H » ~wv • i LAJ »UI f— I K L it A L E N T E J O T U S « >•>»- r»«»y » « d ia v i* / »»»». w~ • r m»» I KG BAY T H t T m ______ r- r a t SM ALL ____ —- The Great Outdoors B i l l * t- 7kn*giu>t »<* '»".r* Ase -atantaua U n n I '«r dut za fn t », ,4 » yeaz I . - m 4 Szazat atneCAe m >4»«r-.<*7 » , m .«<> «,-. t a r a i ' ~1'* fvrt-u* a * te i{ « ,¡ a W h *re Bread Meat Clothing, Health and Vigorous H um anity an- P r o d u c t *** varo «r a* «X.-J~ W u à M >— zant * f -JI» ZZ* . *** . __ <**.1 n» * v<'z« *• * '«zaezaav« Ut a Le* C..TT» a.fuaaa b a t * i z r . t f -j *ey ' i»*«r O . A . C P r o c e s s o r * • * * ’« " - • ' « t.t» -v a a t u vrw» «1*«**./ «4nr«se “ *7 ape-.t.ag a n z i r* \ < A - -1* « a » « < - = < saC ar fatti a f -t, ■ Lag «iuta THE MAftafgTg « M * -jaa 1 4 te-eey * A ^ ta z jz r O C O U tS .M à S O f l Q à j m a-'-**’ M '-« * ta-fa-- AafaaCiag THF. I.Z A O L 1 TfeU. MPH.7 -17» i — .m ti* B-ai’ fU f üA A rj Fard !a r r a t i A z-z:taa Tb» lA tA A s » ^ m l er n ie» F ^ iw n an -j l y I m - «aa -j« L*-g, X **** u m G . r e « F a c t * a n d F ig u r e ® ■’ ae»-- -St< B»i4 il sear es. |: <) 7 LA iAAflA '.{ AAÜAA» — t i« 1.-4 j * . 7 Y “’ 7 r» r j, , 9Azz zf z i» aiASertal j« * »ess fa tard w ix a l i e aatl wix«. | L « : % '< * • ie*gM,"* i l yszs p^«V«a i t i fur a- >*ty MU * « . 7 T t » T endm r to show I t 1« « « * C ** » ti* KaSescar Si*: •« »«atari white, hard water. J i i î -*»ta.-,i a s - * - fo , a3 that 0 » ^ - SZ.M V ia t M r ' r t i i t * t r * 1''* * ’■** *»■«•«<* • * sum « t * m z , r,v > = * , Im p r a c tic a l. a cn a t mm I t H ^ w » sxrsaera ipr-.ag J 1 U ; wee-«rs r«< t ie Exfarpr-fa» Laa rape*t«^7 -a vaia far ages L4 4z>. A ’ AAA '-M n s s z t M £ ja * ________ -xxuamt r» t,t* *s u_—rais z a » lA t • ’• * * « m « ih« as*i«m« «f tA» i : i 3 ; j tm »alley r ’ r' ” k «any zyex-v tMfaa fa -j* -'■r«T-5. A< C-jjajfa ^■. zcoa f jr-A tsn , aau th« *4=-.« jrra t -io r jy A-.'a.fi. » tifi* ». r ita z.a».~ Farmer » 7 1 j p ',W w«r$4 .««-.-«4 asce« faU -n< z«7. auu2i> eaaeera O re** * .« * » _ . b rZ Z- ” rW * « i* « r » .» » vztn n ». fttA a .-«^fa ♦ » ysu n ja & za» yr-xeci < « m *» U 1*25. a ( a - • ^úfasio-j— *1 r«*>wt«axiiMi, i n i n za» w ^ . feetred «c,»y ;ssziasy s*,4 aa»p fa Jsc*. &af ’-A AX Arencas j/ * n j - »'Us e r a ^ r »-.zi 19 «xp er^ ; B*a«riat—Sl-t ‘'"tz r-zAr-.rr^r.z W14 I MT» MX«- sia * i - j fra * H«o?7J» av . a *baa cy«r they àav» fays that at .«aat two toj* u aso j i-.ia«. to** Sc«i< mm« *rs:i> iii a*y 410*4e *»« »art Facfafae,1* »-4 Sai» vnrk- ' * * •.-.<•• .-.«r »«Me« t i « ae.ar a ■ •^ < * e Mae ta M 7 m ««fc u « - ,aa — ___ ; SU; “ 7 •à*c *4 * *3 a SMJ a t a too a t t a. i TUlaaMei; aere M ocil be prt>hi«4 * m fa * >At» A aun u hfau .Je • » u t ' . f tàA o ra r ia » M CbWSweMed -raa Uoa * s«et«r He M e. ; * T* '•**rr*-r ’ t1 u * - « « a < o -r.-aaaoi mea par aera, asd apyroxi- 7r-pieta 11«; lea? n e per I» , j > a «Met«« u * t » (¡Maga war e i o f * I li® UA5 M ttttag tfK ertaaar b«zrta t.l A t r a » ai> them by haed antfl lar»e eaoa«h ta H ay-A lfalfa. « 3 . D c >J4. ik « U A a « T K i s .lk P. .