Rural enterprise. (Halsey, Or.) 1924-1927, October 07, 1925, Page 8, Image 8

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    iT V R A t eis r c R m r a i:
P E T E K B. K Y N t t ’S
famous California aud South
baa root a not
® Keep YoUr Car in C/OnditlOn •
Uncle Hez Haukin W rites a Very Int erestin g Letter
• !/. . r-
y , didn.t H
and others worthy of mention
Starts next Monday for three
Oat 11— 12— 13
A mighty drama of fiery beauty
filmed in Tahiti
c o s ts n o th in g , I f d e fe c ts a r e f o u n d i t is
c h e a p e r to h a v e th e m r e m e d ie d te a n to r u n
th e c a r in to th e r iv e r o r th e d itc h .
Headlight Service Station
P . P A P U A N , P ro p .
Halsey Happenings
(Continued from page 1)
Paul Papman, of the H a J a e r
garage, was in Albany Monday. "
Mrs. Glenn Stevenson of Bra
verton ia hare, with her little boy
Mre. T. A. Hover ia the late I
Halseyite to have a radio raaeii.
ing eat installed.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Chancel
spent Sunday in ilia country wit)
their son L. V, and wife.
r.ew A lb an y shoe store, is well know
to Halsey people.
The Ir a A. M iners fa m ily m ovei
a place ten miles east o f Alban.
Or. the S.ntiam river.
A telephone crew, laying an ad-
diiiutial wire from Portland t<
Augeos, is just now at Halsey.
P R O S P E C T — 22184«
f ^ d»L#
,V h Y 10,
o M, 1»25.
l ^ Pr%
- Y ¿!1-4
Pount“ by ln C One
Born F a rm s
10, ISIS, R5
D ied
M a rc
O due“í
w ned n and
D eveloped
a rn a tio
n M ilk
S e a ttle , W a s h in g to n
One of the features of th© D a iry j on top of th eir m ilk and cream check
Mrs. G Mitzuer returned Satur ,
day from Los Angeles, where sLe Secdon at the Pacific Intern atio na! son,e added money , ron) th e |r f ,
Livestock Exposition, Portland, Octo­ springs.
bad been visiting her son Hermai
ber 31st to Nov. 7th. w ill be a demon­
and w fs,’ •
Prof. P. M. Brandt o f Oregon A gri
w««-*BaU <•*
Mrs. G. W . Laubuer is conva
Itaciug at'ber borne after having
bad her tonails removed at a Halen
hospital Friday.
Nora Coldiron, Mary H e in rk l.
aud Kuuioe Sylvester are in towi
for the high school teim , living u
the Brock house.
Mrs. W illiam Wheeler made i
trip to A lbany, Salem and Silver
lou th at occupied F riday, Satui
day, S u n day.and Monday.
The Tuaeing boys are attending
school at Brownsville. The repon
that tha family would return
Halsey to reside Was premature
We don't know what J A
Stevenson has been guilty ot, ....
tor souit reason he is going uroun»
disguised by the removal of
stration of testing for b u tte rfa t and
cost accounting of feed of two groups culture College has been requested
charge —
of ——
this exhib it whlci
of dairy cattle, using five average to take
------ ---------=-■
Oregon cows In one group. These cows w ill also feature d aily testa for butter
will give about 4000 pounds of m ilk fat by accredited testers Of th»
per year, which Is about Oregon's state so th a t lay people m ay get i
standard and the standard of the Uni- close-up of w hat testing re a lly means
ted States, too.
A chart for each anim al w ill show
In another group w ill be five pure- exactly the am ount of m ilk they pro
bred cows, featuring each of the five duce at each m ilk in g and the e xac
well-known breeds whose production amount of butterfat- In th e ir m ilk foi
will be from 8.000 to 13,000 pounds o f , that day. T he am ount of feed givei
ntlk per year
Purebred cattle have to each of these anim als ln the variou
iroductlon» of more than thia amount groups w ill also be tabulated, whlci
but It Is thought to impress the pub­ w ill c le a rly show that, although ai
lic of the d esirab ility of owning a anim al giving a good flow of mlfl
string of well bred cowa which shall takes more feed than a scrub anim al
give at least tw ice as much as the that the differences in this amount o
average Oregon cow— the cost of these feed do not correspond to the d iffer
owa being not g reatly in excess of ence in production.
