g iF T 1 » ä >» RURAL ENTERPRISE News Notes From A ll Over Oregon Gleaned by the W estern Newsapor Union for Busy Peeple Work on a proposed $20,000 school building at Cascade Locks will start at once. A total of 133 fires has been re­ ported in the Whitman national forest thia season During the month of July the Coos county court expended $77,007.80. Of this sum. $60.138.81 was used in road work. Resumption of raining activity in Baker county on a large scale is in­ dicated by reports of rich strikes by several prospectors. . Mrs. . F. A. . White, 84, of Hermiston, who creased the plains In the first wagon train to come to Oregon, died at her home in that city. John Havala, fisherman, aged 60, was drowned in Young’s bay at Astor­ ia when a skiff in which he was rid­ ing struck a log and overturned. Widening of the Coos harbor chan­ nel from 720 feet to a uniform breadth of 1000 feet la favored by Major Coin er, war department engineer in Port­ land. PAGE 5 before. The 112 reporting mills dur­ ing the week manufactured 107,793,- 867 feet and shipped 110.832.147 feet The value of the Eugene street rail way property on December 31, 1923, Including double track not necessarily useful in the public service, was $583, 000, while the value of the property for rate making purposes on the same date was $541,000, according to find ings of the public service commission Approximately one-fourth of the 22, 000 children who enter the first grades of Oregon public schools each year fail to pass their examinations for the second grade and thereby become ‘‘repeaters," costing the state around $80 apiece, according to a statistical tabulation by the bureau of education Completion of The Dalles-Callfornia highway through Wasco county, after three years of construction work, is announced by Division Engineer C. W Warner of the state highway depart­ ment. A big celebration of this event ° n September 10 la planned by Judge j T A<, klMon Bnd members of the Wasco county court. LABOR DAY 2-DAY HOLIDAY Go somewhere. Take the whole family for a joyous holiday outing. Reduced Roundtrip Fares For tares and train service, ask agent More convictions for fire law vio­ lations were obtained during the year ending August 25 in the Siuslaw na­ tional forest than in any other na­ M. Theunls. former premier of Bel­ tional forest In Oregon and Washing­ C. P. Moody A gent gium, who headed the Belgian debt Phone 226 ton, according to a report received at commission to Washington. the office of R. 8. Shelley, super Paul A. Chase of Battleboro, Ver- visor of the Siuslaw forest. Twenty mont, who at twenty-nine years of age convictions were obtalaji. has been named special assistant to Four fatalities were due to indus­ United States Attorney-General Sar­ Petitions asking for a mile and one- trial accidents in Oregon during the gent. half of pavement, connecting east ap­ week ending August 27, according to proaches to Bend with the business a report issued by the state Industrial HANEY DEFIES COOLIDGE Seattle, Wash. — Arthur M. Free, [ AUTHORIZED LIGHT-TESTING STATION j The victims section, were presented to the Bend aecident commission. representative in congress from Cali­ were Robert Wales, Silverton, logger; Oregon Member of Shipping Board fornia. ranking republican member of city council. ► Reflectors and lenses for nearly all makes oft Refuses to Resign. the house committee on merchant Two of the Banks gold mills, a new­ William Rupe, Vernonia, laborer; J. K ars. I Washington, D. C.—The resignation marine and fisheries, visiting Seattle, ly invented centrifugal amalgamator, Bruno, Portland, box wood loader, and have been Installed at the Little mine Ray Gaston, Portland, steel riveter. of Bert E. Haney of Oregon as a com advocated abandonment of the govern- ► Have your lights tested as soon as possible east of Bandon and will be in opera­ A total of 788 accidents was reported missioner of the shipping board has I ment railroad in Alaska, built at a ► Don’t wait till the last minute. during the week. been requested by President Coolidge 1 cost of $60,000,000 tion within the coming week. ^New law goes into effect Sept. 1. September 13 has been set by the and has been refused. j “Running from Seward to Fair- Forty-three doctors passed the ex­ state public service commission as While Mr. Haney declined to dis-1 banks," Free said, “the railroad amination conducted by the Oregon state board of medical examiners held the date for hearing of the Investiga­ cuss the matter or make public the . serves a population of less than 5000. In July, according to the report of U. tion Into the rates and service of the correspondence It was indicated the Tbe cost of maintaining it each year Interurban Stage company and the president acted because of dlssatisfac- ' ls