Zt Æ Y< A g r c u 11 u r o H o rtc u ltu re L iv e s to c k A \\ eekly Chronicle of Local Events and Progress on Linn County Land S E P T . *», iQ’ 5 H a ls e y H ap p en in g s and C o u n ty Events Brownsville noon. Saturday after- A crew it putting up naw elec­ tric poles and boarding at H . W . Chance'«. Doings of Our Populace Chronicled in Brief Mrs. Florence Leeper has returned to her home in Eu­ Paragraphs gene. A. J, Hill was at Jucntion City Monday. iJllie Johnson is administra­ trix of the estate of the late James A. Johnson. Mrs. Grant Froman, wife of the county assessor, died Sat­ urday morning, aged 58. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Arm­ strong drove to Oakland Thurs­ day, returning the same day. P a rtia l List of C on ten ts I Pine Grove____________ _ g Fashions__ ___________ A lf o r d ...___ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Crest Outdoors— Farm Items . Lake C re e c _______ ; Msrkets. .................................. Linn County Fair ALBANY, OREGON Sept. 22, 23, 24, 25 i Preferred Stock : Canned Goods ► I I “ Preferred Stock” means all that the name! I implies—the choice of the pack. i > When yon bu> Preferred Stock goods y o u , > have wisely chosen incomparably the best, se-( ► lected for size, flavor and quality. i , Alake the test yeurself. Compare Preferred! i Stock with other brands and it will meet with < i your discriminating choice < Preferred Stock goods are not packed to meet < a price. They are sold only to those who ap-( I*reciafc»'first-quality.’ «, • » - r < It is true some brands are sold cheaper, but J they arc sold solely on price appeal. ( We are distributers of about thirty varieties| of Preferred Stock goods. j M. V. KOONTZ CO. • HALSEY, OREGON < *^rs- A. L. Knighten and I Mrs. E. E. Hover were Albany ¡callers Monday afternoon. Miss Sophia Heinrich of Corvallis visited at th»j Hein­ rich home over the week end. Mr. and Mrs. Everest Hover oi Harrisburg spent Sunday with then daughtei, Sirs. Bert Haynes. Harry Stewart anti family of West Stayton visited at E. E. Hover’s and R. K. Stewart's Sunday. Mrs. Mary Palm er and Mrs. Jane Cumming? visited Mrs. Agnes McNeil,Wednesday and Thursday. G . McNeil and family and the A ./F . Albertnon fam­ ily went to Newport Wednes­ day, retuir.ing Saturday. K. Stewart family left Monday for their new home at/ Pleasant Hill, after II year? spent on th e Shepherd place. / Sun-day guestn at R. K. Stewp.rt’s were M rs. Anna Rec- »or’ , Redmond Pearl, Mrs. P. M. Stewart, Mr. and Mrs. Mar­ ion Fraley and si nail daughter, Rodeli Stewart, J VIrs. Ella Wal- Tice and dauf hter Grace, Elizabeth Stew art, Laurence ( romley, Willis. Charles and Harry Reeves. 3 Tarry Stewart end family of ’ West Stayton and E. E. Hovej and family. A lford A rro w E vaporated M ilk H lant at A lb a n y (By an Enterprise Reporter) News of Halsey------- . ---- ------- page 1 Sunday school lesson.. Monday was labor day. The A ll O r e g o n . . . . . . . . . _. . . . . . . 5 Banker on Federal Reserve entire Enterprise office force Church Announcement* . . . . __ 1 Farmer» C a rry Load.............. labored. la the J u n g le ................ t, Oats fo r A lfaffa Nurse Crop. A. E. Foote and wife, from Superstitions . . . . . . _____ . . . . . . t American Educstion W e e k ___ _ Eugene, visited at A. W. Your H e alth b Photographing Brazilian W ilds Foote s Sunday. Daddy's Fairy T a le ______ ___ _ 7 Canning Instructions_________ The Staffords had as week­ Editorial comment 4 An Albany M ilk Condeasary_. Sertal s to r y ........................ end guests Mr. and Mrs. R. S. 2 L ig h tm n r Strikes sear Halsey Dawes on the Wa r p a th _______ Henderson of San Francisco 8 Holiness Association_____ ___ V anderbilt Chateau to Be Sold and Mrs. R. R. McAlpin of 8 Rike M u iical R e c ita l................... 8 I Cloudburst K ills T w e lv e ........... Stueral Mitchell Says His Say. Portland. Helen Armstrong will teach Gu» Norquist, 63. a native of Swed foreign languages, including sn. com mitted suicide in the county laij at Albany by cutting two gashes Spanish and Latin, in the Cres­ In his throat and then tearing his well high school this year. She throat open w ith his hands. H is act left Monday for that place to was caused by despondency as a re­ begin school Tuesday. sult of ill hecl'h Mrs. J. S. Nicewood and Jennie and Leroy, J. A. Burns T h e G re ate st E vent of the Season Alfred Sternberg has bought the machinery of a large sad­ and wife and Claude Axtel dle factory in Texas and pro­ started Monday for