RURAL ENTERPRISE M A K E V IN E G A R O F U N E X C E L L E D Q U A L IT Y WRKIEVS Sunday School WFROVTD uniform wrauunONU ’ Lesson ’ (B y R I V I* H r i T S W A T B * . o f t h e E v e n in g S c h o o l, M oo d y afte * EVERY D ««» Bib»« L esson for O ctober 11 P A U L IN C O R IN T H L E S S O N T E X T — A ct« 1» 1 - lt . G U L D E N T E X T — ' B e n u t a fr a id , h u t • p e a k , an d h o ld n o t th y p e a c e ."— A ct» 1« » P R IM A R Y T O PIC — G od P r o te c tin g P a u l. ... J JU N IO R T O PIC — P a u l In W o r k a h o p a n d P u lp it. * —.X»» IN T E R M E D IA T E AMD S E N IO R T O P ­ IC__P a u l a E « p « _ _ r _ ie n c - e a a r ■ . in a a C v V o ’ r r in th -1' “P i V g> _ | Probably one reason for the popularity o f WRIGLBY*» 1« that It lasts so long and returns such great dividend« for so sm all • a outlay. * It keeps teeth clean, breath sw eet, appetite keen, digestion good. Fresh a n d f u ll-fla v o r e d always in its w a x -w rapped package. I. The True Missionary Method (vv. I 1-3). Applea Are Commonly Deed for Making Vinegar. In two and crushed with a potato masher. The stones need not be re­ moved. Mix a cake of compressed yeast with a small portion of the Juice and add It to the mash. Cover the Jar with a double layer of cheesecloth to keep out Insects, and a cover to exclude lig h t Stir the mash dally. In four to six days alcoholic ferm enta­ (v. 3). tion will be complete. lie was of the sam e craft with The Juice Is then separated front the ntash by straining It through a them, being a tentuiaker. Every child cheesecloth, or using a hand press at among the Jew s was taught some the last. R eturn the Juice to the trade by m eans of which he could Jar with a sta rte r In the form of gain a livelihood, should occasion re­ , vinegar. Use one part of the vinegar quire. II. Preaching In the Synagogue at to four parts of Juice. Cover hs be­ fore. W ithin a few days a thin coat­ Corinth (vv. 4-8). 1. Though Compelled to Toll for a ing or film will appear on the surface. This “mother of vinegar," which Is a Living While Getting a Foothold In i composed almost entirely of acetic Corinth. He Dili Not Lose Sight of bacteria. Is essential for a successful | His Main Work (v. 4). He reasoned In the synagogue every fermentation. G reat care, therefore, Much M aterial Wasted. should be taken not to cause It to Sabbath, persuading the Jew s and F ru it enough to make all the year's full by stirring or agitation. Greeks. While the missionary should supply of vinegar Is wasted In many not tie above honest toll when ne , To Determine Acidity. homes. Surplus or Inferior grades of cesslty arises, he must not allow toll fru it not desired for Immediate use or During the acetic ferm entation fre- 1 to Interfere with preaching the gospel. for canning may often be turned Into quent tests should be made to deter- ) 2. Hla Activity W as Increased a useful product a t a merely nominal mine the Increase In acidity. As soon When Silas and Timothy Came (v. 5). cost. The best receptacles for making as this has reached Its maximum the This resulted from three causes: vinegar In the home are stone Jars vinegar is filtered and bottled. Cun (1) They brought good news from of thrpe to six-gallon capacity. These ton tlannel Is a good materlul for til the church nt Theasalenlca (1 Tlieaa. should have straig h t sides and open tering vinegar. 3:0). „ t tops and should he provided with cm The strength of the vlnegnr can be To tieur of the steadfastness of those ers. With most fru its used It Is Im­ determined roughly by tnstlng. When who hud confessed Christ under Ids possible to sep arate the Juice from the vinegar reaches a point where It tnlnlatip, put new vigor Into id» la­ the pulp before the alcoholic fermen Is comparable In taste to that of a bors. tatlon has taken place, so a yeast good, strong vinegar, It may be regard (2) They brought pecuniary gifts Inoculation is made In a mash of tin* ed as complete. For accurate results from the Macedonian church (I till. fruit. The Juice only may he used a vinegar tester, In which the strength 4:15; II Cor. 11:0). If It can be extracted easily. T he fol­ of the vlnegur Is determ ined by the Being relieved from the necessity lowing method, which calls for volume of gas given off when bicar­ of tolling