® In th e JUNGLE ® l"1 1 1 1 I I I I I I I I I I > 1 I I I I I I 111 A lic e T e r r y 1 I I I"!' i I I I I I I I I I I I I I » I I ► W ith . C h e c r u p 5 a n d t h e Q u i x i c s OCx - - v <» \.XXXXXXX. x?JOOQ«JOO CThe Kitchen Cabinet c io . <<x>oooooooooo6oooc W h \\ Mtdro Newspaper Union ) 6 / Grace D l i s j S t e w a r t B rib e , m u rd e r, m a r r y , b u t s te e r c le a r o f In k . w h e n y ou w r it « re c e ip t« For p a id -u p b ill In 't. T h e re m ay be s ilv e r in th e " b lu e - b la c k " — a ll I k n o w o f le th e iro n a nd f a l l . Just a L ittle# à S m ile S a \e RAFFY FINDS HIS TONGUE Raffy nodded his head, switched his tall and swayed Ids long neck hack NE warm sunny day, Cheerups and forth. It was evident that Jacky was sitting on the ground In the had told ids difficulty exactly Cheerups was thinking very hard Jungle and looking lazily up into the great trees. He was looking to see Indeed. Then Joyfully he shouted: if any fruit were growing handy. "Why, of course, It's your tongue that “I'll send Softfoot or Brlghteyes tip to can do it. If you can't tulk with It, get It If I find some,” thought he. Then It ought to be good for something suddenly he spied a long gold-colored ^our tongue is long and slender, nnd face, all covered with brown spots, you cun stretch it out for those leaves. and two big solemn eyes looking down It has prehensile or grasping power, at him. Cheerups was most too too, like the tails of the South Ameri­ astonished to breathe. “Gracious, can monkeys. I ou can pick u single that’s a new kind of fruit to m e!” leaf or even a blade of grass with It. It can be made short or long, wide or narrow. Now Isn't that a gift to be happy about? There's another thing Raffy: Sometimes the trees you feed on are rough and thorny and hurt your tender nose, so Just close your nostrils to protect them. You can do It, I know.” Raffy looked delighted. He closed his nostrils Immediately to see if he could. Then he ran out his long tongue and nipped off a leaf high up in the Breadfruit tree. Then he looked at Cheerups with eyes full of gratitude, kicked up his heels, switched his tall Joyfully and ran o ff through the Jungle. “But remember,” called Cheerups after him, “that the things which are out of reach are often no better than those Just at hand. I hope he heard “So You’ve Lost Your Tongue, Have It,” murmured Cheerups thoughtfully. <© by L it t le . B ro w n & C o .) You, RaffyT*’ O —Klplln*. MORE SAVORY FOODS D E A F E N IN G Now that the hubbard squash Is ready for market, one may enjoy that Mrs. Newly-Rlch w a s recounting to Every delectable vege­ sn acquaintance the thrilling events table in various o f the evening before, when the house where ways. A simple hail been burgled. treutment Is to “Aa a matter of fact,” she said, “w? ! cut It Into half- were eating our soup—” pound pieces, un- : “Then, of course" Interrupted the peeled, and hake candid friend, “none of you hcurd any­ In a moderate thing."— Tit Bits. oven until soft ; enough to he scraped from the shell. //is Size S a v e d H im Serve It In the shell with hits of butter The girl was Interested In the ynrn dotted over It. with generous sifting of the fat old sailor was telling. He had Salt and pepper. Just finished relating Ids experiences haarletrt oil has been a world­ Peeled and steamed, then mashed with cannibals, and she sold: wide remedy for kidney, liver and with butter, salt, pepper and a bit of “And so the natives didn't harm yon, cream It makes a dish which few will after a lii” bladder disorders, rheumatism, refuse. lumbago and uric acid conditions. “Bless you, no,” was tho reply. Squash Porcupine.—Steam a hub­ “They didn't have a saucepan my bard squash In the shell. When soft, size.” scrape out with a spoon, mash and set In a hot oven after seusonlng with salt, /T B R E A K S ’E M . A L L R I G H T HAARLBM OIL Before she entered the “movies," sugar, one-rourth of a teaspoonful of K V J T lim handsome Alice Terry resided In In­ ginger, two tahlespoonfuls of butter; diana. She was induced to accept em­ bent well and reserve a cupful. Put correct Internal troubles, stimulate vital ployment ae an extra in a studio. She the squash Into a glass baking dish, organs. Three sizes. All druggists. Insist was Juat eighteen at the time, and eo cover with a cupful o f the squash put on the original genuine G old M r o & l well fitted into a prominent part In a through a rlcer and brown. Cream picture that she was given the lead, may be added If moisture Is needed. and from that time on the has shared Beef Kidney, Creole Style.