approximately $400 for each per- C. Coe, secretary of the board. Coast auto lines, The hearing will tlon with Mr. Haney's attitude to-1 8<”> of population along its line." A party of engineers from the-Ken- be held at Salem. Investigation Into ward President Palmer of the fleet Free declared that Including pay­ neeott mines In Alaska, one of the the rates and service of the Portland- corporation. ment of interest on Its bonds or sink properties of the American Smelting Tillamook stage line and the line be­ ing fund, fhe railroad had cost the & Refining company, is In Baker this tween Portland and Albany has been Russia Returns to Vodka. government $2,000,000 a year In main week Inspecting the copper belt. set for September 16 at Salem. Moscow. — Manufacture of liquors tenance and that the future held no Congress to Be Urged to Enact The fishing season In Columbia riv­ France and Italy Promise to Martin B. Madden, representative In containing 60 per cent of alcohol and prospect of reduction in this expense. Measures Tending to Reg­ er waters closed Thursday. Moat of congress from the state of Illinois vodka of 40 per cent will be permitted Along its entire length there is not Act; Stern Measures Pro- j the fishermen report unusually good and chairman of the appropriations in soviet Russia from October 1. un­ a single industry sufficiently large to ulate Traffic. spring and summer catches. The fall committee, spent an hour in Salem der a decision reached by the central Justify Its construction. Government posed For Others. season will open September 10. tests have proved that the coal along Friday, conferring with Governor active committee. Washington. D. C.—Regulation of in­ All organizations of a secert or Pierce and other state officials. He the road Is of too poor a grade to be Washington. D. C.—Completion ef semi-secret nature within the senior stopped off while en route to his used on ships or In Industry. The terstate bus lines in the same man­ all funding negotiations with A meri- ner that most of the states now con or Junior high schools of Salem were home after attending the recent tax / " ' f \ Y TXT'T’V i rallroad doe8 not lap a mine of any P repare an 1 ra's war time debtors and artion upon placed under a ban as the result at meeting in Portland. Representative V v / U l l 1 I | 8*»e. and the country through which trol automobiles In common carrier the agreement by the forthcoming e x h ib it for an order Issued by the school board. Madden and Governor Pierce were it runs could be more economically service within their borders, will he the asked of congress at Its coming ses «esalon of congress Is the new pro­ served by highways and trails. Herbert Goffier died at McMinnville born in the same section of Illinois. slnn, with both the organized bus gram of the American debt commte- from injuries received when the truck Twenty-five per cent reduction in operators and the state utility com ' *i°D In which he wag riding rolled down a the w eight.of automotive truck ton missions lending their support Io the ! Official Washington appears satla- 30-foot embankment on St. Joseph nage allowed on the Columbia high proposal. H**1 ,he Program could be accompllah- jl/Je n and money are best when bridge, 1*4 miles north of McMinn­ way between The Dalles and the ^ / ^ b a n y j / ) i r e c t o r y Offlclals of the United States bu ! * * • • • <* ,h « meeeuree busy. Make your dollars work in ville. Multnomah county line will become w"h respect to the smeller our savings department. A lbany S tate reau of roads regard redorai hus regu Swan Swanson, lumber worker, was effective October 1. The state high B ank . Under government supervision. lation as necessary and inevitable and debtors and the assurances of artion Instantly killed when a load of lum­ way commission decided that the light have suggested that house and aeaate already given by France and Italy, the ber fell on him as he was at work in pavement In that stretch of the high DOSCOK AMES HARDWARE committees, In drafting such a meaa two remaining major powers whose T his is good advice: “ It you live the yard of the Shaw-Bertram Lum way must be protected against heavy ure, give careful heed to the deciaions debts are unfunded in Albany, trade in Albany ; if you live The Winchester Store Dissatisfied with (ha stow prog­ her company at Klamath Falls. His truck shock of greatly increased traf in of various atate supreme courts re some other town, trade in that town. “ fic on the eastern end of the highway skull was crushed. ress of conversations with most of • U,?'n° bitle 7 - ’ Q o c o n d han d P ian os from $185 up garding operation of motor busses aa the smaller nations the commission siding elsewhere find it advisable to do O t* * . Action by the Baker city council during the fruit shipping season. The at general passenger carriers. you want a bargain in a piano least part of their buying in th e 1 ” J™ "«nt a bargain in a piano now against growers and dealers from regulation adopted by the commission larger town. Those who go to Albany is your chance. They're in Al condition Thus far the Interstate commerce has taken a positive stand, the first will limit the truck load weights to Davenport Music House. 