for a living, lie could n»w peaches, may be used, with slight va­ bonate of soda (baking soda) Is treat devote more tim e and energy to the riations, for any fruits. ed with a measured quantity of the preaching of the gospel. ltlp e fru it Is selected. Override vinegar to be tested, should he used. (3) Silas and Timothy beenme as­ fru it may be used If decayed portions Farm ers' Bulletin 1424 on “Making sistan ts to Paul In the work. are removed. Enough peaches are Vinegar In the Home nnd on the 3. Paul Opposed (v. 0). used to fill a four-gallon Jar about two- ’Farm ," gives a full description of this His Increased activity was met with apparatus. thlrds full a fter they have been cut Increased opposition. As the L ords m inisters become more uggresslve la their work, the m inisters of Satan put French Fried Onion Has P IE C E T H A T D O N ’T forth corresponding efforts in opposi­ Very M ild, Sweet Flavor tion. S P O IL .A P P E T IT E 4. Paul Announces Ills Purpose to French fried onions have a very mild, sweet flavor. They may he served T urn to the Gentiles (v. 8). B em use of tlielr blasphemy and op­ C hild Is Fortunate Who Has hot or coltl, anti like potato chips, they position, he ceased to work among muy be kept for Reverul days. If they Been Brought U p to are to be uspd when cold they should the Jew s. T here Is a tim e when good Like M ilk. be frletl In till, since lard or fat which Judgment causes one Io uhundon work Is solid at room tem perature will cause where efforts have been' fruitless, hut thpm to Itiok cloudy when no longer It Is difficult to know Just when to do (PropsroiJ by th e U n ited S la te s D ep a rtm en t It. O ftentim es lasting harm Is done o f A g ricu ltu re.I hot enough to keep the fat melted. Is your child hungry between ntenls The United S tates D epartm ent of to the work by pressing efforts when or lias she merely formed the habit A griculture gives the following direc­ people have turned against the truth. Paul's declaration, “I am of eating a t all hours? It Is easy to tions for making th e m : clean," wus a most solemn one. find th e answ er to this question by French Fried Onions. 5. He N'id Not Go F a r Away (v. 7). checking up on the kind of food s h f Shave the onions crosswise Into very He remained sufficiently near those w ants between meals or by observing thin slices aud separate the rings from w h o y hearts God had touched that w hether or not she eats a full meal each other. Dip these rings Into the a t the table w ithout fussing. A rapidly h atter given below, place th e dipped they could easily find Idin. It Is like­ wise tru e th at although C hrist Is growing child who Is very active may onions In a frying basket, keeping the obliged to depart from the soul th at web have food In the middle of the fore­ rings well separated, drain thoroughly, refu tes Him entrance. He lingers with noon anil afternoon If It does not dull th e appetite for regular meals, accord- ( nnd fry in deep fat at 40® itegrees yearning love around th at heart. F ahrenheit until crisp and browned. Ing to the United S tates rtepartm ent of 8. Ills Success (V. 8). Drain on soft paper, aalt If necessary, Cr.spus, the chief ruler of the syn­ Agriculture. But the patronage of the and serve. Ice-cream-cone vendor and the everlastr , agogue, was converted. P erhaps Paul's Thin F ritte r Batter. ' severe action In turning away from (P rep a red by Ih s U a lls d S ta tss D sp a r lm sn t of A .r tc u lt u r o ) TF ALL th e women who love to adorn A th eir homes with pretty little home­ m ade furnishings could hold a con­ vention, they would come to order and Im m ediately voice a rising vote o f thanks to those who design beauti­ ful objects made of paper—and to those who make beautiful papers. About th e most Im portant Item am ong the newly arrived furnishings shown In the crepe paper shops, are lam p and candle shades, mude over w ire foundations. These wire frames a re first covered with a thin strong muslin stretched smoothly over them. Designs cut out from figured crepe papers of floral or geometrical p at­ arm ed against the first cool days, for terns, landscapes, sea views, figures nothing Is more pathetic th an a sum- o f all kinds. In fact nuy appealing and I mery hat on a shivery day. Having ap p ro p riate picture, are