1 AOL 4 nunA L RURAL ENTERPRISE B t -----N o t IlB U tf« )— PBW B- paper, published tveiy Wedueiday, «F H. WHCJCLJCH Thirteen Is O u r Lucky N um ber 'D o n ’t W a s h L e ttu c e {1.50 a year T ill R e a d y to U se Adrertisiog, 20c an inch; no diacoun lor Mme or apace; no charge lor com t (Col. W. G. McKendrick powtion or c jangea. It of Canada in Dearborn Indepen­ dent) E 19 I E H m i 3 E S«PT 2. 193, The Great Outdoors fect-etand hills and from vigorous It is a common practice of healthy stalks. Plants which are green when the ear approaches ma­ VAST OREGON AREA OPEN the housewife to wash a head turity Insure normal maturity of the of lettuce, either in a pan of Joaaph became the two tribe«, » Y M P A T H E T IC SIM PLETO N S Land Still Unappropriated Totals water or under the faucet, be­ ear Ephriam and Manasseh. Man- “Close selection for ear type leads 13,251,000 Acres. fore she places it in the ice We hear of people who con­ asseh was the th irtee/th tribe. Chop Fine and Pack Tightly to a reduction In yielding ability. For Washington, D. C.—The interior de­ box. Generally each leaf is this reason no close selection for ear Is Plan U rged demn Carson for having de­ And students of this question partment announced that vacant and removed and washed sepa­ type should be made." ceived Bank Robber Murray who have identified the seed unappropriated public lands In the rately, and then after more or This is no very striking change of There 1. a lack of silo room In man» at Centralia and pretended to race of the United States with' viewpoint, except that too much em­ United States exclusive of national less vigorous shaking, placed line up with him for another Manasseh are not at all sur­ places for the whole corn crop should phasis has been placed on score card forests and other reserved areas total in a bag in the ice box. be frosted or Immature. Because robbery in order to bring about prised to find that the number It This added moisture pro­ the ear» are the most valuable part ear type and not enough on vigor. Mr. 181,716.816 acres, of which 129,506,231 ol the United States is thirteen. they his capture should be saved In any event. It Hayes’ experiments Indicate clearly have been surveyed. duces conditions for Look! There The proper place for those »««vie were thirteen uiirteen la difficult to save the ear» of a »oft that vigor has first claim on the seed The largest areas are in Nevada, bacterial better growth. Lettuce whose thoughts follow such I t0 *f)n*es- There are thirteen corn crop by storage In crib». In 1917 selectors attention. with 52,156,837 acres, and the smallest would keep longer and better I I n l« u la in r> kv i t . . 4* ItT 1 1 k* F I« » n r • «a areas are in Louisiana, with 10,701. lines is in a home for the fee­ stripes in your flag. Your the Iowa experiment station demon­ THE MARKETS if allowed to become a little Arizona has 13.578,760; California. ble minded, and the more of declaration of independence is strated that »oft ear» in the late roast­ drier, instead of being soaked ing stage could be husked, run 18.916,582; Colorado. 7,161.208; Idaho, them are thus taken care of signed by thirteen names. In Portland in water, says the department. through a silage cutter, and tightly the safer will be decent mem­ your national coat of arms parked Wheat — Hard white, soft white 9,887,139; Montana, 6,081,750; Ne­ Into »Iloa with very good re­ V ery few bacteria ever fail te braska, 29,797; New Mexico, 16,222,- the eagle holds anxlive branch sult». The silage resulting after 12 and western white, {1.50; hard winter. bers of the community. They prate about the of­ of thirteen leaves in his right days of fermentation was of surpris­ 1146; northern spring, {1.18; western 711; North Dakota, 131,165; Oregon, thrive on the harvested plants fense of Carson in deceiving talon, and a sheaf of thirteen ingly good quality and held its flavor red, {1.11; Big Bend bluestem, {1.55. 13,251,000; South Dakota, 261,861; where they produce, under Murray and pretending to line arrows in his left talon. In so well that at the end of two months Hay — Alfalfa, {18@19 ton; valley Utah, 28,583,778; Washington, 823,- favorable conditions, a slimy, decaying material, wholly un­ up with him for another rob­ the azure above the eagle’s It was In excellent feeding condition. timothy, {18@20; eastern Oregon 716, and Wyoming, 16,417,935. Oregon has been allotted {69,000 for fit for consumption. Head let­ bery, but have nothing to say head are thirteen stars. If Silage can be made In ten or twelve timothy, {23@24c. surveys of public lands for the present tuce and many days and will probably be ready to other vege­ Butterfat—52c shippers' track. about the deception practiced you doubt it, take a dollar or feed two weeks after Blllng. fiscal year under figqres just announc­ tables as well, as commonly Eggs—Ranch, 30@36c. by the criminals all along the a half out of your pocket and It Is not necessary to husk the ™ by the lDe Interior ■“t®»“'’ department. department. Idaho Idaho found on the market, are high­ course of their crimes. A man see. Your national motto “E corn In order to make soft-ear silage,” Cheese—Prices f. o. b Tillamook- ed ’ ^ „ 0 0 0 ,5 °'00° aDd Washin«ton ly contaminated with bacteria who violates his parole is Pluribus Unum” contains thir­ says Andrew Boss of University Farm, Triplets, 30c; loaf, 31c per lb. from the soil. Washing head Cattle—Steers, medium, { 7.25@8.00. 