*» » Max >a.j ara *z,w • {fjrM _ t 00- 0« z i» bosta of t i , xby. 124. mixed Say. »24. eat 0 « of a trough. The pi»s all — a « a ta r, ^ ^ a m Ï Ï X 7 ^ ' ’ ’ ’ " T !t lived axd were apparently healthy Batter—Cr»am»ry i i ^ i S e »«a ai.4 t i» Unitari ’ 'ai»» - ^ r r a r A fawx fa ¿.fa* ui® j 64. ArtAnr J. Ma«.», noi; Aaliwf ‘X» rj.v. «1« Juaga aM -««a*»xaj¡7 ¡ e ^ 4 tol’ege. ‘Such delicacie» a* e * ^ •.i iu n » r f ..tr i » f tt.A ztatA+A tb« -asaary for tifa Uttar to kifl off f*» »f thorn fv»l iaia* «/ Ufa >r«»i-irla« to Fr-.f Pendleton entered the race for the r»tioned oat along the known ran- ataiart Thar eas t rutta '"•—*A, *, l re »-Boosts of diacfaiu. repnbllcaa nomination for United l ’r*F» *f-4 haunts of the rata Then *«au af Uw > * a rta « n t a t *- d*- •zia aa rifaapiy a* Ufa fag f« jfa „ ceri de crade peM ai* eariohy ‘.rtzar .« t'’,fVrt*, ¿**1 ’ beC “* * Pr*' ’*“ * * ,tU e k for tho* th>t had 1acna rraya at f). a C. H » ra- Feeds sad »««dug.-* for a faw yfald c f n ,* u iT * 1 °* **hU’ H n r r '* z-» f a i* j r » a «stasa« fa,,» . teary annonacement from bis bom« [ survived. A imal hand l u t e - !o, i H -Icr a m ^ y Z i w* **s ‘ **** * ” * ”** ’ 6 ,OB* ° { *Ir,w - T h e £ , d BT ’ U e foart> •M»*» fa »»M jiau n*rai««lr» v i w i w« ara ateinuMi tz< — > V S3 - nr.it fa being »wallowed. — - £» • * Za Z » a week later the gas treatment was 2 7 S » S a J-rafar to aay - repeated, and the prem sej are now S w “• an4 t i * / d.iprja of tb* 'frf-tttftrt of T>-* Traxnfa h«a t, naw bead Amor A. Tussing • •* absolutely free of rats. farraaaarf raloa M anx ’a arno«n«a- • 1 Its p,oi:*her ha* ||fa t l , ¡f W t — igrata I turn________ L A W Y E R A N D N O TA R Y lz42 7* lt-fa Charles Weber of Brosimxvi’.le with feats—straw, Lb too "fant on tbfa b*a4 waa too ttartlinr 1(1» In»» op fa ifa opportonitie«, for n 1444 2912 7 «Ui— «ets «ad straw H alsey . O r ego .« his Percheron horses and Frank Por­ U k>* arr*(Ac4 wttioot ffrrthar proaf, “ r,x ’•»F pofafaber bwt atayor 2»rx, *z«t»—hay____ 2X41 4SK 'I ! Atui that prrxif fa fa il ¡arkir.jf ter Portland and Halsey with his l»»l I joatic« of the pear«, while hú 2113 4Xk) Graea at baUìar 2J , t o o i " , 2.-’4 24.2 Hot th»r» may M aom»tbtnjr «0 bi* 44,il Gr*en <«t fodder l i 4 v,n, « *» «ky rezorder or eowtething » 1 A H w ifa i« Style« of Glaiws, 141« 1«» 4152 rlaim ta r atanttutr bn tha ettrtn« of the *z,rt az4 famines« *«4 »,reu for school, reading, library ua»,’ year and carry home pocketfuls of * - .r u g » , Thfa F^ . u h , u t „ 7 • “ ’ " y ttAr’ “ ‘ o Am&* “ * » « • / J A W »fled J t'-4A»r ir/ »«ttfirtAj Mat, if ba ha* •F °r,», golf so d ten nis, e ll sh ell or Pntes. i s m the famdy. f.m jy , Hi» Hi> nan»* U parcerdag, »f p n U ia ¡„ y * r . M o < j ■ »Wan Wn thBt nai ■•ad a * Jd not 1« m maati aM tod« y gon, foremost state in breeding ped­ r un eral Director and Licenaed