AVO 24, m a RURAL ENTERPRISE PACE 5 Odell lake, scenic body of water iear the summit of the Cascade on GENERAL PATRICK he Eugene-Klamath Falls railroad is GENERAL NAULIN connected by rail with the outside world. The line of steel from Paulina, •ast of the mountains has reached the Gleaned by the Western louth end of the lake. Newsapor Union for With wheat harvest practically com »leted, one of the oddest records ever Busy Peeple nade In Umatilla county seems as- lured. The record is that in a whole e v e ry d ay th r o u g h o u t th e s u m m e r Large distribution of cutthroat trout vheat harvest season, which has been will be made In the next few weeks 'fry dry. not a single fire in stand- season. S topover w herever a n d as long In the Coos bay costal area. ng wheat has been reported. as you please w ith in final re tu rn lim it George J. Parsons, 72, committed — O c to b e r 31st. One man was drowned in the Co- suicide at his home in West Salem by umbia river at Astoria when the Now plan y o u r vacation jo u rn e y s to slashing himself with a razor. iteamer Admiral Schley, outbound, th e east. Let o u r agents assist in fixing The smoke nuisance and high ■truck a small fishing boat amidships, y o u r itin erary , A n d include smokestacks in Pendleton will be ■inking it Immediately and hurling the »ccupants about 40 feet. William Kil studied by a special committee from tunes, 36, single, lost his life. the city council. e ith e r g o in g o r re tu rn in g ,o r b o th ways, The first issue of the Malin Prog­ Total receipts from the 14 national if you choose. See it’s m an ifo ld w on- forests in Oregon for the past fiscal ress, a weekly newspaper is off the d e r at little, if any, ad d itio n a l expense. year were $675,114, according to a for­ iress under the management of the General Naulin, the new command armers of the Klamath Irrigation dis- est service bulletin. M ajor General Patrick, who Is to re er-ln-ehief of the French forces In rict. The newspaper will be the of- Installation of an electric siren at lcisl organ of (he farmers and water main as chief of the arm y a ir service Morocco which are operating against according to a decision of the W a r De the Oregon state penitentiary is pro­ isers of southern Klamath county. the Riffiana. partment. posed as a mefcns of warning the pub­ Boatmen of the Macleay Estate com- lic of a break at the institution >any, whose boats are in use taking Charles G. Dawes, vice-president of ■almon from Rogue river, have been the United States, will speak at the 'ined nearly $10,000 Recent lnspec- public auditorium in Portland the ions of boats there developed few C. P. Moody, agt. Phone 226 night of September 7, Labor day. »ere complying with government Sisters of Charity of the House of egulatlons. Boise, Idaho.—Senator Borah is nol Washington. D. C.—The Joint con Providence have purchased a block of Prosecution of William Levens, satisfied with the settlement of the ference between Canadian and Amer­ ground on the crest of the hill above ■tate prohibition director, who is un- Belgian debt to the United States han customs officials which has been Astoria on which to build a hospital ier Indictment at Klamath Falls which virtually refunds approximate In progress here for several days was By a vote of 302 to 170 McMinnville 'barged with the theft of a revolver ly $100,000,000 in accumulated interest concluded with complete agreement on voters approved a bond Issue of $10, rom a cabin occupied by a Mexican to that country. He makes this cleat mutual aid to reduce smuggling of 500 by the city for repaving of Lafay aborer, probably will be deferred un­ in a statement issued here and In a liquor, immigrants and other contra stte avenue and repairing city streets. it the return of the attorney-general, telegram to Senator Reed Smoot ol band across the International bound [ AUTHORIZED LIGHT-TESTING STATION ' Utah, a member of America's debt ary. The i7th annual convention of the »ho Is now on his vacation. H. J. Eisner, 73. of Bull Run, was funding commission. Senator Borat Luther league, Portland district, was Canadian officials agreed that here ► Reflectors and lenses for nearly all makes off held In Astoria, with delegates and ined $100 In Justice Miller's court does not want the Belgian terms tt alter clearance papers for ships carry )cars. ( visitors to the number of 150 in at­ it Sandy on complaint of forest serv­ be looked upon as a precedent. Sen ing liquor or other contraband will be ator Smoot assured him no precedent tendance. ► Have your lights tested as soon as possible- < es officials and upon refusal to pay denied when It is apparent their “dis tant destinations" are faked. ► Don’t wait till tho last minute. < Sam Delalm, 19, who had been at he fine was committed to the Jail at had been established. Belgium’s debt to the United Ststei Agreement also was reached on a tending the Chetnawa Indian school, Jregon City for 50 days Eisner is jNew law goes into eflo ct Sept. 1. < was drowned while swimming in the ■aid to have set a fire adjacent to is $447,000,000. Added to this Is sc mutual system of "tipping" between Willamette river a few miles north orest land August 8 without a permit cumulated interest of $108.000,000 the forces along the border, under ind to have refused to put out the which the debt funding commission which the agents on one side will tip of Salem. 