• s— eaaeee« f • “ H Vf is f ICCO O N IN K t IN T M g BUM M ER Fight Weeds for Vegetable Garden M r»n om ent ” I (->B a « « n s usd sultry su.-r.njvv day. there 1« nothing more n f r n b t a g to the x ln d and to the body than an Iced « lo t O f course, > a « s »net d.-iaks are being uaed. moderation should be practiced. because I f taken la excess O ften B eco m es U n sig h tly w too rapidly, they are liable te be W eed P atch R ather Than Injurious to the stomach. However, Ka.'bestos Hi-speed Brake »hen takes In a sensible manner, they P rod u ctive S p o t Service Station | are refreshing and beneficial to the •atlgned In the m anufacture of these 212 East First a.. Alb «, I t la too often the common fate of cere should be taken to avoid the skating the summer garden In N orth Carolina any combination that may be lhl:ge»- Phone 379 to become an unsightly weed patch tlble or hard to assimilate. The drink ra th e r than a productive spot adding should he cooaumed In a Mow and let- to the health and Incom , of the fam- K re ly manner. The greatest danger present In the W e should not allow this to oc- -»♦ of iced drinks la the one that In- Halsey Railroad Tjnw says Glenn O Randall, extension ■olrea the uae of Ingredients that are horticulturist fo r the North Carolina ^oealhly Impure or contaminated In any North Sooth ’ a, L b r t r r “ * bl* to b»r’f * n sta te College of Agriculture. ‘ Fresh '2, Ó.24 a. m. flag 17. 1 2 ÍN p. m. vegetables form a rich and cheap If the Juices that are used are allowed lb. 5:15 a .m . 15. 12; 45 p. m. source o f those protective foods so ’ 18, 8.16 a. m a41f o stead until they become toured and i l . 8 12 p nt badly needed In the dally d ie t T h e ^ M. 12:09 p uaSt for use, or I f the m ilk or other 31, 1:34 gi m, i foods are needed Just as badly In the 4:0b p- m used la not strictly frtwh. ot w eather of mid-summer as In the I N ° * ' f ¿ í í “ d 1 » ’ top to '* * Passes, ia e [redlapoeltlon of m ilk to spoil vigorous d a y , of early spring. , nd „ quickly at summer temperatures makes a aouth i n E n » c r» ü « « e for M ar, h& ' c o o n la possible to have a continuous sup­ , •'vo. 31, direct it o fttla e a necessary to use evaporated ply of succulent vegetable, during hot ! p o in t. » Ilk , which a fte r ail la Just pore fresh Pa»aeng era for ,-m tk of Eugene .ho, w eather." * milk with more than h a lf the w ater take train No. 17 ”» ■ ”* ahoi taken away. , t „ W w U. , n 4 tbere. Shallow Cultivatian. H alaevB ro w n sville auge u To do thia, however. M r. Randall , ,r \ l W a r l d M./i E“*U,h P*»oo, « • J * F purch«..d, which Mr j n, t . . d o| tw«hb « * b<)™ •• A|ynl« Greek Mr. Kngl.sb bought • grand piauo at Eugene. Inouratory thin weak Prudence's J 'M b te r get« her flr.t t. . t , o, cor poreal puotahruant and the reeult 1» «urpnaiog aud eventually happy i o t T h i ? d: m<’M ‘ r* ,*d “ ‘• » • h . i . « y who u°“ John ‘Le Gormley, l’on,M »or B«ndon, h ., |,„ w he£ ab. . * ......• « VUIU a V , , '"rl “Irov. U m a ttm g o f Egg Nog. . t ti belted fvnIS' tb ,p . POW. dered sugar j tbsp. f r u it jutca e ,< w hlte »B<> beat to cA4i ‘ h# th * w ,n Juice *•* * BUf- No N ew i S i i i r ?h* ‘"i.“ “ i». fm « By Uki« ‘»p Whitewash Still Is Oldest of Paints M aterial Found to Sup ersed e I t e .? WhlteWMh '« on* o f the old- e»t paints used in Am erican agricul ture fo r the Interiors of barns and everr thrU ?ln<4, n#W “ “ «Hal has T i . / ? e“ tened ’ ° ’ opevsede I t 1. ch ‘ U ‘ arB*‘y because whitewash hp«P. easy to prepare, and has un dergone a process of Improvement " “ ya E „ R O r°M . rural engineer, New J*r«ey College of Agriculture. W hlfe- * a4b .C 47 „ and '« •in fe c t, in addition o giving buildings a wholesome, pleas­ ing appearance. Q uicklim e I , ,t m the basic sub­ stance used In making whitewash, but years o f experience have resulted In a formula that Includes a few cheap sub- stance« which greatly Improve the dis nfectlng q u a iitie , and d llrablln f t b . mixture. What I . commonly known r0Ten>ment form ula la excel- V)n e fo r l)o |la r Ù e a r One jCan you gat more for the money7 Good S lab wood No Edgings $4.50 H COrd Paid-for Paragraphs (5c a lin t) For S a le -T w o registered y« ,ln K Shropshire Bucks R . l , Halsey. L. H . Armatro, Old paper, lor . ale at 5c a bun, at the Enterprise office. "Remember,“ says M r. Randall “the consumption of green vegetables every ay lerveg as a protection against A M o d ern B a rb e r Shop Tueidays Laundry sent Tuesday Agency H ub Cleaning Works A B E ’S PLA C E DELBERT STARR F u n era l D ir e c to r an d L i­ Efficient Service. Motor Lady A tte n d a n t Brownsville____ c>. , — ..................... - ------- Oregon’ I ( » o