L* OCr i«, n z , KU K A L E M L K P R I 5 E >^banyj2)¡rectory|WÍllard a PA C t 1 rice .. Because It's Dependable S ta tio n VVeaarye all make« and sell W illa r d s T h i» 1« good advice: “ i f you live I nder new management in Albany, trade in Albany ; if you live in some other town, trade in that tow n.' »• c ,L M - Prop. But in these automobile days many re­ 1*1 W , Seeond, Albany siding elsewhere find it advisable to do at least part of th e ir buying in the larger town. Those who g o to Albany to transact business w ill find the firms named below ready to fill their require­ ments w ith courtesy and fairness. one important reason for your travel over Holland Bulbs A.L L IN D A H L , hardware. C ut Sowers and i plants. * and F lo ral art for every and all occasions. ____________ Flower phone 458-f. (C E N T R A L T IR E SHO P charging. T ire Vulcanuiug- B Battery re- 221 W . Second. E d Falk Prop. TPastburn Uros.— Two big grocery stores, 212 W. First and 225 South Main Good merchandise at the right prices jO lite Cafeteria and confectionery Hom e cooking. Pleasant surround­ Courteous, efficient serviee W e make our own candies. ing!. W s. pO R D SALES D uncan . M ’S FLO RAL & M U SIC SHOP A sk F I QTIFF furniture COMPANY L. L. O llr r N ew and r- Second-hand1 uurn,ture 422 W. First, K imk -P ollak M otor C o . jp o rtm ilie r Furniture Co., furni- * titre, rugs, linoleum, stoves ranges Funeral directors. 427-433 west First street, Albany, Oregon. THE P U L L E R GROCERY, 285Ly^n x Nathalie Crane, twelve-year-old Rear Adm iral H. P. Jones, who was poetess of Brooklyn, N. V., who hat appointed by Secretary W ilbu r to head Albany I been ho” ored w ith membership In the the official board to investigate and British Society of Authors. H er poems place the responsibility for tha wreck have made a tremendous hit here and of the dirigible Shenandoah. abroad. OLDEN < G 1 LOW (Successor to Stenberg Bros.) Groceries Fruits Produce Phone 263R Home made fresh daily IOLM AN H( Ice Cream, Soft Drinks and & JACKSON „ . . . Grocery— Bakery E v e ry th in g in the line of eats Opposite Postoffice I M P E R I A L C A F E . 209 'V. First Harold G. M urphy Prop. Phone 665 L ig h t L u n c h e s F . W . R O S S , Albany. Eirat street — Bikin tn Blog. W e never close VODAK M E T Z G E R ’S F IN IS H I N G For expert work send your films to Haskin's film shop, 309 Lyon street Albany, Oregon. M A G N E T O EL E C T R IC CO. Official Strowberg carburetor serv ice station. Conservative prices. AI work guaranteed. 119-121 W . Second I en and money are best when busy. Make your dollars work in our savings department. A lbany S tath B ank . Under government supervision M' M arinello parlors (A beauty aid for every need) St. Francis Hotel Prop. W inifred Rese AMES H A R D W A R E J^O S C O E SHOE SERVICE M OVED Don’t forget the place Third & Broadalbin ALBANY T he Winchester Store ' IF 'I H E C H IL D has only tw enty-thirtietha vision it seldom finishes the 7th or 8th grade, aa to r much energy is watted in juat trying to C ta p le and Fancy Groceries 1 Crockery and Glassware see, hence the nervous breakdown, ooor grades and finally failure a t Mrs. M . G. Stetter Phoae 139^( 206 W. Second st, the close of the achool year. Ht.va C T IM S O N T H E S H O E DOCTOR your childiaa'e eves examined. Second street, opposite H am ilton ’s store. Oecond hand Piano» from $185 up If you want a bargain in a piano now is your chance. T h e y ’re in A1 condition. Davenport Music House. 409 W. First ‘ 'Sudden Service.” V L fa ld o Anderson & S o li, distrih- ” ’ utors and dealers for M axw ell, Chal- niers, Kssex. Hudson & Hupmobile cara. Accessorio, a pnliea. Ist A Broadalbin. A LB AN Y FARM LOANS at lowest rate of interest Reai Estate Insurance Prompt Service. Courteous treatment. W m R a in , Boom .6, First Savings Bank boilning, Albany You get The G IR L We hare 'The DIAMOND- FRENCH 8c S O N Jewelers, Optician«, Albany Oren Stratton of Brown.