it u it a l c ir ic R m r s c M IL T O N S IL L 8 CAPTAIN INMAN io Sonthern Pacific's Railroad Construction Plans Will Provide New Direct Transcontinental Line To East (The; K nockout .TORRANCE FIGHT! FIBHI! FIGHT! ^conditioning simp I a thrilling drama of two-fisted action staged in the wild» of Canada I — Now playing in Portland — Service Station J12 Rast First s., ^ lb a, the .k .t.n g rlnlc’ r ' Phone 379 CCMIMO N e x t Sun.— Mon.— Tue». Oet 2 5 - 2 6 - 2 7 G LO BE ALBANY •T2, to. I* . J4. Nos H«lMy Happenings (Continued from page 1) Mrs. Mildred McMahan wrestling with the flu. has bee­ A. A. Tusslng w . j at the gran. K of South 12:09 p. u, 12? 5 p £ ?:S , 2 P«- 1:34 o(/ p.m.; P m n °“ i ,OU,h °* Bugene Mrs. Jess Crosa goes to her musi< classes in othei towns in a new For. coupe. >odge, North 3.24 a. ni. fla„ 1?. 5:15«. m. * $ 8:16 a. m. flag il ’ 4:08 p. m 14 and 16 «tQp ,o •H. P , at Eugene a wee, ago tonight. b . ... take traía No. 17 “' » - w . . —. HaJsey-BrownsviUe i « y at 7 a. m and 12 l l ,n t .**,?• 1 ^ « B r o w n s v ille ., y P a. m. J 35 and 8:45 p m Capt. J. Inman of Springfield, III. who was elected commanderln-ehle’ of the Grand Army of the Republic a’ I the national encampment In Grant j Rapid», Mich. I The bridges between here and Lal creek have been overhauled fo r th w inter’s exigencies. BRIEF GENERAL NEWS p .e ,r„ p , „ . Portland . and Oregon a ' n .w 'd 'ic t .. ' • ’ ■"■w * “ ’ " '* « • O p .., Outgoing Mail not In the 1 one-half millions of doll f Ä Ä r i ; « ? - M oi aoiiere ror tni c transcontinental line to the Eaat so real d« h t ^ ' « m t l n g a Natron ----------- atron line passing through Klam atl located on th . on. hand to s e r v e d 1 U •' Falla have an Intlmata bearing upor • ud 5:20 p. m treatast agricultural an ] timber sec- which noT mo J * bn," n• • ’ • Ä r “ ' 11:10 •• “ • one ot which, to tlons of Oregon, snd on the other the eunnort » tban enough ,or . ’ t?,at u 1 Or,8°n Trunk, woulc hand, provide a mid-continantal route pnblle to to r« t t«“ * V *’ aga,Bat tb' To Brownsville, 6:20 ». m * ” 'ng th...........ctlons direct service to way. than ? r . « " Or# r* n’ g * ‘ ag* ,0 Bro, the major part of the United States “ structlon On% r eon‘ aDd Proposed .nta of » i5.0»9 i v ille ‘ g o i! T h l. w a. the central point mad. In turn X n m *' ‘ 1,B * • me central point made 11 000 a rt those with which this heartn» H o ti 6 eg, ° " 10 Orgwfordsv «b. -------- of — • „ Un— P°n ” «ev the ™°ney put pm Into mio the tne O lr^ tly deals, t h . . . of ou I ° ' ^ “ Ud Sweet H o m . the testimony W ....— illiam - Sproule Tines, with an «n Inferlor inf>.<««___ »_ _ ._ ¡ne., wlth service by each prealdent of the Southern Pacific Com or them and a burden upon the public.’’ '“ »tereat In the th . 0. C. A E. Railw ay a n t ’ I terest in anc --------------------- its Dronn««rf a » to -.i__ - pany, before the Interstate Commerce i„ , « ruamatn-TUle i t o A V M.„e n ï f .