RUR AL ENTERPRISE hamplain in Bronze MY FAVORITE STORIES By IR V IN S. COBB (C o p y r ig h t.) A b solu tely R ep lete W ith T hrills Australians Claim Hawaiian Anceatry HOSTETTER’S C E lE B k A T E D Many of the M aori, of A ustralia 1 consider that their race had ta ori­ gin In Hawult centuries ago. It has been revealed by U atlna Jnkoba. a prominent .Maori. lie Is at Honolulu with a group of Mormon church work­ ers from A ustralia to visit the fam ous Mormon tem ple at Lake Oahu. Jukoha said th at he had traced his ancestry hack to n chieftain named Hema. who ruled the Island of H aw aii A fter a devastating w ar In which Hema was defeated badly and forced to flee he und a few companions set sail for the south In huge w ar canoes. Maori legends have It th at they lauded In New Zealand and lived there for several years. I.ater lteina returned to Hawaii, where the residents worshiped Io as their suprem e being. Hema re­ turned to New Zealand and many peo­ ple accompanied him. lie also took the linage of Io. *' c STOMACH BITTERS tZee/ IJounq la k e care of yon, stomach and preserve your health. H O ttTK TTE R S Celebrated a to m * * a B i t t e r . to n e u p 11« •‘ '« •■ .li-e < » ri a n « . . t l , n u U t e ' Ik e .'P a r t i t e a n d p ro m o te 1 ° f P b r .lr a l -^ O L u o h . Aiauraaepiu, W hen Opie Head, the w riter, was • printer down in Tennessee many years ago he worked on a small weekly paper and boarded with the keeper of a small general store. “My host,” s.aiil Head to me, “was the most Inveterate checker player In tlie state, and his wife was the best cook that ever lived In any Mate. The house w as right next to S o o th in a A nd HeAÜnq tlie st >re and the place w here I H o u seh o ld O intm ent worked was Just across the road. One day tir- dinner horn blew, and I I S ta tic M y s te r y F a d in g broke for the store to pick up the | C o u n try ’s M a n u fa c tu re » A. G. Simpson of the Uulted S tates old man and hustle for the table. I 1 The last biennial census of mantt- was as hungry as a hear, and as t factu rers shows that In 1U23 the value forest service at Stabler. W ash., be­ came across the road I could smell of the output of the I ’nlteil S tates es­ lieves thnt the presence of static ns a fried chicken and other good things; tablishm ents m aking canned products radio hindrance may be put to good use In locating ureas of low humidity. and I fairly dribbled ut the mouth. their prim ary or secondary business, “The husband w as sitting at the am ounted to Jo—.7(13,1 «03. Pens, corn, He m aintains extrem ely dry atm os­ back of the store playing eheekers tom atoes and baked beans are canned pheric conditions are Indicated by on with another old chap. These two In about equal proportion, betw een excess of static, ami with increasing were the checker champions of the 1-l.tkst.tKHi and 1 .i.ikxi.issi cases of eacti. humidity sta tic decreases and Hides county. I told him dinner was ready i Beaches head the canned fru its with out In the course of continued ruins. and begged him to come on. because 7,039,334 cases and raisins, the dried Mnn likes to hug a delusion, espe­ 1 knew hig wife wouldn’t put the fruits, with 3SO.lMW.441 pounds. cially If It comes In the form of a dishes on the table until lie showed j pretty woman. up; but he was right in the middle C h ild is h A c to r» B a rre d ■ j of a close game and he only shook Children under th ree years n t age his head. “I stood there waiting, getting will not he perm itted to appear in I hungrier and hungrier every minute, moving-picture tllnis In Germany If a ■ and madder and m adder! T hat din­ hill Introduced in the relchstag be- | ner was bound either to scorch or comes a law. The hill points out that get cold—and maybe do b o th ; but 1 the nervous and physical strain of lights of movie stu- there sat that old pHlr of fossils facing ,. , the , , bright , INWGÌSTXWJ silent us mummies and still as th - I *Uo’ 18 lnJuriou« l,2S. A t a ll beads for furs hy the coureur des hols. Cham plain carried his arquebus and and Its allied tribes went with the Theodore Roosevelt. Jr., as an Inter­ Greek deportm ent of commerce has d r u s a n d de t «art m e n t scotea. b e n d fo r F R E E Beauty B o o k let. A pparently the Champlain sta tu e " . n " n , " 0 F rench arque- British (except the Oneidns). They mediary. They counted on the friend­ bought m achinery for setting up three i»a. c. h . aaawv co.. » ? • Mkhn»a * v«.. chicaoo ship which hud existed between spinning mills at Sparea. Cuesarca anil comm em orntes a period rath er th an !. hosiers. His Indiana were Montagnals, carried blood and to rtu re to the Ameri­ Johnson and young Roosevelt’s K lrchehlr, the main carpet centers. any specific event o r date. Champlain *'llr“ns ,,n,l Algonqulns. They went can frontier. A fter the Revolution ascended the St. Lawrence to .Mont- up the Itlver Richelieu In canoes. This most of the Iroquois tied to Cnnnila as father. Johnson was as briskly em­ p hatic In stating Ills position lo real in 1003 and founded Quebec in river and Lake Cham plain were the a refuge from the w rath of the victors A B ack N um ber W r it e f o r a t t r a c t lv o young Colonel Roosevelt as he had 1008. But it was not until 1615 th a t | b*ttlefleld w here each sum m er for b o o k le t o f P a ris ia n “P oes Edith smoke?” Again the widening circle set In been In his language to curlier -iiilg- p o rt um oa, p o w do ro , ■‘Heavens, no! She Is hopelessly old- his trip of discovery to Georgian hay many generations the H urons and motion by C ham plain's a rq u e b u s: ro u g e s , e t c . surles. fashioned."