-ville lost the sight of hig left eye, despite the best effortr of a Eugene oculist. Apple picking In the vicinity of El gin is now in full swing. T here are approxim ately 200 persons employed tn the various orchards and In the three packing plants In Elgin. OREGON st Albany, Oregon Oregon pensions have been granted as follows Samuel J. O rim ar, Port land, $15 per month; Fred Hargreaves. Portland, $12; M arvin W . Joy, Pi Johns, Portland, $12; E liza A. Obert Milton, $.30. M orris A. G. Christenson Eugene, $12; Rei« H . Zim m erm an Straasel. $12; s ilv ey Wood. Junction City. $18; Charlas L. Stephens. Banka. 112, H en ry M M arsh. Medford. $24, Johanna C. Perry, Salem, $20. w. s. DUNCAN BARBER SHOP First-class Work J- W STEPH EN SO N . or rather the girl who likes candy, A m o r A . T u s iin g is everywhere ; her opposite would he bard to find. And if she pets LAWYER AND NOTARY her candy from ua ahs knows that A heavy snow atorm early In th e ] H alsey , O regon she gets tha beat confectionary in town. That is why when you tell week, which turned Into a hard rain 1 Ota,«m en, o f tha ownership, m e e - her you w ill buy her a box of following several other such storms candy she always «ays ** Bo aure at C rate r lake national park recent- agement. o te . of the Halsey R ntar- I) , caused all paving work for the prlae, published a l Halsey. O re *o n . end get it at C lark's " A vw r on diphtheria 1« being waged In Coos county and the county health service is watching every avenue fot symptoms Representatives from 13 Red Croar chapter» in eastern and central Ore gon me, in Bend Monday and Tuea day for a regional conference. Ctark s Confec tionery Dr. C. FICQ, Dentist The community chest plan for rale Ing funds for benevolent and charit able purposes was adopted by the Roseburg chamber of commerce. “ PLATES THAT F IT ” w inter to be railed off. The various aa rsqutreq by the act o f -nngreaa oC Aug. 24. 1912 camp tents were struck and equip ment stored until the paving work, Halsey. Oregon, Oct. 1. l»25 «c which w ill probably last nearly all raZL"“ * - V or. J « * " » « e r . « h a K l next summer, ran be re.um ed n e x t , ^ « ' « ® of spring or early summer, mar, weather per ' B u n *d h o iA .« .___________ Bondholders, mortgagees sad o t h - 1 muting r aecurlty holdere, neae ] Wm H W f ilH U t R , K dlto Growna, bridge work and fillings n wnl pay you to get my prices on »onr dental work, Cusick bank build ng, A lb any Six garages and two automobile» were burned In a fire which swept through the buildings owned by the Algoma lumber company at Algoma , ember thia year over the same month C The Candy Girl, Gleaned by the W estern Newsapor Union for Busy Peeple A 16 per cent Increase in postal r. ceipta at the Eugene office during Sep Phone 220 Through the efforts of S. H. Board man and Carl Bering, Boardman is to have a golf couree which w ill soon be In readiness. The course Is being laid out opposite the railroad station at Messner. court authorized the clerk to satisfy than 50 per cent were oneratsrt h. * J u ,‘ lc® Hrow" following mandamus persons who were eith er "dead broke ' PrOC* ed1n*" ,n ° « *« < » supremo A total of 9149 China pheasants and the Judgment In full. rb® decision foilows the e c t , . . 614 Hungarian partridges have been Verne C. Gorst, of North Bend or on short rations e c c o r d to g .6 a I ’ « ¡ ^ A*' liberated from the three state game pioneer In motor and aerial transpor report tiled w „h Governor Pierce bv ! " n r w h . ¿ d T “ 7 - . ” “ t'rm s so far this year, according to tat Ion circles, w ill receive the contract H H. Weatherspoon, commissioner for fHr, o ' « L h KozeT . ! " r ° m ply w lth th® the September report of E. F. Averill, for carrying a ir m ail over the branch the fifth h orticultural district. » » « provisions of the set ss panned bv both game warden. line from Los Angeles to Seattle with u rb an ? ,e T «»»'">'® '««®' I