I n » t. c n u rtA i. c n I X R r n r a c A Los Angeles polieeman 'M o re Im provem ent “ H e re tic ” Bishop R olling S to n e named D ill left his overcoat in a parked car yesterday, watched W o rk —o n P a p e r Flings D efiance “ THE SCARLET WEST” C auses F ata l W re c k it sod arrested 11 persons in suc­ .T O R R A N C E cession who tried to steal it. T* • BIG INDIAN THRILLER Washington. D. C.—Plans are now alleged land of sunshine is a land Protestant Bishop W. Montgom­ Cuater’i last stand and rotuanoe of thieves, and overcoats are in well under way to Insure "without In­ ery Brown, three times pronounced Engine and Two Cars Leave of frontier army post are shown terruption” the Irrigation development a heretic by the bishops of the demand there. Track Near Arlington; of the West, Elwood Mead, commis­ church and deposed by them last R a y fcto s Hi-speed Brake sioner of the bureau of reclamation, Sunday at New Orleans, says : Cast beaded by Broken Rail Cause. BRIEF GENERAL NEWS announced. Service Station ” What is the correct uotion ROBERT FRAZER Mead denied reports that there has about God? James B. Duke, millionaire tobacco The Dalles, Or.—One person Is dead 212 East First a., Alb- ay. near CLARA BOW 'Scientists do not know and tnd twenty others more or lest seri­ manufacturer, died at bis home In New been needless delay In carrying out the skating rink ROBERT EDESON projects for which appropriations York. they very generally admit it. Phone 379 ously injured aa the result of a wreck were made by the last congress. G A S TO N GLASS “ Theologians do not know, but an the Union Pacljlc Saturday night The department of agriculture estl The bureau desires to carry out the they will not adm it it. JO H N N Y W ALKES mates the total cotton production at sine miles west of Arlington, when purposes of the reclamation act of 14,759,000 bales. “ The charge against me is that the Continental limited struck a break N ext S u n .— M on.— Tuee. Colonel William Mitchell refused tc 1524, and to build projects wherever I have'eome to hold views on cer­ in the rails, throwing the engine and Halsey Railroad T¡me Oet 1 8 - 1 9 - 2 0 testify before the naval court Inquir a sound economic development Is as­ tain matters which are not io two cart over the embankment. sured. he f,ald. North Ing Into the Shenandoah disaster literal agreement with the one true South ALBANY The dead man was R. H. Lee, fire­ 32, 3:24 a. m. flag "The situation on old projects, the doctrine of Christianity as set man, of Portland. Mrs. Margaret Ross Lansdowne re­ 17. 16, 5:15 a. IU. 15. 12;45 p. ,n.' iterated before the naval court that Investigations of the fact-finders’ com­ forth several centuries ago by a The llat of Injured reported taken to 18, 8:16 a. in. flag 33, 2 P- m. fl»| Halsey Happenings her husband objected to the Shenan mittee and the hearings of the last famous conclave of eminent di­ 14, 12:09 p. ni. 4 P- m. fl«, congress make It evident that there vines, chiefly brshops, who thought The Dalles hospital for treatment In­ 3*. 4:0« d - in. flag 31. doah flight. cluded : (Continued from page 1) Airplanes are on sale at the New has been too great haste in the past that the world |wus flat, with a Nos. 14 and 16 8tQp ,0 ]et off p ,,, Irving Brown. Casper, Wyo„ bruised In beginning construction." Mead said. Jess Gross is carrying route 2. from south of Hngene 1 York John Wanamaker department roof over it which leaked when it but able to go on; John Davis, Port­ Increased costs of construction, de­ rained, and that typhoid, small- No. 31, direct connection for Marshfield C. R. Evans was in Albany yes store as regular merchandise. The re­ lay In organizing the water users in pox and tuberculosis were punish­ land, brakeman, shoulder wrenched, points tail price Is $2500 each. terday. some Instances and failure of the ments rent upon us beoause a talk ­ suit in hospital; Charles M. Wall, E- ' " ' The federal government realized Portland, engineer, back and shoulder Mrs. Dr. Marks was in Albany $24,179 from the sale of public land In states to provide their share of the ing snake in the garden of Eden wrenched, several ribs broken; Ed Thursday. abandoned reservations In the state cost were given by Mead as main bad outwitted God. Waldvogel, Pendleton, badly shocked; Leaves Brownsville at 7:40 a in a«u causes of the present delay in getting D. S. McWilliams was here from of Washington, the interior depart ‘ ‘ W hat no civilized state will Mrs. A. C. Voelker, Pendleton, slight 3.35 and 8:45 p. m. ’ ao4 new projects started. ment reported. allow them (these accusers] to do— injury In back; Mrs. Laura Cantrel, Albany Monday. As a result