fo r th H a s G o n e F o r David Goforth was permitted io forth from a Washington prit °n parole. He jo ned a pa which peeled cbittem near Rse port and tried to get away with I bark without sealing with t landowner A sheriff .ought h and hie pals and they jumped frs their auto , nd attempted to forth but a bullet went throU| Goforth and he will g0 forth , oora. He died on the way to capital a week ago Sunday. The Southern Pacific hi rails laid and has run cai from K lam ath F alls to Odel H ere a tunnel, finished a wee ago, brings the work to th w est side. ce n sed E m b alm er Miss Helen A rm strong 1 each the Creswell school. w . L- W R IG H T M o r t ic ia n & F u n e r a l D ire c to r £ ; a S H P a i d for false teeth, d tai g old, platinum and ditcai C r o ^ i,°MeichB ,‘ tiou. P a n t, and will transm it these charm.«- t e r , to next year*, crop " eoutb K „ n . . . c ity | , ! W hether a R>eclal ,eed plat h a. '»rgeat prim ary hay m arket In the been m am t.m ed or not, g row er, w " world and It la mainly . distributing «<■<1 It advantageou, to »elect their k .V Which ^ 'r t f L . rind and orange rin d In w a te r fo r ten Enb.nuo?» Shippers Should A void ' O versupplied M arkets < i'k". 7 ' *d (c u rra n t or bar- £ > „ .lo w ,, , h. e U h a lsey t h , ‘ Wni are »nap in h 7 1,ttU7 '■ tbey ’ ,U B0‘ In hot w eather; but New Zealand spinach w ill help to supply thia need Late Cabbage Planting. H cup f r u it Jutca Juice Select Seed Tubers From Sound Plants Universi ly iO ^ o n rh. UNIVERSITY of OREGON Juice * cup »•»•» * tbap. lemon Welle '■ <*’ *? h o t0? hot weather » tbap. orange ,0 be Going «oath, 11:10 a. m. , 3 -A) p. m. To Brownevllle, 8:20 . . m. , COnt C* bb‘ g* ’ Morning .tag« to Brow it u ? BP‘ n* Ch a“ '1 cuc“ tnbers. U m. I t la hardly possible to have a good HnH g° e,J o” l ° Cr* » '° n i.T i| upply o f the salad crops or “greens " Holley and Sweet Home m alted m ilk w a te r u n til , xrup * “ ln * re d le n ts In raiJM Undertaker W right had charge ■>f the funeral of the four vict„, . 4 coUnion of their auto with a tram at Harriaburg. They were I otatoes Shou ld Be O b tained hurried in the Alford cemetery. M iaa Minnie Gourley, who ha. From H ea lth y V ines. employment In a mercantile houat J .tries A Johnson of Lake Cre*k in Portland, h u been visiting rel ' ‘' " » • r l f o l Albany, d t„j . t t btJ Selecting p o ta to « In the field for Lome of hie mather in that citv etirec aod friend« hereabout« LT l"nI.t U Mld by ,h* Miaa Lota Johnson of Boise was and the funeral «a« yesterday. apeclall.t a, , lle New yorfc her* and at Eugene and Spring. *ith interment at Rivataide ceme- cultural experim ent station at Oen- ♦ '« to be much more satisfactory than " • I d last weak visiting friend, »elec tng the «e«.,| f roIU ’ )n K w ith P '’ t " J " «?<> th o ro u g h ly and * * rv* w >th chipped lee. M ilk Punch. ber ju ry Ji.t He j, net „ . peetad home from Newport until about Sep, 20. . KfM)n,f- " b° baa been in ill health for some time, was ‘ • k' M ,0 lt»« hoep.tal at Corvallis Saturday. She i t reported to be retting comfortably 0 H. AUingbam, nephew of J ^ B r . m w . U , d‘* d MoBdV «« __ Me.„. W. Rector ia on the Septarn- Mre. Florence t^eper oi Eugene pelted her mother, Mre A. M iller, Wedoeaday and afterward weut to ruaticataat Newport. Mlaa Ruth Finley ep«nt several «.»ye with her aunt, M r., E |12s B ra n d s last week. She returned to Crawfordsville Sanday. TO R R A N C E whi,,n‘ «*•- ri1hTh* T h B” I? • U k#d U * b a m “ ««■ 1 ? * 4' " *• ,b * n • d'1^ . fol- lowefi by the glue and whiting mixture and finally, the rice paste The entire batch require, thorough stirring Tw elve ounce, of , | ura added to this ia our ice oream. It ia dalightfi c2ollD8 »nd r*fr«ehing after a b shopping tour. Stop in aod an „uM a plate. We h .v , .11 flavor chocolate, v .n ill,. atrawb.r «emoo, tutti fru tti #t# n ma ■ n ideal refreshment and is no I'hing ,n d wholaaoma. ¿¡n H . r i c k * ^ « aa a h 4 r «’ - * r - n d m ake. stick better To Increase the gloss two or , hree b a r. of ’ ap may be .dded There l . .d v .n t.g . In applying w httew.gh w hile It Is hot r . r . »houia be taken not to . p p | , lt X e ' “ “ ’ U1 ’ b’,° aad Remember that gras, and weed, .r e easier to k ill when young. Cultivate crop, frequently. ««M M M r Dr. C. FICQ, Dentist 4 e l a t e s that w . M BURBANK hai moved into bis new RMtearantand Soft Drink and let Cr«am PI bcb 2. *nr*u ,x p ,rl,n c * ««cook. Meale delivered at all heura. Cheap.., p| , " j,4 t^wn to .a t H i. |a r P ,, j ; Nick Hess, Brownsville be in operation. “ *ay communicate with Ensign u , of .. _ , ; ’ •««:- T h 7 X 7 ~ r r ------------r * * — g ns keep out of trouble f ii