muses. Secretary K o to r assumed A fte r crossing the continent In 11 a stop at Portland If he can satisfy street car nnd an automobile I position that ho could not authorize a the peg» office department he has days traveling tim e by automobile, A iata station, near Portland, result Representative Sinnett of The Dalle» means available to establish and oper ed In the death of the three occupants «pcclal election a fte r O orernor Pierce had vetoed the bill. Is In Washington, D. C„ to begin work ate such a line successfully. of the auto. fh e dead are J. n Hydro-electric power, stateow aed In preparation for the meeting of con As a result of Interest payments, Grathwohl. 36, farmer; Alta Graih- znd operated became a possible prob­ gress in December. expenses and various Items, the state's wohl, 19, his wife, and Betty Ora'h- lem for Oregon voters with the filing general fund a fter January 1 w ill wohl, th e ir 5-year-old dau-.hter. A Joint commission, Including mem of a proposed constitution«! «mend bers of the federal farm loan board probably be the smallest In 10 years. Cream ery robbera, believed to he and members of the house and senate This is asserted by State Treasurer the name w-ho have looted numerous men, with the secretary o f state at Salam. The measure was presented banking and currency committees, w ill Kay in commenting upon the with fream erles all over the W illam ette by the Housewives* Council, lac., of drawal in September of more than visit Portland October 23. during an valley and at various plarng in th* Portland, through Josephine M. Othaa. | inspection trip through the northwest. $3,000.000 of the gen cr-l fund oh de­ slate of W ashington. took 700 pounds president; C lara M. Simonton, direc­ of butter from the cream ery at Jef W illia m W ellm an, age 65, farm er posit in various banks In Oregon. tor. and M ary A Dean, chairm an of Thousands of ducks and geese lie fersen. piled I, on the cream ery plat, residing east of Silverton, was unload the legleiatlve com mittee T he pro- ing rock from the rear of a wagon dead in Tul« lake as a result of a nrm and left !, thers. evidently hay ocalllon presents a plan for promo, strange malady, believed Induced 'ng been scared away before they backed to the brink of a 150 foot cltff Ing hydro-electric power developm ent, eith er by alkali w ater or by rank, stag could complete the Jeb. Thouaandg ef The horses started and he was pitch control and distribution, fihaneed and r.snt ponds. To cope with the situa pounds of butter have been taken from ed over the cliff. Death was Instan protected by the state. tion the United States biologies! aur (he various Oregon cream eries during taneous. the past few months. vey has been notified, and w ill con R. E. W eniger, sheriff of Shoahone Big Oregon T im ber T ra c t Sold. duct an examination to determ ine Haw ley Pulp *• Paper company ol county, Idaho, and Charlca J. Bloom, K lam ath Falls, Or. - The Forest deputy sheriff, arrived In Eugene to what Is the cause of the wholesale Oregon C ity holds the m a jo rity of the Lum ber company. Kansas C ity, h at deaths. stock, w ill be drawn at once Ground take charge of Ernest Aeillo, 20, who purchased the Shevlin-Hixon holdings Plana for the new St. Helen» pulp then w ill be broken and It la expect­ of some 300,000,000 feet of tim b er la was arrested In a ra ilw a y construction ed that the first unit of the plan,, coat camp above Oakridge on a charge of nnd paper m ill to be built at Bt. the K lam ath Indian reservatloa, ac­ Helens by u company in which the Ing $1,500,000, w ill be ready for oper- cording ,o word received here. T h e murder. •lio n In November, 1926 property Involved line In the N orth Robert N. Stanfield, United States Marsh district of K lam ath county. senator, conferred with farm ers along £ /t/e the River road north of Eugene Sa, Seattle Tax Levy 1» Increased.. urday regarding means of curbing the