'Ire at the request of Fire Warden recommends be thrown off. President the agents on the other side of th Miss Catherine Murdock, Klamath .arsen. Coolidge approved the settlement. passage of suspicious persons and ve Palls girl, has received word that she D ry L a w Force j Convicts’ L ib e rty 'I am very much dissatisfied with hides. F. N. Wyckoff of Spokane, super­ passed the California far examination the Belgian debt settlement.” said and will leave at once to practice law visor of the forces which are com- Senator Borah. "I feel that if this It latlng the spread of white pine blister Federal inquiry Into five projected In San Francisco. ust in the forests of the Pacific north- to serve as a precedent for other set ■»tensions and mergers which Oregon The government trail between vest, is in southern Oregon to direct Dements to come it would result in -ailroads have asked the interstate Murray Is Captured at Cen­ Scottsburg and Smith river In the Slu the cancellation of several billion dol »ommerce commission to sanction will •law national forest in Douglas coun he fight there. The United States lars. Lyle of Washington and Mar- tralia, Kelly and WHIos >e begun by an examination of the ty will be completed this week. The »ureau of plant industry has ordered "1 take the position that congress »ommlssfon at Portland on October 5, he destruction of the cultivated black sters of Idaho Among trail is 13 miles long. Near Glendale. urrant, which is a "seeder'' for the merely acted as agent for the Amer t Is announced. The explosion of a hot-water heater llsease. and that work Is now proceed- lean taxpayers in lending this money Those Promoted. Representative W. C. Hawley has la the plumbing shop in Salem of ng in the forests near Medford. and that it is the business of con Portland, Or. — Thefhunt for th« •eceived a telegram from the war de­ Theo. M. Barr resulted in damage to gress to collect it.” »eventy-nlne water-power plants In three convicts who shot their way partment that an additional appro­ Washington, D. C.—The new field the building and equipment estimated )regon at present are developing a priation of $20,000 has been authoriz­ com mandera of the nation’s reorganiz­ out of the Oregon state penitentiary at approximately $3500 capacity of 244,227 horsepower, the 'd for the dredging and improvement ed prohibition army were given 10 on the afternoon of August 12 came to Three guards, Clair A. Baker, I. W :eological survey reports. Of the » and m oney are best w hen prohibition administrators who will as Ooldendale. Wash. busy. Make your dollars work in sums full charge September 1, and I the Pendleton Round-Up against finan­ ully developed would deliver 3,665,000 All three have been returned to the our savings department. A l b a n y S t a t e one chief prohibition Investigator, was cial loss on account of Inclement lorsepower for 90 per cent of the time B a k e . Under government supervision. organized chiefly from among the old prison and will face chargee ot first weather or any other emergency. >r 6.715,000 horsepower 60 per cent dry officers, only six new men being degree murder. Members of the state Irrigation se if the time. , R O S C O E AM ES H A R D W A R E appointed. The rapture of the trio was effect­ T h is is good advice; " I f you live ,'urltles commission, with the except The Oregon state textbook commie ed largely through the aid of Phil Car Eleven of the ex-state directors, five in Albany, trade in A lb an y ; if you live Ton of Rhea Luper, state engineer, ■Ion. acting upon legal advice recelv- The W inchester Store some other town, trade in that tow n." • divisional chiefs, the chief of general son. who had been ordered from Port­ lave returned to Salem after inspect id from Elton Watkins, Portland at- in But in these automobile days many re -1 land by a police Judge. Carson met mg a number of irrigation projects in orney, convened In Salem and adopt siding elsewhere find it advisable to do ' G * c o n d h a n d P ia n o s from $1K5 up agents, one assistant divisional chief Murray at Vancouver when the two If you want a bargain in a piano now and one general agent were promoted central Oregon. >d textbooks used In the public schools at least part of their buying in the is your chance. They're in A1 condition Outstanding In the announcement of boarded a northbound freight train larger town. I hose who go to Albany William S. Jenkins. 