• «19* « rrc z i^ j-ic . RURAL ENTERPRISE I t —t-'-t M U t/a l—B««» paper pnfcliabed avaiy W * 4 a ttd » j, UJO a year A Avert i a n g Jhr aa inch ao diacono k » Umc or apace ; no charge lor com eue* tooa or c siugea. ■a T a l « -M t paragraphe." te a Haa » • a4r< ru a ag dlagalaad aa a « * a EU 1 t m M J t NOV. 4, t r » hie," let her hit him with an auto­ mobile and perhapi he arili. Pru- ’ dance’» daughter tried it and it was a succès». Sarrail Fails in A ra b Campaign value of the soil. operation of the Klami, th irrigation * f r" . “But the advice was ignored and district or the unpaid taxes situation, j * C W C F 1 a i T T l S 3 1 1 0 Paris.—General Sarrail, who permit­ ted the bombardment of Damascus Irrigation Increases the several thousand acres of unfit “Mr. Bradbury characterized Com WEEDS AND SCRAPS land was included in the district. And missioner Mead as baa been removed from his poet at a “busy-body’’ under the rulings the good land in who is attempting to high commissioner of Syria. mix in the American officiai reports presented Production to be Doubled the district is responsible for water internai politics of the Klamath irri­ Less Competition With “ Halsey and Scio and Albany edi charges on this useless land. It is gation district by discrediting the torialiets are scrapping over which to the French foreign office by the or More in the Days American embassy on instructions the same frightful blunder that has present administration of Mr. Brad­ Those Who to town can show the best growth of from Washington gave the French to Cc me cmbsrrMted various other districts. bury and procuring the election of their Jobs weed»." — Saturday’s Albany Dem government more Information about “And there was a further sugges­ two directors who would be favorable Somebody sunning himself “An the actions In Syria of General Sar- crat-Herald. , Experienced Farmer” writes to the tion by the college experts that irri­ to the local officials of the United rail than Paris bad received from The department of commerce of gation would raise the water table States reclamation service." We find the above in last week’s Eugene Register claiming that the General Sarrail himself. of the soil, that it would bring alkali the 1 uited States haa just iuued Scio Tribune with the comment that Under Sarrall’s administration a re­ reason farmers are not more prosper- salts nearer the surface with danger tome figures on the eituatlon on in that paper’s home town the weeds bellion of the Drones, * tribe Httle THE M ARKET8 farms in Linn eounty thia year are so large they have to use an known in the western world, sadden | ous is that they produce too much, that the plant growth would be hin­ and compares them with those 0» ax to cut them. That’s going brek ly demanded and received the world's not too little. He essays prophecy, dered. Portland five yeara ago, though it wares “And for thjs reason it was sug­ to first principles. A weed is a plant attention when the French resorted to tco, saying: “Those people clamor Wheat—Big Bend bluestem >1.53; that the 1925 figares are subject out of place, and a tree is a plant, gested that drainage be provided. hard white, >l.5l; soft white »1.45; bombardment of ancient Damascus -ng for irrigation will never use it But this suggestion was likewise ig­ western white, $1.44; hard winter, to future correction. many of which were found out of Up to the moment when French shells anyway. There is more produce now The figures below are from that nored, and the project constructed northern spring and western red, >l.4l place and removed with axes to make began bursting In the city the French bulletin. We note that notwjtb. than can be taken care of or mar without drainage. The result is b it-| * room for the cities of thia country. Hay — Alfalfa, >18» 1# ton; valley troubles In Syria were pretty much stannding the steady atream of keted. I was down in the river bot­ ter history. But we wish to remark that we their own. timothy, >18020; eastern Oregon settlers pouring into Oregon wa know of no Halsey editorialist wno The government's decision to sub tom a few weeks ago and Mr. Smith 'The mortgage bonds are on the timothy, >21»22. have 262 fewer farms and 341 Butterfat—55c shippers' track. has been scrapping :4bout the growth stltute a civilian for a military man at was giving away hia string beans; land. The interest runs against the fewer farm owners in thia eouoly Mrs. Simons said the cannery would Eggs—Ranch, 41® 49c. of weeds here We haven't enough the head of the mandatory Syrian gov settlers night and day. The state than five years ,g 0, and that not h:/idle any more tomatoes and I ernment la significant of French real Cheese—Prices f. o. b Tillamook; weeds in Halsey to do much