southern poses to establish that indus­ Oregon points andSacramento, to spend a couple of weeks on try at Albany. the trip. The postoffice joined the Much news that usually "clean up, paint up” cam­ paign, and though it did not reaches us by Monday’s mail need the first half thereof the and is set on a linotype at other half has made it look Brownsville that evening came too late this week because whiter and brighter. Monday was a holiday. There­ Earl Hansen and Gerald fore it is omitted. Gentry, small Harrisburg boys, Prudence’s daughter comes were sent to the state reforma­ home week. She demon­ tory Friday. According to the strates this that one can have Bulletin these and other boys wealth and Is Just not be a snob. But D a y s A w ay have been doing petty pilfer­ her experience in Greenwich ing. The silly sentiments some village has been worth its cost people parade about such out­ laws as those who recently to her, as we shall see. Thirteen days full of busy preparation for Anticipating R. K. Stewart’s broke away from Salem en­ the biggest and best fair over held in in couraged the boys to start on departure for his new poultry Linn county. the wrong road. farm, announced elsewhere, there was a family reunion Child clinics are becoming Saturday at the Straley home, popular among health meas­ participated in by Mrs. Stew­ ures and are saving many a rt’s daughters. Miss Elizabeth lives. The;i are features of al­ and Mrs. Fraley and by Mr. most every fair now-a-days. Fraley and the baby and by The Shedd community fair, the following from Portland: which occurrs on the 18th and Lawrence Cromwell, Mrs.Flor­ promises to be the most suc­ ence Stewart and son Rhodell cessful yet. will include this and Mrs. L. H. Wallace and Watch for complete program next week feature with the rest. daughter Grace and Harry A. C. Armstrong was in Reeves. The Thursday prev­ ious 55 people had surprised the family with a farewell Albauv’s I party. P in e G ro v e P o in ts I L ak e C reek L o cals only I A rthur Brennaman of Tan­ EXCLUSIVE1 gent. 18, ran an auto in front (B y Special Correspondent) (Enterprise Correspondent) of six cars that were making Charles Munger has been a "flying switch” at the yards Ira Miner and family »pent OPTICAL PARLORS visiting Jay Suitar. there Wednesday night and Sunday at P. A. Pehrsson’s. was killed in the wreck that Miss Barbara Jones of Cor­ E V E R Y T H IN G O P T IC A L Hop h picking at me the i McLar- followed. His father, Rev. M. «— — b «v ucl , vallis has been visiting at Mar­ E. Brennaman, was in Illinois, 1 en yard started Wednesday B a n c r o ft O p tic a l C o. tin Cummings’. where he had gone to attend Bert Haynes and family mo­ a Mennonite conference. Everybody that can leave d id West First street, A lbany.O r. tored to Eugene Saturday af­ home is in the hop yr.rds. (Continued on page 8) ternoon. Hops are good this year. , P a ir y P o u ltry W ool A number of people from here attended the farewell party at R. K. Stewart’s Thurs­ day evening. Mrs. C. S. Williams and Mrs Thomas Ardry spent part of last week in Eugene to be near their brother, Wm. Brock, who is in a hospital there. The Holiness Association The Holiness association is engaged in an effort to in­ crease spirituality in churches and individuals, without re­ gard to sect. Its campaign in this county has been waged in Halsey, Peoria and Harrisburg and will be staged nt Brownsville today and Sweet Home tomor­ row. Friday, Saturday and Sunday will be Albany days and on the last of those days it is proposed to organize'a Linn county association. Only two counties have been thus organized. Keith Hayes of Halsey spent Friday, Saturday and Sunday with Carl Isom. Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Isom and daughter Beverly spent the week end at Cascadia. Chester Curtis and family were Sunday evening callers at Bob Allen’s in Halsey. The prospect seems to be good for the establishing of a condensed milk factory at Al­ bany. The reason the propos­ al was abandoned at Corvallis Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Serfling was the fact that there are of Eugene visited at E. D. many more dairy cows in this Isom’s Monday afternoon. county than in Benton. The proponents agree to Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Whit- beck were Sunday afternoon pay 5 to 8 cents more per pound of butterfat than the callers at Ellsworth Curtis’. going price, getting its return Mr. and Mrs. Harry Holt Irom the skim milk, which it and little daughter of Salem will sell in powdered form. called