M A g rc u ltu re H o r te u i t u re L iv e s to c k l y A V eekly ( hroniele of I*ocal Events ami Progress on Linn County Land D a i r y P o u ltry HALSEY. OREGG.x W ool SEPT. 2, 19.'5 H a ls e y H appenings mission to go to the Benton institute. and C o u n ty Events A. C. Armstrong and family were in Albany Saturday. Doings of O ur Populace Chronicled in Brief Paragraphs The Pine Grove orchestra baa resumed playing and expects to have Prof. Nichole again soon. Albert Miner expects soon to 1« there better weather than Ihie have a surgeon remove a troable- soine wen from the back of bis in heaven? neck. William Brock is reported Henry Boles, 2-1, and Eliza­ improving at a Eugene hospi­ beth McBride of Shedd, 21, tal. were licensed to wed last Martin Cummings and wife week. took a week’s vacation at A. D Smith and Albert Miner Wheeler. leave tomorrow for Klamath Falls Pearl Pehrsson, in the Moro to attend the county fair there schools, teaches the 5th and Saturday. Mr. Smith is looking sixth grades. for a location at Lake View, bear Mrs. Josie Smith has been there. Mrs. Ann Commons of suffering with rheumatism. Mount Angel has been visit­ Mary has come home. her nephew, Harry Com­ Judge Kelly has sent Oscar ing mons, for a couple of weeks. Chambers to the penitentiary A. C. Armstrong and daugh­ for a year for moonshining. ter Helen drove to Oakland M. E. Taylor of the Browns­ and Roseburg last Tuesday, ville Times and Leighton Hen­ returning Wednesday. derson, known here as the man who carried Melba Neal off -T hat acre and a qu^pler at and changed her name, were Shedd to which George Laub- callers at the Enterprise office ner is sueing to quiet title is where the Shedd lumber yard Saturday. stood. a span and three-fourtns are now The social and musical pro­ In place at the bridge across the Wil­ gram of the Church of Christ lamette river at Harrisburg. Christian Endeavor society is Louis W. Hill is planning the pur­ definitely set for Friday, Sept. chase of 15,000 acres of timber land 11, at the church. in the vicinity of Sweet Home in east­ ern Linn county. Individual holdings A nine-aqd a-half-pound are to be grouped for selling. T h e! boy was born Friday to Mr. addition of this large tract to the ex­ and Mrs. Lee Lowrey at the tensive Hill holdings in this section home of the latter’s parents, Is considered a hopeful sign of future M .. and Mrs. W. A. Brock. development of the timber. Ed Evans and wife and son By an arrangement with E. of Portland visited hereabouts H. Castle, the Benton county last week. Ed was born in school superintendent, Mrs. this neighborhood and once Edna Geer, Linn county school was employed in the Koontz head, will hold the Linn teach­ store. ers’ institute on October 29 Mrs. Amy Robinson of Yon­ and 30 to comply with like dates at Corvallis. The same calla and three daughters and speakers will be used at both her aunt, Mrs. Fred Applegate institutes, saving expense of of Ihe same place, visited Mrs. hiring extra instructors. Teach­ Robinson’s mother, Mrs. Dr. ers from Benton county near Marks, Sunday. Mrs. Robin­ Albany will be permitted to son and daughters stayed for come to the Albany institute Frank Ternan, son of Mrs. and teachers in Linn county J. C. Bramwell, and wife end­ near Corvallis will have per- ed a visit here Wednesday and returned home to Taft, J. A lfo r d A r r o w Partial List of Contents Sunday school lesson............. .. Fashions_________ __________ Great Outdoors—Farm Items . . Markets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ____ Ensiling Soft Corn . . . ______ *, Chicken Mites_____________ Selecting Seed C o rn 9 ....___ Government Land in Oregon Onion T h n p s...__ ____ ___ Editorial comment___ ______ America’s Lncky Number____ Serial sto ry _________ _______ Kitchen Capinet_____________ Scrap* of Hunio_____________ Champlain in Bronze __ ____ _ Cobb’s Favorite Stories____. . . To Pospone Lawmaking Term . Against Alaska Railroad_____ Federal Control of busses.......... Linn County Fair • ALBANY, OREGON Sept. 22, 23, 24, 25 B IG G E R BETTER • • A PROGRESSIVE FAIR Yon are especially invited tt come and see the sights, thrills, attractions, amusements, lessons, mirth and people. The greatest agricultural exhibit ever shown in the county. Barns full of purebred livestock, school exhibits, commercial exhibits, poultry show and A Program to Please the People Cal. Preferred Stock : Canned Goods M. V. KOONTZ CO. ; Biggest F a ir (By an Enterprise Reporter) News of Halsey........................ page 1 Pine Grove___________ , ___ It Alford.________ ___ , __ i K irk...................... i Lake Creec______ ___ ____ = All O regon........., ................. J Church Announcement* ___ . . . 1 Sovereign 1. O. O. F. Meeting. 1 l.innn Couuty'a Biggest Fair.. . 1 Coal Strike as u s u a l.....__ . . . 1 Settling With Sam's Debtors . 5 Laws to Prtect Women . . . . ___ 6 New Perpetual Weather Theory 6 In the Jungle........................ .... « Superstitions................... .......... 6 Your H ealth........... ................... 6 Daddy's Fairy Tale..................... 7 Canning CornJ______________ 7 Time Table for Canning______ 7 Howard Ternan was here also and went home to St. Helens only they have a position teaching the next day. K ir k K in k s school. EXCLUSIVE Sunday Mrs. Barbara Dean (By an Enterpiiae Reporter) came back from Oregon City Mrs. G. J. Rike and Harllic OPTICAL PARLORS to the homo of her Laughter Ped Templeton is hauling Rike accompanied Mr. and and son-in-law, the Staffords, Mrs. Herman Stienke to Al­ bany Monday. and you can hear her voice at *ravel- e v e r y t h in g o p t ic a l C. Morse is home from a certain hours of the day ask­ Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Harding Bancroft Optical Co. ing what number you want, if business trip to Portland. of Kansas visited their son, you ring central. 343 West First street. Albany.Or. Mrs. Edith Gillette was a M. J. Harding, and family on (Continued on page 3) caller in Brownsville'Friday. Tuesday and Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Temple- George Gibson and family Iton were in Brownsville Friday of Portland were week end I ft guests of Mr. Gibson’s par­ , I W. R. Kirk and sons Henry ents, Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Gib- and Willis are hauling gravel. 8on- * jJ z * a The C. Morse family are Mr. and Mrs. Vannice mot­ preparing to go to Portland to ored to Monmouth Friday, [ live. bringing their sons Kenneth Mr. and Mrs. H. Vannice and William and the latter’s and daughters were Albany wife home with them. 1 [callers Thursday. Bill Newhry and family i “ Preferred Stock ” means all that the name Misses Nellie Fearland, from Kuna, Idaho, and J. R. i implies—the choice of the pack. Grace Falk and Edna Falk Harding of Eugene called on visited Louise Morse Saturday. Mi. and Mrs. M. J. Harding , When you buj Preferred Stock goods you Wednesday. Grace Kirk, with Mam­ i have wisely chosen incomparably the best, se- ie Miss Sunday guests at Henry Falk, visited Louise Morse Falk’s were Mr. and Mrs. A. i lected for size, flavor and quality. Friday afternoon. M. Snodgrass and sons of Misses Nellie and Pe.jrl Falk Shedd and Ray Nemchick and Make the test yourself. Compare Preferred accompanied Mi. and Mrs. R. Miss Edna Sherrill of Harris­ Stock with other brands and it will meet with E. Bierly to Albany Monday. burg. your discriminating choice < Miss Flora Morse and sister Miss Grace Kirk an I broth­ I Margie are vacationing at Preferred Stock goods are not packed to m eet, ers Francis and Raymond vis­ Rockaway. They intend to a price. They are sold only to those who ap­ ited at Henry Falk’s Tuesday. join their parents, Mr. and The recital to be giv en by Mrs. C. Morse, in Portland to preciate first quality. < i the piano pupils of Mrs*. Edna ¡reside. It is true some brands are sold cheaper, b u t, Rike has been postponed from Helen Armstrong dined at they arc sold solely on price appeal. i Mrs. J. M. Brown o f Mos- W. L. Wells’ Sunday. I cow, Col., has been visiting We are distributers of about thirty varieties] tie r daughtei, Mrs. M. J. H ar-jm g Church « - » —a of Preferred Stock goods. < [ding. Robert Parker paswr. Willie Kirk, who h a s been i Sunday school, 10. in California, visited I iis uncle, Preaching, 11. I W. R. Kirk, and fam ily Wed­ Junior league, 3, Intermediate League, 7 nesday. HALSEY, OREGON I Epworth league, 7. William Vannice : md wife Preaching, 8. Prayer-meeting Thursday, left Sunday for Duf.ur, where r , 11** . ’ iu *- Albanv'a L in n C o u n ty ’s Henrietta Starnes is on the sick list. That is What Its Sponsors Wm. McDowell of Halsey is I Are Expecting This working for Lee Ingram. Year E. A. Starnes and family spent Sunday at George Dan- ' All indications point to the nen’s near Shedd. greatest fair ever held in Linn Mr, and Mrs. Michael Rick­ county. Four big days, with ard spent Sunday with their every day a special day. Linn county people are pled­ son Raymond and family at ging loyalty to their fair as Bruce. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Sickels never before. Every foot of space is now taken in the main and son of Albany spent sev­ agricultural pavilion, guaran­ eral days at E. D. Isom's this teeing an agricultural show sel­ week. dom equaled. Live stock en­ Mr. and Mrs. Lee Ingram tries are coming in, and poul­ and daughter Thelma and try enthusiasts predict a record Mrs. A. E. Whitbeck went to show. A high-class racing and Albany Saturday. amusement program is being Mrs. A. E. Whitbeck and arranged, with the reserve of- Mrs. Florence Hawkins and ficor«’ training corp» of tha daughter Helen Jean called on Oregon Agricultural College Mrs. E. D. Isom Friday. prominent. Every department Mr. and Mrs. Leonard In­ of the fair will be complete by gram and children and Mr. ten