O .f 21, l » f t KUKAL ^//^bany£Z),rectory| Willard » . . . . .- Station " B• t,rye •!! raake» w and M il “ « lla rd s T h is is poo.! advice: “ it you lire in Albany, trade in Albany ; if you live C nder new management in some other town, trade in that town. ' . l . m I a L M. Taylor, Prop. B u tin these autom >bile days many re -1121 W «eennd a .u sidinpelsew heref.nl i t . d r i - h “ ^ W * " eeond. Albany Z at least part of their buying in the larper town. Those who go to Albany L to transact business will find the firms K named below ready to fill their require­ ments with courtesy an 1 fairness. A .J L IN D A H L , htrdware, 1. , Dinnerware | . On shop in connection 330 W, First St._______ Albany, Orepon j A lb a n y Floral Co. »> Lpastburu Bros.— I wo big grocery L?lite Cafeteria and coufectionery H o m , cooking, Flealant surround- !?,«*• kouneotis, efficient service We make our own candies. „ _________ W . S. D vn c a n . - Holland Bulbs •re now io and »hould be planted early. flo r al M U S IC SHOP PEN TK A L tire shop „ stores, 212 W. First and 225 South ¿lain. Good merchandise at the rieht prices. — Call io when in Albany Cut flowers Tire Vulcamnup- Battery re­ 221 W. Second. 7 Ed Falk, Prop. V - «7arZj»> a s , / J Îy .e A e /A * , and plants. Floral art for every ana all occasions. 7 ______________ Flower phone 458-J. charging. »■ I N e w and -. [Second-hand“ uurniture P 'o rtm ille r Furniture Co., furni- THE P U L L E R GROCERY,- 285^ Lyt (Successor to Stsnberp Bros.) Groceries Fruits Produce Phon* 8b3R „ ... . , , Grocery— Bakery E verythin g in the line of eats ________ Opposite Postoffice ï * M P E R I A L C A K E , 209 W . F i n i Harold G. Murphy Prop. Phone 665 W k n e v e r close M“ ry E. Conn. Portland. 130 Ft««t w Holme«, Albany, >15- Anna Bell « *> . Milwaukie. ,20. 0V g e F “ C M . Band. I K ; Annie l l . n . ToW „. ii“« ’ ¿'dWard Flerc®, Grand Ronde. 18; Martin L. Kay., BrsymlU. ,15; Robert Holigang. 47, wa» ------ killed - --------------- John In M Bledsoe, Myrtle Point, ,18 A n n l « L ° \ th* Buckley ranch » * • ' I EfioK ' of 33,994.40. Announcement of the appointment Assessed valuation of property In of a new board authorlred by Secre- Portland increased ,13.678.530 within i t , r y ot Interior Work to Inquire into the last year. Not Including the prop OLDEN, LOW Hom e made fresh daily J 1 O L M A N & JACKSON PAC a) 5 F L. I Ollri QIIFF F URNITt)RE L. COMPANY 422 W. First, Alb„, tnre, nips, linoleum, stoves ranees Funeral directors. 427-433 west First street, Albany, Orepon. riv e female deer were killed la on. locality la the upper Deschutes country recent y. according to reports brought to Bend h , hunter. Four of the does had been placed In one pile The slayers had not touched the meat of the deer. W W W i p ini ORIGON $90,000 in Premiums S liS ® * ’<«h «... L iv e w o c à Dtxfter o Sheep, ï? » ™ I Ice Cream, Soft Drinks and L ig h t L u n ch es F . W . R O S S , Albauy. Fir»t street — Bikman Bldg. Irrig a tio n tlM " ° B projects of Klamath Falls has been made. The members are W. C. Dalton, banker; C. A. Henderson, county agent, and Herbert D. Newell, Klamath project manager of the Irri­ gation district. That better crops and improved prices have combined to put Oregon agriculture In Its best condition gfnee th» world war was the belief of 26 county agents, assembled for the an­ nual extension service conference at Corvallis. Agents from practically j every section of the state. In making reports of their districts, were optlmls tic over general farming conditions. Oct.31 ’ the LA N D f «ho »«»H«« P" >1 9x12 PABCOLIN and GOLD SEAL Congoleum $ 1 ( 1 * Printed Bugs cash 2 A rm strong Linoleum Rugs, $ 18 cash > We have some a ttra c tiv e p a tte rn s in L in o le u m and felt-base y a rd goods