z a r j moch protein enters into the pruidant’s sow In-law. to t it* iar«»*«or*, after a rantory of igreed stock. And Linn county fa EnbaJm er plant from the soil as the later om ar.4 Improvmnant, are.amon» U foremost in Oregon in that line. Brownarille. Oregon »r»at««t rr,»rhankal »»onovnizar« of plant — development . r. are . »»rifar P ien e fa taunted srkh 1 i»ze« of ------ The broccoli industry fa th« Ump­ Call C. P. STarroaa, Halsey, •ha 'oat of ¡U.tny thin»» ‘ if prM^ta,) eznnomy In Oregon I teached. However, It fa also proba qua valley fa encroaching upon the or O ats « it S tab a Brow«,„He Vrat. Hyslop atao p-.int« out that > ; z r o r C ; L " 7 ^ 7 g a r : ' Uy lh * ther- to • ,,u u * - turkey business, so that the one« propariy Mn-r«r»d f'aldar fa mora n ^ r" P i'* ’ tlW ‘tF « the advanced « a g es famous turkey center of the coast Is faltiaM « than tha marhfaM »ur»d, romp,J*4 |n Washington on *t«U rapidly losing the reputation which It W . L, W R IG H T aM that rarant » » .„ to ., o X a J ‘ e T The hues“ iheop t supplr aial eartn^ nndar vartran rirzom < • . « L i n , p ro n .n ,.,, AT D A W 9 pticiaa. population of Wallowa M .BANY ORFCAXI « n n * « less ***- __ rtanro*, «wpanajy w fjr» |rx» eoo- **f »»il in the m ovlea and the «M more dry matter per acre for OREGON, countr county i la now than one fourth tmoM ram* ha «a ixan wont to ha plant that approaches maturity, j »hat It was during the days when that W hen thoM ageait»» ban for that which fa generally cut Irin» diiaatar, M»n ran ' ir»u«n rant «»«w .p.p»,, county wa, at lta peak production of » • fsrtbor or ara mora raalislie in «t an early sU ge. The»« Hgur«* are Ufa waathar Mmatima* wool and mutton. A census of sheep l-or’ raying fr, isdoings tb sn the quite conclusive fa that respect, in I now owned and being run fa the coun- , ty showed the number to be a tnaxl- that there is a greater total of di One w»Mild M United Mat** aesin- M,bl»t stop ’am. • w* w o i i v a u l t s u s e , mum of «1.500. g»»tibl« dry mrrfter in the oats and t»»r from Oregon »ays M can’t get A freak potato vine at the home of »raw, than there fa fa a similar the nomination, under tb« primary Mrs. Pusan McMunn at Quinaby has law, without >p»Min» more money rotting of oat-hay, aM practically Ind you attracted much attention as it m esa than the law allows This brings a a* much as fa the green oat fodder, W ures nine feet and four Inches and is r<> |r from th« primary’s opponent», even when we consider the abnormal W still growing. In any am ount, from one gallon to a barrel yield of 23.4 tons an acre, which is who think It would co«t ie»t to buy SI/ an enort to purenase tne at«,« entirely out of line. If we take the » nomination from the »„,«•** ,,f a demonstration farm east of Roseburg more nearly normal yield of 15.4 "mventfan than from th« m »uz, at and to convert It Into county fair Did you agar baar one? ton» per acre, there fa very much • primary A big baas wenetime. grounds will be made by