:ood grade cows and with a possibil­
T his exhibit w ill be housed promln
ity, during times when calves are in e n tly In the d airy barn and Is expect
demand, of making for th e ir owners, e»t to a ttra c t a great deal of attention
H it wife, who was with him, ie-
Albert Miner is working at J a y
Linn oounty’s matrimonial rec-
p a rt o f the collection to the north
west Paotfic exposition at Portland o"d for September was 27 inar-
i iges and 2 divorces,
Oct. 31 to Nov. 7. *
John Standish is organizing Boy
W A. Garay and wife ware her» "wonts at Broadus, M ont., aud
from Salem Monday, M r. Care» surrounding communities.
assisting with improvements shoo
Claude Michel and fam ily have
the Halsey garage. Mr. and Mrs
moved from Brownsville to Junc-
Cec I Biiyeu are living on th
lon City, where Claude continuer
Carey plac».
n the employ of the Mountain
Misses L illian and Elsie Rey. Slates Power company.
nol»l« and their oonsin, Cl a reuc>
Whits of Jefferson, motored to L*
Center, Wash., where they spani
th« week end with cousin». The*
also visited at Portland and Salem
They brought home some fine fill
for canning.
H a v in g made a good exhibit at th»
• la te fa ir M r. G ilkey w ill take a goo»
N orth
Jist hate tier come rite out flat sum Ball Brand Boots gosh they
footed un sey sew but Jeff yer kin wears like iron en rides like a sad 32, 3:24 a. m. flag 17. 12:09 p. m
5:15 a. m.
15, 12;45 p. m.
trust. He carries field seeds chick­ die — never hurts yer feet account
. 8:16 a. m. flag
33. 8:12 p. ni flag
en feed the kind fer poultry not gal uv rain. Fact is we awl got shoes 14, 12:09 p. nt. flag 31,
1:34 p. ni. fla<
| Juz cleaning en awl sorts ur grinden fer the hull dog gone shebangin 34, 4:68 p- ut.
| got Liza sum real flour and wuz outfit when I squarde a it with N o . 14 and 16 .to p to let off p a ..e n g ,r,
from south of Eugene
* ’
ihure suprised et tha prise uf wool D ueane cost me 180, but shure did No, 31, direct conunctien for M rr.h fi.ld
j Everything pints to tradin to hum get my moneys worth thar cuz what
1 by cracky. Abany merchants pay they sells is good.
“ E"* ™
ig rents en caters to salaried folks
Jim spied sum reel candy en course
un us farmers must go wiiar we kin hed ter hev some sew went inter
Jt tha best, yes sir T. J. Skirvin Ringo’s Pharmacy. They carries
h«z bin thar 5 yrs en hez a rite de lot uv good smellin’ articles fur the
i-»nd.»ble place to Harrisburg en you women folks’ tooilet, ter say nothin’
rhure gits sqaure en la ir treatment of combs and breshes and face whit Outgoing Mail
Jiar always.
enin’ an’ fountain pens an’ sech
A t the Halsey postoffice mails
Liza went into.Hill & Co en shurt Everybudy in thar is perlite as a close going north at 11:50 a m
lid git a plumb fine Kerlonial Heat basket of chips an they alius sells snd 5:20 p. m.
it, stove. Delbert is purty well sot everything
r, little less. Thar’s . Going south, 11:10 a. m. Bnd
icw since he is ketched up—married plenty uv folks in that thar store ¿>¡20 p. m.
lim Robinsons gal sew built them a ter fill any doctor’s perskripshun an'
To Brownsville, 0:20 a. m. and
ouse. A. J. Hill sold me sum Lowe them gals noz how cuz they’s regu­ 12 in. Morning stage to Browns-
Jrothers paint. Got sum Linoleum lar registered pharmacists and thet ville goes on to Crawfordsville
• ike tha kind wuz on tha hiway. Mrs. Ringo what runs things sure Holley an»l Sweet Home.
iosh had ter drive inter tha ditch sees you get just what you Want
ews not to run over it wuz a going from Adlerika, arraond cream, ko­ Paid-for Paragraphs
o spesjt ter Hill bout it but thought daks, films ter Dr. Korineks colic
(5c a line)
aaybe sum school raarra hed ter cure fer cattle Sure is nice to us all.
roas thar en course feet must be
Liza had been dead sot on a orto-
An “ advertising sale” is an.