—Trim honors with other stare. the fat from a fresh kidney anil cut Into three-quarter inch slic e s; dredge D rie s r ig h t u p ! Then, as his eyes traveled slowly with Hour. Fry out one thick slice down, down, over about eight feet of If you Just realised how easy It Is to j of bacon chopped and two tablespoon- $ p H. IRV1NQ neck and along about ten feet more stop fiery. Itching, burning eexama by fuls of chopped suet In a deep pan. KING s f of body and leg, he had the surprise simply building up the red-blood-cells Add the kidney, four chopped onions In your blood with 8. 8. 8., you of his life. ' anil one chopped green pepper. Toss wouldn't waste another minute trying “It’s an animal I” cried Cheerups out until the meat Is well-seared and coat­ to do It any other way. loud. “But It must be the tallest one ed with a rich brown gravy. Now add That's the only way to relieve Irri­ In the world.” tated, broken out skin of any aort. You one pint of tomatoes, one-eighth of a Then the funny head at the top of often found and the mistletoe was al­ j tenspoonful each of cayenne and curry lack rich, red blood. Impurities are In APPLES AND SEEDS Son—Dad, what do they mean when the long neck began to nod. Up and ways regarded in antiquity as a di­ I powder and one teaspoonful of salt. they say In the history that In the old your system. Tha blood Is so weak It fight back and overcome tha en­ down It nodded and nodded. tiff ANY are the methods practiced rect emanation of the gods—which la Cover closely and simmer three-quar- days many men perished by being can't emy, so tha Impurities break out “Well, I must have said the right A*A today by the superstition of divi­ “another story.” ; ters of an hour. Serve hot on fingers broken on the wheel? through tha skin. thing that time,” murmured Cheerups. nation by apples, apple seeds and ap­ Our modern use of the apple In love of buttered toast. I >ud—Why—er—son, I really can’t 8. 8. 8. builds the blood b a c k - “But why doesn't he talk, Instead of ple parings. They are nearly all in the divination comes directly from the tell you—they certainly didn’t have builds millions of new red-blood-cells. Apple and Cabbags Salad.—Shred a nodding In that silly fashion? He nature of “projects," or love-charms. myth of Hercules who recovered from Eczema dries right up. Bolls, pimples, automobiles that far buck. probably thinks I can’t hear so far The most general of these In this ,-+4he i lesperldes the golden appim small purple cahhnge very tine, mix blackheads, ugly blotches and Irrltat- with finely sliced, then shredded ap­ away. What he needs Is a telephone.” country Is, perhaps, the throwing of a which had been given by the Earth- I ing rashes all disappear. N e w K in d o f C o n te s t “That’s Itaffy Giraffe, Mr. Cheerups,’’ whole apple paring on the floor after goddess to Juno, the patroness of mar­ ple; add a small portion of chopped Clear up your akin. Get S. S. S. AH I h e a rd th e o r a to r io din druggists sell i t Tha larger bottle la called Jack the Monkey, who was sit­ swinging It three times around the riage, at her nuptials. Hence an ap­ celery, a good boiled dressing and a W h e r e fie rce In v e c tiv e fille d th e a ir more economlcaL Sprinkle with A n d eald. " I w o n d e r w h o w i l l w in ting up In the tall palm tree eating head In the belief that It will fall In ple Instead of a ram was often sacri­ little onion Juice. T h e p e r s p ir a tio n c o n te s t th e r e I” dates. “He can hear what you say the shape of the Initial of one's future ficed to Hercules and hence today we ! paprika and serve when well chilled. Pineapple added to cabbage with a C u rious B e lie fs but he can't talk. He hasn't any wife or husband. Then there Is the seek to know the name or face of our voice. Raffy, and Boomer Kangaroo naming of apple seeds and divining future wife or husband by means of good dressing la very good, preparing A P u z z le R e g a rd in g S n a k e s who lives In Australia, are the only with them In various ways : the eating apples, apple seeds and apple parings. Just as above, omitting the onion Juice. Field Coca—Have you reud "To In spite of the great decreuse In tha Sweet Things. ( © by M c C lu r e N e w s p a p e r S y n d ic a t e .) animals In the world who can’t make of an apple at midnight before a glass Mouse”? j number of British reptiles, many su­ ------ o------- Small cakes and cookies are always a sound. Funny the way men talk while one holds a lamp and repeats an Cola—No. How do you get ’em to perstitions and churma regarding a welcome sweet for all seasons and listen?