409 W. First commission has pursued a strict evidence of which la the Information Idaho who bring their products to to transact business will find the firms Baker and sell below wholesale prices 18,500 pounds. Including the truck. named below ready to fill their require­ "hands off" policy In the matter of that Csecho-Slovskta soon «rill send taple and Fancy Groceries « delegation to take up a funding pro­ Oregon pensions have been granted ments with courtesy and fairness. to the detriment of the Baker county Crockery and Glassware motor busses, even where classified posal and that the Greek government as follows: Thomas H. Sisk, Port grower, is planned. as Interslate carriers In instances Mrs, M G. Stetter ACCESSORIES ANO TIR ES Phone 139jj 206 W. Second st. where railroad companies have made has authorized Its minister here to Plans looking to the purchase by land, $15 a month; William J. Smith ■i"* Auto Supplies Informal ex­ Portland. $12 a month; Joseph E to forward freight »hip initiate negotiations the city of Salem of the property of J. H. A llison O T IM S O N T H E 8H O B DOCTOR arrangements ments by rail and motor truck, th, j Ranges have been underway for some the Salem Water company will be White, Portland, $12 a month; Henry 442 West First St. Second street, opposite Hamilton's commission has taken the position weeks between the commission and store. considered at a meeting of commit­ Keysern, Portland, $12 a month; John A J. LINDAHL, hardware, C. Delashmutt, Portland. $12 a month “ Sudden Service.” that its Jurisdiction does not extend Minister Pllp of Esthonia and the tees representing the chamber of com­ ■Ca," Dinnerware Zeno Llcas. Portland. $18 a month; to that part of the service carried on f.atvanian minister here la near an merce and city council. Tin shop in connection Anderson & Soil, distrib- by motor truck over highways. agreement with thia government. Frank H. Snodgrass. Portland, $15 a 330 W. First St. Albany, Oregon ’ ’ utors and dealers for Maxwell, Chal­ Extensive plans are being made for month; James C. Martindale, Portland Of those powers whose debta re­ e free sea food dinner, to be served at $12 a month; Harold Tonseth, Port A lbany Floral Co. Cut flowers mers, Essex, Hudson A Hupmobile cars. main unfunded only Czecho slovakia, Accessories, a polies. lal A Broadalbin. j Florence on Labor day, September 7, land, $12 a month; Clyde W. Eddy, e w „„j plants, Floral art for every France. Italy and Russia owe amounts to celebrate the letting of the con­ Portland, $12 a month; Charles H and ail occasions greater than $70,000,000 The Russian rp H K “ FADA ” RADIO Flower phone 458-f. tract for the first link nf the Rot’se- Graves. Gates. $12 a month; June J. -J- We think the Fads is the best, Ask credit of more than a quarter of a for demonstration' Woodworth Drug velt highway in Lane county. billion dollars made to the czarlst gov­ ast burn Bros.—Two big grocery Chapman, Powell Butte. $12 a month; Co. Calvin Ingle Prop. stores, 212 W. First and 225 South A proposal that automobile mechan­ minor of John A. Perry, Dallas, $4 ernment Is conceded to be worthless. Philadelphia. Pa. — Anthracite min­ Main. Good merchandise at the right ics be licensed and required to com­ a month. Discussion of the foreign debt ques- V E SPECIALTY SH O PPE prices. A hemstitching and stamped goods. ing in northeastern Pennsylvania was llon here slso developed sn official ply with such regulations and require­ Second si. Albany. Oregon ordered stopped at midnight Monday by expression that Great Britain had not ments aa insure ability to make re­ E V ite Cafeteria and confectionery 318 W. Owner, Mra. Irene Davit. order df the United Mine Workers. scaled down the French debt aa far ^-4 Home cooking. Pleasant surround­ pairs was offered at the state con­ The suspension was railed because ings. Courteous, efficient serviee. ss has been indicated In first advices vention of the American Federation the miners were unahla io ehtaln from of the Anglo-French agreement. We make our own candies. If you enjoy a good meal, of Labor at Marshfield. W S. D uncan . .