receipt,. ....................... ,2 i' >os r there. He said one reason was puWi8her- ‘"O’ those 0/ Tfenver to New Orleans. Mobile, Pen,a ' give all a chance to help in the S. P. Shutt A Son, proprietors, edi cola and Intermediate points rune and hop harvest. tors and publishers. "W hat does a hop look lik e ’ " Mlsa Dorothy Corcoran spent F ri B R IE F GENERAL NEWS ■ ked an old farmer. e y ,S‘ urt«yanL Chairman «1*X in A lb .jiy and from there went «• r. troas, Recorder. "In shape it looks much like W illiam O. Clyde will . UCCeed Hom , to PeortB, where she visited her cou. me cone.“ • P •W o n Wfie. tic , scout, have been feeling f i »r — r) . i tV . illl.— c o m p .? /1: ’ : : U ^ r,orn ^ •Ina, Beulah and Pauline Carothers ¿,?.TICE ° f D ,’ ,r,c* R° * d Meeting ---- -- IVWing Saturday and Sunday. he <• pulae of Oregon and they report reuort I of ... ........ ’ I ' " ,h* a ™ Tolled " , ' ! “ Statea “ " a t they find a growing coolness cartta.1 , ,f;M p arrl and » Ita lia , Tha Henry fam ily has moved from «w ard, M r. Coolidge among the tha < hanee house, adjoining the tale Ench , , a' " Dd tbe f°"hcom in< Phow Of f i „ , u A JUf)y wi(* armern, who had seemed well dia- rortta , of 'he l u . l v o - b.r * C° n,erenc# ln Chicago, ac of I.inn counta n ,2 L rO Sufforoue o c c a io n * When last heard, tone on record as favoring state in- the E a 1” l* a,U ’> WHh to °me tax, favoring abolition of the from he was in H r.ti.h Columbia and Drtohr’ ",C.h barbardmen‘ of Damascus ubl,c service commission, favoring October 18 to »0. author OF thought if he didn’t a e ttl. dow, RURAL ENTERPRISE ▼Pel of the Each-Cummins law and The Thlaucourt, France, war mon r r " W Up wllh “ * « “ " t e 'T O t L0F THE T R a i l " ayoring , higher tax on butter eub- urnent wl.1 be unveiled November 8 o o n t .in , lnor, gQod hn might return to old Oregon. the whelps of the wolpw t Thlaucourt, the first French town to eek ,h '» »ny other Lion count, J * ! . A n ?*M ia rm ’ near 8 M * d- wa» I _ C O > V R I0 H T the CCH euBUSM.». co. b8 fap t“ r«d In the Argonne drive Am • J ”Ta “ T 1* Iarm * near Shd^ . w a. I --------------- at t o ? 'f * r , r ‘ i , H i 8 ‘ o ^ ® n t.n t. M site of campmeeting, fifty year. I - ; . ®.b° P “ nd “ *« wqual bassador Herrick and high official, of I at top o f page it M o . fte ltto u a id e .. „ „ not P ' « h»• »1 d »U a , Bnd .healed I . ,a ? / ° r ’ n ,“ ent will t,k » p. r, on y thing, planted. Three coin, liw o . ^ i ' l i ,a r id » 'c h made ol he dedication ceremony. Four «»•Ud 1858. J869 and 1872, M w !!i k Z ! o ' ' ° M ° ‘ < r,b a ,D b r« * d $ 1. 5 0 a y e a r houa.ad American soldiers killed m : ? ^ r OrthJ “ d ' h n p H s o n e d •« pocket knives and other aouv.ni I ? d ounce « ( t h ] , m ix tu re he Argonne and Rt Mlhlel campaign, a m a g ic ia n o f t h e p e n a n d pnsoned 1 ,7 , ' y ° U tC‘ e Albany m a p p e d re g io n b e lo w th e A rc tic a '” t h e f u r tr a d e in to w h ic h i t a „2 ep ‘° of s o n a litie s a n d in te n s e e m n ti tW lned v ‘vi<1 P e r- a n d b itte r h a tr e d s . A m a z in g ly " L a " d " 8 ' ° VeS a c tio n . I t is t h e M a r s h , n o v e lis t h is s c e n e s fro m c h a r a c te r s fro m b e s t s to ry y f t C ^ , k i ' " * " o f s u p e r io r ta i b y G e o r 8® t h e g r e a t w h t i « " \ W h° 8616018 t h e d w e lle r s S , ” a" d “ • Begins next week in this paper I Lucky Dollar Class ( ’ tic k ¡ . .u n I. ’" r ' 9 ne p ear for 4 * M One Dollar | C' n you «8t “ ore for the m e ..,? S o m eth in g „ ow fo r f . , m . m W » 4 »» ’ „ y ,., in every j M n , t ,