0 * 1 . 24 iwg, K U K A L EN ìfcK P K IS E ^ b a n y ^ 'r e c t o r y l W i l ì a r d ^ t u t i o n PAcg i CAPTAIN R E E V E S We serve all makes „ • nd sell W illa r d s I oder new management " I t you live W '-fiC’ HHUJIJ WE./// H! t¡L¡ W. W. ATTERBU RY This is good advice: T , J ,o r . Prop. in Albany, trade iu Albany ; if you live 191 w e in some other town trade in that town.' 1-1 W, Seeond, Albany. But in these and ill ibile day's many re­ siding elsewhere fin I it advisable to do at least part of their buying in the larger town. Those who go to Albany to transact business w ill find the firms named below ready to fill their require­ ments with courtesy an t fairness. S ir . W e Save \ ou Money *•-OREGON^ ¡hit. F I QTIFF F C U N |™ O R M PA NY f Oct.3l-Mou $90,000 in Premiums Wl. S E E T H E B E S T IN T H E L A N D [ . L. O llll A .J- L IN D A H L , hardware. Dinnerware a Tin shop in connection 330 W. First St. Albany, Oregon A lb an y Floral Co. N ew and Second-hand^ uurnlture '"A "'*!*' '•'-'■—'•i’ of NW ,nS B L , ".X h .ÎZ fc ” Cut flowers and plants. Floral art for every and all occasions. ______________ Flower phone 458-f. 422 W. First, Aibl„, p E N T K A L T IR E SHOP charging. Tire Vulcanizing- Battery re­ 221 W. Second. Ed Falk, Prop. THE storea, 212 W. First and 225 South . , stores, «..n. o^i „„„„„a,,. G LOW „„ ,,ibl Home made fresh daily t^astburn Bros.— I wo big grocery ~ OLDEN Home cooking. Pleasant surround­ ings. Courteous, efficient service W e make our own candies. ________ __ _________W. S. D uncan P *O R D SALES AND S E R V IC E A Tires and accessories i » * Soft Orinks and L ig h t L u n ch es F. W . RO SS, Albany. First street— Bikman Blug. K irk -P ullaic M otor C o . ture, rugs, linoleum, stoves ranges Funeral directors. 427-433 nest First street, Albany, Oregon. F U L L E R G RO CERY; 286T yo n (Successor to Stenberg Bros.) Groceries Fruits Produce Phone 2b3R H I0 L . M . . A N . & . JACKSON Grocery—Bakery „ E verythin g in the line of eats ____ ____ ___ Opposite Postoffice I M l E R IA L C A FE , 209 tV. First Harold G. Murphy Prop. Phone 665 W e never CbOSR » Official Strömberg carburetor serv ice station. Conservative prices. A1 work guarantee.1. 119-121 W. Second m oney are best when M- |e n busy. and Make your dollars work in our savings department. A lbany S tate B ank . Under government supervision. M A R I N K L L 0 PARLORS (A beauty aid for every need) St. Francis Hotel ___ ‘ Prop. Winifred Rose JJOSCOK AMES HARDW ARE The Winchester Store CJecotid hand Pianos from $185 up If you want a bargain in a piano sow is your chance. They're in A1 condition. Davenport Mnsic House, 409 W. First Q tap le and Fancy Groceries Crockery and Glassware Mrs, M G. Stetter Phone 139JJ- 206 W. Second st. ctim son T h e ’ shoe doctor kJ Second s street, opposite Hamilton's store. t 'Sudden Service.” Y lfa ld o Anderson & Sou. distrib- ALBANY I News Notes From All Over Oreg on Gleaned by the Western Newsapor Union for Busy Peeple Four new business enterprises have located In Monmouth within the las1 year. Gresham was chosen for the annua convention of the Oregon W. C. T. C next year. There were 99 fires In Portland lr September, SI ot which entailed losset of <33,706.24. Paul Vogt of Portland, was Instantly killed near Redding. Cal., when he was caught In the belting of a rock crush er. For the first time In October in many years the city of Portland if using all of the water In the Bull Rur. river. E. E. Myera, mayor of Warrenton has tendered his resignation to the city council on grounds of “Indefinite absence from the city." If you enjoy a good meal, .»nd keow a good meal when you get it, 3 ou II be back, tor yon'll not forget it. Our aim it to please you. The fifth annual Milton Freewater Apple show wss held last week with the largest display of apples ever as sembled In eastern Oregon. PARAGON CAFE M. P. Lee, rural mail carrier work Ing out of Canby, probably lost th< sight of one eye when attacked by t large hawk which'he shot. FARM LOANS W rite for booklet describing our 20 year Rural Credit Amortized Loans The loan pays out in 20 payments, re­ tiring the principal. Cheap rates. No deI»y. B eam L and C o ., 133 Lyon street, Albany, Ore. FARM LOANS at lowest rate of interest Real Estate I’romyt service. Insurance j H ALSEY C A P IT A L AND SU RPLU S a $ 3 5 ,0 0 0 A TREASURE CHEST!’ That ¡4 what a woman said re cently upon opening a box ot onr assorted candiee. W hat woman doesn’t regard candy as a treasure? It is really more than that, too ; it is an absolute necessity, supplying a food want in a manner no other article of diet can. Ours is the best to he had. The Young People's Luther league convention of the Oregon and south ern Washington districts will be held In Silverton November 6 to 7, lnclu sire. The Washington County Fruit Grow era association recently was organize', with George Woolworth as head and O. C. Chase as secretary. The asso elation fa In the form of a producers cooperative exchange Clark’s Confectionery Dr. C. H C Q , Dentist “ PLATES THAT F IT ” Prosecutor Seeks Indictment of Roads Chicago. — Flrty Indictments of prominent politicians, railroad offi­ cials and beer runners will be asked by Assistant United States Attorney James L Mac Dowell from the grand Jury In addition to the Indictment of five large railroads at corporations for the illegal transportation of beer Mac Dowell stated he plans to ask court orders for the seizure of more than 1000 refrigerator cars used by the railways (or Ihe transportation o( beer o( Intricate routes (rom the East to I hicago bootleggers The order would permit the destruction ot tha seized E. C. Meade, H. Albro, ALBANY Optician OREGON. BARBER SHOP earn. Grown», bridge work and fillings it will pay you to get my prices on »our deutal work, Cusick bank build ng, Albany The G IR L hirst-cl&ts Work J- W STEPHENSON. A R R O W G A R A G E , Gansle Bros AUTHORIZED LIGHT-TESTING STATION I Any Girl in Trouble t tuay communicate with Ensign Lee of Ihe Saltation Army al the « White vvwaic Shiqld c. 4 riwuiv, Home, 56.5 '■ ’ Mayfair aiayiiir avenue, even jc Portland, ftjvuan Oregon. /regofle I ! Coolidge Favors Use of Slipper Halsey, Oregon Courteous treatment. T he D IA M O N D ' HILL & Co. HALSEY STATE BANK James Romlg, 27, of Baker, was in stantly killed when struck by an auto mobile driven by C. H. Getchell on thf Old Oregon trail near Hotlake. The run of salmon In the Colum " M B ain , Room 5, First Savings Bank bia river is very light due to the con­ bnilning, Albany tinued dry weather, which leaves ths river low and clear. There w ill be few fish, according to fishermen, until there la a good rainfall. Finger prints on two pieces of You get cheese was the only trace left by thieves who lootPd the cheese factory at Beaver, taking 1450 pounds of cheese and 40 pounds of butter, the We have loss being estimated at >440. One hundred and three mills report ing to West Coast Lumbermen's asso­ ciation for the week ending October F R E N C H & SON 17 manufactured 101,233.741 feet of lumber, told 95,848.354 feet and ahlp Jewelers, Opticians, Albany ped 101,453.211 feet. Naw business was 5 per cent below production Ship mentt were 6 per cent above new busi­ ness. < We have some attractive patterns in Linoleum j and felt-base yard goods < M OVED Don t forget the place T ’ utori and dealers for Maxwell, Chal­ mers, Kssex. Hull sort & lfupmohile cars. Accessories, a pnlies. 1st Ac Broadalbin. ., ALBANY G E O , M. G IL C H R IS T Armstrong Linoleum Rugs, $ 18 cash SHOE SERVICE Third & Broadalbin i r O D A K F IN IS H IN G I I For expert work send your films to Haskin s film shop, 309 Lyon street Albany, Oregon. M A G N E T O E L E C T R Ic fc a M E T Z G E R ’S Congoleum $ I f ) Printed Rugs ca«h , national rarest iu Tillamook county and one is burning in the Waldport district, according to Ralph 8. Shel­ ley, supervisor. The Pacific Telephone & Telegraph One hundred members of Methodist company filed a petition Jointly with Ladies' Aid societies from Union coun the Tillamook County Mutual Tele­ ty met at Union in a first annual con phone company, asking the permission ference. Cove was chosen for next of the Interstate commerce conimls slon to acquire the property of the year's meeting. closed for a half day Saturday. Mr. smaller exchange, Members of the Eugene Elks’ lodge The Coos Bay W ater company an­ McCann was first general manager of visited schools throughout Lane coun the Bend plant. He died in Arizona ty in the interests of the fund for the nounces Improvements In Its system limt week. restoration of the historic warship which Involves the expenditure of A deer from the wilds southeast of >150.000 and Includes the latest filter­ “Old Ironsides." ing plant, capable of taking stain from Bandon created an amount of excite­ Waslilngton. D, C.—“ What the youth Members of the Longfellow clubs at ment there recently, when It strolled of Ihe country needs la not more pub­ the water surply, which Is the prin Medford, Marshfield. Portland. Cor and ran through the streets, with half lic control through governmental ac­ vallls, Eugene and McMinnville were clple objection of consumers. A total of 99.090 visitors called at a hundred excited men attar It. The tion, but more home control through guests of the Salem branch of the or the Eagle creek camp and picnic animal had several narrow escapes parental action.” ganlzatlon at a banquet. Thia sage piece f advice wae handed grounds on the Columbia highway dur­ from being captured, but always elud­ I. E. Patterson, resident of Eola. ed Its pursuers. out to American parente by Calvin ing the season of May 15 to September Polk county, has announced himself More than 150 men, representing Coolidge, president and father, in the 30, this year, according to a report as a candidate for the republican pom practically all sections of the United course of an address to the Interna­ front Albert Wiesendanger, forest inatlon for governor. This Is the first States, have