-ept dry. Got a new set of Harness mobile fer sum time and she’d heerd nounced by the new Harrrisburg
er Maud & Jeff made by Jno Clark about them Ford cars what fine cars Bargain House.
iaddlery Co. Last set lasted nigh for country roads and sich an in
c ter 18 years. Ted lift the par­ compliance with her orders, I went
Fine th rif’ y pig. fO| sale. 8
ens shoes thar ter fix cuz they got around to the Arrow Garage, the weeks old,
$5 rach. Phons 9x3.
» noo merchine wot cost 600.00 ter authorized delers for Fords, Ford-
W . F. Carter.
>ut noo soles on.
sens and Tractors and me an’ the
Hills is a mitty reliable outfit
boy look ’em over. They’re tour­
Old papers for sale at 5c a hundí»
Tim spied a cone in Bert Clarks ing cars end seedans an’ coopays and
¡.ore sew in we went Berts bin gadabovts swell lookers and run like at the Enterprise office.
1 ar 10 years en shure air honest sho nuff ortomobiles anil the prices
The new Harrisburg Bargain
n square, cairips tha best fresh pears like air awfly low fer sich
| read (punk we calls it ta hum) good cars. Them fellers wuz mity House wants to get acquainted
; dt. Hood Ice Cream, Fruits Ber- nise about showin’ us round and we witheverbody and offers big in-
ducernents in an “ advertising
anners Oregonian Sunday papers an’ him finally got ter gether on a
sale ” to open Saturday and coo-
chool books Eating & smoking ter- touring outfit an’ I only had to pay tinue for one week.
b&ker en * sody contrapshun wot 30 per cent down. They got the
squirts real stuff ter drink The only best shop in these parts en hez
During the balance of September
thing I missed th ar wuz a foot rail- genuine ford parts—U. S. tires en and the month of October yearly sub­
Z out Unkle Sam hez removed lots a Oil & gas.
scriptions for the Oregonian will be
W.J by horse collar Halsey folks taken at $5 for the dally and $7 for
uem instruments uv satifackshun
iert shure is square en dependable air awl rite en I’m a comin back daily and Sunday and I will discount
arter plowin’. Me ’in Liza.
Ti ez perlite ez a baskket uv chips
26c on every subscription received.
Ursveri trooly
Bln a buyin our coffee en Liza
J. W. Re/or.
mows we drink lots uv it at
sssst’ss^ “
Dairy Cow Testing and Feeding
The W illiin j Brock and Thowa
Ardry families have exchange-
M etzg er,
Mr. and Mrs. P. J. F .rste r had
The Mountain States Power com­
isit Saturday ftvi., their daughter, pany brought in a little shipment of
Irs. Sweet of Eugene, r.nd her hus- 85,000 pounds of heavy copper wire
and. From here they went to visit the other day to replace old wires
dr. Sweet’s brother at The Dalles.
leading out from Halsey.
Halsey, Oregon
$ 3 5 ,0 0 0
Commercial and Savings accounts Solicited
Robert T. Lincoln, son and
living descendant of Abraham Lincoln
who recently celebrated h l. eighty
second b irthday. M r. Lincoln lives In
Georgetown, near W ashington.
with a big
Carnival Dance
The Halsey Study club resumed
its meetings Thursday afternoon
and the O. A. C. Collegiates.
with Mrs. T. I. Marks
Ten mem
Everybody has a gootl time.
here listened to a paper on “ Club
Aims for the Year ’• by Mrs. M«r-
Get up your party and go.
tin Cummings. This year's calen­
dar contains modern drama, book _
reviews anti miscellaneous.
eluh will meet Oct. 15 with Mrs.
Coaatwlse Steam er Hite Subm arine
8 J. Smith.
Oregon Law yers Favor R evile In Lew.
U earh art. O r
T he Oregon Bar asso
elation nt its m eeting here took the
firs t public action to sim p lify proce
dure by adopting the Oregon Judicial
| council report recomm ending a con-
«fltu tlo nal am endm ent to empower the
supreme court to make rules of pro-
cedure, which are now made by the
S-81 O ff Rhode Island.
The Duff sisters go>p«l trio has
kegun its meeting in the Baptist
church io Browusville and will
»ontinue until the 18th.
H»l»u Duff is the evangelist of the
party anil is an interesting and
enterlaining s|ieaker and bring
lri-ta uses her wit and humor on
th e platform.
