a i i M t •* iT t n r r iz - RURAL ENTERPRISE C O N F IS C A T IN G T H E L A N D An ladepeadeai— N u t neutral—a « » i paper, published ev«iy Weduetday, Governor Plato« declares that a well-known banker telle him that within a abort time there will be practieally no value left in city or tl.SU a year town property unles* there is a Advertising. 2l)c an inch ; no diacoun more equitable distribution ol fcx Mme or apace ; no charge (or coni texee. The present eyeteai ef col­ voaition or cjauges. lecting principally from land all ■a "P aid-ioi Paragraphs," Sc a line. * • advertisin g disguised a s n e w s the money necessary (or mainte­ nance of schools and government is the confiscation of all value T H E UN CUT MELON therein. W n . H. W HKKLKR *r Oregon Just now la the bone of A n d yet wa allowed Portland to contention in a struggle before the ' b a w b o o ile ua into abolishing the interstate commerce commission's rep- I *ocoua* ,a x on the plea that we resematlve, sitting In Portland. The * ‘ u l to “ U ra c t mor9 “ x dod« ' rs J E ff OCT. 14, 1»2, The Great Outdoors W here Bread, Meat, Clothing, Health and V igorous Hum anity are Produced ¡Need Uniformity in States’ Rules Poultry Industry Retarded by Great Difference in Regulations. Criticism U nfair, Paragraphs fo r Farm Chickens and Cattle eri Tested at Same Time On pago 7 is an artiele sntitlsd Says this Banker ‘ ‘ Burbank to Rest.” By FRANCIS H. SISSON Chairman, Public Relations Commis­ sion American Bankers Association Veterinarians Combine Tu­ berculin Inspection. H a p p ily ^ , do not have to say •’ laid to rest ” for though Luther is 76 be bids fair to do some more useful work lor mankind. A careful and intel ligent study of that article may be* worth more to any ambitious young farmer than pages of ordi- nary agrisultural readiog. Qo over it carefully and “ read betweeu the line«.’’ There has been some disposition to (Prepared by th« United State« Department of Ae establiahed for the education of so acre, aud of higher quality, than troubles to congress. If he dots production of the parents; in another based on the Inflated values. If the fected. It Is estimated that nearly 3.- vorthy young men and women along any other state and bids fa ir soon .he fireworks will be lurid. Mr case two g rad u of chicks nre offered, farmer waa victimized at a lt Indeed, 000,000 fowls were Inspected during agricultural and home economics to produce more in quantity, her Joulidge is not fond of firework.-. one grade bplrfV from accredited flocks lnes. It Is estimated that If each he was the victim of too much rather Ibis period. that are not tested for bacillary white than too little consideration. tank In the state were to contribute estimated crop for next year being The diarrhea, and the other grade from real progress which has been achieved 15 cents per thousand capital, five to 5000 acres; Two sheriffs were killed iu flocks that have been tested und are In agricultural finance In recent years tlx thousand dollars per annum would Produces more and better Clax Se realized. found free from the disease. In an­ lies more In the Intelligent distribution fiber than all the rest of the country different parts of Ohio in ons day- other state chicks are sold on a basis of farm credit than In volume. Many a good stand of spring-sown and w ill probably become the loca­ last week by men they were trying The Agricultural Committee of the of four grades according to tbe grading With agencies now functioning for alfalfa Is ruined by allowing the nurse tion of the greatest linen manufac­ to arrest on warrants. Fur from of the adult birds, and the grading of 'be provision of ample credits for the crops of oats or barley to mature for Dklahoma Bankers Association, In Its tu ring industry in the world; •eport, recommend! that the bankers often enough do We turn the the adult birds Is based on their gen­ American farmer, his enduring success grain. Produces the most famous and eral qualities. Still another sells certi­ depends upon the wisdom and fore­ •The young alfalfa plants are lite r­ •ee that a competent agent Is appoint­ tables and execute a murderer. fied as well as two other grades of sight with which he meets the prob­ ally choked to death for want of wa­ ’d In each county and that he has a best-selling cheese in America; chicks, the certified chick being pro­ lems of production and marketing ter," says George W. Musgrave, agrono­ degree from some agricultural col- Produced (here in Linn county) *ge. They believe that tbe agrlcul- The most sensible remark on m ili- duced from certified males mated to More than ever before, his activities mist at the New Jersey Agricultural tho