RURAL ENTERPRISE carried down to the streei the boxer, I the easel, (he blocks of canvas. Jerry called a taxi, and they drove away j to G reta's room with her priceless : trea» uraa. pain«, d istu rb in g b lad d er irre g u U rn * !• When Theresa and Je rry were tu rn ­ ap“ of°the'‘kidneys ^ T h r ^ n e y ' . 0™ » ing at last to leave her alone with her 1 ric h e s, suddenly the power of speech returned. She caught Je rry 's hand. | “Miss H arm er,” she stumm ered, the I’- h h * “ £““‘ulate »nd undermine one . h e e lth . b en o u e tro u b le s may foll„w words tripping each other up on her 1 It you have reason to suspect fault» eager tongue, “the first picture I get I kidney elimination, try Doon's P, 7 are a tested diuretic, recommend: hung at the academ y—you shall huve C o p y r ig h t b y th e B o b b e - M e r r lll Co. ed by thousands. A s k Vour neighbor! it for nothing!” W N f S e r v ir « The a ir with which she said it was A California Case trium phant, and Jerry thanked iter M rs. M. E. P a in t • r . g»0 W r ig h t Av"»'.; In readiness tor the girl who had this little tram p leads. She was amazed sweetly. But when they were on (he 1 P asad en a, C a l i f A L O V E R O F N A T U R E street alone she smiled about it. “YOU W A I T ! ” thing th at Jerry herself had not. sa y « : " My b a c k w as beyond reason, she couldn't believe *“ " ' e “ n d w h en ( Theresa turned upon her somberly, j It—}'"U ’ ere so bright and so Joyous— ?t.‘inPed' a ’ hsrp "W hnt we need," said the loudly- S Y N O P S IS — P A K T O N E — A t a She came at once, G reta Val. and of course she thought you were mak­ "Don't laugh. It may be years from pain w e n t ac ro ss dressed woman, “Is to get closer to m e r r y p a r ty In th e e tu d lo a p a r t ­ now, but some day you'll get that pic­ I “h “on i U o f 11 a nd Theresa took her down to Je rry —a ing fun. It was too good to he true. I h a d to ea se my- m e n t o f C a r t e r B la k e . N e w Y o r k , ' slim, straig h t girl as she had vaguely These things don't happer once In a ture. And one day. Jerry, you il he nature We have too much artificial­ J e r r y ( G e r a ld in e I H a r m e r , P r u - h J/ h “ C k ' “ d u ally . H e a d a c h e s a n d dizzy ! remembered, with thin, unsmiling lips lifetime. She’ll he sick about this, proud and glad to rem em ber you gave ity. For my part 1 simply adore na­ denee'n d a u g h te r, m ee ts D u a n e •P®11» W er" com m on A lle r to n , W e a lth y Id le r. li e a d ­ tlie poor little fool her first chance. ture. T h at's why I got my hushund to I and wide, unsmiling eyes. Jerry you'll see. a n d I w a s n erv o u « W’hy, she didn't know a n d i r r ita b le . Do’a m i du . v a country place.” m ire » h e r tre m e n d o u a ly . a n d ehe You w a i t !" I caught her hand and drew her Impul- what she was doing, she's an awfully lik e » him . B u t A lle r t o n a e ta a PIU» d ro v e th e tro u - "B ut you didn't go there last sum ­ ble fr o m m e a n d th e ■' slvely Into the room. b it e x h ila r a te d , w it h u n fo r tu n a te c u r e haa nice little tiling—I—I hope you aren't la s te d .” mer?" The days passed slowly nnd Jerry re a u lta . J e r r y , re s e n tin g hla a s ­ "Are you Greta Val? Listen I T going to hold it against her, and—' "Oh, dear, no; certainly not. We s u m p tio n o f f a m i lia r it y , leave» | have paid for a term of lessons with "oh, she can have the stuff, If th a t's did not find an avenue fo r/th e active th e p a r ty a b r u p t ly T h e « to ry Graves McDowell, and I don't want what you mean. But keep her out of expression of her personality she so won t be able to go there for two or tu r n » to J e r r y a c h ild h o o d and th e m , I don't want to study Art. But my sight! I never want t see her ardently desired. She had no Illusions three years yet. It will require all y o u th a t h e r hom e In lie » M oines. STIMULANT DIURETIC TO THE KIDNEYS O n ly c h ild o f a w e a lth y fa th e r, In regard to herself, she whs an ordi­ that tim e for the landscape gardener they are all paid for, and It Is u sham e again! I hate her!" F o . i e , Milbura Co.. Mfg. Chem.. Bdflalo, N. Y. w h e n »he 1« t w e n t y she fe e ls th e to get It In shape for us.” nary, aiidwestern girl, very charming, to waste them, so I want you to mke Oh, very well Theresa knew the c a ll o f A r t a n d a sk s h e r p a re n ts them In my place. Ami look I” S te tem per of this kind of human flint very beautiful, but one who had not to le t h e r k o to N e w Y o r k fo r ran quickly to the table, and Hung a s tu d y . W it h som e m lH g lv In g , th e y C R O S S -W O R D P U Z Z L E S with which they had to deal. She been drawn upon the knees of the a g re e to h e r g o in g . In N e w Y o rk Inclusive baud over the boxes and Jars knew no kindly messenger could gods. She could play nicely, sing very ..