1 ’ ’ ___________________ worse than a plain, ordinary teen letters. St Paul, Minn. "Snapped com can to choice S i2 ~n ~ ! — Take the great seal of the te handled Just as satisfactorily as j , Hogs—Medium liar. All liars are moral cow­ 50 ' ® Inquiries Received Concerning Wheat. lettuce any great time prior millions ards, no matter how fond they United States, you will find the husked com and the husks give Pendleton. Or. - Federation wheat. to using K gives these m JHlOns o of f Sheep—Lambs, medium to choice the symbolism of the olive the advantage of greater bulk and ad may be of fighting. hich nrove,i m i,^ ° 7 ? r g a ? lsn ?s the chance Of which for three seasons has proved feed. {10.50 @>12.50. The piffle of these sympa­ leaves, the arrows and the dltlonal Itself the highest yielding variety in a lifetime in their race to de­ "The Iowa station urges chopping before the thetic simpletons is nauseous. stars thereon, but on the ob­ the com finely in making ear-corn si­ Umatilla county, has made such a vour the leaves verse side, which citizens sel­ lage and packing It tightly m the silo W heat __ stnt, Seattle. reputation 1UI for iis Itself that demands are are family has a chance. » k h » »• e, eu m a , demands white I 1 5 li , hart ’ \ 7 ’ W n the Great W ar sailed for Plenty of sunshine Into the house according to County Agent Hender­ cars, and Is slow to hid on them. bristles. The length is about one- 2. Construct removable roosts and • • • France on June 13, in thirteen son. Within the next two weeks 1000 twenty-fifth of an Inch. The thrips Is Governor West wants Sena­ ships, dropping boards, allowing as few transport« and convoys. cracks as possible. Good buttermilk or skim milk Is usually found ln the nxlls of the tons of lettuce will be shipped to tor Stanfield's record on the worth five cents per gallon for poultry leaves, not appearing on the leaves to And they were just thirteen outside markets. 8. Paint or spray the roosts, walls liquor question made public days in crossing. The great Farmers and livestock raisers of feed. Keep the dry mash before the any extent until present ln large num­ around the roo.ts, dropping hoards and and suggests that the senator hens ln open hoppers all the time. bers. The mature female, by means of war was really won on Septem­ nests with a full-strength solution of Oregon have had and repaid loans • • • is anything but dry. a tiny, saw-ltke organ near the end of ber 13, when American troops aggregating {33.026.130 from the fed­ two parts oil to one part stock dip, or In many sections sweet clover Is be­ ——— - -*•*- ■ the abdomen, cuts a silt ln a leaf or cut the St. Mihiel line, and the five gallons llnte sulphur to 40 gallons eral and Joint stock land banks from ing seeded for soli building purposes stem, and ln this slit deposits an egg, Superstition is a, religious same day was General Per­ of water. Applications should be made their Inception in 1921 until July 31 and ln most cases limestone Is being generally Inserted out of sight. Hers ‘,X tlme9 ln sprlnK- belief with which we disagree. shing’s birthday. of the present year, the treasury de applied to the soli In preparation for the eng hatches ln two to seven days, the clover. and fall, and ln pairs, one following partm(>nt has announced. depending on the temperature. The the other In five or six days. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT of t h e , ------------------------ Fairly heavy sales of Wasco county young thrips works Its way out and feeds ln the same manner as tha Prepare an wheat have been made during the past u.':, ;! ,K X n., ' ; : X C T“ o'"’ - Chicken M ite. Numerous will do what we adults. Their growth la rapid and in exhibit fur few days, although most of the farm­ claim for It — George W. Laubner, a week or two, they cease feeding and D uring the H ot Season the rid your »»Weni of Catarrh or Deafoeu ers are holding their grain for better seek a suitable location In which to Plaintiff caused by Catarrh. The summer time brings with It our vs. pupate. This la a resting stage of greatest trouble with chicken mites J»« 4» A«uut< M evw <« vaen The unknown heirs of Law­ about a week between the nymph and If they once get a start It Is usually F. J. CHBNEY & CO.. Toledo, Ohio rence Higgins, deceasrd, adult and Is usually spent ln the and also all other persons ) S u m m o n s a long fight to get the best of them ground an Inch or two beneath tha or parties unknown c la im ­ They can be prevented ln getting a surface. The life cycle from the time ing any right, title, estate, start, however, with regular spraying lien or interest in the real of egg laying until the appearance of of the ¡»oultry house once a week. Any F YOU break your glass»» estate described in the com the adults Is about three weeks, thus good contact sprays such as the various don’t worry. Pick up the plaint herein. Defendants permitting several generations each sheep dips, crude oil, a mixture of pisees. We oan watch them To the above-named defendants : yea r. 