scrap guarantees of interest have been paid, fvrm ert’ real estate has depreciated ping about. We have well-kept lsatlon that the Damascus Incident think she said she had a hundred and interest on the bonds issued by Triplets, 81e; loaf, 32c per lb. about one and one-third millions bushels rotting on the ground — no has aroused formidable If not gener Cattle—Steers, medium, >«.75©8.00 the state to do the paying is also lawns and gardens and abundance of market for them.” Hogs—Medium to choice, >11 50» of dollars. There are reported in their products, and at this writing, ally articulate opposition to its actlvi accumulating against the settlers. farms 5116 leas than the 472,469 >12.25. A few have used irrigation in this And to bring the soil back to useful in November, we have seen no ice ties as agent for the League of Na acres listed five yeara ago. tlons in the Near East. valley — more every year than the Sheep—Lambs, medium to choice except such as came from the ice production there must be drainage of The farms and the farmers, 112.00613.00. year before. We may never put as such lands as are affected by the house and no very severe frosts according to thia, are going to the I much manual labor into the produc­ Weeks and Works alkali. Many tender plants are flourishing dogs or somewhere faster than naw tio n of crops as the Chinese, the Seattle. as in July. Halsey, Oregon, Nov, 1 “If the project had been intelli­ aettlera oome in or naw areas are Wheat—Soft white. >1.41; western This is apple week, when we Japanese or the Dutch. It is to be gently directed from the first, there No, we are not scrapping about brought iuto cultivation. white, >1.47; hard winter, >1.45; west­ hoped wages will never be low would have been no failures. The weeds in Halsey, though most of the Here are some of the figures : re reminded that ‘ an apple a enough here to permit tba*. But district would have blossomed like ern red. >1.44; northern spring, >1.45 weed« which tried to grow have lay keeps the dootor sway.” Big Bend bluestem, >1.55. Jan, 1 Jan. 1 with more water bein,g carried to our the rose, production would have been been scrapped. What are the doctors going to 1925 1920 Hay—Alfalfa. >23; D. C„ >28; tiro mountains by the sun and wind and Num ber oi farms . . . . . . 2303 3o»l Io if we all keep eating apples? profitable, and debts would have been othy, >26; mixed hay, >24. Acres................................. ■ 447,353 472.469 And what am I going to do if I brought down again in streams than met. Many a settler would have DIGGING A PIT Butter—Creamery, 49®55o. O w ners........................ . 2604 2263 ietd a doctor and am not able to in any other part of the country of been in easy circumstances instead Managers........................ Eggs—Select ranch. 56@68c. 12 17 twice the size, the day will come t ... ’ b Tenants.......................... ;o to him and aome champ in the 692 761 of being burdened with charges he Hogs—Prime. >12.00®12.70. “The mayor of Miami recently re when, all over the Willamette valley, Horses...... ....................... 9078 11,640 ouae keepa him away by eating ----- ------ , cannot pay. Cattle—Prime steers, >7.75®8.25. parked that the truth about the 171 170 L o S ° f "e€d. w'il* see that wa^ r “It is not irrigation that is n epple a day? Cheese—Oregon fancy, 28c; Oregon at 29465 22,880 . -florid a boom is .that it is nurtured M^ S m ^ ,,e i i W>' Cr,>PS- fau)t The f*U,t i9 With the Parlor standards 25c; Washington triplet* Eext week will be canned gooda Beef cows two years or If Mr. Smith raised string beans, l lm gationists.” on .cocktails. In a %ord, it is his veek. It'a come to he just one over__________ ____ 28c. 3649 2901 O ther beef a f i e ____ . opinion that the state is popular 42>7 5502 eek after another the whole year or Mrs. Simona tonwtoes, for which Dairy cows two years with a pleasure-loving crowd of ironnJ and not a minute between they had no market, their failure Playing Politic» Spokane. 12,800 13,398 .'..wealthy people bectluse it offers un- them. ^ ’ ¿LeLri 0Wn faU? ' Before embark- The state authorities are not the O ther d airy cattle___ Hogs—Prime mixed, >11.75618.00. 7729 7058 • equaled opportunities to violate the And now a row ia being raised mg heavily m such crops they should only ones that are mussing things 14,960 21,176 Cattle—Prim« steer», | 7.50@8.00, Sows and giltg for prohibition law. n Portland became some people have had contracts for their dispos- up. Friday’s Oregonian says: breeding, 6 months "From such a period of false de­ refuse to close their stores armis- ■*L But Mr. Smith need not give old or over_______ “ Emphatic denial that he had di 2062 2161 Why Not Alsika ? velopment the real Florida will be ice day. And there are as many away his string beans. If he planted rected the sheriff of Klamath county Farm land ia ued at $24.