prize-winning butter in the re­ ural possibilities of the state should The ripening ary affairs in recent times is that certified females, while of the other must be regulated with reference to Experiment station. cent national dairy show; two grades the first are chicks pro- I world conditions and bis profits, like grain, he explains, draws an enormous oe beuer advertised and that each attributed to M r. Coolidge that de­ Is a center of pure-bred stock- duced from old hens mated to certified those of the manufacturer or mer­ amount of water from the soil, thus :ounty bankers association should da cisive measures are useless waste, cockerels, and the second grade are I raising, especially Jersey cattle (in chant. will reflect the measure of his famishing the feeble young alfalfa jome work along that line. hat "no force can prevent attack” chicks produced from certified pullets success In adjusting his activities to plants. •wf-ich Linn county leads), to the Searcy Connty Bankers Association. tnd that peace depends on right mated to certified cockerels. extent that experts from the east these conditions. Though this moisture robbery Is the Committee Makes a Survey. chief objection to letting the nurse Arkansas, entertained as Its guests who attended our state fa ir this .(linking and tolerance. recently some seventy-five farmers The general committee appointed to crop mature for grain, It Is not the year expressed astonishment that and business men. Tbe result Waa the co operate with the poultry ofllce of only one, according to I ’rofesor Mus­ ■one state could make such u showing There are on the market a number organization of the North Central Ar­ A grange has bee a found that the United States Department of Ag­ grave. There is also the possibility ■of pure-bred Jerseys. of commercial tnlnerul mixtures which kansas Agricultural Association Its riculture has made a survey In which of fatal injury to the alfalfu, through uhtropions a return to the convet' purpose w ill be to co-ordinate the ef­ i Saturday’s Oregonian said tbs this same degree of difference In stute have recently been especially com lodging of the ripening fruit. lion plan of nominating candidate, rules und regulations was fmihri to pounded for poultry feeding. It will forts of the farmers and hustnesa men Portland territory produced min Successful alfalfa growers cut the In promoting a better agriculture. probably be the easiest for the aver­ grain for hay Just as soou as it beads oral products valued at 1132,077, in place of the primary. W ith exist in regard to hatching eggs and Searcy County bankers are giving 1M age poultryman to secure hla minerals 979 iu 192U winch combined will propriety its location ia nan ed breeding stock as well as baby chicks. by purchasing them In this form. He out. Not only may a satisfactory settings of purebred eggs for distrlba- The committee Is of the opinion that If quality of grain hay be secured at this forest and agricultural products t Fossil. tlon to the boys' and girls’ clubs la the states can get together to discuss sure that you ure getting a well-known time, but the crowding effect on the the county. disk* a total exceeding $600,600, these differences much can he done to mixture, and feed It strictly according alfalfa seeding is removed and the 000. Oregon cold storage eggs are stabilize tbe poultry-breeding industry to Instructions. Most of these mineral alfalfa Is given the opportunity to de­ H. S. Mowrer, chairman of the Agri- leing shipprd to England. A il Also, from the standpoint of Interstate mixtures contnln, In addition te those velop properly. cultural Committee of tbe New Jersey One of the evils of prohibitory commerce In hatching eggs, bacy chicks, mentioned above, other mineral ele­ The main object in planting the right; we don't want ’em here. Bankers Association, together with legislation as seen by bootleggers i; and breeding stock, the committee feels ments, such as sulphur, which un- grain la to secure a successful alfalfa H. J. Baker, director of extension douttedlv have a definite place. the confiscation and sale at auction that uniformity In the state rules und stand; one should take no chances on work In the College of Agriculture, The Merriams are living where regulations concerning the accredita­ losing his Investment in Inoculation, made a complete tour of the state this of over $00 automobiles in Oregon tion-certification work is necessary If in which liquor had been transported the English fam ily did. Successful poultry breeding rests on seed und labor, through losing sight of spring, calling on tbe county agents poultrymen are to retain this business. This ia hard on the booze