AA » t ir o r iA t C N T E R rn rac ^ T. 2», 1923 N o » playing fourth week io Portland Harold Lloyd io The Freshman tba great laugh picture Carnival Dance ' Next S uo . - M UMBtE INN H a llo w e’en, O ct. 3 I Snappy Music -Wed. N ot . 1 — 2—3 —4 Í A m erica’s G reatest H orse S h ow OYSTERS Hopkins, died at his home in Eugene I Oct. 18. J TORRANCE i Dad's &. Mam s R estaurant ^conditioning Shop beginning next Saturday L e t’s Go od . - T u »» “ 2!;™ "* right off the ice, served any style Big Tim e ccmjxg ^ Hi-speed Brake Service Station ter, Mrs. 0. B. Stilnaker of Cor- vail is. 212 R“ L F'rV Alb- **• » h l the skating rink ** Phone 379 Saturday the sh eriffs office turn- j ed over to the treasurer $182,267.07. T. J. Skirvin tgid wife had Fred | Skirvin and family of Mount Angel for Sunday guests. HaiMy Railroad T¡mo North Wednesday Mr. and Mrs. J. Harvey, South 32, 3;24 a. m. flag of the Frank Porter farm, visited a 17. 12:09 p. m, Mrs. C. P. Stafford visited Salem 16, 5:15 a. m. 15. 12:43 p. m. daughter under a physician's care at | Friday. 18. 8:16 a. ni. flag Imperial Hotel, $1,000, six-ln-band 34, HaiMy Happenings ®:*2 P m. fl» Corvallis. 4:38 p. in. again takes the front of the stage In 31, 1:34 p. m. g. driving. The county teachers institute it to- I Noe. 14 and 16 stop to let off pasaen« 1925 with the largest offering of (Continued from page 1) | morrow and Frid (y at Albany. The greatest series of horse shows I , from lronl south O ' P ---- *' I rank Porter has his famous red premium money In America. of f Eugene P Mr. and Mrs. George Starr wer ever -----------------u known is connnetion for Marshfi. polled cattle at the international live­ e $28,000 * o ,v v v for the lu r 86 ou i classes la B B r ti to IO be DU o u being u u w held I D L U now I - I in ' Call- , Xo' 3,1 ' direct V M u n n c l l O Q lO T M i Grace Pehrsson waa home from fomla at Stockton nnint- visitors at E. U. Penlatid’s Sunday. Stockton, Sipra-ia-iA Sacramento, Yen I points. stock show, Portland, after touru^r shown of which $19,000 Is in stakes— forDla | Honmouth over the week end. $1000-- ,ura and Pomona, all former shows P a,senK ers for s>uth of Eugene seven of $2.000 and five of $1000— ------ ■ — „„„wa ether big fifirs. Mis-f Enid Veatch w s visitinj __ i ___ . . fd n ir f lF lim p u t o d —_ j t take a k e t train r a i n XIew • N a S ' *9 i V ‘bonl make this a phenomlnal prize list b being agumented Kaa by . a »1 flood of - newly I Lloyd West is establishing a flock Eugene friends the last of the wetl Halsey-Brownsville stage lea»., u , The stake events are: Olympic Hotel, purchased Purchased show hors« horses. According to Monday morning a Nash automo­ if Dorset sheep at Brownsville. «V at 7 a. m and 12:15 aid g’l , . horses; General Manager They are packing two carloads o — O. — 11 M, Plummer of Leaves Brownsville at 7 -40 a bile, supposed to belong to a man Seattle, $2,000. for __ five-gaited a _______ I ... th p F Y n n a itin n P ™ the Exposition and Horse Show Man Seattle Horse Show Association. $2, Frank Kirk came home from the prunes daily at the J-ebanon tanner * ao‘ named Sprint in Portland, was found 000. to be shown in two divisions as ager, A. P. Fleming, a train load of 3.35 and 8:45 p. m. -)aco orchard, Monroe, for the week in C. L. Falk jr’s barnyard. follows: $1,000, flve-gaited mares and livestock, of which 14 carloads are Miss Ida Mitzner visited her sir end. $1,000, five-gaited stallions sod geld­ horses, will come from the east to Outgoing Mail ter Amanda in Portland Saturda The Sunday school classes o f Clif­ The Willamette river is at its ings; Northwestern National Bank. Portland this fall, as will all the and Sunday. ford Carey and Miss Genevieve $2,000, for roadsters; Portland Cham horses now showing In California. A t the Halsey postofflee mail ' west stage on record at this time W ells were entertained at the home ber of Commerce. $2,000, for heavy Miss Mearle Straley spent the wee ------- The result of these additions will 'f ye ir. “ 11:50 ■ " of Kenneth Smith Friday evening. harness ponies; Sovereign Hotel, $2,- unquestionably enable the Pacific In- end in Salem as guest of Misse Miss Ruth Frum was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. I. E. Gardner and Miss 000, hunters and Jumpers; Portland ternational to break the sh e and quel" Alberta Koontz and Norn Pehrsso: 11:10 . . diss Genevieve Wells Friday and Ruth Frum were also present. Games Hotel. $2.000, heavy harness horses, »y record» now being made In the Miss Pearl Pehrsson, who i Saturday. Multnomah Hotel, $2,000, three-galted south. 