HILL & Co. 2 • H ALSEY erty of public service corporations, the assessed valuation of all property for 1925 Is ,288,170.020. Harold Steele, 25, shot and killed his sweetheart, Miss Creesa Crane, 21, and then killed himself in an automo­ bile four miles from The Dalles. The shooting followed a quarrel over the girl's refusal to marry Steele. k s m iw .l en th . Ptxiiwy and ['.Ir. • nd tb . world btnoui Mon > FARRS ON ALL RAILROAIN, W e Save Y ou Money) p V R D SALES AND SERVICE Tires and accessories Repairs KiRK-PotLAK M otor C o L M 1 E K P R I5 E Peace Pact Makes Big Incomes W ill Europe Rejoice Soon Pay Less T a x Great Conference Ends in a The general volume of employment Administration Leaders Reach offered In Oregon continues on a large Blaze of Glory and With JfO D A K FINISHING Agreement to Shove scale with calls for experienced log *■ For expert work send your films Everybody Happy. Io Haskin s film shop, 3o9 Lyon street gers leading the demand, according to Bill Through. Albany, Oregon. the report of the United States de­ k jA O N K T O E L ic T R Îc ~ C 0 7 7 ~ partment of labor for September Locarno, Switzerland. — Europe’s Washington, D. C.— Definite agree­ Men and women who file suits for | ,BCUr,,y « ”>*»rence ended literally In Official Strömberg carburetor serv VAPSI» le A b «..- — will >1, ■ _l_— — ma ment has been reached among house ice station. Conservative prices Al divorce In Oregon have to con la bin«/, blaze of glory There were fire A meeting of the state highway com­ work guaranteed. 119-121 W. Second tlnue to pay the extra ,5 fee fixed by work«, music and dancing to commem­ administration leaders to give the mission at Elkton on October 29 to prospective tax reduction bill right-of- hear arguments for and against the act of the last stale legislature, ac­ orate the Initiating of five pacts which way upon the opening of congress In I en aud money are best when cording to a decision handed down in the allied and German statesmen have busy. Make your dollars work in proposed Umpqua highway Improve­ Multnomah county circuit court by formulated with the idea of a new December. our savings department. A lb a n y S t a te ment district has been announced. It Chairman Green of the house ways B a n k . Under government supervision. Presiding Judge Tucker. | Europe arising from the old slough of is proposed to Join 12 district» having and means committee, which met here discord. Complaints that ducks are being a total valuation of ,5,000,000 for the arinello parlors Monday to prepare the hill which Is The delegates have ahown their be (A beauty aid for every every need) purpose of voting a 30 mill levy to be shot on the Columbia river sloughs expected to cut at least >300.000.000 lief that real friendship and coopera­ St. Francis Hotel used for the completion of the Roose- between Tongue point and Woody Is­ from the lax payers' toll next year, Prop. Winifred /elt highway and the Drain Reedsport land by hunters who use power boats tion and burial of past dissensions said a measure will he ready for pres­ easily may be achieved by continuing and operate by moonlight have been tection of the Umpqua highway. entation on the opening day of the J^OSCOK A.MES HARDWARE received from residents of that dis the good spirit which was given birth session. Deer along Salt creek In the vicin­ ALBANY in Locarno. All the statesmen are trlct. ity of the Southern Paciifc company’s The house will be able to pass the The Winchester Store After a month spent In investigating unanimous that the results attslned st rail construction operation» are tame, the security conference exceeded their bill before the Christmas holidays. Mr. conditions in normal schools In the iue to the fact that there has been secret expectstlons. The five trestles Green predicted. W ith senat« leaders no hunting allowed on that watershed central states. State Superintendent are: planning enactment action on It there, is your chance. They re in Al condition for several seasons. Nelson F. Mac- Churchill has returned to Salem. Su Davenport Music House. 