replied to an advertise­ tional convention of the Y. M. C. A. ranger In charge of the camp. entry for the gubernatorial primary of the United States and Canada. The Douglas county budget commit ment Inserted In a Salem newspaper The Medford water commission has While not mentioning by name either by a mysterious Miss Jordan, In which tee has been appointed by the county appointed F. C. Dillard, well known Jazz or the myriad other evils sup­ she offered to pay >400 to any respect­ Pacific coast water engineer, to be In court. The members are G. R. Hates, able man who would marry her so posed to be afflicting Ihe yoqth of to­ banker at M yrtle Creek; Joseph charge of the construction of Med day, Ihe president made It emphatic that she might Inherit an estate. ford's new >976,000 water works sys­ Lyons, banker and ex-county Judge. that he clings to the old fashioned be­ Attempts are being made In the Reedsport, and N. Rice, real estale tem. Tumalo reservoir basin to float boxes lief that the home, and not the state, dealer and ex mayor of Roseburg. la reaponaible for the upbringing of Mountain range In eastern Oregon is Continued dry weather, the hunt­ of dynamite, with time fuses attach­ the child. Parents, he said, cannot enough better than it was last year ed, Into a subterranean channel, If ing season and the burning of brush ! that sheepmen expect to have the use the attempts finally meet with suc­ aluff their responsibility to tbs etate. of the higher ranges for between a* and slashings by logging operators cess, It Is believed that the exploding “There are too many Indications that and settlers are combining to create the functions of parenthood ir e break­ month and six weeks longer than In ' dynamite will block the underground serlouH fire hazards In the national ing down," the president observed. 1924. forests of western Oregon, according passage which have made the reser "Too many people are neglecting the voir uaeleas. The city of Astoria won in the su to the Portland office of the forest real well being of their children, shift­ preme court its mandamus proceeding service. Hearings to determine the reason­ ing the responsibilities (or their ac­ against Clatsop county to compel the County assessors from all sections ableness of (he tariffs of several stage tions and turning over supervision of county court to levy a road tax, a lines operating In this state was start part of which would be available (or I of the stale have been summoned to ed in the offices of the public service their discipline end conduct to the Ju- vonlle courts.” use by the city. j meet in Rqlcin on Monday, November commission at Salem. Stage llnea 2, according to announcement made The assessed valuation of property* represented at the hearing Included r rance Facing Financial Crisis. by Earl Fisjier, state tax commission in Um atilla county for 1925, not in Parts.— Premier Palnleve, speaking cr. Discussion of county tax ratios the Coast Auto line, Portland Newberg, eluding public utilities, IS a little morel will play an important part in the McMinnville Stage line and the Inter- before a banquet of the republican and than half a million dollars leas than^ urban Stage companv. socialist parties, admitted that France program. Tom Murray, cobvlct. under death ia facing a financial crlsla. In 1924, according to R O Hawks I In tribute to Thomas A McCann, sentence for the murder of John county assessor. executive manager of the Shevlin lum Sw eetly, guard, during a break at Three fires are burning In the I her interests In the United States, the the Oregon state penitentiary on Aug Mount Hebo district of the Sluslaw * Authoritative Style» et Qleeeee Shevlin Hixon company plant In Bend ust 12, testified in the circuit court — For dreat— Rimless glasses for at Salem that neither James Wtlloe nor Ellsworth Kelley, coalefendants evailing and formal oecaatona. For In the crime, had any direct connec­ •porting, theater, or a dress glaaa tion with Ihe death of the slain guard. for close use only Oxfords or The engineering corps of Ihe Uglted lorgnettes. States army has derided to extend the Jetty at the mouth of the Umpqua river, In Oregon, so that Ihe flow of water In that stream will scour hwsy the sand her Impending navigation at that point. An allotment of >54,600 Commercial and Savings accounts Solicited for thia project was authorized from xlstlng river and harbor Improvement The Rulcrn Ad club has appointed a vigilance committee to wage war on a number of shoplifters who have been active in Salem during the past few months. Repairs Ip o rttn iller Furniture Co., furni­ Capt. J. M. Reeves, who succeeded Capt. S. E. Moses, as commander of W. W. Atterbury, recently elected the navy air forces on the Pacific president ot the Pennsylvania system, coast. succeeding Samuel Rea, retired. ' PABCOLIN and GOLD SEAL J A Reflectors and lenses for nearly all makes of ca rs. : W E recondition all makes of C a r» and M o to r» The wisest girls keep out of trouble M-