12Tm Br" wn9vll,e' 6;20 a. ra. , 0( were played and sandwiches, cake teaching at Moro, drove over to Sa horses; W. F. Turner. $1.000, Junior The growth of the h r,... -v and lemonade were served. 14 m. Morniug stage to Browns five-gaited horses; Henry Thiele. $1, ture of the P .clk c I n te r n a u Z ,' ? Mr. izid Mis. B. M. Miller and em Sunday with a friend and wa 000. Shetland ponies; Olds, Wortman one of the . I“t*rnat,ona> 1» vil e goe. on to Crawfordsvill, fits Beulah Miller were in Albany the guest of her sister Nora. A week end convention will be A King, $1,000, polo mounts; Benson, the comeback of thef,ti"« ,he budget formerly occupied by the Valle prejudice of good order and military music and spe king. discipline.” was charged against Lumber company at Shedd, a littl« THREE YAKIMA POLICE HELD I bud«e t “ Prep,r‘ d bv ,h* The Linn County Holiness assock.- more than an acre. It does rain sometimes In Oregon. Colonel William Mitchell In court- lon will hold meetings once a month, The pavements and sidewalks were martial specifications served upon him .................. .. T .K .. 1225. to December 3lst 1926. ltem ating among the (owns. Henry Kirk, a Brownsville boy, i wet Sunday momirf?. There have as a result of his attack several weeks Liquor N«t. Estimated expenses out on bail on a. charge of breakin Six million eggs have recently been about a dozen frosty mornings, ago on the conduct of the army and Yakima, W ash—Three Yakima po­ Council men......................., 72 „„ a window of the Rialto theater then ;en shipped out frortl Breitenbush mostly imperceptible to m y but navy air services. lice officers and one clvlMan were ar­ I Marshal, salary, labor___ 222 0u <-id trying to enter. Marshal Blak« ut they wefe salmon eggs. The charges are brought under the rested here on federal liquor charges Mayor.................................. I2o, early risers because fogs took away wealth officer.... .............. 12 00 ly caught him in the act. articles of war which deal with gen­ and a second civilian'’ was being I Recorder........ ............."Z 50 »0 •Many, though mild, eases of scar- Jack's white paint early. The trees eral offense against the discipline sought. n y e e t lighting..................... tl2 00 et fever have caused the closing of have been laying their gorgeous fall Midvale school district, near Craw and good order of the army. jq w Arrests were made by S. E. Bunker, [ Flections........................... carpet, too, but E. Rust has been he Gord school near Lebanon. ford »villa, has been abolished am The statement Issued by Colonel federal prohibition officer, stationed marketing fresh Cuthbert red rasp­ its area divided between contiguou $1000.00 $100 Mrs. Eliza Bfjndori accompanied Mitchell at San Antonio after the here. Harry Blair, Alden Shumaker c. . . street Intersections........$ 200 00 berries just the same. districts and last Thursday its prop crash of the Shenandoah, said the and Fred Shumaker, {he police of­ Lumber.............................. 350.00 er brother, George Finley, and wife erty was sold at auction. C. IL Ar. formal accusation, constituted insub ficers, were held in $1000 ball, and Street work....................... 7Jg 10 o Portland for th e week end. ♦ derson bought the house for $70 ordination and was "highly contempt­ Frank Howard, the civilian, was held Maintenance city property 85,00 Caillaux R efuses Roland Marks is taking a further -Miscellaneons and lsbor. 