The party is mu­
sical and sings the negro spirituals
with the musical iiis lr u iu a n t s
They preach and ting a simple
and appeal lu g gospel,
L. N. Clark of Portland, AH
was killed when hia car skidded
and overturned yesterday on the
Pacific highway north of Jefferson
New York — T h irty four officers ant!
men of the U nited States submarine
S J I app aren tly perished when the
coastwise steam er C ity of Rome ram
med and sank «he submarine 14 miles
nast of Block Island, Rhode Island
O nly three men Dewey K ile, M. L ira
and A. O rear are reported by naval
com munications to have been saved
T he submarine rests In 23 fathoms
of w a te r a few miles o ff
A d iv e r sent down from
Camden reported that he had been un
sueeeasful in his attem pts to »-onimtin
Ira te w ith the ere ■w of the submarine
H e found a large e hole in her port
side abaft the conning tow»*-.
Italia n Debt P arty to Sail October 13.
Rome.— T h e Ita lia n debt funding
commission w ill sail on the Leviathan
from Cherbourg O n o b e r 13 for Am er
ica to follow the exam ple of the Call
laux mission in a ttem p tin g to arrive
at a funding arrangem ent w ith Am er
“EV’TÍ Good Potatoes from
Irish Bend
C 1 QA
a h u n d red
.. .
R -port of con»lition of the
IN T H E C IR C U IT C O U R T of the
State of Oregon for the County of
Linn, Departm ent Num ber J wo
George W. Laubner,
N. H. HESS, Brow uavillo
Reserve D istrict No. 12
ih e unknown heirs of Law ­
rence Higgins,
and also ail other persons ) S u m m o n s
or parties unknow n c la im ­
ing any right, title, estate,
lien or interest in the real
estate described in the com­
plaint herein,
Defendants ,
T» j the «bovt-named defendants :
In the name of the state of Oregon :
3 ou and each of yon are hereby required
at Halsey, in the state of Oregon, at the close of business Sept. 28 192 5 t»J appear and answer the ocraplsist
of p laintiff filed against you in the
above entitled court and cause on or
the 14th day of October. 1925.
1, Loans and discounts, Including rediscounts shown in items 29 and
the same being the date specified in Ihe
30, if a n y ____ _________________________________ ____
$119,0(3 28 t>r<-er of publication of this summons,
2. Overdrafts u c u re il and unsecured _________________ "_\"
43 04 and if you fail to so appear and answer
1 U. S. govefllinent securities owned, including those shown in
said complaint the p lain tiff w ill take a
items 30 and 35, if a n y __ _____________________
1,550.00 decree against ro ” in accordance with
k O ther bonds, warrants ¡»ml securities, including foreign ¿overn-
the prayer of p la in tiff’s com plaint in
ment, state, m unicipal, corporation, etc., including those shown
this cause, to w i t : T h a t you, and each
in items .k) and 35, if anv . . . ...................................
12,487.21 of yon be required to eet forth the na­
6. Ranking house,$2.60»,; furuiture and fixtures, 5 3 ,5 3 8 ... " ...........
f ' (ab)
Jilt) Cash
a tv < 1 • in ex as*
s«l» and due front
_ . • banks
. bankers
•••••«• 6,144.00 ture and extent of the interest or
on tx
amt trust companies designate»! and approved reserve'agents of
«•«ate claimed in and to said premises
tins b a n k .................................................................................
»lescrilied in p la in tiff’s com plaint and
Total cash ami due from hanks, items 8, 9, 10 ¡in ,|Y i, ¿17,20s’ ¿6
that p la in tiff’s title to said premises be
‘ ‘»creed io be valid end forever quieted
Total ..................................... .............................. ' ___ '
snd that yon, and each of von, be for­
ever barred from claim ing any right,
tittle , estate or interest in and to said
> Capital stock paid i n ......................... .....................
30 000 00 premises, or any part thereof, which
7. Surplus f u n d . . . _________ _________________ * * —
premises are deicrihed as follows:
». (a) Undivided p rofits............................................... -’- . ’. ’.".L"” $10 322 OS
Beginning at an iron pipe, which ii
(b) Less current expenses, interest and taxes paid
6 3’ 9 26
east 60 feet distant from the southwest
H m m D e p o s it s , other than banks, subject to reserve"
of block No 5 in Shedd, Oregon,
I In d iv id u al deposits subject to check, including deposits due the
which is recorded in volume 1. page 13,
state of Oregon, county, cities or other public funds
124,830.69 of plat records in Linn county, Oregon ;
t. Demand certificates of deposit outstanding ...............