409 W. First The Rhine pact, by which France, final enactment of a measure by perlntendent Churchill will goon leave duff, supervisor of the Cascade forest, March 1, fifteen days before first pay­ his office to accept an appointment as Germany and Belgium agree to re Q tap le aod Fancy Groceries fia» a number of photographs taken by ments of the new year are due, Is be­ head of the normal school to be fraln from attacking one another, with lieved possible Crockery and Glassware * timber Inspector on the railway tun­ Great Britain and Italy agreeing to act established at Ashland. Mrs. M. G. Stetter nel construction, showing the ahimals t Unlike the situation two years ago, Phone 139 J 206 W. Second at. Gleaned by the W e ste rn A reduction of approximately ,1,. against a violator of the pact when Secretary Mellon advanced a tn groups, evidently only 40 or 50 feet Arbitration conventions between 000,000 In cost of government for the Newsapor U n io n fo r Away from the camera CTIMSON THE SHOE DOCTOR definite program, no complete bill has Germany and France, Belgium, Poland state of Oregon during the fiscal year Second street, opposite Hamilton’s been put forward. General agreement B usy Peeple Oregon pensions have been granted 1924 was shown In financial statistics and Czecho slovakia store. »» follows: Albert J. Rice, Portland In addition, there is an understand la perceptible, however, among both issued at Washington, D C.. by the de “ Sudden Service." republicans and democrats on these ,16 a month; W illiam Fiedler. Port partment of commerce The compara Ina that Germany shall Join the Letgue main provhlona , . . , ------- —---- ;— I The State bank of Coburg at Co- of Natlona, . ° ' r a P We,ch- Port,' nd I “ Te ,lgur" * er" Reduction of both the normal and ,30. Robert Campbell. Portland. >18; ^and >19,617.707 for 1924, ntors and dealers for Maxwell, Chai Dr. Stresemaon. the German foreign Hurtax Income rates. mers, Essex, Hudson At Hupmobile cars, minister, Joined M. Brland, France's tecessones, a pnlies. 1st & Broadalbin Modification or abolishment of m oil The annual teachers' Institute for foreign minister, in declaring that Douglas county le to be held Thurs­ Locarno must mark the beginning of of the remaining miscellaneous taxes, If you enjoy a good meal, Including those on theater ticket», day and Friday at Roseburg. a new era In the peaceful development ^tnd kaow a good meal when you get it, club dues, automobiles end the like. of the lives of nations, based on mu Robert D. Lytle of Vsle wee elected io n 'll b- back, tor you’ll not forget it. Repeal or modification of the pub­ lual confidence and good will . grand chancellor of Knights of Pythias Our aim ia to please you. I Particularly felicltoua were the licity of taxes provision. ot Oregon at the grand lodge session Increasing of exemptions so as Io apeechea of the leading delegates at relieve Ihoee of small Incomes of all the final conference when adjourn ALBANY Mrs. Tom Smith of Marshfield kill taxes, ment was taken with the understand C A P IT A L A N D SURPLUS G E O . M G IL C H R IS T ■yd a bear which disputed her right to Revision of the estate tax to pre­ Ing that the treaties would be signed a cluster of huckleberries on South vent duplication In levies by stales In London December 1, Commercial and Savings accounts Solicited Coo» river. and the federal government. W. W. Hoover of Fossil was named Idaho Timber Belt W ill Get Railroad Oregon Auto Values Set at >104,000.000 W