136 60 The windows in it are said to b uous and disrespectful" to the war in $2500 ball. lurse in a Portland medical school worth that A woodshed fuM o department. $1520.00 $152 to P lay Scapegoat It was In this statement that the Each man pleaded not guilty to and Mrs. Marks visited him last wood was knocked down for $4.25 charges of possessing, transporting reek. The entire atle brought $103 for pro colonel declared the loss of the Shen­ and selling Intoxicating liquor when $252 . Eatimated receipts : P»rty estimated to be worth, secom George Chenoweth and family of Paris.—Demands for the resignation andoah was due to criminal and al arraigned before C. P. Borberg, fed­ R^ed ’,' fee’ .....................» 20.00 hand, $1500. The sale had not bee, akland, Ore., spent the week end of M. Joseph Caillaux, French finance most treasonable conduct of the air eral court commissioner. Road ' « .......................... 500 00 advertised in the Enterprise. ith George’s sister. Mrs. L. H. minister, were made during a stormy services. $520.00 session of the cabinet. rmstrong. 18 Navy Seaplanes Torn Away in Gale Mrs. Frigi k Porter’s father, J. B Recapitulation; Orsgon Utilities Body Is Opposed. Caillaux Is reported to have flatly Baltimore, Md. — Seventeen of 23 J. P Hunter is an independent Washington. D. C.—Objections were United States navy seaplanes here for Estimated expenses......................... $2j2 refused a request by Premier Pain xndidate for city marshal of filed with the Interstate commerce a navy pageant broke from the moor | Estimated receipts........................... $2 leve for his resignation. The finance rownsville against Frank Mo.se, minister said he had come to the meet­ commission to the petition of the Or«y ings near Sollers’ point In a 75-mlle Amount to be raised by tax ...$200 aucus nominee. ing In pursuance of his duties to pre­ gon public service commission to re gale Sunday and were strewn along 8y order of the couneil, Mi». L. IL Armstrong is suffering sent bis projects for the financial res open the case whereby the Southern a five mile stretch of beach. Another Bert S Cfark, Mayor. Pacific acquired control of the Cen plane moored off Bag Shore park tore D- H. Sturtevant, Chairman. ith rheumatism and her mother, toratlon of the country. E. F. Cross, Recorder. Irs. S. J. Chenoweth of Oakland, He had no Intention of being made tral Pacific railway. The Brotherhood free and disappeared. •re., is with her. a scapegoat for the whole government, of Locomotive Engineers and the Or­ NOTICE of District Road Meetiag which wag equally responsible with der of Railroad Conductors Joined In W ashington School Funds Apportioned Mi. and Mrs. Robert Parker were him for the present situation. He de­ opposing the move by the Oregon com Pursuant to a petition signed by 1 Olympia. W aah.-The apportionment ■»r»l number i Albany Wednesday, whet« Mrs clared vehemently that he would not. mission to test the service of the of resident freeholders, of the state school fund for October arker had a very large and obati- by resigning, let It appear to the coun Southern Pacific under its control taxpayers and legal voters ol road dis- was made by the state superintendent inct No. 4 of Linn county, Oregon. iat» tooth extracted. try that he was In any way account­ The objection was made on the ground of public Instruction to the various 1» hereby given that a meeting that the benefits have been far reach­ able for the ministerial crisis. of the legs! voters of road diatrict No 4 Mr. and Mrs. William Davidson of counties on the basts of school atten ing since the Southern Pacific took A ' “” co“”,v - Ovegcn, will be held at * "i . The breach between Finance Min­ Downsville were at Harrisburg last dance as follows. Total days atten­ the hour of 2 o'clock p. m. on the 7th veek Monday at the funeral of Mrs. ister Caillaux on the one hand and over the Central Pacific and that the dance for the school year 1924-26, 67.