NOV 4. 1’ » HURAL E M E K P R IS E >^banyj0irectory|WiHard and anil PAC.B 5 Service Station W illa r d s r I oder new management T h u is good advice: “ If you live . . . a L M. Taylor, Prop. in Albany, trade in Albany ; if you live 121 W, Second, Albany. in some other town trade in th at tow n." But in these aut< m »bile days many re­ siding elsewhere find it sdvisable to do at least part of their buying in the larger town. T hose who go to Albany to transact business will find the firms named below ready to fill th eir require­ m ents with courtesy and fairness. A W e Save V ou M oney E. L Silfi J. L IN D A H L , hardware. , 53b W. Floral Co. Cut flowers 422 W. First, •fw and plants. Floral art for every and all occasions. Flow er phone 458-f. C E N T R A L T IR E SHOP T ire Vulcanizing- Battery re­ charging. 221 W. Second. Ed Falk, Prop. THE 'C'astburn Bros.— Two big grocery < G Ice Cream, Soft Dr nks and L ig h t L u n c h e s F . W . R O S S , Albany. First street—Bikman Blog. Tires and accessories Repairs K ir k -P ollak M otor C o . M E T Z G E R ’S 'C'ortmiller Furniture Co., furni- R ture, rugs, linoleum, stoves ranges Funeral directors. 427-433 west First street, A lbany, Oregon. P C L L E R G R OCERY. 285 Lyon R (Successor to Stenberg Bros.) Groceries Phone 2b3R Fruits Produce T 1 O L M A N & JACKSON SHOE SERVICE Grocery—Bakery- M OVED Eve ry th in g in the line of eats Opposite Postoffice IM P E R I A L C A FE , 209 W. First *■ H arold G. Murphy Prop. Phone 665 W e never close D o n ’t forget the place Third & Broadalbin IZ O D A K F IN IS H IN G R*- For ex p ert work send your films to H askin’s film shop, 309 Lyon street, ALBANY Albany, Oregon. TVTAGNKTO E L E C T R IC CO. fc. AvR Official Stromberg carburetor serv icn station. Couservative prices. Al work guaranteed. 119-121 W. Second ]Vfen N ew s N o tes From A ll O v e r O reg o n and money are best when A’ R busy. Make your dollars work in our savings department. A lbany S tate B ank . Under governm ent supervision. eaned by the W estern Newsapor Union for Busy Peeple TLl A R lN K L L O parlors • a ” (A beauty aid for every need) St. Francis Hotel Prop. W inifred Rose pOSCOK AMES C ottage Grove Is to have a shingle till In operation within two m onths Bids for th e construction of th e new tate norm al school plant at Ashland ’111 be opened in Salem . N ovember 12. C ounty assesso rs from all sections HARDW ARE The W inchester Store Qocond hand I*iano9 from $185 up If yon want a bargain in a piano now is your chance. T hey're in Al cvndilion. D avenport Music House, 409 W. First Q tap le and Fancy Groceries Arads Renfro, ex-representative for ie M assachusetts Bonding & Insur Crockery and Glassware Mrs, M G. S fttter Phone 139^J 206 W. Second it. G T IM S O N T H E SHOE DOCTOR Second street, opposite H am ilton's store. “ Sudden Service?’ Y V ’sIdo Anderson & Sou, diatrib- ’ » utors and dealers for Maxwell, Chal­ mers, Essex, Hudson A Hupiuobile cars. Accessories, a pnliea. 1st & Broadalbin. If you enjoy a good meal, .and know a good meal when you get it, You’ll be back, tor yon'll not forget it. O nr aim it to please you. PARAGON CAFE ALBANY G E O , M. G IL C H R IST FARM LOANS W rite lor booklet describing our 20- yenr Rural Gredit Amortized Loans The loan pays out in 20 payments, re­ tirin g the principal Cheap rates. No delay. B eam L and C o ., 133 Lyon street, Albany, Ore. FARM LOANS at lowest rate of in terest Real Estate and u v e money. ] L O W "C^lite Cafeteria and coufectionery fp O R D SALES AND S E R V IC E Buy Roundtrip Tickets OLDEN H o m e m ade fresh daily ■“ -4 Home cooking. Pleasant surround­ ings. Courteous, efficient serviee. W e make our own candies. W. S. D uncan . Join your friends aboard Shasta route trains to thr Southland. Aib.n, ■w-4 stores, 212 W. First and 22J South Main. Good merchandise at the right prices. * ^CALIFORNIA N e w and r S eco n d -h an a uurniture Dinnerware Tin shop in connection F irst St. Albany, Oregon A Ibany (vnfiortablFIrib FURNITURE COMPANY Employes of th e Oregon state prison nd th e state prohibition departm ent ave elected to come under th e pro- ection of th e w orkm en's compensa Ion act. Gold worth m ore th an $20 was the esult of one panning at Jacksonville, rhere sm all gold mining operations ,re In progress on Main street by In- livlduala. Ed Richardson. 