of recent clashes be — namely, to punish heresy with Alturas, Cal., going to Nyssa, Or., Glenn Chance of Corvallis wa- Outgoing Mail Sacramento, Cal —The Sacramento tween fascists and Masons at Flor torture— they desire to ascribe to •light injuries; Tom McDavid, colored county courthouse was dynamited here Monday. ence, in which several persons were God, and these are the people cook, ankle hurt; E. B. Schull, Port­ A t the Halsey postoffice mail' shortly after 1 o’clock Sunday morn­ Carl Hill and Jess Cross were ia killed, Domlzto Torrlana, grand master who accuse me of blasphemy, y ing. No one was injured. land, brakeman, deadheading east, close going north at 11:50 a m of the Masonic order in Italy, issued Corvallis Friday. ' ’ “ M y orders as an Old Catholic badly bruised but able to go to Port­ and 5:20 p. m. an order to all lodges to bold no meet bishop are unchallenged eitner by land; J. Boyd Hanley, Pawtucket, Going south, 11:10 a. m. an(i German-American Pact to be Ratified. Worth and John Bass have gone I ings and cease all lodge work until the Protestant Episcopal church or Okla., badly bruised but able to on; 0:20 p. m. Washington, D. C.—Ratifications of further notice. to San Francisco. by the Church of England. I 0. H. Hamilton, baggageman and ex­ To Brownsville, 6:20 a. m. md the German-American commercial President Coolidge has designated treaty were exchanged at the state have not been excommunicated, so press clerk, broken clavical, skin ab- 12 m. Morning stage to Browni- Mrs. Bob Allen has had her ton­ am still recognized as au Episco­ ville goes on t0 Crgwfordsrill, the week of November 16 as Amer department Wednesday. sils taken out. Lalons, bruised and badly shocked. palian." lean education week. Holley and Sweet Home. Reports of the cause vary, but It Lynn Norton and John Salash got A drive has begun to raise $5,500, has been ascertained that a big bould­ home Saturday from a trip to New­ 000 for memorials to Woodrow Wilson er, weighing about four tons, rolled Paid-for Paragraphs port. in Washington and at Princeton uni­ down sn embankment and onto the (5c a line) Bert Clark of Gresham visited at versity. track, breaking the heavy rail on the The biggest prohibition campaign For «ale— Brood Sow, bred la right hand side of the track. The M urliu C um m ings’ the la st of thi /et attempted In Great Britain is about rock was not on the roadbed, rail of­ quire Paul N . Bierly, Harri.barg week. to be launched after many months of ficials declare. A trackwalker had Mrs. W. H. McMahan has her sis­ secret preparation. passed the spot on his inspection trip During the balance of Septembei Robert M. LaFollette, Jr., not only ter, Mrs. Stewart of Corvallis, as l shortly before the wreck occurred. and the month of October yearly sub rolled up a majority In excess of 13J,- guest. Aa the locomotive hit the place scriptions for the Oregonian will bt '00 votes I d the special election to where the rail had been damaged It taken at $5 for the daily and $7 foi Mrs. M. M. Ward had a son rrd mcceed his father as senator from Commercial and Savings accounts Solicited leaped from the tracks and rolled daily and Sunday and I will discounl grandson from Eugene as guests /Isconsin but carried 70 out of the over, Instantly killing Fireman Lee 25c on every subscription received, Sunday. .1 counties In the state. and badly Injuring Engineer Wall. w J. W. Re«dor. John W. Leedy, ex governor of R. A. McCuUy of Eugene visited Vmerfcan state of Kansas, announces Marion Cayey on the McCully place E xtrav ag an ce in Old papers for sale at 5c a bundlt andldacy as independent farmer for Friday. at the Enterprise office. lember of Canadian house of com A. J. Hill and Ben Holt were in ions. Leedy has been a resident of A rm y an d N a v y B R O W N S V IL L E Portland the last of the week, tlberta 18 years and Is a British sub­ David Starr Jordan, Roald Am. let. with their families. Washington, D. C.—The army and | undsen and Sherwood Anderiuu navy were charged by Chairman Mad are expected to lecture in Eugtaa Fred Juckson and family were WORD ’OBEY' IS DROPPED den of the house appropriations com­ ibis winter under the auspices ol guests of the former’s parents the Episcopal Deputiss Vote Change in mittee with squandering millions of the U. of O. last of the week. Marriage Ceremony. dollars In a "purposeless, meaningless H. W. and L. V. Chance and fam­ endless experimental orgy," in techni­ New Orleans.