the Douglas (iives results has so small a soul that it ran M digestible dry matter >" fa the I Brent gtoelo calche« one in s ‘ d‘* " * i M* drT county Pomona grange. howght for a sum «0 small that it *’G! trap in G »erg. M .r sb ’.s t o r y . ; ? ; ^ 0" ; * ^ , 1^ " ’"*W not ** Could P ,y Crooks to Laava Chicago. wobid not b« notlrad if ««pended up­ ‘ Ib« V» *v , I v — •• / • I'ccreaseu hy the drying process It ____ V K «««n to I true that there i, . more digest on 1M voters at large The latter Chicago. Ill —Crime ta Chicago costa ibl« protein, but not nearly so much the city so much each year that It sometime* drop a fellow for «pend Appear as a serial In could well , fford t0 p>y each of |u digestible carbohydrates or not quite Ing L m > much. Ito»»»» never do. H l R A L E N T E R P R IS E so much fat, and there is a greater estimated 30.000 crooks »20 000 an­ * • ,— *„ nual!». or »«00.000.000. to leave town. total of digestible nutrients. An « ,plication to have S4 added ,0 Charles R Holden, president of the L therefore, do not aee any justi­ th« list of sainfa by th« Protestant ‘» T K to f b i.tru i Ko*,1 Meeting ■ icago crimes commission, told a F.placopal church of America w»( re- I nssnaal lo . pallliea sigacd by . fication for the kiln drying of the church audience Sunday. >»t«d by th« re»«nt convention at lag*! nundwr of re»i,t«»t Ireehoidars hay which give» the prospect of eco­ • • • !esp*y»,s «ad legai volerà ot nad di» nomical practice on the farm, a* I Sew Orleans which ouat«d Muhop «rwt X« 4,4 Lino connir hl*"1 sosked fa milk and do not believe that it materially adds Frown f«»r hereey Th* f,4 have not " ’ '* »•»»« ih .i ■ «cifag »dueexed nearly dry 1» a good first feed of digestible nutrients, . ------------ protestM, but Mr, Drusen ha* And ■ 1 » »(al votersof soad dulcni No *1 to J the total Thi* 14 fu”0* « ! with fine ■ I Lino rnontv Or«««.«, will 1« bt ld *t I an<1 11 dne* add materlally to the It will do him Juat a* much good ( f i » lsr*a> A . I t __ A . . I < » P « I * M f a e ^ r*|,,ChAf**<’ *nd ’a that “ * 2 d« --w, ... wwiw yisms» |J|® !f I lo to .lc lcUrmi«« in. l.ti.,1 .. wheih,, wheth.r or sot M1j ..id I r,,t hav,‘ ‘he characteristic aroma Billy Rutidav tsy«: •• Don’t let r,«w.| Ultime ihsl. «ot* , (a, ui gjgoo ] of goo.1 hay. Thia fa a factor In the God Barg a • F -r rani ’ fagn m L’r’i’ r.ìÀ a ’ÌJ-JÌV*** i”“0* '1» Within paiatabil it j . Hay ¡„ worth ju s t as much in storace a, u . I ro*d u.afrut f.w tha i m p ,.,,.» ,., II,a Window of the manalnn he baa nw roads lh e.„ « «.follow s io wit you mit-ht cel fo r it in case o f iir „ e T ,, , G. R Hyslop, Laundry sent Tuesdays '•,’ina grareliag Urtiatng and repair ___________ Professor of Farm Crops prepared for yoq •• p » ,h .v . thia » ing said roads Agency Hub Cleaning Works lo .l , lf , h “ W n r piolnre r.f the A lm ighty aurpr'.ed, My onfar of the county court of Luna disappoint«,! and fooled by , | * TTMinljr, Oregoff A B E ’S P L A C E Iwiad this |7ih