c a Halsey Happenings and County Events Doings of Our Populace Chronicled in Brief Paragraphs W- Uubner ha* « « *> Buick I viÌe.Mr,‘ W‘ f’ J M00r* °f Browns-1 Partial List of Contents Pine Grove Points ^M rs. Ringo was in AJbBny I lappenings in Public Schoofi New, of Halsey......................... p ,g , , LaubnerÌ*" ‘ “ G' W R. B. Mayberry, now of Eugene, was in town Friday. Harry Commons and family pro- pose to winter in Medford. Editorial C o m m en t.... 1 Gres, Outdoors—Farm Items .. 1 Maikets .................................. Prof. Hyslop Discusses Mr. Masou's New Farming . . . 1 Yorktown a S h rin e ........ 1 SO Tribes at Indian School . . . " 1 Fashion«. . . . . . . . . 1 Column of F u n ............. 1 jungle Story......................... ' 1 Superstitious__________ - What's in a Name i ................... 3 Southern Pacific Plana Shortest 3 Route East (with map).......... Pine Grove . Kirk.................. .*".7.7".*"; Alford . . . . ____ All Oregon.. . . . . . . . Church Announcements____ Schoo, Notes........ ...... British to Leave Cologne .......... Increase of Farms on Cosst___ Armameut Reduction Hoped for Tom Murray 's Case.............. Serial Story.......................... Millions for a Bird Re'uge........ Sanday School Lesson___ . . . . . W. A. Falk's bam and all its con­ C hyles P. Poole of Lebanon was tents were destroyed Wednesday ev­ here last week Wednesday ening by a fire caused by the ex­ . Mrs. S. C. Veateh has been visit plosion of a lantern. lng at Eugene since Monday. Mr Cummings went to Albany and Harold Stevenson of Brownsville two blankets were stolen from his was over last week Wednesday. car there, but Sheriff Richra.d re­ Claude Davis of Albany and hi. covered them for him. , wire and her parents were visiting The Scio Tribune ,throw9 cold here Fnd.^. (By an Enterprise Reporter) water on the powdered milk plant -, A„ *?" WM born Thursday at the M'»» Lillie Rickard spent the proposition at Albany. Will the a. S. Hayes residence to the Haves’ week end at home. apparatus be able to evaporate that? son Alex raid wife. J. h. Isom of Oakridge ia visit- t i n ^ ^ T WiM be fined 15 even T Mr8- M B- Sw U * » and her visit- mg at E. D. Isom’s, ™ 7 i ‘ l,<>W a canin« nin a t ) ,nf Rev. bringing the old people home again Murray. Wlllos and Kelley, the other 1 he signing of the Locarno security Th« old man week of the death of hie unole, Mr. Gillespie of Peoria. A female Sunday evening. « • « I l crickets turned cannibals and onvlcta, made good their escape and John Isom, at Mile Post Seven, pact, under which France. Germany devoured one of their mates, but evangelist was baptising a female found the country much changed Alaska. and their neighbors agree to abolish •fte r eluding officers In Marlon cout> convert when both got beyond their since he lived there, when it usually ty, slipped through to AVaehtngtOn. otherwise all are doing well. There warfare among themselves, has In his Mr. and M.a, Medford Ingram depth in the river. Mr. Gillespie, took three days to make a trip to opinion, removed the last great oh where they were captured. Murrav |a Is »n interesting collection of 8pid who was passing by, swam out and Eugene and return in summer and and Mr. and Mrs. 'lad Hodges of stacle to the auccess of auch a js th tv .n 8“tra,‘a Md »nd err, moths, n-iggleud^ craw dad < five days in winter. Now a stage Silverton spent Thursday of last «ring. etc Wilbur Nqrton is caretaker. rescued them but caught a cold. Wlllos near WTilte Salmon leaves Mapleton, 20 miles below week at Lee Ingram ’s. ( la; a assembly is held in Mr.a The chief alms to be sought In this Mrs. M M Ward ha. be.n sujov.ug Greenleaf, not very early, 7 times f'olertM's room every Wednesday at M r. and Mrs. John Rolfe, M S second Washington conference are es a risR from her daughter, Mrs. Rob­ “ week, runs through Greenleaf and I o'clock. Visitors and parents E tta Godwin and (Jail Prayther peeled to be: ert Montgomery of Medford, who also Junction City to Eugene and is back of Bueoa Vista »pent the week eud 1— Reduction of the world's stand should drop in occasionally to hear visited three sisters, Mrs. Albert Mil­ in Mapleton early in the evening. •ng army. •l awisa Home visiting friends. low« good readings and recitations. ler, Mrs. David Froman of Albany 2 — Limitation of aircraft armament (Continued on page 8) Goeata at the E. D. Isom home 3— Limitation of submarines both as Paris. - Evacuation of the Cologne Lonfc-time Brownsville ftnnday were Mr. and Mrs. C. E. •o size and number that each nation bridgehead, new ,»wlr| by British Mercer aud M r. aud Mr». A. F may possess. Barber Drops Dead troops, is expected to result front the Robuett and daughter D orn of 4— Limitation of those classes of Miner Jackson, colored, who for Kugeoe and J. F. Isom of Oak- auxiliary naval ahfps that the first agreement reached In th * security coarsreaea. although it w»« said In many years conducted a barber shop ridge. Washington conference |Pft untouch French official circle» thst no promise, in Brownsville, died at Iz>n Angeles ed. verbal or written has been made to Sept. 27, aged about 70. t-y h . . b « , « „ Tom Murray Not Yet Hanged Reduced Armament N ow Hoped for British Now Can Leave Cologne : Preferred Stock More Farms on • Canned Goods ¡ the Pacific