‘.ha ‘• “ •tb -T n l. Lake- Lake- ve8tment°,inJM*X,*? <,Oni' pf0P°Bed to i -^«iid-for Paragf3i|hf Commission at the Oregon Railway A ltu r.s line. Mr. Sproule .aid: “H to . Rail w a v \ ^ * » ‘ < *« < > r» la -O r.goi ! hearing before Director of Finance Oi-egon Trunk Line la not bnllt and I that road to lh* '’‘ • “ a *’-'1 «»“ «tng 01 (5c a line) Charles D. Mahaffle at Portland. Oc­ If the application of O. C A E h»« i hv a Proposed constructor X T li e h d v e rtla in « , tober 9. the approval Of the commission there Falls to Corn , r X ° m K n la m a n tl! ( H a a rris b h u u rg Bargain T F a ll, to Cornell and Us e s I o ^ r o H r r i,' r8 « « rg a in , tor, , “Locally, vocally, Southern Houmern Pacific Faciric propoe propos- 1» is no a question i i b . h — . a _ ™ th . ____ L l“ e' C !? Cornell extension frnn I h._______ B ar8 a'n o r . y . n to A l t u and J . Its “Vn £ 3 a t . i r t d ale." Sproule, “first promote in which the that Souther ll.** said K ftf/4 Mr. M r S n « > /v « ilA *'*'.4’?U General Isaac R. Sherwood, 90, re tired member of congress and civil w«r veteran, died in hie home In To * gU* St from P“ rtl«n00' ’ hlch. ’ Ith th, « °™ *.b arK«i»s in house furnkhii county ja il instead of paying $29 6 nounced. r h c e n w r ° ’ t" hUnt‘n* With° U Oregon Railway, including th . Urn her an v a il. Un> Commander J. C. Hunsaker, assist- area, in th . Lakeview Basin; n o rth .a.t « d J . , 10 ,he make our t0,al '» v ..P ______ second, through our taking an Interest and th . w.?._____ V -?f B'amath Falla mt naval attache at London, told the and ,b 5 niamath Falls % N ttroa c“ ‘ off w ill ca r. for the Frank Gansle is drummer in th. president's air board at Its concluding In the Oregon, California A Eastern F o r ’ » le - R r o o d Sow, brad ] d, r' * xc*P‘ ln« »“ lx that which fin e Grove orchestra and he an, P- " , N ’ » • ' * ' H . r r i . J road, those lines w ill be extended to t. « adjacent on .„ d John H Duncan, . higl = S . = ^ = = evening ~ .........’ ~ Strahorn mentions an under­ ; ruler. General Sun Chuan Fang Chek region. school student, pleaded guilty yes standing with th . Southern Pacific for '«ng commander. Without firing a “The Klamath and Lakeview basins n T ‘l . i ‘ °o haVi" K liqUOr in U b a n oi a uie of this line a , a through route thot 10,000 of his troops took posses lna will be made fully accessible and tim ­ for traffic between Oregon and Ne­ Southern Pacin« «nl Frank Parrish, arrested w ill Ion of the city while 16.000 troops ot ber that nature has made tributary to During the balance of Soptem vada. Speaking for the Southern Pa- them, g . v . bail fQr appearance foi eneral Tso-Lln. who have held the those ill find nose basins Daslna w will rind It» Its proper out- clflc, we would prefer that the ,b com and the month of Octobsir yearly s lot *T*ho non, lln .. »111 au. _ o Mr. m Sproule oy th* C,ntral let. T h . new lines w ill give ,h . farm- mission pass upo2 toe a n n l l ^ f ' T ' tlon. said: «•aclflc lltlga tty for months, withdrew toward cen IM 11», .lo ck l o u „ , | , o, b oll Ib i, M ilt o u l.i » o o L b c U o , ¿o"h ' " •cn pU on . fo r the Oregonian will ral China. Albany and Brownsville residene. Why Did They Walt I taken at $5 fo r the daily and $7 “I t may be pointed oht that tha n r . property has been invaded this weel aady and Sunday and I will disco, «on Trunk Interests were „ L . by pheasants s e e k i r e f u g e fro., 25c on every sub.cription received t o “ "’ c « X ° J 7 b “ '' ‘ he out-of-town fusillade. It k Mr. Sproule'. testimony with re- «« part of a t h r X h broute°but‘ n h2s " J. W. Reef or. Against .. the 7 law 1 ... flre rir irons m th Ort r' C" - t0 Have 8i« Ail. .pact to the n .w main line east from »Uo bad under coneldera'tlon t h Rifle Mounted Shortly • Hulsey saw no change in it b ttii1" n fur".'