used for | tided her people over to th e tim e when decorating the shades. The figures they must confront w inter, tills same a re pasted to the muslin. By a simple i efficient lady is now presenting real process eith er ground glass or some­ w inter millinery In nil types of hats. In many representative displays of thing th a t has th at uppearance Is blown over the surfttce. Fringe or new millinery there nre hats that m etallic braids make the usual finish. divide th eir responsibilities nnd travel The fascination of candles for liv­ In the company of neckpieces made These neckpieces are of ing and bedrooms will never end. to match. Sealing wax flowers and gold or silver several kinds, scarfs, ties and collar­ pain ts a re the usual mediums for ettes, but nearly all designed to be touching up plain wax candles In worn In the choker effect, high up w hite or colors, nnd giving them added about the th ro at. C ollarettes are artistic value. G raceful candle sticks small, merely high turnover collars and even lam ps are made of paper made of velours, felt o r oth er mil- Paul came to Corinth a stranger In strange city. He did not have an advance agent to do his advertising Ills method in gaining a foothold I d C orinth was as follows; 1. Finding a Home (v. 2). This he found with Aqulla and P ris­ cilla, Jews, who were recently expelled front Home by the cruel edict of Claudius. 2. He Tolled for Ills Dally Broad a Many fru it Juices a re well suited to vinegar making as they contain sugar ! In the proper proportion and other necessary or desirable substances, says the United S tates D epartm ent of I Agriculture. Vinegar Is the result of ' two distinct ferm entation processes— an alcoholic ferm entation, followed by { an acetic ferm entation. Apples are most commonly used In j the United States, but vinegar of un- ! excelled quality can be made from grapes, and very acceptable vinegar Is I m ade from oranges, peaches, persim ­ mons, peara, berries and waterm elons. I Vinegar made from red raspberries i will retain Indefinitely th e odor and flavor of the fruit, which m akes It de­ sirable for flavoring foods and bev- erages. 1 c u p m ilk 1 or 2 e g g s 1 c u p flour H te a sp o o n s a lt “ A lb e r i sn in .li fa r Better l ir t a k jr u u ' Albers Carnation M ush C ount on Carnation M ush not only for a better breakfast but an rusier-to-get breakfast. Five m inutes.........and this delicious whole wheat cereal is table-ready I C ham p ion w ill render b e t t e r s e r v ic e fo r a m uch longer tim e. T hat is w h y it is outselling throughout the world. t ha>n|ri«11 C h a m - (n o n e . Yow know lk< g e n ­ u in e b y lk< d o u b l e - r i b b e d c o r e . C h a m p io n S park Plug C o . Toledo, Oblo Windsor. O nt., London, Part« them moved C rispin to act. Ill Paul’s Vision (vv. 9-11). Ills experiences since coming to Europe were very trying. He needed encouragem ent at this time. Il Is Just like the Lord to come nt the time of the servant’s greatest need. Note the Lord's words to him. 1. "Be Not Afraid." When one 1» executing the commission of the Ixird, i he need not he afraid. 2. "»peak Httd Hold Not Thy Fruits and Vegetables Pescs." The one who has heard the Prevent Liver Troubles voice of God cannot refrain from Spinach, onions, rhubarb and other speaking. He cannot he still. 3. "I Am With Thee." The Ixird fowls are sometimes said to he espe­ cially good for the liver, because they Is with every one who faithfully car­ will "stir It up.” Il Is u common be­ ries out H is commission. 4. "No Man Shall Set on Thee, to lief th at many Ills are due to a slug glsli liver and that these Ills can be H urt Thee." The one sent hy the Lord to do a overcome by eating certain foods. The apparent henpflclal effect of these food» work Is Immune from danger and hart« Is probably due to the fact that they until his work Is done. 5. “I Have Much People In This are mildly laxative, and nutrition spe It Is most encouraging to d a lists now believe th a t many of the City." Ills ascribed to a disordered liver are know th at In the great cltle» the Lord really due to Intestinal disturbances. has His own people, and that the one Most of these ilia would be avoided If who goes In Ills name shall have fruit for Ids service. the diet were well chosen and If va rlous health hahlta were established A ll A re Hie which would do sway with constipa­ tion. The United » tales D epartm ent ft Is not the high sum m er alone that of A griculture has published much In­ ! Is God's. The w inter also Is Ills . . . form ation on the rational diet and h»w and all m an's w inters nre His the to choose It. »uch facta can lie found, winter of our poverty, the w inter of for example, In Farm ers' Bulletin f3l3, i our sorrow, the w inter of unhappi­ entitled “Good Proportion» In the ness, even th e w inter of our discon­ Diet,” which describe» the five food tent.