—"Obey” is out of the ilies visited at Glenn Chance's, in | marriage The garage of Wickham, John, cal aircraft development. ceremony of the Protestant Corvallis, Sunday, son & Evans at Corvallis, witt A d m is s io n Testifying before the president's air Episcopal Church of America, If the board, which resumed hearings after many stoied cars and some nsu \ Frank Williams of Monroe has house of bishops concurs in the action vesterdiy. Lost a recess of several days, Mr. Madden [ones, burned Av alter Smith’s place and the Cook taken by the house of deputies. The 25— 50c declared technical development of *20,000. lower house likewise voted to ellmin family has gone to Coburg. aviation could no longer be "safely ate the words of the bldegroom: "and Tom M urray’s father »ays that Mrs. R. K. Stewart, now' of Pleas- let” to the two military services If the a blow on the head made his son with all my worldly goods 1 thee en­ ; nt HUI, visited some of her late dow.” United States was to take Its p'ape had. Perhaps more biows on tbs neighbors here Saturday. "among the countries of the world In other end of his anatomy would The only delegate to protest was the air.” Mrs. C. P. Stafford.has as guests tha Rev. A. H. Stowell of Pine Bluff. have counteracted it. — Albany “If credit la to be given witnesses Democrat-Hera Id. her cousin, Mrs. 1-auren Dean of Ark. He described the two exclusions who have preceded me," he asserted, M O N D A Y -T U E S D A Y as "a bundle of inconsistency.” Emmett, Idaho, and daughter, “the experimental and development The house of bishops approved the ' Mrs. Karl Bramwell cut a thumb finding of a court convicting Bishop 1 work conducted by the army and navy Î Î Î Î Î * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * pretty badly Sunday while cutting William Montgomery Brown of heresy. O c to b e r 19— 2 0 since the war has been productive ot î î î î î î î * * * * * * * * * * * ”* * * * * * 1 ham. She may be minus a thumb very little. If any advance,” toward î *♦***********************’ îî îîî **************J*J nail. a plan which might be accepted by congress C. P. Kizer sold one of his Oxford Tula Ducks’ Osath Laid to Botullnus Klamath Falls, Or.—That thousands N e w C o m m an d er of F ed eratio n W ill sheep for $160 and another for $100 îîîîîî* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * î î î î î î ? * * * *************** to a visitor from Canada as a result of wild ducks which are dying In the C zecho-S lovakian îîîîîî* * * * * * * * * * * * B oycott C h ild L a b o r marsh lands of Tule lake are suffer A m e ric a n L eg io n îîîîîî* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ot his exhibition a t the county fair. ******** Ing from botullnus poisoning was the D e b t S narl S olved ÎÎÎÎJ ÏÎÎ George Maxwell is home and his belief expressed here by Dr. O. S 4 4 .0 0 . ÎÎÎÎÎÎÎJ Omaha — The American Legion's Atlantic City. N. J.—A nation-wide etep-daughters, Mrs. Sawyer and Newsom, county health officer, fol seventh annual convention ended with boycott on non union products to elim­ Washington. D. C. — A record for î * î î î î * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Mrs. Chialvo, are with him for a few lowing an autopsy on eight of the the elevation of John R. (Go Get ’Em) inate child labor and obtain better speedy solution of such a problem was î î î î î î î î î î î î * î * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * days. They visited relatives in Al­ stricken birds McQuigg of East Cleveland. O„ white working conditions will be started by established when the American and î î î î î î * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * bany yesterday. haired 59-year-old lawyer-banker and the American Federation of Labor, ac­ Czecho-Slovakian debt commissions Lloyd Sentenced to Go to Gallows. wounded overseas engineering officer, cording to a decision of the federa­ A son-in-law and daughter of S agreed upon an arrangement for fund Dallas. Or.—W. R Lloyd, 26 years u n / ;;;;* * T. Hillman, Mr. and Mrs. McCord, old. was sentenced to be hanged at to the honor of national commander. tion In convention here. Behind the log Czecho-Slovakla'a debt to the ****** x The matter of commendation for are on the Hillman place. Hillman Falem on Monday. November 80, by boycott is the purchasing power of the United States î î î î * î ******************** îîîî* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * is on his newly-acquired property Circuit Judge Ramsey Lloyd will Colonel William Mitchell, severe critic 4.00".000 members of the organization, The American government accept î î î î * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * of the nation's aerial defense, was the **** _ ***. rear Brownsville. pay the supreme penalty for the mur hidden rock of dissension which nover estimated at $8,000.000,000 a year The ed. subject to congressional approval, assistance of women will be sought in a lump sum of »115,000.000 as the James Frazier, 70, drove his car der of Clint I. Raun of Independence was revealed. making the boycott effective. basis of the settlement upon which the from Spokane and visited his niece, on the night of September 1, 1925 It was not brought to the floor of Speakers at the convention believed annual amortization payments will be Mrs. Martin Cummings, and after a near Buena Vista. î î î î * * * * * * * * * * * * * ♦ * ♦ • ♦** the convention but was disposed of In that this boycott, continued for one made, conceding a reduction of »2.