*b ,"8’' »t the Harr Oregon was from Klamath F a ll. J .k feathered population. n a e based uaeeu on on applications app lication s of of routes , i g ™ ? X on’ D- c - - Uncl8 s- m,a ------------- «am r a n i to u reach his company Pomnanv fnr «uihnvliv f»«»« ♦*.« Its Central Pnntvai d iuiiu main *escn b u rg B a rg a in Store always his for authority from the wait fourteen year, until t h . a thvJ It» Pacific line, but not * * st »nd newest mobile M«ootlnr Interstate Commerce Commission to pasilng through Lakeview, m fact we •rn Pacific b.dtoce.v^d "e rm s . t o ^ ll f ’ ¿ V\ P ric e*’ but ,o r ‘ ha « ' ‘ frsd flogga died Mt X , “ , 14,n"h r,rh‘ 8 - " X construct a line of railroad from have reached a decision and have pub v.°r? N atr° “ and h a’ m" Saturday, aged ,56 even ing kt .in c ,u d i"K Saturd« Z d e baSMatlar,e,, Iron, the Klamath Falls on the new Natron cut­ llcly ennounced what we want to do y heavy expenditure! in coni« ’ ale b -r ,h " .a d veriisin off line, southeasterly through the lounri f ‘ i,a' " ly Pr° V,n< Kfouudii In th e respect. We have applied foe «fencer Why did they wait unto « ment. / b# eaPecial iudf c or ( “ Hfornla over the trail Tule Lake country, to the broad- permission to construct a line from Strahorn had perfected fcls » ani ■oeiits ia prices. 1 aaed by the pioneers of ’4» guaged Nevada-Callfornla-Oregon at Klamath Falls to Cornell and have built forty m ile, of hie ratlroM » m«d. application for a x te n lto i., 1“ ' Within two month» it will be point- Alturas, thence via Ogden to the east. t h r o ± h #<’ ‘/ “ ‘r tHe mg out over the Pacific from For. M e rough route for a connection with a Ito . to "« U7 ° r p* rffl,a’ >°f to buto The Shortest Line T5» Alba»y pickle piant ¡ , be Vrthur, 25 m ile. »Outh of Loa Angeles a line to Bond to Dartiefna»* * The Southern Pacific line from our Central Pacific main Hfi. w,„ lumber traffic to .rS X f d b e “ uh' Klamath Falla via Natron to Portland to continu. the proposed Klamath »»Urged because more p ,o,,|. u Js m a m o u n t u es 96 f . et ,n lsDg(h and • r« rai.fug •Mcumbera. 1 the witness pointed out, 1, i n milrs F a ll, line across T u l, Lake to a con- as much In order, and .as Ilt t u ’ *' less than to Portland via Band over 19*08 h, I” “ 1, k v ilfa ^ i^ i V * n n ,r- '«vd Brown»- '»«0 pounds, exceeding the weight of “ Planned ¡I, .............. »r ueoessHy I the proposed Oregon Trunk line. Mr 1908. but not having determined upon ,v “a." r . r _ ,P ?he ? *•« ’• Trunk k B . r’’ inerH‘ b#" VJ * “ »he H.rriaburs any locom otive yet built Th« Why have th^y b e « .7 e eDr . nndT r “ DH villa oivil war veteran .nd onoa „ the place at which It would connect d ?««• & * . “ d ” rip < -dt Sproule also cited toe following com­ »HI travel mounted X " 1. “ on ; r ; " “ r - > ruggist at Halsey, ig aeriously ill : .............. - parisons of distances from Klamath we originally applied to the commie no move during the long vearsdo r a'1' KWhÍCh c o n tin u e . 