¿ w * J e r r y m a k e s h e r hom e w it h a piled high. “I have all these things, bridge the gap Greta had so dram at­ sweetly, hut could do no more with v *; Of Hair and Skin M rs D e la n e y ( " M l n t l " ) , an a c t ­ canvases, brushes, paints, Just going ically created between heraelf and the music than am use herself. Upon her ress. w h o, w ith T h e re s a , a p a in t ­ I Zp Preserved By e r, occupies th e house. J erry college work she could obtain a cer­ to waste, for I cun't use them, one who wished to help her—th at Rhe ta k e s an Im m e d ia te li k i n g to tificate for teaching school, but she want to get rid of them, I don't even would accept of no second-hund boun­ T h e re s a , w h o la ta le n te d a nd like to have them about. And my ty a fter her stormy passion. No use felt no such inclination. She might S o a o t o C le a n « « e c c e n tric , and th e tw o becom e O in t m e n t t o tim i easel—it nearly fell down on me in to send a word of forgiveness, for take a business course and become one fa s t frie n d s J e r r y n o w devotes h e r s e lf to T h e re s a , w h o r e tu rn s of the countless alert-eyed, trim-clad tlie tub last night and might have G reta would not believe. h e r lik in g . J e r r y pose» fo r T h e r ­ business girls of ihe great city, girls killed me—will you tak e it. and us« For T w o Score Years and esa's m a s te rp ie c e , 'T h e O cean And so Theresa, knowing th at Jerry it, and—and the lessons, and every­ herself must reach across th e breach, who stirred her w arm est adm iration R id e r ." A lle r t o n c a lls on J e rry . T h e g i r l refu se s to see him . At thing?" T e n Sh e H as T aken stayed with her, petted her, coaxed without creating in her a desire to be­ h o te l d in n e r J e r r y sees D u a n e come one of them. The grandeur of “Are you m aking fun of me?” de­ tier Into yielding. a n d Is conscious o f his a d m ir a ­ B e e c h a m ’s P ills manded Greta Val in a passionate, tio n , but refu se s to c h a n g e h e r Oh, very well, have It your own w'ork, us work, did not im press her. She required a motive. throaty, strangled voice. a t t it u d e to w a r d him . way, then,” Jerry said at last, I was just 18 when I commenced “Oh, no, how can you think"—Jerry know I’m a weak-minded little dunce, If her father had died suddenly "You say your wife Is all the tim e to take Beechams Pills. They laughed, nervously—“how can you and let you tw ist me around your Jerry would have sw ept courageously have been of great benefit to me think of such a thing? I Just want to little linger. Come on then. L et’s go Into his great motor factory in Iowa, making irritab le rem arks you can’t un­ CHAPTER V— Continued get rid o f It, It takes up such a lot and find the wild little heathen, and studied It, struggled with It, learned derstand ?" in relieving sick-headache. constu — regular cross-word puzzles I to eoutrol It—a reason there for her pation, and biliousness. Next When they arose to go, slip turned of room. It mnkes me nervous to have tell her what we think of her.” can’t solve." M arch I will be 68 years old so you and looked squarely In his direction. It piled about and—” Theresa prom ptly accepted the sub effort. But with Jerru id him self In "How dare you make fun of m e!" mission, knowing full well she could such shrewd and successful dominance She could have answ ered the call see I have lived to a good old age." his sober eyes, gone softly to him. G reta Val lifted a sharp, resentful tru st the end to Je rry ’s inherent of his own business, she saw no sucn Miss ELEANOR WILCOX W e , Too touched his hand. hand and struck Jerry angrily across sweetness, and the two girls set out occasion. And still she believed that “K fo o l a n d hla d o u g h Newburgh, N . Y. “Are you ready?" she said to Mimi, somewhere, somehow, she