- long In recovering. Any state or »ys ’ in tba year as in the them at the proper season he could (Junction City Times) to eliminate from the tax roll all of , . ------- $28.312,- aleiidar. I f wa observe them all ripen and thrash them and have a cortimtinMy' with confidence Jn its the unpaid taxes of the Enterprise It is claimed by m a n / who have 250 in 1920. and farm buildings at • resources and its future may well te shall be as idle as the popula- crop that will not spoil on his hands Land & Investment company, had experience that there is more 36,525,815 now against $5,280,445 voice a devout prayer to be spared ion o f heaven, where there ia if he needs to hold it a few weeks then. charged October 22 by Dr. Elwood eternal rest. that peculiar malady of false pros­ ind that in recent years has never Mead, commissioner of reclamation, money in raising aleikeolover ceed I ’ve noticed that the soldiers perity which now afflicts the land of -ailed to command a good price. than a n / other field crap, v 11 did the most to whip the That is, if there is moisture enough was made here today by R. E. Brad the lotus and the comer lot.’’ Aleike is a much surer crop bury, president of the Klamath irri The foregoing, from the Oregonian Germane whan they needed whip­ to carry them to maturity. If not, gation district. than any other clover aud there ie ping are the ones who make the of the 20th, coincides with our re irrigation would be the salvation of “Mr. Bradbury charged Mr. Mend a ready market right here for all Pyrotol orders are still being least noise about it now. Those cent statement that Florida is dig the situation. with misstatements which, he said, the aeed you can raise. I t can be eocepted by the firat national hank vho did the leant work on the ging a pit into which she will some Waldo Anderson’s Clear lake vi­ were being made for the sole pur­ oi Ijehanon and R. I. Edwards of little field do the least now and day fa it In another place in the sion, if realized, would provide the pose of defeating the present) admin­ raised at very little coat —prcticaliy Brownsville to go into a pool that *o have pienty of time in which to same article the Oregonian says of neke a big noise. remedy for many such cases. istration in the irrigation election to nothing except the coat of aeed — closes Nov. 15. those in the autos that crowd the The abundant rainfall in the Wil­ as it is sown with a grain crop be held here December 10. Humbletrguinp. Clyde Starr ol Monroe sowed 10 toads leading to Florida: lamette valley Is an insurance against “Although he has sent a series of wInch can be grown for hay and scree oi forty-fold wheat in the "They visit Fiorid'i, carrying along the evil that has turned many thou- urgent telegrams to Commissioner than the alaike seed harvested later. spring of 1924 and thinks hia dairy Big Arsa In Oregon Burned Over. their savings, because in a manner iands of productive .garden soil in Mead demanding authority for the One man got a yield of 14 cows got $125 worth of pasture Salem. Or —A total of 51.144 acres of speaking they believe that all the this world into desert«. The ruins of published- charges which appeared in bushels to the acre. Of course from it in July, Augurt and Sap- >f forest land was burned over In 1925, trees grow a rich fruitage of dol with the destruction of approximately prehistoric irrigation systems ire news dispatches from Washington thia waa very exceptional, but ternber and he got ten loads of lars. It is written that most of i. 509.000 feet of timber valued at >15. seen in Arizona, in Peru, in India, suppose he only harvested half wheat from It thia year. He haa October 22, Mr. Bradbury declared that amount, at the preaeut price another ten acres now in a similar them, all save a fortunate few, must •00. according to a report Issued by in Mesopotamia and elsewhere. In tonight that he had not yet received India the cause of their decline is a reply, except a message from Mr. of iiO centa a pound he would routine. lo*e their money and go back whence he state forester. they came." till observable and so is known, Mead’s assistant in which that offi­ receive $126 per acre from hia Of $640,000 capital needed for W m repealed the income tax in the land made productive by irrigation cial denied that Dr. Mead gave out land after the hay had been taken a linen m ill at Salem $425,000 haa off. I t ia not unusual to dear $75 ♦xpect'Aion of attracting the same without sufficient rainfall accumu- any interview either concerning the been subscribed. Albany ia prom­ per aura on alaike seed. class of bunco sharps who are fleec .ates potash :*nd