rite tor booklet describing our 20 successor of County Judge C. O. But St Paul, Minn — Charles Donelly ler of Wheeler county, who died at Salem, Or. — With approximately year Rural Credit Amortized Loans president of the Northern Pacific rail 203,000 motor vehicles registered for The loan pays out in 20 payments, re­ The Dalles October 14. way, announced here that a branch tiring the principal. Cheap rales No The Jackson County Merchants' as­ I railroad 41 miles long will he built the year 1925, a conservative estimate I ,lel«y- B ea m L a n d C o ., or rather the girl who likes candy, has placed Oregon's motor vehicle ' sociation. composed of Medford bust 133 Lyon street. Albany, Ore. is everywhere ; her opposite would from Orofino, Idaho, to Headquarters, wealth, using >500 a car as an average ness men favor the community chest [ approximately the center of the Clear he hsrd to find And if she get« basis of valuation, at >104,000.000. If plan to handle all city charitable work water foreat. This line will reach the her candy from us »he knows that | largest body of white pine timber the past average rate of Increase la Moonshine whisky caused the death she gets the best confectionery in maintained there will be 215,000 li­ of Orin Lacourse, 29, Southern Pacific town. That is why when you tell standing In the United Stales. censed automobiles In Oregon at the at lowest rate of interest railroad clerk. Lacourse died aboard her you will buy her a box ol close of the year, representing a total Real Estate Insurance a Southern Pacific freight train ca candy sbe always says ; “ Begun Prohibition Officers Oltmlstsd by Lyle investment of >107.600.000. boose at Paunlna. Proni11 service. Courteous treatment Seattle. Wash. -Dismissing all hut and get it at Clark’s.” Dr. Adlx of Gresham will offer a three members of his local prohibition "'M B a in , Boom 5, First Savings Bank silver cup to the Junior who Is select­ fere»- W alter If Justl, 8 C Linville builning, Albany ed by the faculty at the end of the snd James Morgan, Prohibition Ad year as being the most valuable etu mlaiatrator Roy C Lyle made prae dent to the school. tleally a clean sweep not only of his own staff but also of that of V John C. Stevens of the firm cf Stev You get Ifazeltlne, former dlvlalonal chief. ene A Koon, consulting engineers. j . w STEPHENSON. Portland, was named by Oovernor Grown», bridge work and fillings j, will] Pierce to succeed Rabbi Jonah B. Wise pay you to get my prices ou »our dental work, on the state board of higher curricula M E T Z G E R 'S SHOE SERVICE M MOVED M Don t forget the place Third & Broadalbin News Notes From A l l O ve r Oregon W HALSEY STATE BANK Halsey, Oregon PARAGON CAFE « S S $ 3 5 ,0 0 0 FARM LOANS T h e Candy G irl, FARM LOANS B arber C lark s Confectionery shop D r. C. F IC Q , Dentist “ PLATES THAT l irst-clats W o rk F IT ” The G IR L We have Jeweler», (Opticians, Albany The poslofflce department has an nounced appointment of John 81m ons as postmaster at Beatty, In Klam »th county, snd Harlan L. Asher as postmaster at Lehman, In Umatilla county. Teachers’ institute will be Oct. 29 • nd 30 in Linn county. Large timber owners In Lane conn ty who complained to the county board of equalisation about their 1926 tax assessment and were denied a redac­ tion. have filed an appeal In the cir­ cuit court. The D IA M O N D - FR E N C H & SO N Cusick bank build rg, Albany I A n y G irl in T rouble j may communicate with Ensign Lee of ihe Salvation Army at the » White Shield Home, 565 Mayfair avenue, Portland. Oregon. AKKOW G A R A G E , G am ie Bros AUTHORIZED LIGHT-TESTING STATION R eflectors and lenses fo r ne a rly a ll make» o f cars. E re c o n d itio n a ll makes of C a r s a n d M o to r » T h e wisest girls keep out of trouble i