61. ex ferry opera- or on the Coquille river, comm itted utclde a t Coquille by craw ling under he wheels of a Southern Pacific log :lng train. W ork on th e new arm ory at Silver- on Is expected to be completed in two reeks, according to m em bers of the Irm of contracto rs who are building he structure. A hand of wild horses roam ing on he Cascade m ountains n ear th e Mc- tenzle pass will be rounded up soon nd sold by S heriff Taylor, according o th a t officer. W. O. M acLaren of Portland has re Igned as a m em ber of the state parole ioard. He was appointed to the board anuary 2«, 1»23, to succeed Ira Mar In of Portland. A total of 283,343 recreatlo n lsts visit Southern Pacific C ongressm an F. R- Reid of Illinois, who is civilian counsel at the court four miles west of W eston. In the m artial proceedings of Col. William heart of some of the best w heat pro­ ducing land in U m atilla county, has Mitchell. just been purchased by Allck Johnson E stablishm ent of a departm ent of from the I). N. McDonald estate. The d en tistry in connection with th e Uni­ purchase price was given at $19,600, A. M. Dalrymple, w-arden of the Ore­ v ersity of Oregon was urged in the annual report of the state board of gon state prison, left this week for dental exam iners filed with Governor Jackson. Miss., where he will attend the annual m eeting of the American Pierce. Four and a q u arter million trout prison congress. W arden Dalrymple fry from the McKenzie state hatchery is on the program for an address. He were distributed in different stream s will be absont from Salem for three and lakes of the sta te during th e sea weeks. Sales by lum ber mills affiliated In son of 1925. according to a report ju st made by E. W. Goff, superintendent the W est Coast L um berm en’s associa­ tion as reported for the week ending of the plant. The comm unity chest com m ittee re­ October 24 again were below the sum ported th at the total budget set for As­ mer'3 average, totaling only 90.800.623 to ria's first comm unity chest drive had feet. The report, which was for 111 been fixed at $22.355. D etailed plans mills, showed m anufactures aggregat­ for an organised drive N ovember 9 to ing 102.962.8(3 feet and shipm ents of 98,076,881 fei I. 11 have been worked out. '1 he Oregon stale grange withdrew Mrs. W. W. Gabriel, president of the from the state departm ent at Salem Irvington P arent-T eacher association Its petition for a constitutional amend and m usic chairm an of the sta te P a r­ inent authorizing a bond Issue In an ent-Teacher organization was elected unlimited amount for the development sta te president of th e association at sm ith. Oregon City. $12; Frank Pierce. of hydro-electric power In Oregon un its convention In Portland. Sandy. $12; Mary A Mack, Eugene, der state control. T here has been sub The Rogue River Valley Associa stltuled for this, a constitutional $30; Leon R Huff. M arshfield. $16; tlon of M inisters, which met at G rants am endm ent providing thnt the bond !l»l-*t, II Ihivb-n. Salem. $20; WllllSSt P ass la st week, voted to co-operate in issue shall be limited to 4 per cent J. Hodgson. Burns, $18; Fannie E handling the proposed seven w eeks' of th^ assessed valuation of property Taylor, Milwaukie, $30., revival cam paign at Ashlund next in this state. A malignant form of bird rholera Is spring by Rev. Billy Sunday responsible for the epidem ic which Is P rices on Pacific coast cranberries F red T hatcher, 64, was killed by a were raised by the Pacific C ranberry devastating couatless flocks of ducks blast of g iant powder in camp 3$ of Exchange at Astoria from $3.60 to $4 In the Tule lake country. T his was the Booth Kelly Lum ber company, 15 a box, or $12 a barrel, f. o. b. the the opinion expressed by George Ton miles above W endling. He was prim ­ m arshes. This price Is considerably kin. United S tates game w aiden for ing th e blast holes In a stum p when under that of eastern berries. T here California, and Dr. Rudolph Snyder the powder was exploded accidentally. has been- a larger movement of west­ inspector In charge of the United E arl F isher, sta te tax comm ission­ ern cranberries this year than ever S tates bureau of anim al Industry fnt e r is on his way to New Orleans, before In the history of the Industry. California, following a tw o d ay Inspec­ tion of the Tule lake district. The two where he will atten d the national con The w e stirn crop this year will mount federal game officials estim ated thal ventlon of the state tax commission to more than 150 ears and Is of excep­ there are now at least 50,000 dead ers. The convention will open Novem­ tionally fine quality. ducks In Tule lake, with thousands ber 9 and continue until November 13. Oregon pensions have been granted still dying dally of the disease. , The city of Bend, under an opinion as follows: John J. Mell, Portland. Jam es Wllloa and Ellsw orth KAIley, of the attorney-general, may avail It­ $12 a m onth; Mury Drake, Portland, self of an a rt of the last legislature $30; F rancis M Rich, Portland, $18; convicted In the circuit court al Shlem authorizing It to acquire 11 second- C arrie M. Foster, Forest Grove. $30; for the m urder of John Sweeney, feet of w ater from Tum alo creek for W illiam Hannon, Madras. $18; Martha