—American Boy. about dumb animals. Isn’t It? I guess appropriate rhyme with the expecta­ ( snakes still exist. at all times. A nobody In his right senses would call tion of seeing one's true love peep The most potent charm against well-filled cooky me that,” chattered Jacky with a over one's shoulder; and the “bobbing B A S E M E T A L . IN D E E D | suukes la said to he a mllpreve. Really, box is a source of chuckle. for apples” on Allhalloween. Doubt­ It la a place of coralline llineatuua great comfort and “So you've lost your tongue, have less the reader can recall many more. about the size of a pigeon's egg. Uld- a r e s o u r c e In you, Raffy?" Inquired Cheerups kind­ The apple superstition In all Its fusluoned people believe that ou one times of unexpect­ ly. “That’s a pity I" forms has its root so far back In my­ night In the year all the addera meet ed guest A Then, quick as a flash, out of thology that Its primal origin Is lost together and atart hissing. Their Spice Nuts.—To Raffy's mouth shot the longest, slim ­ but mystic qualities have always been LA VALL1ERE breath forms a bubble which solldlfiea one c u p f u l of mest tongue Cheerups had ever seen. attributed to this fruit since the days Into the mllpreve. Whoever finds it sugar add two It was so twisty and slender that It of Tammuz. Perhaps Its origin was f A VALUERS, favorite of I-oula Is assured of good luck uud Immunity looked as If It could wrap around In the fact that the apple tree Is the XIV and one of the greatest beau tcaspoonfuls of butter, when well- from suuke bite. mixed adil two well-heuten eggs, one anything and tie in a bowknot. Another superstition Is that tha tree upon which the mistletoe Is most ties of the French court, la ao often Cheerups Just couldn't help laugh­ pictured as an adventuress and a de cupful of flour, one-fourth of a cupful breath of snake on a hazel wand will ing. He laughed and laughed. To liberate coquette, that few know her of thinly shredded citron, one-half tea­ produce a hard atone ring which la an spoonful of cinnamon, one-fourth cup­ think of having the longest tongue In ■ l i i t i t l - H - M - l - t l I I I H I H - H real character. Infallible remedy for snake bite. ful of almonds, one-fourth teHspoonful the world and not using It tor any­ Her nume wns Louise Francois de Many country folk believe that an A L IN E o ’ C H E E R each of allspice and cloves. Mix In the thing! It wns too funny. Then he I-a Valllere. She was born August fl, ash tree will keep off snukes. A peas­ usual way and add flour enough to caught sight of the sad look In Raffy's 1044. Her mother brought her to ant couple were horrified to find that By John Kendrick Benge •y es and realised that what seems Paris when she was sixteen, after she make the balls the size of a hickory “I should think that great automo their baby shared Its morning howl of funny to one person may be no laugh­ had been fairly well educated and nut. Place on buttered tins an Inch bile maker would be In constant fear milk with an adder. They tied an aah > H - H - W H H I 1 I H - H - i-H -F ing matter to another. brought up with the royal princesses apart and bake until light brown They of being arrested aa a counterfeiter." ! twig round the child’s neck, and the THE LIGHT “I'm sorry,” sighed Cheerups. as a child. A kinswoman got her the may be dipped Into chocolate or Ion "How's that?” snuke never came near It again. Ilut dant If wanted more elaborate. “Something Is wrong somewhere, and appointment of maid of honor to Hen "Hasn't he made every one of ld> the child pined away and died, be­ F T - T I M E S I fin d I c a n n o t ass I'd love to help you, but how can I Chocolate Potato Cako— Blend two- millions of dollars out of tin?” rietta, who was Louis' sister-in-law m y w ay