94, one of Coos if this state on which contracts with to transact business w ill find the firms Davenport Music House, 409 W. First the new dry staff was the appointment late Friday. Murray admitted his county’s oldest men and a pioneer he publishers have expired. In as- named below ready to fill their require­ of Walton A. Green, ex army officer, Identity and planned with Carson to Q ia p le and Fancy Groceries with a record residence of 54 years mming that Mr. Watkins was correct ments w ith courtesy an l fairness. hold up some place at Centralia Crockery and Glassware who aerved as a brigadier-general dur n the county, died on the ranch where n his interpretation of the law and He also told the Informant that he, Mrs. M G. Stetter Ing the war, in the formation of the ae first settled in 1871. on the middle hat the commission bat authority to ACCK88ORIE& a n d TIBKS Phone 139^j 206 W . Second st. Kelly and Willos had been hiding In military police In France, as the chief Auto Supplies 'ork of the Coquille river. idopt textbooks at this time, an opin- the woods near White Balmoh, Wash,, J. H. A u .IS o n O 7 1 M S 0 K T H E SHOE DOCTOR prohibition Investigator, a new office, ' on previously handed down by At- 442 W est First St The body of an elderly man, found Second street, opposite Ham ilton's and the sending to the San Francisco and that he and Willos having quar >n a sand bar In the Snake river, has orneyOeneral Van Winkle for the store. district as federal administrator of E. reled he had left hit competitions A J- L IN D A H L , hardw are. "Sudden Service." Carton and Centralia officials laid •een identified as that of A. R. Fair tuidance of the state board of educa C Yellowley, chief of general prohi­ Dinnerware a trap and Murray waa captured with child of Baker, mysteriously missing ion, was disregarded. In this opin- bition agents, whose office was abol Tin shop in connection W ^ a l d o A n d e rso n A S o n . d is tr ib - ’rom his home for four weeks. Mur on the attorney-general held that the 330 W. First St. Albany, Oregon Mr. Green formerly was a pub­ out trouble. Information that the trie ’ ’ utors and dealers for Maxwell, Chal­ ished -tatutes provided specifically that one had been about White Salmon having ler or suicide Is suspected. lisher of the Boston Journal mers, Essex. Hudson At llupm obile cars. A lb a n y F loral Co. C ut flowers hird of the textbooks should he adopt crossed to the Washington side by tbs Accessories, » pnlies. 1st A Broadalbin Roy C. Lyle, federal prohibition dl One hundred and twelve mills re- e * - and plants. Floral art for every Hood River toll bridge, coupled with rector for lVashlngton, was selected •ortlng to the West Coast Lumber- id at a meeting of the commission in and all occasions. 'T H E " FAD A ” R AD IO the report that a store had been loot Flower phone 458-f. nen’s association for the week end ilovember, 1924, and one-third of the A W e th in k the Fada is the beet Ask by General Andrews as federal dis extbooks in the same month every »d end an auto stolen at Bingen ng August 15 manufactured 102,648, Woodworth Drug »rict administrator for the new die- L p a s tb u r n B ro s.— T w o big gro cery for demonstration Wash . resulted in dispatch of a posse Co. Calvin Ingle Prop trict, comprising the states of Wash 162 feet of lumber; sold 111,173,941 wo years thereafter. Adoption of stores, 212 W. F irst and 225 South extbooks at any other time would be composed of Deputy Sheriffs Chris Ington and Oregon. 'eet and shipped 102,500,164 feet. Main. Good merchandise at the right V E "8PK c F a LTY- 8 H 0 F p E ~ llegal, the attorney general held. lopherson, Rexford and Jackson and prices. The cppolntment of Lyle automat, The proposition to bond the city * hemstitching and stamped gixsls f onstahle Gloss, all of Multnomah »rally removes F. A. Hazelttne, form Albany. Oregon )f Eugene for $175,000 to buy a tract p o li te C a fe te ria a n d c o n fe c tio n e ry 318 W. Second si. county, to that locality Saturday morn Owner, Mrs. Irene Davis. er divisional director for Oregon, MANGANESE IN OLYMPICS >f land to donate the Southern Pa Il mie cooking. Pleasant surround­ Washington and Idaho, an Mr Hazel- Ing. ings. Courteous, efficient service. •Iflc company for Its shops and ter About 4 o'clock in the afternoon »hi tine now has the choice between serv­ If you enjoy a good meal, ninais carried at a special election U. S. Geologist A fte r Extensive Sur W e make our own candies. , W S. D u n c a n . vey Reports Plenty. • »nil know a good meal when you get it ing In a subordinate capacity to Lyle, four officers, driving along the Glen >y a vote of 4024 for and 397 against Vou’ll be back, lor yon 'll not forget it who formerly was his subordinate, or dale-Yaklma road, saw where a me Lux Lauceda. about 40 years of age, Aberdeen. Wash.