- ’ * î î * * * * * î « * O * * * * * * * * * * * * * » * * •* « ♦ * * * * * » * ♦ * 4 * * 4 * < * few days there left Monday to visit committee meetings by recommend­ year, would tend to drive out of busi­ 679,095 from the obligation aa ahown «Jriends and relatives in Benton Survivors Defend Shenandoah Chief. ing adoption of one of Mitchell's pro ness all persons who insist on employ­ by treasury records. county. Lakehurst. N. J -The theory of Cap nosals, that for a department of de­ ing child labor and who otherwise vio­ Czecho-Slovakla will be allowed, be R U R A L E N T E R P R IS E Harry Leeper is going to raising tain Anton Helnen veteran airship fense with control over three equal late union requirements. ginning next December, to pay »3.000,- branches, air, nary and army, but A moving lobby, going from one "00 annually on principal and interest j aontaim more good readitg esok hogs on a 1000-sere farm in eastern p'lot. that the primary cau«e of the without naming him. state to another to obtain legislation through the first 19 year« Of the agree week than any other Linn count) Oregon. The first of this week the Shenandoah disaster was a failure of The next meeting will be held in Commander Zafharv Lansdowne and favorable to labor, also was discussed ment a operation, after which the •veekiy. See partial liat of coutantl family were on the Frank keeper other officers to heed obvious danger Philadelphia In 1926 and that of 192" nual payment will approximate some •»t top of page 1. farm, near Nixon, preparing for the signals, was disputed hy two survivors was awarded to Paris. France. move. Frank and wife are going »ho testified before the naval court CASH AT OLYMPIA thing over $6,000,000 The total she Five vice-commanders chosen were: MUCH will have paid In principal and Inter with them to see them settled. $ 1.5 0 a y e a r of Inquiry The survivors were Col­ Hugh B. Davis, Bartlesville. Okla.; State’s Balance Exceeds »15.000,000 at est when the debt la finally extin­ Joseph Y. Cheney, Orlando. Fla ; Vin­ onel C. O Hall, army service observer The first frosts of the year have guished will be in the neighborhood of End of September. ■ r if you act quickly you ctn joia nipped tender vegetables n little this on board, and Lieutenant Joseph B cent A. Carroll. Philadelphia: James Olympia. W ash.-W ith receipt, of $300,000,000. tba A. Howell, Ogden. Utah, and Ray B. Anderson, the ship's aerologist An week, Where potatoes were still $399,978 59 end expenditures by war­ Board Ban. Priee Manipulation. growing and there was enough frost dsraon said that Helnena whole Littlefield of Providence, R. I. James rants paid of $321.642 94 for the week F Burton. Des Moines. Ia.. was chosen theory was baaed upon Inadequate and Chicago—The Chicago grain pit la to blacken them it was reckoned a national adjutant and Robert H. Tyn­ ending September JO. but little change operating under a new .et of rule. blessing, as the skin of the tubers erroneous Information while Colonel was made In the total state cash bal­ dall of Indianapolis, national tress- Hall said emphatically that had he which ia atill open. Paper start* will now toughen so they can b« dug ance remaining at »15,473.668 99 aa Big price swing., tho*. product, of been In command of the Shenandoah urer. "hen paid for; stop» on expiraiton manipulation that have made multi- and hauled without injury. Rev. William Patrick of Bakersfield shown by the report of W. O. Potts, ho would have taken no course of millionaires and pauper, in g m this class. state treasurer. action different from that which Com Cal. was elected national chaplain. The Southern Pacific, promisee, mender Lansdowne followed The general fund still remains top­ hour, of trading, »ere banned. One (I there ia no eompetition there, to side of $4.000.000 with »4.104.071. o ™ Fives directors reduce the rate between Klamath Auto Freighters Must Have Permit Chicago Hotel Bandits Must Hang while the motor vehicle fund Is slip­ of the Chicago board almost complete control during tlmM or turbul<>nc