—George Macdonald. group«, and recommends that the diet Include some food from each group C haracter every day. the proportion Indicated. C haracter requires a still air. Thera When vegetable« and frulta occupy an may he storm and upheaval around, Im portant place In the diet, ninny of hut there meat be peere within for the supposed liver troubles disappear Beat salt nnd eggs well together, adtling the flour and milk gradually and continuing to beat. This Is a pop- over batter, and should he of the con- slatcncy of cream. The amount given should be sufficient for frying from one to two pounds of onions of me­ dium size. T H R E E H A T -A N D -S C A R F SETS e and wire and finished with shel- and all sorts of p retty and use- baskets are made In the same r. he woman who is clever at hsn- tg p aper will delight In making sonal adornm ents of ribbon or silk, ny sim ple evening and afternoon •ks depend upon s ct.rsage or ultler flower for class or chic. A ,te r of rosea, m ade of folded silk anted In long ends of baby ribbon, he worn at the girdle, and a con- tional rose and buds o f silk veiled h silver tinsel, a re shown In the lure. The buds a re suspen led on er cord and the ornam ent may be -n on the shoulder or corsage, zing before there was any other t of autum n abroad In the land, dam M illiner everyw here saw to th a t her clients were supplied h sim ple little velours and felt s. It was easy to slip from w hite and light colored felts of f sum m er to th e d ark er and more wing colors for fall and to be fore- llnery fabric». T hree hat-and scart sets are shown here along with the alw ays popular fox scarf, which is worn with any sort of hat. A bit of m odernistic a rt Is shown at the upper left of the picture with curious, cutout felt figures applied to a velvet Orange Juice and Bread and Butter. scarf. The hat, of valours. Is faced with velvet and has velvet and aatln- Ing munching of candy, half ripe ba­ covered cord w andering In devious nanas and pickles forms a vicious ways over th e crown. Next to It a habit to which American children nre The nickels wide-brimmed hat, of h a tte rs' flush. Is particularly addicted. faced with velvet and trim m ed with given to children for concentrated an applique of velvet p etals forming sw eets might b etter he thrown aw ay; , a huge conventional rose. Velvet In they ruin appetite, digestion, dlspoal- ' three shades of one color m akes the tlon and good teeth, Ttiat child Is chic turban with coronet covered with fo rtunate who has been brought up to folds and s Jeweled pin at the front, enjoy without question a fla ts of milk | Small cabochons of silk braid In and a simple breed-and bu tter sand­ three colors a re scattered over the wich while th e neighbor's children are An apple, crown and clustered on the scarf. eating all-day suckers. Folded ribbon and s gilded leather orange or other fruit In season or a blossom adorn a small velvet hat with (lass of coot fru it Juice Is especially m atching scarf of ribbon. These sets desirable because It provides a part of th e vitam in snd m ineral content of have much style. i the diet needed for proper growth and JULIA BOTTOMLET. ( good health. 1 s t!. W a s ls ra New s»«««» U a t o a l you cold You must eat I You must dress I But no on* can make you use inferior iil and pay cold cash for tho repairs hat must result MensMotor Oil will eliminate at least vne of the bills that knock you cold. MonsMqtoT will atop all repair bills from faulty lubrication. Buy only MonaMotor Oil. M«n«M«f»r Qil (omyaay Ban F ra n cisco , CaL Loa Anades Cal. MonaMotor Oil» & Greases CKIN IRRITATIONS • J Foe their im m ediate relief and healing doctors prescribo Resinol W. N. U , San Francisco, No. 4 0 -IMA