- day of November, 19»5, at the Grass­ and travel annoyance» Premier Palnleve and Foreign Min state of Oregon could have no Juris 294.747; amount apportioned, $563 hopper schoolhouse, in said road dis­ J. L. Morris, a pioneer. when you go to the diction, since It was no longer a mat Ister ltriand on the other reached trict, to determine whether or not said 570.62, or .0094 per diem. Mrs. Irma Shotwell spent the week point considered by political quarters ter of local concern. road dislritc shall vote a tax of S.’OuO end with her husband in Portland. as beyond healing. * i »,h? .,ax"bl« prooerty withia F ath er of 8-61 Dead to Sue for Damage th.1 r°*j dl,cfnct for tha ‘“ provemrntof States to Talk Water Division. Mr. Shotwell i> starting on his sen­ Failing to get Caillaux Jor whom the redress Is sought. l7th day of October. 1925, shed. Washington. D. C.—Oregon’» lumber °v X. D. Isom, appointed by the court. Eniestin« were week end guests i f the safe, convenient Two forest fires reported In tho I Hr». John Mundy and Mrs. Floyd production In 1924 showed a decline ot and economical way south Umpqua district, between the Tornado Hits Alabama Counties. Wade, of Peoria. The latter is Mrs. 7.6 per cent, or 300.636.000 board feet, Umpqu. river and Jackson creek Troy. Ala. — A Tornado hit Pike and under the 1923 output, the department Coleman’s sister. above Tiller, resulted In lookouts be Barbour counties Bunday and killed of commerce has announced. In the $ 4 .3 0 R”d But,e aDd I ix a s a n m i S A RURAL u ENTERPRISE Willmina Corcoran went to Eugene ••m e time the number of producing 16 persons, injured a score and did De^vB^K’nih0 thousands of dollars damage. control but .s yet areXtegVitt,.0“,,1. PT ° n t * inS m ° re « ° ° d r e a d in « e a # l Wednesday for an operation on her mills decreased from 479 to 398 round trip fare The state held Its place as the ns lore but the doctor found it un- on sale Oct. 29 age. Owing to the lack of rain the week tbaa «njr other Linn county BRIEF GENERAL NEWS to Nov. 7; final iccessary. She expects to have her Hon s second largest producer of lum f ie s t a are very dry and the fire haz­ weekly. See partial list of content« her. being topped only by Washing return Nov. 9 I tonsils out later. Preparations have been completed ard Is Increasing. it top o f page 1. ton. The comparative production fig warden. ’h* wtthdrawaI of ,he British army I B- F Averill, Ay*rlll. state game warden The cement crosswalk On Second urea of Oregon for 1924 and Ï m s "»-?,-’ I T r a in s to P o r t la n d 3.M4.083.0M board ?.f .)ab|e | bury, veteran chief clerk of the house for the present, at least, the National­ Mrs. J. C. Bramwell hat embarked of representatives In the state legis ist leaders will campaign against the and It Is recommended that another C P. Moody sgl. be m .d e later In th , y e,° ' :n the undertaking business with Mr. lature. has addressed letters to mem treaties before the public The Rumanian debt funding mission, J bright and will appreciate the pat- hers of the house announcing his One principal object of t h . $rjn| onagc of people in Halsey and vi- resignation at chief clerk at the spe having reached agreement for liquid of I I . R ooae.H , to " l b . roof of atlon of Rumania's debt to Great Brl inity. See their business card else- rial session. Maybury said. He has lain, will proceed te the United States, t b . w o r ld ” . . . t0 £et n w cim , n a l I where served In the capacity of chief rlarb since 1913 and was clerk of the ap­ according to announcement made bv b gge7 . r ' 1’ u‘ h# W etr,r' ° f tbt C* ° T° U g ,t more I»” r. P. Patton and wife spent Tues­ propriations committee at the 1911 Finance Minister Brstlsno ‘ i«»»t sheep horn« known. Tbev d a y of last week with their daugh- session. Countess Ksrolyl. wife Of Count Ml chael Karolyt, former jresldejit of th* ‘ hr**. ’ I Something now for farm- ire in every iesue. G LO BE ALBANY iu i A void T raffic •Worries Pacific Livestock Exposition Co by Train j year j Lucky D ollar Class One Year for Southern Pacific Linee I? » ► i°‘ f A FA. . V One Dollar