—The Olympic pen 'ORD SA L E S AND SER V IC E Our aim is to please vou. resigning altogether. Ellaa Marstera. | chine had recently beea driven from l Mexican, was lodged In the Klamath insula Is rich In deposits of manganese Tires and accessories the old federal director for Idaho, was the road Into tbe brtlsh of a deep Repairs county jail by Sheriff Burt Hawkins, ore. according to J. T. Pardeen of the Leaving tbelr machine the K i r k -P o l l a k MoToa Co. named regional director of the new canyon United States geological survey, whe is the suspected murderer of Vslen ALBANY district, comprising Idaho, Montana four officers slipped quietly down the Ino Navarro, a counrtyman, who was returned from an extensive Investiga p A irfm ille r F u rn itu re Co., fn rn i. canyon and found two men eating and IVyomlng. G E O . M G IL C H R IS T nortally wounded in a knife fight at tlon of mineral deposits in the Olym * ture, rugs. linoleum, stoves ranges. lufleh The two were surrounded, cov Funeral directors. 427-433 west First pics tlgorna. ered with rifles and ordered to anr Pardeen said that there are man street. Albany, Oregon. Raymond H. Torrey, field secretary To Fight Cheap Auto Olla. render They obeyed without show ol »f the national conference of state gañese traces throughout the moun PI L I.E R G R O C ER Y. 286 L yo n Washington. D. C. — The national resistance Jarka, with headquarters at Washing tains and that several vast bodies of fSuccessor to Stenberg Bros.) W rite tor booklet describing our 20- better huslneaa bureau announced the That the notorious trio who shot Groceries Fruits Produce on. was in Salem last week confer­ the ore have been discovered. One year Rural Gredit Amortized Loans launching of a campaign against the down two prison guards and serious The la m pays out in 20 payments, re­ ring with F. A. Elliott, state forester, of these deposits, on the Solduc burn Phone 2h3R tirin g tbe principal Cheap rales. No substitution of Inferior oils at filling ly wounded several others In the >nd members of the state highway de- near Port Angeles. Is already being U O L M A N A JACKSON stations for the high grade oil the sanguinary battle at the time of theli delay. B e a m L a n d C o ., »artment on promotion of recreational mined and Is yielding ore of excep “ Grocery—Bakery 133 Lyon street. Albany. Ore. motor car owner aaka for and believes escape, should be captured without the E v e ry th in g in the line of eats tlonally high grade. >aturea in state parka. he Is getting. The bureau said Injunc slightest reaiatance came as a di» Opposite Fostoffice J "The manganese deposits of tbe tlon suits to atop substitution were be tinct surprise to peace offices. Members of the senate committee Olympics have hardly been scratch ub Candy C o., F irs t street, next ------------------ ------ Ing filed In many cities throughout the >n public lands which has to do with ed,” said Mr. Pardeen. "There are door to Blain Clothing Co. country, at lowest rate of interesL Wife ot Chief Justice McBride Dies- he granting of additional lands to Noon lunches. also traces of iron and copper In tbe St Helens. Or.—Mary B. McBride., he states, grazing of livestock in the high country. Real Extate Innuranre Home made candy aod ice Cream. Albert U. Rosa, master fish warden wife of Thoms« A McBride, chief Juw tallonai forests and administration of Prompt service. Courteous treatm ent. ■atloaal parks and Indian reserva- Sell the males and produce Infertile IMPERIAL CAFE,*209 »V. F,rit W m B a i n . Room .5, First Savings Bank ilnce July 1, 1924, was removed by tlce of the Oregon supreme court, died * Harold G. M urphy Prop. he fish commission at a meeting In In the hospital here Saturday. She lona. will hold a hearing in Portland egg«. bnilning. Albany Phone 665 ’ ortland. and Edison I. Rallaugh of had been III for several month«. September 8 and 9. according to a WE NEVER CLOSE it. Helena, for many years an em Arsenate of lead and lime—dust oi etter received at the executive of- Amor A. Tussing »loye of the Columbia Rlv»r Parkers' Ices In Salem. The committee will »prey—gets cabbage worms. Prepare an AG NKTO E I.r.i 11.1« I 0 s e e uisociation aod ex state repreaenta- told another hearing at Pendleton on Official Strom berg carburetor serv e x h ib it (or LAWYER AND NOTARY Dynamite it a better explosive that, Ive. was appointed to fill th« va- ice station Couservative prices A1 September 10 and at Baker on Sertem- th« swearing when the plow hits a stump H alsey , O regon accy. work guaranteed. 119-121 W . Second »er XI.. News Notes From A ll Over Oregon Roundtrip Excursion Fares CALIFORNIA Combined Action “ Precedent,’* Says Faces Smugglers Restless Borah Southern Pacific Lines A R R O W G A R A G E , Gansle Bros. Is Reorganized «" Is Short Lived COUNTY F A IR PARAGON CA FE FARM LOANS I H M ¿ FA RM LOANS COUNTYi FAIR