Coast s f . < “ Preferred Stock” mean« all that the n am e! • implies—the choice o f the pack. that effect. He was bom » „lave. Through Foreign Secretary Chamberlain of •he efforts of the freedmen’a bureau, Great Britain aud Foreign Minister •fter the war, he w .. educated in Arizona Law Providing Minimum Pay Brlsnd of France, who returned from Indiana. Locarno, discussed with Premier for Women Held Void. In 1877 Jackson went to Bn>wne- Washington, D. C - The number of Pslnleve the question of re allot lng Washington. D. C. — The Arizona farms In the United States has de vllle, pacing hi« last 60 cenU for his the territory In the Rhineland be minimum wage law for women was fare over from Halsey. creased 78.735 since 1920. the depart tween the forces of the s | | | m | powers held Io be unconstitutional by the an tnent of commerce disclosed In a pre As time wore on h« became the sfter ths evacuation of Cologns llm iaary announcement of the 1926 preme court. This was taken to mean that the owner of the shop he conducted there The court's position was set forth farm census, which placed the total at bridgehead would he returned to the and .was still the owner of the 8.372AO» by Its action In affirming the deci ground on which It stood at hit death. Garmans within a few weeks. "ion of the lower courta on th* Issue The number of farms In Washing Renewal of German < ooperation In After the fire of 1»19, which de- ton was put at 73,271 in 1925. an In­ The attack upon the law was made by the administration of the occupied »troyed hi» shop, he had space for a crease of 8993; the number in Oregon A Raldell. owner of two stores at territory is being considered by the time in the hotel Brownsville, but in at 65.911, an Increase of 8705, and In Nogales, who employed four women slUee »bout a year closed it and went to California at 138.341, an Increase of vlerfcs and contended that If compell The desire of the latter, If Is said Los Angeles, where his son Harry ed to pay them each a minimum wage 18.743. daughlera Alice and In official circles It to give the Ger •nd married The farm censua of Idaho shows 40.- « f 118 a week, as required by the state Wilma« reside. mans every satisfaction possible In 684 farms In 1925, a decreaae of 1523 ■tatntes. h it business would be ruined. tbs administration of German terri Ho did not want to be idle, so Replying, the state held the, be was 1 since 1920. tory on the left bank of the Rhfns. H »ny fitted him up a barber shop, Tba Pacific coast region wts the not required to employ women and in which he conducted until his death. only section of the country to show a aisled that the law was a valid ez Hard Task Faces M ate Legislature At the breakfast table, on tbe J7tb. considerable increase In agricultural erclse of Its police powers T h * fed Beattie, Wash - The < hsnees that activity, attributed to the progress of *ra l district court of Arizona held, the special session of the Washington he read in the Brownsville Time» of reclamation projects. The only other however, that It was invalid and en legislature will be a short one are the death of Mrs. James Callaway section giving evidence of any gain at lolned the atete officers from enforc­ made uncertain by the Increasing num •nd remarked that ha Snce worked «11 was the weat south central, where ing It. bor of new measures to be introduc­ for her on the Frank Coahran plrce. 2.2 per cent more farms were counted. ed. No regular session of recent years He died suddenly, still at the tabla. He owned property in Portland, in has ben preceded by more prepera Washington. D. C.—Another step to- > M. E. Church Hons for new legislation. Apart from iddRion to the Brownsville lot. ward linking all Important cities of the Harry, his son, ran the fhwt auto­ whatever may be recommended b, Robert Parker pastor. United States by air mall was taken Governor Hartley, approilinatuly mobile in tha Brownsville-Halsey Hunday school, 10. when the poetofflee department began aew measures already are in sight for '•ountry for some time. Preaching, 11, clearing the way to a,art five of th- the spei-isl session, some of them re Jackaon was respected and popular. Junior le a g u e , 3, new air routes The line from Elko, C stilling from the action of the legisltt Epworth league, « 30. Nev., to Pasco W ash, operated by tore last winter, and others entaaal Grant Taylor’s lay-off from route Preaching. 7:80. W alter T. Varney. San Francisco, la I ’raver-m celing, Thursday, 7:30. lng from various organizations and as- ’ is billed to last half » year. Jess WAGE L IM IT ACT INVALID J I When yon buj Preferred Stock goods you ! J nave wisely chosen incomparably the best, se -J I lected for size, flavor and quality. 4 I Make the teat yeurself. Compare Preferred 2 ¡ < tock With other brands and it will meet with 2 I your discriminating choice q > Preferred Stock goods are not packed to meet 2 J a price. They are sold only to those who a p - 2 i precíate first quality. £ i It is true some brands are sold cheaper, but 2 • 1 i©3 arc sold solely on price appeal. £ We are distributers of about thirty varieties2 of Preferred Stock goods. • M. V. KOONTZ CO. HALSIY, OREGON Included. A . a « i3s. k* C r* • t 1 Bible Study Toeeday, 2;3O. ' ross will be a hardened mail carrier t ) the end of that time. t