0: alon for permission to build to Cor­ Pioneering. In which we have bee„°?' Falla via Bend and Alturas: J. Harvey aod f , n)ily Lave sue x z ” ” " e rest of this week. •- making suck l i r a , * i X l ' “To Chicago, toe line via Bend will nell. Since this hearing has bnen good faith ln ,ha K'amath^regton. M t W r> ht - o. called our engineer, have made further be 208 miles longer by Great Northern rra u k H . Porter a farm _____ snGto*1 Burke’ Brownsville bla, and 277 miles longer by Northern Pa­ reports which point to the general di rectlon of A ltu ra. . . , h. more d lreCt' cific. stag«’ f otO1911 w ith hp ly white restaurant in town" an toB! o . ^ * ; bU,' ” ,Sk ' he com"“ arton we are threatened with the mt.» w . l T V ^ r n t r - *? • AItU r,a ... ............... ■ ■ " v /e iu a F U » e r Tlni tone of being unable t0 csrrv mem”^ ^ ? itterIy ° f fd ,o w unio - r company ,o the C h a r... K S p ^.d - to consider to connection with our w ill be 3<8 miles shorter than the Plan, to their natural conclusion h“ members who patronize foreign re. Northern Pacific via B illin g ," Th . present application that th l, I , part o. causa the proposed art«««, < company t r . n .f . r r ln , ’ bp . • J Z ! i “n”‘ ltJ sib,,, • through line from Oregon to Nevada Bend would divert to * * * 7 / 1 1 » fr " D l ‘ aurants while white caterers s to rv " witness said: I« ,5 « acre, of Polk county timber to b o m ? T h W* i ' “ UM ‘ , a ‘ «»>• M 'tlle ••«“ “ them Pacific plans provld. f , . Utah and east via Nevada-California the north, which h ..« “ " * M h Tl” «»Mid T ! rhu/ ,d #J a" d »«teceeded i, -MHon“ wd,n< l’ U r M U c llltla . for . | | traffic of the Klamath Oregon Railway. wlth CtntraI »Olblk« IO I k . O . T . 1 0 , « , ^ ™ “ “ The lant \ PProx,ma* ' ' / »112.000. mgglug the pheasant lim it. territory superior to those proposed through Ogden.” rojloo. i h . i » i, , ■>' » > The land transferred He. tn the Bald R U R A L E N T E R P R IS E A . to construction expenditure., Mr h b Or#w " TrU“ k * nd ’ “ bout dup Sproule said: country, tributary : : ? • W ’ U,har of E'l Itcatlon We oppose entry Into tin . to the c i n t a i i » more good reading eat •n d O a c .r Wigle. ¡, reported to /a |l»y A ----- S ll.ts line UTI Expendlturei of ovef th lrty -e ij and — aiuv over which b a r , been killed by • bull on E d ’, tpauldln, ha. been |0, , ln, »tber Linn coun i«tm, near Brownavill. Saturday • Ins 88,115,000 feet of timber. It coa- ckly. See partial li.tofoonteo Rannah Cummings and J \ James Rector has had h 77 i < is k M V ” uge gun coming w est ! . h L ? -• - w- ,r-" ">g / V,'“'1 “J “* C ° C. * "eek ,b““ ’"7 The Baptist state chapel car 1» »-ven ao n and w ife were visited oomlng to Brownavill. for . . ' Sunday by Mrs. G. G. Stevenson. r r " nc8- — The radical party » • n t h . and the pulpit ughter of the form er and daugh there w il F,n«nreBM; ° r ' rrWU,x ‘ he opposition of thus b. fl||,d for f •text few F,nance Minister Calll.ux. unanimous ter-tn-law of the latter. toeutbs. > adopted a resolution favoring the on capital At W t , . . r ir. i #nd M " W R “ ¡ 'k had toiposltlon of a - levy . P“ al- L a « , y 7 " * * U y night's meeting of kb. » J r * ' “ “ ,b * "P’ "*"« o» M ite, and Hce ,»em to enlov h , I .L ” H' M* * Addie was be bunti, g seaaon the latter'- »father, for th l. |. th, c,* ct* d noble gran,I to fill the va- Ä ' A S Ü- ’ ■ •" '► '•¿ » « i an’’ multiply mo,, v'.nvy caused by the removal of Mrs h" ,r i,n d . n r r"P,d,y’ ' ?obnrtt Corvalli». L ittle Vivian w hite, of tbc tame citv m - a . a to , b.’ ................ -, M r- T o î ^ 'î ? . n ; j you ____» Did ever haar on»'.* - ■ “ L ucky D o llar Class - 1’ 2« r o n v ^ i o l * ’ bich i. „¡J, opeD pap