«nil know a good meal when you get it, (he operators a 10 per cent wage in­ Director of Finance Maiaffie was « Seattle, Wash —In asking the mem You'll he back, tor yon’ll not forget it. crease. adoption of the check-off, ord sales and service Grimm alfnlfs ls generally recngnlsed designated by the interstate commerce Iters of the state legislature to signify Our aim is to please vou. equalization of wages for day workers Tires and accessorie« sa hardier and superlor to most com­ commission to go to Portland October tAeir preferences as to the time for and various other demands which they Repairs mon variatisi of alfalfa. althongh a 5 for the hearings on the applications holding the special session, hereto­ K i s k -F ollak M otor C o . made conditional to renewal of the | few fermerà have secured equally good of fiva Oregon railroads for permis­ fore scheduled for the month of No­ ALBANY wage contract expiring August 31 stands and sstlsfactory ylelds from yrtm iller F urn itu re Co., furni­ sion to build or acquire extensions vember, Governor Hartley seems to The walkout will place a virtual pad­ the common alfslfa. G E O . M. G IL C H R IS T ture, rugs, linoleum, stoves ranges. have made It certain that there will be uf tbeir present line« lock on 828 mlnea In 10 counties. It Funeral directors. 427-433 west First The gap between the two railheads no session until January. The gover will Involve In addition to the hulk of street Albany, Oregon. Prepare an nor has said that he would defer to on the Klamath Falls-Eugene line of the miners another array of their de- j exhibit fo t i ller Glim erv , s k ïjô â the Southern Pacific Is now only 26 the wishes of the majority of the pendents tae Write tor booklet describing our 20- (Successor to Stenberg Bros.) miles In length. Steel Is being laid membership; and there Is no question The'full number of those dependent I Fruits Produce Groceries year Rural Gredit Amortized Izxaus at Odell at the rate of 6300 feet (bally, whatever that the majority In favor Phone 2t>3R The loan pays out in 20 payments, re­ upon the mines Is put at 500,000 and engineers expect to reduca the of waiting until after the Christmas tiring the principal Cheap rates. No About 8000 maintenance men will re I I n r / W Z A S A r W A A A A W W v M * holidays la almost strong enough to Interval between points of construc­ olman & jackson delay. B eam L ank C o , main In the pita by mutual agreement Granary—Bakery tion by half before snow forces sus­ maka it unanimous. 133 Lyon street. Albany, Ore. to prevent flooding. Why suffer from headache«? Everything in the line of eats Governor Hartley’s decision to con pension of work. Opposite Postoffice suit the senators and representatives Cyclone Wrecks Wisconsin Farms. Two Indictments charging Tom Mur­ Hare ub Candy C o,, F irst street, next Owen. Wla.—Seven persona were in­ ray. James Wlllos and Ellsworth KeF on this matter was not reached until door to Blain Clothing Co. at lowest rate of interest. jured and property damage estimated ley, convicts, with first degree mur­ after he had heard from a good many Noon lunches at more than $76,000 was caused when der. in connection with the slaving of of them, directly and Indirectly. Pro Heal Estate Insurance Home made candy and ice CreauL a cyclone swept through northern J Milton Holman and John Sweeney, test agafhsf convening In November, Prompt service. Courteous treatment. Examined as planned by the governor when the guards at the Oregon state penften- M PE R IA L C A FE . 209 W. First W m B ain . Room 5, First Savings Bank Clarke county late Saturday Farm regular session of last winter was cur homes, barns, granaries and several *l*ry, were returned by the Mai ion • Harold G. Murphy Prop builning, Albany tailed, generally was baaed on person Phone 865 threshing outfits were destroyed by county grand Jnry at Salem. al business and professional reasons W e n b v ie cloie the wind Tbe storm centered at a Sales by mills of the West Co« mt The governor’s decision to defer to Jeweler«, Optometrists point six miles south of thia city and Amor A. Tussi ng Lumbermen's association again w< re agneto - elect the wtsbee of tbe legislators as to the lasted about 10 minutes. Farmers •trong in the week ending August ¡3. date of the seeelon is eaid to have Official Strömberg carburetor sery Albany, Oregon LAW YER AND NOTARY were the worst sufferers. Conservative prices Al totaling 11S.77S.16O feet, which ctn n- been arrived at through the influence ice station H alsey , O reoom work guaranteed. 110-121 W. Second Pered wlHj 111.173.341 feet the tr$4 » of hie own co«u»ellors. _______ r f I Southern Pacific Lines Wants to Scrap Alanka Line ► A R R O W G A R A G E , Gansle Bros. To Ask Federal Debt Funding is Control of Busses Thought Nearer F A IR S Seattle Man Heads Coast D ry Forces E Would Postpone Legislative Scrap F PARAGON CAFE F FARM F LOANS COUNTY F A IR H FARM LOANS H YOUR EYES F. M. F rench & Son M RicTca