• *9 W C H I C K r jJ J E OCT rural enterprise AVOIDABLE J« , „ , tragedies -- --• . ■ - fc » WW » kwper patai-sw: «•«»> ' --'« r fatedy ¡hM .- a »» WWk ■. n « x u _ s a ■ * * * far a k » i « ».wart g a it y of far k* «mi. a _________ 3 I S» a year t« v g a the periormanc« of an ACrvrtitsejr >«c >a >»ch , o t.a e fo . act. tam ely, ia tryiLg The Great Outdoors W here Bn-ad Meat. Clothing. Health and V igorous Humanitv an- Produced to k ill a a-«r befere ho ha» •»iartwaed sW tarr k w a asae or they are by bo means complete. a feaaie Adoest te xher pewaJu»» T he A g ricu ltu re Except among tbs thrifty, compe­ Irrigation in Paragraphs for Farmer! be ahouid be forever tarred from oí the Future tent truck gardeners near oar large I rsiag f.rearrtia W A T E R IM T H IS V a L L K Y W estern Oregon cities the waste of every form ot Potatoes that arc j.bbed witl Nearly every aoumobde accident agricultural effort is appalling. fork« or cut are not No. 1. U la another eolomu on this page m due to enntnal careJes-ness. Wher. Dairying sails lor tbe growing of Biggest Combination of a tar akida in tamnyr • corner or. A Prediction That This .tgomiooua urops that add to tbe M a prediction that the W ’Hamel t< Io tbe United States only lh Brains and .Muscle nitrogen supply of tbe soil, instead valley will some day become tfee a w»t parement and the driver \ alley Will Lead in oountie» are prouoUDCtci free h 3a claims that he was going careful!) Will Win of depleting it. If tbs farmer bovine tuberculosis. 0 greatest irrigated farming sectr n he m.Jcea a false claim. No mattet the Country sells tbe fat in the m ilk, and feeds id the D a iiee fctatea. Aren t you proud of . bow aiowly he was going, he wax gv Ford's Weekly) tbe skim milk to calves, swine and Oregon’ ’ ’ we. often heard fro« To oce who baa always been told irg too fast under the condition- f arming will be surely, adequately (George Huntington Currey in kens, be is sending away no 7. ,b’ d , "’ p' c" ,i that in wtatera Oregon " i t rains The skidding proves this. oitregenous fertility from bis farm “Oregon Business) and profiUbiy conducted in this coun­ except as it walks off ia the car When he runs into another car or thirteen mouths in the year,” and Gradually southern Oregon took try by the lame methods that our cartes of the livestock be markets who baa act thoughtfully studied a ditch, a post or the river in the the lead in irrigation and without 1 0 i the 25,000,000 cow., 397.000 other large industries are conduct­ fog he io to blame for the reaults conditiona i a a, thia may be atari doubt the big irrigated area of south If the fog wax so dense that he could ed. Not tomorrow, 'ey next month, belong to tbe 800 cow testiog county bed 3 i l . c m lb . era Oregon ia today in the most this month that had p . , erJ L*? Hog or aeern impossible, tv ti stations. not safely drive in it it was a crini» or, probably, to any great extent though ba realises, aa many d< for him to do so. A recent bulletin of tbe depart, prosperous condition of any farming inspection« by O. A. C. within the next ten years. But it merit of agriculture says; ‘ ‘ It is section in the state. not, that here ia a eomparati vel) After every accident which could Changing market demands and t l f¥Yi50,000 P *™ "» *»rn»p u bound to come if thia nation ia to estimated that the average dairy it»al plain containing more acre» have been avoided by careful driving improved farming methods have re­ $1,368,000 picking 80,000 bale« ol continue to thrive and live. tow in tbia oouatry produce« daily than all the area, for inatanaa, o' the driver ought to be disqualifiée 14.000 acres BM The output of the corneetjy man­ about 4000 pound« of milk con­ cently brought irrigation to the front hope from Massacbmslts and Coouecticu' from ever driving a ear agrin. balsm tb it year, the hop. being ir. the Willamette valley, where many Leave the driving of cars to per aged, amply capitalized farm will be taining about 160 pound« of butter 8 com blued. farmers now predict that Oregon will worth nearly $4,000,000. *old at a price ao much lower than fat. sons who never have been responsi In the economical production eventually see one of the largest ir­ Comparatively few W ||),mel(e Ue for accidents and «bo shooting the output of inefficient farm , that The largest marketing concsrn valley farmers have thied to irri- >f game to those who never have it will be impossible for the latter of milk and butter fat the largest rigated districts in the United State«. in Oregon and tha large.t wool gaini are to be obtained through Irrigation is no longer a sectional, marketing organization i„ , ht gate crops of any considerable ait», been known to shoot without know­ to continue in business. the culling out of those cows that tut a state-wide opportunity. The entrance of skilled manage- Lmted State« 1« the Pacific Co- and many «till believe that tbe cost’ ing what they were shooting at. produce less than 4030 pounds of The successful farm unit is the operative Woolgrowsrs of Port *n< 1 C *P1UJ that demand» of doing ao would exceed the ‘ 'killed management — into agricul­ milk, containing less than 160 economic basis of the entire recla­ land. Pictures on the stage and lb* ture will be brought about gradually pounds of butter fa t.” beoefit, though all will admit that mation program. Drainage is not Glenn Ohling of Albany had George H . Brownell. there are timea, almost every year, nagaziua covers have bean wort by the increasing inability of more only associated with irrigation pro­ a» the »tats fair a litter of 12 , j x. blems, but the drainage Of swamp »hen a little water on the lend Jeccnt recently than they were a and more of our present-day farmers months-old pig. that w.igb.d 2670 THE MARKETS and waste lands is as true land re­ pounds. He h .d fed them four •h ila ago, but last Monday even, to continue the battle to make woijld be worth much money. clamation as . irrigation. Likewise ton., at . eo.t of $25, and he .old The wheat crops which ahortl) ng one showed in Halsey that we living. Portland the matter of clearing logged over them for over |26O. More and more of those poorly befere harvest this year looked • re glad to Say wa have not sect "Tiest Big Bend bluestem, $1.46; lands, the use of public lands and all located, worn-out farm , will be hard white. $1 43; soft white and west like bumper yields but disappoint- advertised by any rvpatahle show Grain, hay and potato yield, in abandoned. The cities will absorb similar problems must be considered •d all tapes when thrashed would house. It was brought by a tramp w n e of the owners and tenanta; era white. $1.38; hard winter, north­ in their proper relation to the water Oregon are larger than last v»«r ern spring and western red, $1.35. A 100.000,000-buahel ahort.g. of have gone tar towards paying for showman who did not attach Lis others will be given employment by Hay — Alfalfa, S it e is ton; valley ing of the irrigable acres in the state potato« in th . United S .at.i i. for an irrigatien plant on many a name to bia advertising. "Q u o hoac farmers who run their farms (Dearborn Independent — Henry timothy, 318(120; eastern Oregon meetly too far away to stimulate farm in return for a little water V Adie ” is a story that cannot I t as factories. timothy, 321 @22. the price in Oregon. There are going to be fewer farms joat at thair time of need. Butterfat—55c shippers' track. p ctured decently. To present it Piffle of Politicians Lggs—Ranch. 41850c. A big meeting at Aum.ville ¡. A prune grower along the VVi'- >n the movies is to licentiously wid fewer farmers in this country. And, despite this seeming contradic­ Cheese—Prices t. o. b. Tillamook; Frost too early or frost too late, planned for Nov. 18, when 0. A. lametta river a few years ago pui jortray licentiousness. "B an tion of economic law, the price cold wet springs, drouths in summer, C. m.n will make a .tart lor the of Triplets. 31c; loaf. 32c per lb. in a pumping plsut and irrigated 'lo r ” might be put on the screen Cattle—8teers, medium. 36.75@8.oo. innumerable pests — many are the large.t flax demonstration in tb. wen the better class of farm land his trees when the condition of the i i sacb a way as to be inslroctivs will not greatly increase. Hogs — Medium to choice, 311 7541 troubles that beset the farmer, says west. T h . plan i . to put in 20 soil seemed to need it. He got a and inapiriug and without re 1 arming is due to become a highly I 12.50. the Canton (Pa.) Sentinel. There is • ere. to aeceratn the beat kinds of Sheep—Lambs, medium to choice one source of evil, however, mas­ soil and qj seed. abort crop, as did bis neighbors. p roach. specialized business, capable of be- >ng adequately conducted on half or ' 312.OO@13.OO. ■ od they thought ba had waat » be dose not »< hut a aoanty crop while bis set other is lying about bar. Perhap- 31.41; western red, 3137; northern ’how on a balance sheet When it spring, 31.38; Big Bend bluestem retard his progress as much as all how it is possible, and that th aod matured a bumper yield with brtb tell the truth now. seen that a farm cannot make a 31.4$. of the drawbacks mentioned above, tnatanoes they cite are special pr< no irrigatl an aiuca the previous profit, it will be thrown on the mar­ and that is listening to the profes­ duoerg— isolated instances of tfc Hay—Alfalfa, $23; D. C„ $28; tim season. The bread which he had Leprosy is Being Cured ket and thereby become an influence othy, $26; mixed hay. 324. sional politician trying to delude the few wno have made money. Ther tending to decrease the price of all tiller of the soil into believing that »re profits made on nearly a •»at upon the waters returned to Butter—Creamery, 4»@65c. there can be legislation enacted di­ farm products, but they are uearl Twelve persons have been releasee 'arm land. him after many days. Kggs—Select ranch, 57@60c. The successful farming system of rectly for the benefit of the farmer «11 made after they leave th Hogs—Prime, 31tAO@14.10. *om the leprosarium at Carville, Irrigation will he one factor i- farmer»' hands. and to no one else. Cattle—Prime steers, 37.75@8.25. a., aa cured. There leprosy is be the future will be the one that com- •hie vafley in the doubling and bines