guard, during a break at the Oregon a municipal supply. T he opinion was A. Riser, F orest Grove. $33; John W. sta te penitentiary on August 12, were sentenced to be hanged in the execu­ sought by R. H. Foz. m ayor of Bend. P rentiss. Selma, $12; Alvin S Klein tion cham ber of the Institution on A q u arter section of land about January 8. Sentence was pronounced by Judge Kelly. Tom M urray, third m em ber of th e trio engaged in the break, previously was convicted of first degree m urder and was aentenr ed to be hanged on December 18. All three of the cases will be appealed to the state suprem e court, according to the defense counsel. H earing on the proposed form ation of the Umpqua highway Im provement district was held at Elkton by officials Commercial and Savings accounts Solicited of the state highway commission. All sections of the proposed district were represented, approxim ately 600 per sons attending The proposed district ■¡presents the first effort In the state That is what a woman said re­ o take advantage of the law enacted cently upon opening a box ot onr by the last legislature providing for assorted candies. W hat woman reatlon of Inclusive Im provem ent dis doesn’t regard candy as a treaaure? Irlcta with state and federal aid. The It ¡a really more than that, too ; it definite projects for which the dis is an absolute necessity, supplying trlct la desired are the Im provement a tood want in a manner no other of approxim ately eight miles of the artitle of diet can. Ours is the Roosevelt highway from the Coos county line to Reedsport and the 62 heat to be had. mil» highway from Reedsport, on the Pacific highway, westward through Scottsburg and Elkton, to Drain National Apple Week ‘ Everybody an apple eater’ Oct. 31 Nov. 6 PABCOLIN and The G IR L We have The D IA M O N D ' FRENCH & SON Jeweler«, Optician«, Albany H) Congoleum $ Printed GOLD SE A L w cash R ugs A rm stro n g L inoleum R u g s, $ 18 cash We have some attractive patterns in Linoleum , and felt-base yard goods HILL & Co. H A LSEY STATE BANK H alsey, Oregon C A P IT A L AND SURPLU S H ALSEY He W asn’t Seeing Things (Harrisburg Bulletin) A lone driver in a car smashed into the barricade at the wait and of Ilia long trestle which approach­ es the new bradge last Friday night. Ihe racket awakened a member of the household in the Borgs farm residence. “ Anybody hurt out there?” he asked. “ Nope.” t " Need any help? ” '' Nope, but tell me, W illy, why in the blankety blank they don't put a red laulern out at a place like th ia? ” You passed three warning •igna, two red bulheyea, and rammed the third. Good night?’ " W ell, I'll he dinged.” Mr. Waggeter now hat ten Silver foxes at his Brownsville farm. The S. 16 Frame, fashioned by the Shur-on con pony, instinctively appeals to tbi feminine wearer for Us rioh ap poarance. There is a tone to tin color and a balance to the design and a bridge and joint such as yoi expect Shnr-oo to make. $ 3 5 ,0 0 0 'A TREASURE CHEST!” C la rk ’s C o n fectio n ery Insurance You get New Comfort Features — at no extra fare — Club car, with barber, valet, shower-bath, on The Shasta. Observation cars on Shasta, Southern California Express (furnishing direct serv­ ice to Los Angeles), and Oregonian. Get further particulars about this attrac­ tive travekacrvU-c. Ask Agent. Prom pt service. Courteous treatm ent. W m B a in , Room 5, First Savings Bank 1 builning, Albany A woman and tw o men are thought by offlcera to have robbed th e Echo postoffice recently when th e sum of $1(3 In postal funds and checks was taken from th e safe M istaking a sm all bottle of poison tab lets for aspirin. Miss Jean Maddox. 17, a Junior la th e Roseburg high school, took several of the tab lets and t« In a serious condition. 4 Popular T rains from P o rtla n d every d a y The teach ers' in stitu te w as D r. C . F IC Q , D entist “ PLATES THAT FIT»» most successful ever held county. Grown«, bridge work and fillings it wql p a y you to get my prices on vour deutal work. Cusick bank build ng, Albany •••••••••••••••«••>••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• I J A n y G irl in I rouble may com m unicate w ith E n sig n Lee of the >alv itio n A rm y at the Eight persons were accidentally kill ed during the Oregon deer hunting • W h ite Shield Hom e, 565 M a y fa ir avenue, P u rth n 1 Oregon. «eaten that started September 20 and closed October 20 and two were kill­ See ed during tke pheasant hunting sen j T h e wisest girls keep out of trouble son. ARROW • • w ] in the the E . C. M e a d e , H . A lb r o , Optometrie ALBANY OREGON. BARBER SH O P First-cl&js W ork J. W . S T E P H E N S O N . G A R A G E , G an de Bros. AUTHORIZED LIGHT-TESTING STATION Reflectors and lenses for nearly all makes of cars. E recondition all makes of : W C a rs a n d M o to r s