Seattle. Wash. -Follow ing hearfnge o n fe c tio n e r y overflow of the W illa m e tte riv e r dur of proteatanta and a fte r reductions, the Ing freshet seasons During the past 1926 l e i levy for King county waa i s nnJ few years the w ater has been wash nounced at 13 45 m ills Thia is an In­ C a fe te r ia ing away considerable land and It waa crease of .85 m ill ovei this year. hopped that some means m ight be provided to construct a breakw ater to prevent It. News Notes Fron? All Over Oregon The Associated General Contractors executive board voted at Dallaa. Tex. to hold lta annual meeting In Port l-ind The session w ill be held in Janu ary, 1926 C. P. Moody Agent Bost sweets and soft drinks at the Best cuisine Efficient service Pleasant surroundings C. Meade, Optometrist PARAGON CAFE ALBANY I. Albro, Optician G E O . M. G IL C H R IS T W rite tor booklet describing onr 20 year Rural Credit Amortized Loans The loan pays out in 20 payments, re­ tirin g the principal. Cheap rates. No delay. B eam L and C o ., 133 Lyon street, A lbaay, Ore last year was reported by D arw in E Yoran, postmaster. Southern PacificUnes l u e Associated Stores, of Salem, Tbe Oregon C alifo rn ia Hydro-elec­ was Incorporated w ith a capital stock tric company of Portland has been of $100,000. The enterprise now owns Two hundred seventyone more pu 12 stores, located in Salem, Dallas. granted a prelim inary perm it for two pils had enrolled In the Eugene Newport, Toledo, Silverton, Monmouth years for a power project on Zig Zag, schools during September this year and Hebo, and has options that prob- Salmon and Sandy rivers In Clacka Rbly w ill Increase th e ir stores to 40. j ' he fed’ raI power co“ than in the month last year, accord , rnliialon has announced. The project ' Ing to a report lasued by David J y an overwhelming m a jo rity the consists of diversion dams, a storage Jones, city superintendent. The total people of Medford at a special elec ; dam. conduits and a power house The | registration Is now .3407 (ion voted for a new $976,000 city estim ated capacity of the project is 1 he final chapter In action brrugnt w ater system w ith a source at Big 23,000 horsepower and the installed by Jefferson county against H. C. Top Butte springs, more than 30 miles capacity 70,000 horsepower. ping, defaulting sheriff, under Am er away. A bond Issue of $50,000 for a lean Surety company of New York, The action of Governor Pierce In new tem porary city hall was also vot­ his bondsmen, was closed when the ed. vetoing the much-discussed special election measure passed by the 1926 •u rety company paid to tha county Of 43,721 tourist automobiles In upheld elerk the sum of $2633.19. The county spected at the station a, Bsker. more | legislature b V j r a H c B was ’ O " „ 7 O “Z “ In a ‘ decision ’’ i ' - " “ ’0 There’s a sure cure for hunger at the I f yon enjoy a good meal, .in d know a good meal when you get it, Y o u 'll be back, tor yon 'll not forget it. O nr aim is to please you. FARM LOANS A g e n t. W e Save You Money A N D S E R V IC E Tires and accessories Repairs Y o u r travel responaibility ceases w hen you board the train. C om fortable trains leave at con­ venient hours. Y o u arrive at yo ur destination rested and refreshed— and on tim e. Econom ical,too—reduced ro u nd ­ trip fares m ake travel surprisingly inexpensive. are now m and should be planted early. v an m w Call in when io A lbany Dinnerware »w T in shop in connection 330 5A. F irst St. Albany, Oregon A lb a n y Flo ral Co. Southern Pacific Lines i7 u lip i a n d y i t / t e i n l / n J A ltK U W G A R A G E , Gansle Bros. J Any Girl in Trouble • may communicate with Ensign Lee of the ilv v li.n A n s , „ X * W hite Shield Home, 56.5 M ayfair avenue, Portland Oregon. : lbe • AUTHORIZED LIGHT-TESTING STATION HeUnctors and lense« for nearly nil makes of cars. E recondition all makes of 4 « r e n n d M o to r e The wisest girls keep out of trouble I