RURAL ENTERPRISE ^/^íbany^/)irectory Map Showing Southern Pacific *9 Program for Railroad Development ln Southern Oregon and Northern California PAGE I T h u is goo-1 advice: " I t you live in Albany, trade io Albany; if you live in some other town, trade in that town." Hut in theae automobile daya many re- aiding elaawherc find it advisable to do at leaat part of their buying in the larger town. Those who go to Albany to transact business will find the firms named below ready to fill their require­ ments with courtesy and fairness. Summer Excursion Fares S e p t. 1 5 th J. L IN D A H L , hardware, 1 Dinnerware Tin shop in connection V. First St. Albany, Oregon A Ibaoy Floral Co. Marshfield last J ay o f sale *?<{ Rosebur Start now; save money by taking advan tage of these reduction*. And go via C u t flower« e * and plants. Floral art for every and all occasions. Flower phone 458-f. S ilv e r Lake C A L IFO R N IA Pbwers p E N T R A L T IR E SHO P charging. Four popular trains daily via scenic Shostd route. Thence three routes east. Tire Vulcanmug- Battery re­ 221 W. Second. Ed Falk, Prop. \3 ra n ts Pass M e d fo rd 's ustburo Bros.— Two big grocery E A shland\ stores, 212 \V. First and 225 South Main. Good merchandise at the right prices. Klamath Falls lite C a feteria aud confectionery E Home cooking. Pleasant surround­ ings. Courteous, efficient serviee. We make our own candies. W s. rrill \M a lin ^»Cornell For /o r « , rrsenutioni and full inform ation. ask agrnt Southern Pacific Lines D uncan . C f P. Moody, agt. Phone 226 Alturas 'ORD S A L E S A N D S E R V IC E Tires and accessories Repairs Black Butte K irk -P o liak M otor C o . jP o rtra ille r Furniture Co., furni- A ture, rugs, linoleum, stoves ranges Funeral directors. 427-433 west First street, Albany, Oregon, P U L L E R G R O C E R Y , 235 L. A (Successor to Stenberg Bros.) Groceries Fruits Produce Phone 2b3R T 1 0 L M A N & JACKSON Grocery—Bakery Everything in the line of eats Opposite Postoffice • 2 P re se n t Sou. Pac. Lines A’evp L ines Proposed o r Be • i "">* Constructed u n d e r S .P P lan . . L ines in d ic a te d in Oregon Trunk A pplication .W endel Westwood ARROW GARAGE, Gansle Bros. AUTHORIZED LIGHT-TESTING STATION • Reflectors and lenses for nearly all makes of • cars. • Have vour lights tested as soon as possible • Don’t wait till the last minute. •N ew law goes into effect Sept. 1. M P E R 1 A L C A F E , 209 W . F irs t Harold G. Murphy Prop. Phone 665 W e never close B R IE F G ENER AL N E W S 1 Z O D A K F IN IS H I N G A* For expert work send your films to Haakin’s film shop, 309 Lyon street, All sav, Oregon. • J • • • • • E dith Sm ith, form erly of U a k sey, now living a t Bandon, vis­ ited at th e W ahl home last week. She left fo r hom e T hurs­ day. Frank Bressler, 64, vice president of the Bank of Genesee, Genesee, Idaho, died in Portland, following an extend­ ed illness. John B. Inman of Springfield, 111., Mr. and Mrs. H a rry Com­ past department commander of Illi­ mons were in A lbany F riday. nois. was chosen commander-in-ebief of the G. A. R. Prepare au Postal receipts at 50 leading cities ex h ib it for of the United States were 11.26 per the cent higher in August, 1925, than in August, 1924, the postoffice depart­ ment announced. Dr. A. H. Upham, president of the University of Idaho, has declined an offer of the presidency of a university In the middle west, at a considerable rid your system of Catarrh or Deafnesa increase in salary over that he re­ caused by Catarrh. ceives at Idaho. Sold 6» d m t t n f fo r m The Rev. Father Thomas J. Purcell, F. J. CHENEY &. CO.. Toledo. Ohio 65. one of the most widely known Catholic priests of the northwest, died at Wallace, Idaho, of heart trouble In duced by diabetes. His most notable work was among the missions of northern Idaho, where he built many churches. A ll work done promptly and reason ably. Phone 269 Heavy Storm Hlta Central Oregon. Bend, Or.