other salts, brought ised a ratting and scutching plant w ill do whet we ing the masses of Florida immigrants if she will take $50.000 of the claim for it — i by the water and left by evapora­ Where the carcass is these eagles nJ your ivwrm of Cetarrh or Deefncai tion, until they poison « the soil. In stock. The promotera say they gather till they pick it bare. And «used by Catarrh. this country we have “black alkali” expect from 500 to 750, acres they pay no taxes. It is not wise F. J. CHENEY*T C oT T oU d ?. Ohio soil tad ” white alkali” soil which is of flax to be grown in territory to encourage them to come and feast tributary to Albany thia year. thus poisoned. Some crops will stand For best results use In Oregon. The income tax should more alkali than others. Sugar beets An old rancher, who had made an I* restored and stiffened. The little TUSSI NG & TUSSING ¡ire more hardy in thia respect than exceptional success of his ventures, that they pay in that way will be (otatoes, though the latter require 1 once attributed his prosperity to the (L A W Y E R S all the coin these evil birds will ever considerable a amount of potash. W | fact that he had always raised what f H a lts / and Brownsville disgorge in Oregon. In India indigo was grown when W the other fellow didn’t If all of his I Io n any S n v amount, a m m t n l from f s e z ^ w > one ,.. 1 1 * .. « — — I ____ 1 gallon to a barrel other crops had been abandoned on Oregon W 1 neighbors were raising cattle, he account of the “reh," as the Indians European nations, notably tie (If went in for sheep. If «11 hia neigh- all it, which accumulates with irri­ French, are putting Woodrow f il I bors were producing wheat, he kept gation i >id insufficient drainage. But away from it. He was a wise man W ilton where be belongs on a (ìives result« in great areas even indigo perforce Hid you ever tea a fte | who was following in his selection of p4destal.es the world’s greatest was final lysbandoned aud the land lies M ! ranch activities the economic law of bsosfselor in this age—since the desert. ■fo j supply and demand. He was keeping agreement of the European nations away from glutted markets and rais­ There are prosperous irrigated tom - at Locarno and the stopping of the ing products which were bound to be mu nit lea in California where the Grako-Dulgarian war. Without scarce end therefore high in price— Did you aver bear ona? some fate impends. The Willamette reservation or besitatiou ha gave Albany Democrat. valley is insured against it by abun­ Brent Sleale catchrs ona in a his life for the ** W ilton league ” dant rainfall which comes at some Receipts of the Oregon state i_7. without emasculating reservatons fatai trap in George Mareh’a story, time during every year, 1925 aggregated >74.699.24, as against The V a lle / of Voiete,’’ rhich He rests from hie labors and hi* >66,674.60 In 1924. according to a Costly Federal Bungling starla next week ss a sanai in work« da follow him. financial report prepared by Mrs Ella Discussing the irrigation question Schults Wilson, secretary of the state R U R A L E N T E R P R IS E in Oregon the Portland Journal says: fair board. It was estimated that the The cheerful housstly came “The economic crimes committed fair board would have a balance of without our invitation. Ha walked by state authorities against settlers approximately >20.000 after all ex­ in filth and wiped hia (aet on our on irrigated projects in Oregon penses have been ns Id D ELBER T STARR chiefly responsible for the debts, faod Moat of bis tribe have t-ab sages near Cottage Grove have Funami Dirottar and Liceneed bankruptcies and troubles in irrigat­ not been injured by the light fall gone without exailing our regret. Embalmer ed districts. frosts and those on the Taylor farm Tba rain if welcome. Hay is worth just as much in storage ai Brownsville, Oregon on Row river, operated by George “Here is an example: When the you might get for it in case of fire. Th 4 ■James, are growing to mammoth pro­ CsllC. P. StarroBB, Halsey, Warm Springs district was formed, or DBLaaaY Svaa a Rrowasville portions One tipped the scales at >7 those directing the plan included American Eagle Fire Insurance com pand oounda. within its limits 3600 to 6000 acres oWt e . X K % O ,,h e C a ’ h ' a,Ue of land which the soil experts of the Oregon agriruRurat college i lassified as unfit and advised it he left out of the district. ___ suggestion was that the water would I-aandrv sent Tuesdays Agency Hnb Cleaning Works W illam ette Valley F armers in Linn Stick Daragraphs for Farmers H alF s C a t a r r h Medicine An-Fo Sheep Dip FISHER’S EGG PRODUCER Windigo? A m e ric a n E a g le Fire Insurance Co. C. I . STAFFORD, Agent Modern Barber Shop A ABE S PLACE