vendors' records of ancestry performance on this fact. I t Is a mighty poor economy and agricultural committees of the to try to use tbe oats or barley as a various county organizations to get a which to base breeding urograit,.!. shoe leather. grain crop as well as a nurse erojk definite line-up on tbe work done and Funeral Directar and Licensed the plans for the coming year. Ways Exchanges are commenting on the Erahalmer I and means for furthering the program Starting sweet clover In corn nt f a r t that half the auto tourists un of tbe state committee were consid­ Brownsville, Oregon time of last cultivation Is a good without funds. W hat’s strange about ered at these conferences call C. P. STAPPoatt, Halsey, practice provided It can be done. th at? You can't pay your money or D s l ik b t S t a r a Brownsville There Is rarely a season, however, THE M ARKETS fo r a car and still have it to spend to when sweet clover or any other of the clovers give a good stand when t o Portland sown In corn at this time. I f the sea­ to W heat—Big Bend blueetem. $1.49; son Is very favorable, with consider­ w . L. W R IG H T , hard white, soft white, western white, able rainy weather, a stand is some­ Mortician &. Funeral Director | $1.88; hard winter, northern spring. times secured. As a rule, not much of Halsey and Harrisburg , western red. $1.29. vtd your system at Catarrh or Deafness this clover Is alive the following In any amount, from one gallon to a barrel Call D. Tavuna, Halsey, or caused by Catarrh. ... I Alfalfa, 318019 to t; valley spring, though sometimes It gets t o W. L. \\ RIGHT, Harrisburg h u h * > n -n f t t t te t t t through the winter. timothy, $18028; eastern Oregon to m timothy. 121022. J. CHBNEY &. CO .. Toledo. Ohio On some Isnd It Is much easier to get sweet clover started with corn t o w . Butterfat—62c shippers' track. than on other types of land. A soil t o X Eggs—Ranch, 37041c. may be poor for corn but rich for Cheese— Prices f. o. b. Tillamook; to sweet clover, and on such land It is \JZ Triplets, 30c; loaf. 31c per lb. ••omparatlvely easy to get the clover t o W Cattle—Steers, medium, $< 760100. started with corn; but on good corn I.aundrv tent Tuesdays Hogg— Medium to choice, $12 76« Isnd thst will grow 50 bushsls nr 13.50 Agency Hub Cleaning Works more of com. It does not pay to de­ Sheep— Lambs, medium to choice. pond on getting sweet clover started VII work done promptly and reasoi »12 00 01 3 00. In the cornfield. ably. Pitone ,'«,9 Young Alfalfa Plants Hurt by Nurse Crops Mineral Mixtures Help DELB ER T STARR Starting Sweet Clover With Com in the Fall For best results use An-Fo Sheep Dip * H a l l ’s C a t a r r h M edicine " AS Mr ' FISHER’S EGG PRODUCER P. A Modern Barber Shop (iivea results F. M . GRAY, O. W . F R U M I) R A Y M A N \ ABE S PLACE 9x.l2 PABCOLIN and GOLD SEAL Congoleum Printed Rugs $16 cash A rm strong Linoleum Rugs, $ 1 8 cash Wo have some attractive pattsro» io Linoleum nntl felt-base yard gtfods H IL L & Co. HALSEY t. «/ Sheep Business Subject to Market Fluctuations The sheep business, like all other In dustrlea. Is subject to market fluctua­ tion. periods of low prices being fol­ lowed by higher prices and lucrative returns. Since the last depression In 1922 sheep have been one of the moat profitable classes of farm live stock. Many express the opinion, therefore. ;liat after this year we will see lower prtcaj No doubt there will be con siderable S itu a tio n In the market and dry weather may cense a sufficient liquidation to temporarily demoralize the market this fall. This should. If y «evriopa. provide an excellent oppnr (unity to lay the foundation for a farm flock and at the same time should be an Incentive to every man who is in | „the hustnesa to retain his flock If at all possible to do so. J » W A m e ric a n E a g le Fire Insurance Co. Hav is worth ju st ng much in storage as you might get for it in case of fire. Th j American Eagle Fire Insurance com pany Uill pay you 85% of tho cash value in cas • of Ip88 by fire. C. R. STAFFORD, Agent Seattle. W heat— Soft white. $1.38; western white. »1 37; western red. 31 30; north­ ern spring. 31 28; Big Bend bluestem. 31 40. Hay—Alfalfa, $23; D. C.. $23; tint othy, 320; mixed hay, $24. Butter—Creamery. 4905$c. Eggs—Select ranch, 48050c. Hogs— Prime, $13.75 014.00. Cattle— Prime steers. $8.2608 60. Cheese—Oregon fancy, 30c; Oregon standards 2Sc; Washington triplet« 38c. I Spokane. Hogs Prime, mixed. 312 75012 95. Cattle— Prime steers. $7.50 0 8 00. One of the very beat feeds for pnol try Is green hone. It ran be cbeapl, sbenred at any meat market, and every firm poultry department ought to hav« own bone cutter to uoe as needed