moaning the loan of Its playfellow, of when I don't know what Is wanted?" W it h p e r fe c t c le a rn e s s to th e There was some scandal shout these thirds of a cupful of butter and two which It had heroine very fond, suy* lig h t o f d a y . “I can tell you,” chirped Jacky two. and. as a blind. Louis XIV was cupfuls of sugar, add two thirds of a London Tit Bits. “ M a n ’s E x t r e m i t y ” A n d th e n I a lt In p a tie n c e , s i­ Monk. “I have watched Raffy a lot. told to pay marked attentions to som e cupful of grated chocolate and one H e ha d e xp re s s io n s fit an d m ee t le n tly . He has the longest neck In the world. A n d used th e m w it h Im p u n it y —> A n d w a it f o r li g h t o f d a y to other woman—since a princess niur cupful of hot mashed potatoes, one A Lady of Distinction com e to m e; There Isn't a readier anywhere who never have a hit of gossip whispered cupful each of seeded raisins and H e a lw a y s c a lle d h ie h a n d s an d feet la recognized by the delicate, fascinat­ A n d n e v e r y e t th r o u g h a ll th e E a c h one "G od's o p p o rtu n ity .** «•an compare with him, but when he about her. La Valllere then was a chopped nuts, one-half cupful of milk, ing Influence of the perfume she uses. v ale s o f d o u b t Is eating leaves In the tops of the pure-minded, rellgioua girl, willing to two and one-half cupfuls of flour sift­ H a t h It once fa ile d to com e and A hath with Cutlcura Soap and hot T a c t I s E s s e n t ia l trees, there are always a few Just a seek ms o u t. s e n e her mistress by Involving her ed with two teaspoonfuls of baking water to thoroughly cleanse the pores A nd eass m s o f th e b u rd e n o f “Tnct,” said the lecturer, “Is essen­ little beyond him and those seem to own good name. Louis, st first forced powder, four eggs, the whites and followed by a dusting with Cutlcura m y stress tial to good entertaining. I once dined be the very ones he wants most. He to pay her attention, soon developed a yolks beaten separately; one-half tea Talcum powder usually means a clear, W it h Its u n c e a s in g w a r m t h and ought to be satisfied with those he real love for her, and she, too, fell ! spoonful each of cloves and nutmeg at a house where the hostess had no sweet, healthy skin.—Advertisement. frie n d lin e s s tart. Opposite me sat a modest, " “Suddenly he turned as red aa a lob­ ing no matter what the fushlons und with him, she refused to tell what she affin paper. It will keep a month and ster on hearing hla hostess suy to her customs are. knew about the Princess Henrietta still be moist. hushund, "How Inattentive you are, and her love affairs. Dutch Psppernuts.—Mix one snd La Valllere hail many enemies and one-four! It pounds of brown sugar with Charlie! You must look after Mr. one of them—Montespan—finally took two tablespoonfuls of '-'nnnmon and Brown better. He's helping himself By MILDRED MARSHALL----------------- Louis away from her. A little later Mother of nine convinced. One one of cloves, with one tens|aionful of to everything." Facts sbout your name; Its history; mesnlns, whence it £ she was allowed to enter the Carmel dose o f Bretham's Pills are the baking powder. Into this stir three wss derived; etgnificsnce, your lucky dsy end lucky jewel w remedy for sick headaches and H o u s e h o ld N e c e s s i t y Ite convent, where she spent the rest eggs and as much flour as it Is pos- constipation. of her life, and we can Imagine her en Butcher—You want some brains, stble to work In. Boll thin and rut ’’ Y o d r pill« r m a i n l y have dons 'W o n d e r s ’ Jesnnetton. but It was never Imported tlrely satisfied that her life of turmoil Into circles the size of a quarter; bake madam? for me I am th trtv -slg h f year« o f a s*, been JEANETTE m a rrie d th lrre sn yssrs a n d am th e m o th e r o f and Intrigue was at an end and the In a very slow oven. These little cakes Housewife—Yes, please. My hns from Gaelic soil. n in e child re n The diamond Is Jeanette's talls- lieace of the convent hera until death will ruff up and are delicious. Ice the hand hasn't had any for a long time. — " I was w ider ing fro m hesdac h e t end coneri- HOUGH originating In France, manlc stone. It Is believed to bring For, the court life of Ixtuls XIV was flat side. Kept In a dry. cool place, Progressive Grocer. p e tio n for nearly fiftee n year« w hen 1 h«p- from where most of our saucy little |>ened ♦<> reed one o f »our ede* in the paper. her wealth and power and love. If she artificial and hectic, and poor La Val­ they will keep for months. H a v in g a he «d « th < th a t day I wen« to rhe tlnlne names come, Jeanette has druggie« and bought a boa o f fleecham 'a wears It on her left arm. Wednesday llere, like many other women of her Cranberry Cake.