—All towns in central Ore­ gon except Bend were ln darkness Sunday as the result of an electrical IN T H E C IR C U IT COURT of the State of Oregon for the County of storm which swept over the Deschutes Linn, Department Number Two country. The Cline Falls power plant, George W. Laubner, four miles west of Redmond, was de­ Plaintiff, stroyed by fire caused by a bolt of The unknown beira of Law­ lightning which hit the power line at some point between Redmond and the rence Higgins, deceaarri, and also all other persons power plant at the cove. Damage to or parties unknown claim­ S u m m o n s the Cline Falls auxiliary plant was ing any right, title, estate, lieu or interett in the real estimated at $5000. •-state described in the esm- plaint herein, Defendants Fourth, construction of a line territory than there Is for the South­ through the Tule Lake basin 40 miles ern Pacific to build Into Bend, the from Klamath Falls to Cornell, serv­ timber products being of the same Official Strömberg carburetor serv ing the agricultural development in nature, while the agricultural prod­ ice station, Conservative prices. A1 work guaranteed. 119-121 W. Second ucts of southern Oregon and northern that section. Fifth, such further construction as California ln much the larger part IM p n and money are best when will be necessary In connection with find their markets on Southern Pacific busy. Make your dollars work in one of the previously named projects lines. To extend the Southern Pa­ our savings department. A lbany S tate to give a direct rqute from Klamath cific lines to Bend or the Oregon B ank . „ Under government supervision Falls east, and by "direct” Is meant a Trunk Into Klamath territory simply Une at least 200 miles shorter than means hauling timber products for a I L f A R iN K L L O P A R L O R S the present line through the Sacra­ longer distance than Is necessary, -J-’ * (A beauty aid for every need) bringing both the rail lines and the S t. Francis Hotel New Line« Mean Expenditure mento valley ln California. Sixth, centering of these lines in mills Into an undesirable and not a Prop. Winifred Rcse of $38,000,000; Protection Klamath Falls and establishment of a constructive competition As to distance to eastern mar­ district terminal here with estimated OSCOE A M E S H A R D W A R E of Investm ent Necessary payroll well ln excess of 11,000,000 a kets, the Southern Pacific points out The Winchester Store year, which w ill grow as trafric grows, that Its line, as projected from In addition to the 123.000,000 ex­ Klamath Falls via Ogden, w ill be Southern Pacific Company's plana i Qecond hand Pianos from $185 u| for railroad development ln southern pended upon the Natron cutoff, $16,- shorter than the Oregon Trunk ln h-J If you want a bargain in a piano no» Oregon and northern California and 000,000 more w ill be required to carry connection with Its parent companies is your chance. They're in A1 condition out the Southern Pacific plans as to all eastern territories south of and Davenport Music House. 409 W. Firs its views with respect to the proposed announced. This means that It must Including parts of South Dakota, Min­ entry of the Oregon Trunk Railway nesota and the major part of W is­ Q t a p le and Fancv Groceries Into this territory, aa developed from develop eufflclenly new earnings ln connection with operating savings that consin, nearly all of the United States Crockery and Glasswar* authoritative Southern Pacific aourcaa. east of the Rockies. Mrs. M G. Stetter were printed at Klamath Falls, Ore­ It may make because of a shprter Phone 139^J 206 W. Second it. gon, September 2. The News article route east from the northwest, to Would Jeopardise Investment justify the new Investment of some in part is as follows; The Southern Pacific opposes the T IM 8 O N T H E S H O E DOCTOR $38,000,000. common user theory, which haa been Second street, opposite Hamilton's System Comprehensive to some extent publicly promoted aa a I The Southern Pacific has announced •tore. The Southern Pacific states that Its means of giving the Oregon Trunk I a very definite program for conatruc- Sudden Service.’ | tlon centering ln Klamath Falls. The system is comprehensive and designed access to Klamath Falls over the Y V e l l i o Anderson & Son. d is trih I new lines proposed under these plans to meet every development need ln Natron line of the Southern Pacific, ’ ’ utora and dealers for Maxwell, Chai I give a direct route for through traffic this section. It opposes the entry of on the ground that no railroad should mera, Essex, Hudson A Hunmobile car«. I from southern Oregon, northern Call- the Oregon Trunk Line Into this ter­ be permitted to Jeopardise the invest­ Accessorie», «s polies. 1st & Broadalbin I fornla, western Oregon and the North ritory because It does not believe suf­ ments of another by use of latter's traffic can be developed to sup­ invested capital ln facilities and thus I Pacific Coast generally via Klamath ficient V K S P E C IA L T Y S H O P P E port the parallel and competing In­ enable It to come ln without capital I Falla to the east through Ogden. They -*- hemstitching and stamped goods vestments that would result through Investment and share the business of 318 W. Second at. Albany, Oregoi I give the timber districts tributary to construction of the Oregon Trunk. the pioneer line, putting Itself In po­ I Klamath Falls railroads that will Owner, Mrs. Irene Davis. Neither railroad can carry out any of sition of ptcklng or choosing what I bring logs and lumber of southern Its plan in part or whole except with part of a line or what part of the It you enjoy a good mesl, I Oregon and northern California to .'nd know- a good meal when you get it I this city. Likewise, these lines will the permission of the Interstate com­ facilities of Its neighbor It may desire Ton'll be back, tor yon'll not forget it I develop the agricultural regions of merce commission. The commission The Southern Pacific points out that T o the above-named defendants: Is holding a hearing In Portland Oc­ the Oregon Trunk has proposed two Our aim is to please vou. I thia same section Briefly then, a tober In the name of the state of Oregon : 5 upon these various applica­ lines, one closely paralleling Its You and each of you are hereby required I comprehensive plan has been adopted tion«. Natron cutoff or Involving the com to appear and answer the cemplamt I that gives all the necessary local The Southern Pacific’s plans for this mon use of the Natron cutoff, which of plaintiff filed against you in the ALBANY I terries for the development of north- section between 1912 and 1922 were from newspaper reports, but not from above entitled court and cause on or I ern California and southern Oregon through no fault of its own any authoritative statements. It la G E O . M G IL C H R IS T liefbre the 14th day of October, 1925. I and ties In therewith a direct railway suspended this entire period an attack proper to say has been apparently the same being the date specified in the I service to all the markets of the During order of publication of thia aumnsona, was made through the courts upon its abandoned; the other the line coming I United States that may be made tribu- holdings of the Central Pacific and and if you fail to to appear and answer down from Bend almost to Natron cut­ I tary to the Klamath Falls section, and effort said complaint the plaintiff will take a made to make It sell its inter­ off, but not so far but what It would W rite lor booklet describing our 20 decree against yon in accordance with I In this construction of new lines ests In the Central Pacific. As the line F R E N C H & S O N yrar Rural Credit Amortized Loan I Klamath Falla la the renter. deprive that line of a great deal of the prayer of plaintiff's complaint in to Ogden and the lines to northern traffic, and then at Ita southern end 1 he loin pays out in 20 payments, re thia cause, to wit T hat you. and each Jewelers, Opticians, A lbany Steps Taken by S. P. California were largely of Central Pa­ paralleling the existing, aa well as • ning the principal. Cheap rates. Nt of yon be required to act forth the na cific ownership, obviously nothing delay. B eam L and C o ,, lure and aatent of the interest or To this end the Southern Pacific some of the projected, lines of the 133 Lyon street, Albany. Ore. estate claimed in and tn said premise* could be done until that question was Strahorn system, to the very great has taken the following steps; i described in plaintiff's complaint and First, finishing construction of the disposed of. As soon as