a. m., Tuesday, the opening and Mrs. Bob Ingram of Ve­ day. neta visited at Lee Ingram's 1 uesday will be community Sunday. day. Irvine E. Vining, Ore­ E. D. Isom received word of gon’s silver tngued orator, the the death of his aunt, Mrs. man who last year held great Dan Troutman, in Portland eastern audiences spell bound Thursday. She had been an with his wonderful description of the Oregon country, will be invalid for years. Everyone who Mrs. A. E. Whitbeck and the speaker. Mrs. Florence Hawkins and has ever heard Vining will be daughter called on Mrs. Mich­ there; those who have net ael Rickard Thursday after­ heard him cannot afford to noon. miss this opportunity. Around this number will be woven a A n n u a l C o al program supplied by the best talent of the various communi­ S trik e N e x t W e e k ties, interspersed with comedy acts and racing events. Tues­ Seattle. Wash —Roy C. Lyle of Be at tie, upon bis return home from day is the day when people of Washington, where ho was made Pa­ Linn county will join in radiat­ cific Northwest prohibition adminis­ ing community spirit and good trator, effective September 1st, an­ fellowship. Wednesday judging will be­ nounced that he would begin wor* departments afid with practically (he name organisa­ gin in all tion used by his predecesaor, F. A there will be a complete racing program, interspersed with Ilazeltine. Lyle aaid he would make changes comedy acts by Tom Mills, fa­ very gradually. He announced that mous comedy pantom,nlst from William M. Whitney, who has been the New York Hippodrome, his chief assistant and legal advisor who has been secured for all in Ihe office of state director for the four days, and other attrac­ past four years, had been offered and tions. There will be harness accepted the place of prohibition i aces, running races, relay and counaelior for the enlarged district. Roman races, special riding ex­ Thin means that Mr. Whitney will be hibitions featured by the re­ the chief legal advisor to the admin­ serve officer«’ training corp« of istrator and will have general direc­ tion of assistant attorneys to be em the O. A. C., steeple chase, hur­ dling and drunken ride, mule ployed in each judicial district. A deputy administrator and assist races, Shetland pony races and ant attorney will be named for each novelty races, making up a Judicial district. good, clean, snappy program Sovereign I.O .O .F . L o d g e In P o rtla n d Forty Thousand Members Expected to Attend the (Jatharing The sovereign grand lodge convention I. O. O. F. will be. held in Portland from Septem­ ber 21 to 25, 1925, and the parade on Wednesday, Sep­ tember 23, at 1 o’clock. More than 40,000 members of Oddfellow and Rebekah lodges are expected to be in Portland to participate in the sovereign grand lodge parade. The Oddfellows’ temple at tenth and Salmon streets will be the scene of regular sessions of the grand lodge, and the grand lodge headquarters will be the Multnomah hotel. Night meetings and general recep­ tions will be held in the city auditorium. Many of the counties of the state are organizing county units to take part in the pa­ rade. Linn county has already organized, a banner has been ordered and 1000 Oddfellows of Linn county are expected to march under it. Every Odd­ fellow is expected to wear his regalia. Every member o ' Wildey Lodge is expected to be at the hail Saturday night, Septem­ ber 19, to help make final ar­ rangements for the parade, that will entertain every min­ ute of the afternoon. Good band and orchestra music will be provided. Asa Smith has been secured again this year as bartfone soloist. Thursday two of Linn'coun­ ty’s popular young people will be the principals in a beautiful wedding service before the crowds in the grandstand. An air of mystery surrounds this event, as the identity of the fortunate couple will not be made known until they make their appearance for the cere­ mony. One or both may be your next door neighbor, dear­ est friend or near relation. Friday is children’s day. Ev­ ery school girl and boy who comes will be admitted free, as honored guests of the fair. A- gain on this day the schools of the county will vie with each other for special trophy cups and diplomas, in the grand pa­ rade on the race course before the grandstand, and in the maypole winding exercises. A special racing and amusement program by the officers’ reserve training oerpa ef O, A. C- will be given free to the children on this day. There will be at least three evening entertainments. The aarvicaa •( Mrs. Cbarlaa Child«, who so successfully directed the pageants last year present­ ed by the fair board, has again been secured. Under her direc­ tions two pageants will be pre­ sented, one on Wednesday “ » avening and ooa Friday evening, Make " old Wildey ” the bann< r I co combined band concert and lodge in the county. 1 musical ? entertainment will be Refreshments will be served. Ivon. u - u