must strike A r e soon p a r te d ," s a id M a rr . together, at once. In search of J e r ry ’s R F . , lF o ''F R E E SA M PLE _ w r ite drawing up the folds of her cloak as on a thing that would command h?r "I w ish it w e r e so B . F . A lle n C o ., 417 C a n a l S tr e e t, N ew York spitfire. She did not answ er th etr ring W i t h th e to o l a n d h la c a r ." the amorous youth placed It about her B u y fr o m y o u r d ru g g ia t in I f a n d g o e boxn at the G rlller studios, and a fter per­ effort and hold her Interest. In the shoulders. For biliousness, sick headaches and sistent pressing on the button one of meanwhile she devoted her tim e to Duane's eyes followed them as they constipaiion take L ite ra lly So the a rtists on the second floor looked catering sw eetly to T heresa—T heresa, passed out. Jerry would not turn her out from the window, and, recogniz­ who was working with a more consum­ A young Serbian studying In Eng­ head, to look away from him, pretend ing Theresa, agreed to press Ills buzzer ing passion than ever before, and with land w as asked to tra n sla te the fol- she did not see him. She would have ever-increasing disregard for every lowing sentence from his native tongue to give them adm ittance. been ashamed of subterfuge. She natural safeguard of health. Into E n g lish : "H e gave up his life on “ We w ant G reta Val,” said Theresa. looked nt him frunkly, and did uot When she went up to the studio at the battlefield.” “W here is her room?" T ip fo r Cam pers know him. ten o’clock one morning with the W ith the help of a dictionary he “In the basem ent,” he called cheer­ breakfast tray for Theresa, she w as It is useful to cam pers to know that "Jerry, there's your friend," whis­ produced the version: “H e relin­ fully. “And dark as the deuce, so pered Mlml "Isn't he the best-looking surprised to find Mimi there before quished his vitality on the bellicose palls In which greasy w ater Is thrown watch your step as you go down. The may be kept clean by rinsing them thing you ever saw ?” her. Mimi seldom intruded and was meadow.”—Tit-Bits. door on the right, clear at the ta d .” with a cupful of gasoline, which can she turned the effective lashes upon always curtly discouraged by T heresa Very gingerly they made th etr way, when she did. be draw n from th e automobile. Mm brightly, and Duane nodded lo hand in hand, down the dark stairs, her. and smiled. Jerry said nothing. It was Mimi who spoke to Je rry A t T h a t I t ’s a Serious A ccid en t and through the dark basem ent corri­ P is c a to ria l N o ta tio n first. “Come right In," she said. "Why so glum?" dor to the door at the end, on the The objection to fishing on a creek Dn the following morning Theresa W e're having our daily battle, but— “Ju s t broke three ribs." right. you won't mind." went down to Jerry 's room before the “H eavens I You’d b e tte r see a doc­ hank is th at com paratively so few of "Listen," T heresa whispered. "D idn't the bites you get come from the Water. usual time for the dully breakfast Oh, please don’t le t me interfere tor 1“ I tell you?" with the w ar," said Jerry , laughing. tray. This was un occurrence of such D octor nothing. W hat I w ant to —B altim ore Sun. The sound of passionate, strangled Infrequency th at Jerry could not Ide "I'll run down and w ait till the sign­ see is a man who will lend me sobbing came out to them from behind ing of the treaty .” a flutter of flatten'd pleasure when enough to buy another um brella. The the door. T heresa knocked sm artly, she appeared In the doorway. But No, don't go," said T heresa gloom­ ribs I broke w ere In one I had bor­ but received ro answer. She turned I heresa, even In her most formal mo­ ily. “She may cut it short If you stay. rowed." the knob, but the door was locked She's bothering me frightfully." menta. wasted no tim e In Idle talk. from within. She pounded heavily, She came for a purpose, and wen. “Jerry , do som ething with her,” incessantly, and presently the stra n ­ LOST W H E N T H R O W N It with sturdv directness. pleaded Mimi. “She's a perfect fool. gled sobbing ceased, and intense si­ We're Invited—both of us—to A tlantic "See here, Jerry, I thought of some­ lence prevailed. < Ity for the week-end, all expenses thing lust night," she began briskly. “G reta, come here and open this paid and everything, and she won’t "Are you sure you want to give up door,” ordered Theresa. studying Art?" even talk about It." S S S S S S S “Go aw ay,” was the muffled re- “Absolutely sure." "I don't w ant to go, and I can't go, ‘How Dare You Make Fun of Me?" Joinder. ' Sure you won’t change your mind and I w o n t go. W hat is there to say “Open the door, you little simple­ about it ?’ T heresa disposed of th e the face, and then, with a cyclonic after a little, and begin again?' ton," said T heresa. “Bight away. It hurst of tears, whirled about and ran "Absolutely sure." subject bruskly. "W hat are you going to do with th< from the room, the door reverberating Is T heresa Brady." "It would he lovely," said Jerry. “Go away, I tell you i” ^ •u x o n e o n - t h e p a i n is g o n e lessons? You paid u whole term In loudly In her tem pestuous wake. "P erhaps it would do you good, The­ “G reta, you ought to be ashRmed of Jerry stood as one petrified, a slen resa, you look so tired.” advance, didn't you? Are you goln der hand upraised and motionless, her yourself I Now you come and open to get your money hack?' T heresa said nothing. T w o Form s o f In ju s tice "I don't think I can. I'll Just have face showing deathly white except for this door as fast as ever you can, or "I’m getting sick of it,” said Mimi I'll bang It dow n!" H e often acts unjustly who does not the splash of red where G reta's hand to let It go.” quite furiously. “I need a little com­ The sternness of her voice had Its panionship. I tell you. If you don’t “ Why is he losing ground so In pub­ do a certain th in g : not only he who "See here, Jerry, you shouldn't w aste had struck. H er eyes were wide with does a certain tiling.—M arcus Antoni­ horror, her lips parted In mute hewll- effect at last. G reta shuffled across stop being so stingy and po piggish. lic favor?" such un opportunity. Now. poor old nus. "Isn't he alw ays throw ing mud?” Mclmwell needs the money; he lerment, while T heresa flung herself the room and opened the door. A Theresa. I'll get m arried, and then—” upon the couch and scream ed with pitiful figure, she stood before them, “Oh, good Lord! A gain!” T heresa teaches for his bread and butter, you helpless laughter. her th in h air stringing about her face, burst Into scornful laughter. “Jerry, A t the G ro c e r’s know. But If you stop so soon, he Shed a T e a r fo r A lic e her cheap blouse tw isted and pulled w itness this. I’ve stuck along here Grocer—“W hat size cabbage head, may feel he has to make a partial A v e ry lo n e ly la»a awry, her unlovely face swollen with through the last tw o husbands, but I'-i s ir : Nuwed—“About six and seven- CHAPTER VI 1» A lic e B le e ie r , refund anyhow. Why don't you tran s eighths.” weeping and stained with tears. When through. She le a le m o n a nd You get m arried again. fer the lessons to some one who T h e boy« w o n t s q u e e ze h e r. she realized th a t it was Jerry who Mirai, and I'm off. And th a t's final.” would like them, but can't afford Jerry Adrift stood with T heresa in the dark hall­ Confession them?" Mind laugher tightly. "Oh. yon can't For a long tim e Jerry stood, b reath ­ way, she cried out faintly and covered T he L ite ra l Fisherm an hy do you ask for so much money tell, I might have good luck anotner "To whom, for Instance? You have less, bewildered. In the center of her her face with her hands. Theresa “Good morning, Mike. Doing a little every week, dear?" “Oh, Just to ba someone la mind, haven't you?' room, a rigid, lovely figure In her stood bark, m ade way for Jerry. She time.” fishing?” sure to get a little.” "Not you. You don't know how to Theresa adm itted that she had. that am azement, while Theresa rolled on “ Yes, sir." had done her part. She knew that Jerry pick them ." ■he hud Just thought of |t. The one the couch with choking laughter. now could he given a free, loose rein. "And how are they biting this morn­ Let ns w orship w ithout seeing; let “Oh, I think Til run on d wn_” In­ she had In mind was Greta Val. an un “D-dld you see w hat—th at creature Jerry ran Into the dingy basem ent ing?” us he s ile n t; let us abide in peace.