the daily turnover system with Cheese—Oregon fancy, 30c; Oregon Such legislation never has been or Wisconsin has the most comprs .'g combated with some success trehliag of the yield per acre pre mong the ZM patient». More pa the too-prevalent present one-crop standards 26c; Washington triplets will be enacted for the simple reason henaive standardizing and Isbelini •licled in an article in the Deaibori 2Sc. th ft it can not be enacted. faw of all the states. The depart •enu are expected to be parolee turnover system. Independent from »h u h we quote farm ing in the future will include roen$ o.' marketing has tbe powe om month to month. Officials at Spokane. Frost ha. no connection with to eetahliah labels and standardi »0 »hi«-pegs under the capti- n he institution aro using the chaul the production of milk and its pro­ Hogs—Prime mixed, $12.25@12 5O. ducts, poultry and eggs, vegetables the colors of autumn foliage, asavi for nil food and farm products, anc ¡oogre oil treatment, but with var " The Agriculture of the F u ture.” Cattle—Prim» stee.rs, $7.50@8 00. Prof. Sweetser, bead ol the botany I • t applies to all products packed ir itiona. According to Dr. O. E. Den md fruits. AU are quick turnover Tile draining ia another. By it, products, the two first named being department, O, A C. Upon the' • he elate. The department ii ey, physician in charge, two year» Umatilla county wheat farmers are the approach of winter nature ♦ ifh proper tutnegement, despised h o ~ which can be produced and given power to prohibit t.ufait ». isolation for all persons affected . Jagda,” may be brought •Ith leprosy would eliminate it in th< »aduy turned into cash every day wanting rain In appreciable quanties stops the flow of sap and graeen competition. Under these condi. for the benefit of the newly seeded coloring matter and by a pro aom. exchange, that some lands the Portland p ric e .-M a rk e t Agen in manufacturing and commercial Spence. are adapted only to wheat. Of course liurenita apply aliq i0 the busines* that is not true. There I. no crop »f farming. The average annual The most satisfying sight tb, producing land on which only one Did you ever see a t.ives Gives results loss 011 the farms of the United A editor saw in a recent trip into thi product can be grown. Our critic. Stale« is about 30 per cant of the e<>aat mountains was ■ atahlefu cited Umatilla county wheat farm. gross income. of dairy cowa that get all their ra- Well, A. F. Knight had a 2000 acre " T h a principal sources of this 1 008 (««It excepted, pethapsj wheat farm in that county. A few loss are as follows ; from the home farm, have a por. Failure to teat seed corn, years ago, when wheat hit the bot tion of green feed the year round, Did you ever bear onaT t«m in tha market, he tried onions $100,000,000; improper harvest, »re nappy an(j an jncotn, Hrant Steals catches one io a •ng and storing of a«ed corn •nd sold $234 worth from three , ’ l keePl fbeir owners in the same fourths o/ an acre. Thia year he fetal trap In George Marsh’s story, millions of dollars in yield » „ j • rauie of mind. And a dairy got 210 bush«]» on the same ground. draws leas from the fertility of the I ba Valley of Voices, ” soon to qaality; planting o( iufarlile sead Negt year he propose, to plant three cannot ba astimated ; ravag«« of '»rm than any other source of appear as a serial in income. times as many, - He ia also dairying cora root worm, more than $100,- 000,000; waste of cornstalks in and raising p*,Ub«w . He find, other RURAL ENTERPRISE field instead of bciog put in silo products pay. whether the wheat re Mrs p reel and and her granddaug at least $500,000,000 ; failure suit, air good, or poor, ter uere in Portland over the we< 1 treat email graiua for im u l fully 1 end. •"' -x —... D E L B E R T S T A R R [$35,000,000; wa.ts of oienure Tha census bureau says the ,. JW . Funeral DirecUr and Licensed through carelaas handling. $300, mu I modest city is the country is 000.000; hog cholera, over $65,- Kaabalmer • n Oregon. Do you suppose it g ow aod its waists high? W ell, Laundry sent Tuesdays or OataaaT S t . a a Braw.aeilla fully $745.000,000 ; depreciation Agency Hub Cleaning Works |A i n e n . aii Latrlf Fire lusurancp ««.nii»an J H didft't. It protested that h . of farm raachiasry aod tools from population had bean ovarslalrd failure to properly house or care ABES PLACE * *—•- . I WRIGHT & CO. for them, impossible to animate l>*er end pheasants are y .lili^ I •Oil erosion raaulting from one-orop Funeral Directors F- M . G R A Y . system of agriculture, many mil. »hair revanga A go d m „ , T | W. L W righi, Harrisburg lions.” huD»«'« »-«ing killed , Mrs. S. C. Bramwell, Halsey The figures in tha foregoing bul­ wounded b j h onltit* gum. letin total $2,445.000,000, and All work done promptly , Bd r„ * , n. I ably. PbooeTb« ~ ~ «W. “ Tate-to» f-arac'taaa.* U a lía* * • M ttru aa« < i t . >»; i t s t n If a l l ’s C a t a r r h Medicine | An-Fo Sheep Dip $ * FISHER’S EGG PRODUCER t Uz Windigo? î o. w. i i t m î A m e ric a n E a g le Fire Insurance Co. Modern Barber Shoj C. P. STAFFORD, Agent draym an r c’ V