—Cream one-half T o o M u c h C a t n i p ■n formally naturalized and its Fillo. I to o k a d»>ee T h a t doae «ae a ‘ life day. »aa a victim of the times, ratbar Is her lucky day and T her lucky num­ cupfnl of tier and one and one half Pussy—Why do you suppose Miss sever* to me Since th e n I b e e r had n o m ore thplace Is generally forgotten. It than an example of them headache«, end m y h e alth le good I re co m ­ ber. cupfuls nt light brown sugsr. add the Mouser makes such catty remarks? ana "grace of the Lord” and has m e n d th e m i o w hom ever I m eet ’’ (® Georg. Matthew A d a m s .) < < by W h e e le r • y s d l c a t e ) well-beaten yolks of three eggs. Hlft Tabby—She eata too much catnip ------------------- earliest origin In the old Hebrew Mrs. H La Vtgne. leraey City N J -O- two cupfuls of flour with a teaspoon B F E C H A M ’S P ILLS a n " Itft sav en " to all inna, a name bestowed upon the The Safer Way su ffe r,ng fro m , tmmbatum btlarutness. nek ful of sods, a teaspoonful each of cin­ ,v woman of the Gospel. B e fo re — a n d A f te r h»ada. he», and other d ig o tn e ailmenti Two Highland farmers met st mar­ namon and nutmeg, and half a tea F R t t S A M P i e . W r i t e to d a y fo r fre e s a m p le 'h en Joan came Into fashion In ket, and one said to the other, “What'a Rhe’s dear. spoon’'.I of cloves, add to the sugar t o I I P. A lle n C o ., 4 1 7 L a n a l S t., N a w Y o r k gland and named the daughter of come over Donald lately? I haven't Khe's doggone dear. B u y f r o m y o u r d ruggist In tf a n d fSs boaee and butter. Fold In one and one-half ward II and other members of roy- aeen him for weeks.” But, oh, what a difference! cupfuls of cranberries which have fo r ‘■Better H ealth, Take I, France formed Jeanette in ac- “Och. have ye no' heard?” replied Iteen cooked, put through a rlcer and dance with their Inimical habit of the other. "Pulr Donald got three M an an d W om an E qual sweetened slightly, then add the stiffly king a diminutive. Jean had s i­ monthe In Jail for steelin' a coo!" Mrs Benham -Man and woman are beaten whites of the eggs Bake In dy been popular there and Jeanette “Och. the big fo o l! Why did he two layers and Ice, using some of the equal. I Jeanne, which seem to have been no' Just buy it an’ no’ pay for It!”— Benham—Then how la It that, when strained Juice of the cranberry for gKfW Tî d almost Interchangeably, became Tlt-BIts. It takes nine tailors to make a man. flavor and color. tantly in vogue. -------O------- Lx Stop the throbbing and smarting Raw Carrot Salad.—Grate or chop It takes more dressmakers to make a eanne or Jeanette of Flanders, tt at once with a toothing touch o r Safe Walk one or two carrots, add a little woman? w ss called, was the fsmous here­ chopped celery and mix well with a Rub— Whenever I see one of my of the Henbonne, while Jeanette good salad dressing Serve on lettuce T o C h e c h H is A p p e t i t e I’ucelle of Orleans ranks with the creditors I always cross to the oppo­ and sprinkle with s few finely minced en “Pin sfraId, niy dear, you'll have to st of France. Jeanne de Valois, site side of the stre« to avoid meet­ or broken nut meats. do the cooking sg sla .” ighter of Louin XI and discarded ing him. Dub—I tried that plan once and “Why soT’ e of Louis XIL was another famous INFLAM ED EYES •Tit* doctor says I tf# eating too Usa l»r Tt»>>msa>>n • ■ « •w a te r , nau bearing the name. The French was arrested for walking down the ■ o y a t swnr d rngatsi*« <»r ■norh.” | ■ f t » , M O r . N ew apaasr t r a i t o r , ; it one step farther and have a middle of the street UF River, Truy. N T BuseSM. Sold FOR OVER ZOO YEARS OfliLDMEfto ECZEMA HE WHY S U P E R S T IT IO N S o/imong the OTABLES O Cl / I R I H ----- A T ’S IN A NAME O p ’ W o m a n ’s L ife Saver B e e c h a m ’i P ills RURNS an dSCALDS ♦ T,£ HA*1 , GW®" Resinol