'arbollc acid and kerosene, or any of and give you tha saws prescription In the name of the atate of Oregon . Several species of ladybird beetles that the original pair was made Von and each of you are hereby required the coal tar products are good. The feed on thrlpg. Kains, especially solution you buy ln the can Is usually to appear and answer the complaint Dam Our manufacturing plant is heavy driving storms, frequently de­ of p'aintitT filed against you m the designated as a stock solution. In mak stroy them in large numbe~s. complete and our work will bear shore entitled conri and cause on or Ing up a spray mixture for mites 3 per tbe olossst inspection. Kill With Nicotine. before tbe lltb day of October. 1925 cent or three purts of tills stock solu­ Thrips can be killed when hit with •be same being the date specified in the tion Is used to 97 per cent or 97 parts order of publication of this sumiuous. a 1.0 per cent nicotine duet or with of wnter. This strength Is sufficient and if you fail to so appear and answer nicotine as a liquid spray. The diffi­ to keep down mites. If the tnltes once »aid complaint the p lain tiff w ill take a culty comes In not being able to hit (Jiv e s b e t t e r r e s u lts dec ree against tow in accordance with get a start It may be necessary to uae the Insects down In the axils of the the prayer of p la in tiff’s com plaint in as strong as 10 per cent solution. leaves. The spray does not kill the thia cause, to wit T h a t you. sod each eggs in the tissues of the leaves or ol >011 be required to set forth the na the pupae in the soil. Also a few lure and eatent of the in te re s t or estate claimed in u . t to aw.d premise» winged adults escape and later Infest described in plaintiff's com plaint and the sprayed plants. that plaintiff's title to said premises be Enr’y spraying when the plants are decreed to be valid and forever quieted small may have some value, hut alter to M ake Selections and that you, and each of yon, be for­ Best the plants get large It has very little ever barred from claim ing any right, , effect. From V igorous Stalks. tittle, estate or interest in and to said Preventing spring Infestation Is tbe Optometrist premises or any part thereof, which premises ire described as follows hiost Important. The practice of grow. If you wish to keep your corn In a Bevmning at au iron pipe, which is constant state of Improvement, the Ing onion sets near fields of seed wj feet distant from the southwest onions serves as a source of Infesta­ thing to do Is to select for vigor with- 1 corner of block No 5 in Shedd Oregon, ALBANY OREGON. tion for adjacent fields. Greenhouses which 11 recorded in volume I. page Iff' ont close attention for score card type near onion fields sometimes harbor the That Is the new word, based on of plat records in Linn county, Oregon thrips all winter and then In warm thence north 462 feet to an iron pipe, years of careful study and experiment thence east 120 feel ta the west line of at the Minnesota experiment station. w-eather the thrlpg leave the house for right of way of Southern Pacific R til- University farm, 8t. Paul. the fields. Cleaning up fields of piles rond.’conipanv ; thence south along the of refuse, such as onion tops, culls and For several years the Minnesota w rit line o f| Said rig h t ef way 4«>2 experiment station has carried on ac- screenings, eliminates an Important leet to an iron pipe; thence west 12a H a y is w o rth j u s t a s m u c h in s to r a g e a s tlvirlee designed to encourage the se source of Infestation. Burning weeds All work dent promptly ln j reaK)B feet te the place ef beginning, contain lectloa of seed corn from the standing «long railroads, ditch hanks and fence m g 1 77 acres, more or lets, ail ly in g i y o u m ig h t go t fo r it in c a s e o f liru. T h > •1>I» Phone ,’69 stalks in the field before frost time rows destroys hibernating places.— J. Lino county, atate of O regon.’’ |A m e r ic a n E ag io F ir e I n s u r a n c o o o m p a n r I*. Hoerner. Entomology P*partmen^ I his summons is served on you by In the fall. The Idea was to get early publication authorise«! and ordered by maturing corn front vigorous plants Colorado Agricultural College. p a v . v , , , , ^ o f th e c a s h v a lu e in , . order of Hon Percy H. Kelly, judge of But now comes II. K. Hayes, plant the abo»e entitled court, end en I oree’ier -— - — .................. ... made . . u v «uu e diTition o f lo ss b y fire. breeder or of m the division or of arronotnj agronomy e‘t o and thickens worth h ?i9?i ° " nl C. P. STAFFORD, Agent tha COUNTY FAIR