371.00 thence north 462 feet to an iron p ip e ;
>. Cashier's checks of this bank outstanding payable on demand.........
669,74 thence east 120 feel Io the west line of
T otal of demand deposits, other than bank deposits
to reserve, items 23, 24, 33, 26. »125,871 43
' “ ‘ “I * 6*
rig ht of way of Southern Pacific R a il­
road company ; thence south along the
TIM« a n d S a v in g s D k p o s it *. subject Io reserve and payable on
west line of, rig h t ef way 462
demand or subject to notice :
feet to an iron p ip e ; »hence west 120
Tim e certificates of deposit outstanding____ ____
lo " ,e place of beginning, contain­
L Savings deposits, payable subject to notice
44,625.88 ing 1 77 acres, more or less, ail ly in g in
ToU I of tim e and savings deposits payable on demand or
Linn county, state of O reg on ."
subject to notice, items 27 and 28, »71 5 7 i 94
This summons is served on you by
.............................................................................................. 8236,436 19 publication authorized and ordered by
tate of »Oregon, county of Linn, aa.
order of Hon Percv B K elly, judge of
I, B. M. Blind, cashier of the above-named hank An ^ . i . _ ,
the above entitled court, made aud en­
■ore statement is true to the best of my knowledge and bri?™ "” ” ™ r ,h* ‘ ,he
tered at chambers at Albany, Oregon on
19th day of August. 192.5.
Correct— Atteet; C. H . Koont*. D T av lo r L n t ? » M 5 ? nJ"
1 he date of the first publication of
Subacribed and sworn to before me this 6th .lay of Octotwr.°l'925 r* Ct0M'
this summons is the 26lh day of August.
h alsey
i going to opeu for the winter
Saturday, Oct. 10
Everythlg in house furnishings
is offered in the “ advertising
sale ' of the new Harrisburg Bar­
gain House. The proprietor buys
apartment house goods in the large
cities at low figures and gives his
patrons Ihe benefit. The store will
handle goods right from the fso-
to rJ- Opening .ale from October
10 le 17 inolusive.
Oh, Say!
Among those taking tbs train
here Friday for the slats fair ware
N«d Callaway of Brownsville and
from Halsey Mrs. Perry, Mr».
G n y , Mrs Clingmsn, Charles In*,
gram, C. C. Jaefcson and Mrs. May
Smith and two sons anil tWi
T h e p e o p le w ho ra n a n a u to in to th e r iv e r
I Good Farmer Likes This Prosperous C ily and Its Live Merchants
Reconditioning Shop
a t H a r r is b u r g S e p t. 24 h a d b e e n w a rn e d "
and Praises It as a G rain and Produce M arket
t h a t th e i r b ra k e s w e re d e fe c tiv e .
G ood
Raybeatos Hi-speed Brake
b ra k e s m ig h t h a v e sa v e d liv e s a n d p r o p e r ty .
Service Station
Dueane en Clara Sturdevvants The
T he c a r th a t sm ash e d a w heel a n d a b o a rd
e | aich a bi„ y ,ittie town. but f can famis Peaboddy coffee et 50 cents a
212 East First a.. Alb- ay, n«»r
the skating rin k
c ro s s w a lk in H a lse y O ct. 2 h a d a lo o s e r a ­
tell you she’s all right and a plum pound shure hez the flavor en qual­
Phone 379
good ’un.
d iu s ro d .
gingham fer 19c a yard en French
Driv rite up ter Jeff Skirvin’s serge dum near any color yer cud
I n s p e c tio n b y a s k ille d a u to m e c h a n ic a t
Co cuz Jeff alis gives us uns ask fer 2.17 best buy in town en
th e
better prises fur awl our produce. only a limited supply. Got Delbert Halsey Railroad Tjmo
M r.
ld T * im
e r I Makes
i i u a v j a a V ▼ isit
IO JI to
lu x Halsey.
la ia c y .
A nita Stewart
Bert Lytell
OCT. 7, i»2S
M ; commission expiree 3-12-28.
Amor A. Tusstng Notary Public,
1 **•
L. G. Lewellrag.
n. . s-M a n .
Attorney for Plaintiff.
’ •$. Albany, Oregon.