- Boston T ranscript. took him Into w hat Is now (Intario. th eir allies anil th e tribes of the Iro- SO W ee« S 4 tk O«.. M ew Y eek In the sum m er of 1831 C hristian Iro­ Nevertheless, right up to the elev­ quois C onfederacy (Five Nations, later Incidentally, E tienne Brule, to whom quois from a Jesu it mission in Canada enth hour the bosses trusted that a mem orial was not long ago dedi­ Six N ations) of New York had met In visited the F lath ead s In M ontana and Johnson might be induced to change bloody conflict. Cham plain agreed cated at Sault Ste. Marie, tuny nnve j told them about th e “Black Robes”— his mind. T hree of us, all newspaper discovered Lake H uron in 1610. B.v ' with his escort to assist In any b attle Jesu it priests. These F lath ead s were correspondents, were In Johnson’s P A R K E R 'S with th e Iroquois. July 30 Cham- 162S, however, the w hite fu r tra d e r H a ir b a l s a m I uncontaiiiiuated by the white man— room ut the Rlaekstone hotel In Chi­ I plain's fleet met a Mohawk fleet on KaaauTM Dandruff Sl4.|«a H air t>aiUw w as In Ontario, the Recollects (F ran- honest, peaceful anil moral. Two cago on the night before the ticket R a a to ra s C o lo r an J clscans) had established missions and Lake Champlain. Both parties landed ' F latheads and two Nez l ’erces Jour- was named, when Johnson's secretary Beauty (a G ravand hadaal Hair and l l TO a t B m a rle U th e Jesu its had been called to th eir on th e site of Ticonderoga and the j neyed to St. Louis und asked Gen. Wll- eniiie to sa.v that Colonel Roosevelt lla r v t 'h .n , » n . r a , L . » . H . T . J battle begun. aid. | Until Clark to send them “Black was on the telephone, desiring to H IN D E R C O R N S R * m o , M O o m ,, e s i ­ T he dedication of the Orillia memo- j Cham plain tells all about this Rohes" to teach them to worship the Speak with him. Johnson took down l i . , u : . ,b > M s ii puoi, n n i i i r w m .m fo rt to lUo fu s t, muki a W i l k in , w e by n is il o r s t I>rs<- rial should really be regarded as an ' ’tittle In one of his hooks Hnd fur- w hite m an's God. The “Blnck Rohes'* th e receiver, and we heard him say ,1 » U . 11IUOOK IS w u ilc s l W orsu, Cstcboffoc M T . Internatlonal nffalr. For the people nl“,IPS 11 full-page picture of its be­ went to the F latheads In 1840, headed this, with pauses between w ords: He ~ is ~ shown *” advancing at by the famous F ath er de Smet. en this side of the boundary line have ginning. ~ * "No—no no—no—yes—no— NG!" ab undant reason for being interested the head of his Indians. He has Just \\ hen Senator Johnson had hung T his touching appeal of the Flat- discharged his arquebus und tro u g h , In Champlain. Suppose some loud- heads, however, set in motion other np the receiver ami returned to his voiced person had forced his way to down two chiefs Hnd n w arrior. The forces. A chance sojourner in St. seat, one of those present said: INSIST! Unless you see the th e front during the dedicatory exer- *wo nffluehuslers to one side a re 1 Louis "w rote up” these Indians for an Senator. I'm curious to knowr what [» B A K IN A B U -H O M B U K I | “ Bayer Cross” on tablets you rise s and shouted this, before being the act of firing. eastern newspn[>er. The most Imine- , *1’’ QB-’dlon from Colonel Roosevelt Now the Mohawks knew nothing dlate result w as thnt In 1832 the Meth- I forcibly removed as a crazy m a n : »'Meh caused you to reply In the 1053 PINE ST.. SAI F3AIIOKO are not getting the genuine “ W hat are you French C anadians about gunpowder and guns. Panic odists of Now England sent Jason Lee affirmative when all your other an­ Bayer Aspirin proved safe by doing here, applauding with all your seized them. They abandoned every­ and Cyrus Shepherd to th e F latheads sw ers were such positive noes.” millions and prescribed by phy­ m ight the ‘Founder of New F rance’? thing and fled Into the forest. The as preacher and teacher. Clrcum- , Johnson's eyes twinkled. “T hnt,'' he said, ‘‘was when the H aven’t you read any history nt all? victors returned home In trium ph, stances landed them In Oregon Instead ! sicians for 24 years. Eczema, Poison Ivy, B arbers’ Iteh D on't you understand thnt Champlain only stopping at Intervals to to rtu re of Montana. In 1835 the Presbyte- 1 young man asked me If | could hear Burns, Hives, Scalp Affections, Etc. distinctly what he was saying.” c2 l ï î M r K I N M K N M E X IC A N K K M K IIV Is responsible for C anada's being B rit­ and burn th eir ten captives. And rlans sent Marcus W hitm an and Sam- i M in e . IBS7. S t i r t m e , I n , n it. Mo w n l t t o , | Champlain named the lake a fte r him ­ nel Parker. They, too, landed In Ore- , ish Instead of French today? e J wAy Bayer package (U 'llo n iirin n iil, .o r e . r r t a l m a t » 0 U r n ,- lll» ta , Hfte, o r la d ilr*« « gon, because of travel conditions T h e V alu e o f a Good M em ory “And why are you British C ana­ self. T radition says th a t the Mohawks, through the wilderness. f'hemUe dians cheering the name of Cham­ When R hinelander Waldo was fire which contains proven directions