the Inter­ detriment of the latter. ] that plaintiff • title to said orennses be state commerce commission did finally P Y O U break your glasses Natron entoff, as a through line ; decreed to be valid and forever quieted Should Be Protected which w ill be done by midsummer of dispose of It by sustaining the claim don't worry. Pick up the and that yon, and each of you, he for- The Southern Pacific feels that It of the Southern Pacific to Its owner­ next year at an expense of approxi­ at lowest rate, of interest. pieees. We oan match them ! ever barred from claiming any right, must point out, as a business Insti­ ! tittle, estate or interest in and to said mately $23,000.000, ln addition to ship, work was actively begun upon Real Estate Insuranc m o n e y already invested In the the Natron cutoff, to put the Klamath tution, It le obliged to look forward and give you (be tatne precriptioo premises, or any part thereof, whieh th a t the original p air was made to a fair return within a reasonable premises are described aa follows l*Tonipt service. Courteous treatment K l a m a t h Falls - Eugene - Oakridge Falls section on the through trunk from. Our m anufacturing plant is •' Beginning at an iron pipe, which la line between the North Pacific Coast W m ' B a in , Room 5, First Sa vings Ran) branches. and California, and more recently it complete and sour work w ill bear ' east 60 feet distant from the sontbwest bnilniog, Albany Second, the acquisition, subject to was announced that the Southern Pa­ corner of block No $ in Sboriri Oregon, the closest inspetion. the approval of the interstate com­ cific's further plana, made many years which is recorded in volume 1. page I), of plat records in Linn county, Oregoo . merce commission, of all the common ago, for serving thia territory, In­ thence north 462 feet to an iron pipe, stock and the bonds of the Nevada- cluding a direct line to the east, would 1 thence east I2O leel Io the wept line of Caltfornla-Oregon Railway, extending be carried out promptly. 1 right of way of Southern Pacific Rail- from Wendel. California, near Susan­ During all of thia time, from 1914 1 road.compeny ; thence south along the ville, 156 miles northward to Lake- on, the Oregon Trunk, terminating at 1 weet line off said right ef way 461 'j M M W M o n feet to an iron pipe, thane* west 12« flendf 148 miles north of Klamath 1 leet to the place of beguiling, contain­ .Thlfl). acquisition of air Interest to Falls, unhampered by any legal dlffl- 1 ing 1.^7 acres, more or Isss.^MI lying in theyOregon. California and Eaatern cultlea, did not tee Its w ar clear to 1 Linn county, state of Oregon.'* Railway (the. Strahorn line), subject make any extension southward Into ’ LA W YER * AND NOTARY Thia summons n served on you by to the approval of the Interstate com­ thia territory. No action was taken ’ publication sutheriaed and ordered by H alsey , O regon merce commlsalou, which aeearee the until the Southern Pacific had In 1 order ol lion Percy B. Kelly, judge of necessary financial support to extend vested a sum running Into many tall 1 the above entitled court, made and en­ tered at cherabe-s at Albany, Oregon, nn Mrs. W . W. S tu a rt and two these lines eastward to the I^kevlew Ilona la furtherance of Its plans and <■ the 19th day of August. 1925. children of A lbany visited at district and northeast Into Silver Lake had announced the main features of t The date of the first publication of district, with a branch up the W il­ Its proposed construction. r this aummena it the 26th day of August the A. C. «Armstrong home liamson river, Mr 8trahorn already The Southern Pacific points out that 1 1925. L. O. Lewellmg, W ednesday. Mrs. S tu a rt is bavins made applications to cover there Is no more reason for the Ore- - t Attorney far Plaintiff. gon Trunk coming southward into this I 3 these extensions. Mrs. A rm strong’s sister. Box 325, Albany. Oregon. ALBANY IL f A G N E T O E L E C T R IC CO. P S. P. Plans for R. R, , Development In O regon and No. Calif. COUNTY FAIR M edicine 2^5%" F. M. GRAY, DRAYM AN PARAGON CAFE The GIRL FARM LOANS The DIAMOND FARM LOANS I COUNTS FAIR f *•» Amor A. Tussing E. C. Meade H. Albro, ' "