at Lee Ingram’s Mon The county is being canvassed day evening. for cows, which are pledged Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Dannen for only three months from the and three children of Shedd starting of -work at the fac­ visited at E. A. Starnes’ Sun- tory. This it is hoped will not be later than the beginning of the new year. The price Mr. and Mrs. Guy Roberts being offered is $2.32 a hund­ and children of Toledo and red pound, for 4-per- cent milk Mr. and Mrs. Robert McKee of • od 2.06 for A.par-cant and Eugene spent Sunday at Mich­ the company, which will do all ael Rickard’s. the hauling, feels safe in as­ Mrs. Alice Allen, Miss Geor­ suming that patrons will want gina Clark of Halsey and Mrs. to continue after a thre/- Florence Brock of Lake Creek months trial. visited at Chester Curtis’ Sat The Albany chamber of urday afternoon. commerce has agreed to erect Trank Bond and family of a $10,000 building and give Springfield called at E. D. the company five years at 5 Isom’s Sunday afternoon. Cari per cent in which to pay for i t Isom accompanied them home The machinery is expected and left on the train Monday to cost $65,000 and the com­ morning from Springfield for pany separates the cream, a week’s visit with his uncle, makes and markets the butter, J. F. Isom, and family at Oak­ dries the milk to a powder ridge. and puts it on the market and cans the buttermilk in a semi- Mr. and Mrs. Chester Sick- solid state for hog and chick­ els and son Harold returned en feed, selling it at a price to their home in Albany Sun­ equivalent to lc a gallon for day evening, after a week buttermilk. The dryer turns spent at the home of Mrs. milk into powder in 30 min­ Sickels’s sister, Mrs. E. D. utes. Isom. Mrs. L. E. Bond and When the dairyman has son Lester of Albany came af­ drawn the milk from the cows ter them. and strained it his part of the job is done. Dairymen are readily sign­ B row nsville Briefs in g up for the three-months trip. Stenberg Bros, are The Elmore family is on a I trial working the project among camping trip in southern Ore­ farmers for in this part of the gon. ( | county. The city and the woolen mills company have finished enlarging and improving the Another Lightning canal and now both have plen Freak Near By ty of water. Mrs. Oren Stratton's mother, Mrs. Jane Boles, celebrated Poles, Wires anti Phone Shattered at Suyter her 90th birthday Aug. 31 at Salem. Three daughters and Kesidonce a number of other relatives were in attendance. Monday’s thunder storm struck the local telephone line •» J*y Suytar’a, otar Tulsa, Church of Christ knocked half a dozen poles in­ to splinters, some of which flew into the field on the op­ posite side of the highway, followed the wires into Suit- ar’s house and blew up his. telephone and scattered the wire leading to the house in twisted pieces about a foot long. Sunday School, 10. Christian Endeavor, 7. P reaching, 11. The evening service will be conducted by those members of the church who are going away to college. The Christian Endeavor will hold an ice cream social Fri­ day. They are prepared for good or bad weather, so every­ body come. Good musical program. The subject for Sunday morning will be, "W hat Shall I Preach?” Clifford Garay, pallor. A. H. F’reerksen of Brattle M. E. Church has been here visiting his P.ohert Parker paaior. brother, P. H. Freerksen, and Sunday school, 10. his mother, Mrs. H. Freerksen Preaching. 11. of Shedd, He left for home Junior Ix-ague, 3, Monday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Zim­ merman left for Newport Fri­ day moruing ipr n few days. Chamber oi Commerce iv Helping to Finance the Project Intermediate League, 7 Epworth leacue, 7 Preaching, 8. Prayer-meeting Thursday, Mr. Suytar was in the Halaay telephone office during that atorm and could not gat a raapouaa from his home, but nobody hare knew why. J. S. Nicewood was in town af­ ter the thunder atorm with soma of the pieces of Suytar’a telephone wire that bad bean broken up by the electric discharge. People have a habit of doing tba vary foolish act of using the tela- phone during an alaotrical storm. Luckily the Suylere did not do that or there would have beau a funeral. An exeollent herd of Holataias was sold at Crabtraa Monday and prices ware disappointing. The •ala ought to have bean advertised iu the Enterprise to make it a suoceas. Alfred West was divorced by his Wife at Astoria. Then he set fire to her house as soon as the insurance had expired. He says he did it to regain her love. A hot wooer is Alfred.