— terrupted Jerry In some confusion. prepossessing country girl, who had did to me?" she gasped at last. room at once, and put both arm s Fenelon. “With th eir mouths, sir," "You stay where you are," said The­ appearetl suddenly from somewhere "Oh, Jerry I" cried T heresa, strug­ about th e wretched, cowering figure. “N o; I mean how are you pulling resa. and was earning a hard existence by gling up to a sillin g posture, wiping them out?” “D on't cry," she said, “don't cry. 1 Don't go on my account," said serving ns chambermaid at the old her eyes with the sleeve of h er paint- “Head first, sir,” >n't mind a bit. honestly I don't. We Mimi. "I don't mind Theresa. She's d rille r studios on Ninth street j errv stained smock. "Did 1 see It!—I can ail do silly things when w e're excited." Just Jealous.” bad seen her once when she went to see It now I" T heresa flung herself She pulled her softly across the Tu Quogue one of the studios with Mlml for es Joyously among the cushions again. FOR INDIGESTION room tow ard the cot, and sat beside G olt Widow—My husband accused Mnd rememhered hsr as a stiffly rigid "The Insolent—Impudent—” her, holding her in her arms, calling Well, Jerry is ad rift now, me of doing nothing but chase around young person, with whom one would "I'll het you never got one like that her soft caresslve names, “silly Utile to afternoon teas. w ithout occupation. H er dream more likely associate scrub buckets before." Interrupted T heresa. "The goose,” und "foolish child,” while The­ dissolved. Will she go home— Frlond—What did yon Pay? and I,rooms than delicate paints and little spitfire! Were you ever slapped resa watched them soberly, her un­ or m arry Allerton? Golf Widow—I reminded him that I rushes. before, Jerry?" fathom able eyes not on G reta, who by that was how he spent his own a fter­ 6 B e l l - a n s "Urn, she's ngly,” said T heres Jerry shook her head; she w as stl'l rights should have been the center o, noons. chasing from one tee to an­ Hot water "But that kid's a genius, all the same iwed, stlli breathless with the unex­ the scene, but on Je rry 's tender, sorry (TO B E C O N T IX I'Z I),) other. She knows nothing, has never had e pectedness of It. Sure Relief "N e v e r’ I was face. A fter a little, when Greta lay lesson In her life and God only knows never deliberately h u rt—by nnyhody— inlet In her arm. except for an o c c a ­ P ra c tic a l Evidence W an ted A C arvin g Business what she came here for, without in my life. l’-l’riidenee doesn't do sional racking shudder of her thin "John Marrows," said the farm er’s “T hat young woman with all those friends, wltho , money. (Hl, you know­ s u e t things," shoulders, Jerry ex p lained: wife, coming out to the hack porch Jewels carved out her own fo rtu n e " 2 54 ANO 754 PACKAGES EVERYWHERE how people are. Jerry. They think If Theresa sobered suddenly. “It's a “You see. I thought perhaps I could where her husband sal tilted back In RhL d i T ? * - ShP'’ " n M girt. they an inly squeeze Into "he Village sham e," she said sym pathetically paint a little myself, hut I can't really his oalr. his feet on a railing, “didn't She dldn t carve out her own fortune- BATHE TIRED EYES | they'll Just naturally absorb Art with •T h e poor ----- kid! “ She was so happy I and 1 don't want to he bothered But I hear you tell ihe parson when he was sh e married a millionaire." with Hr l? * w s 'e r the air they breathe. Well, she she didn't know what ??«»«,’ E»nr d n i t r i «{’• or It would he wicked to throw thus lu re that you had strong views on the H ir e r . T m y . N V HoefclM. “Yes, hut think ho *’ many other iloesn't do So badly, for all that. The ■Happy! Do you call th a t happi­ lovely things away, and when Theres? tem perance movement?" chorus girls site had to cut out to fellows are all good to her, give her ness ! W ell. If th a t's the way a genius told me about you I was so happy I “Yes," Mr Marrows replied, rather m arry him." scraps of paint and can ia s, and tel' feels happy, thank God I'm Common could hardly watt to get hold of you stiffly. “I said so. aud you know that her little things that help her. Greta place. I'm glad she was happy I |f It was very stupid, the way I told I have." A id from D a d Val may he ugly, she uiav he green, she had been a little peeved, she yon. I do things so quickly, all In “Well." said Mrs. Marrows, “gup hut she's got It, Jerry , and It'll boll would doubtless have killed me out Hash, on the spur of tlie moment, and Bedtime Story-Teller— pose you go and express a few of them over some time, you mark my words. ’ r ig h t!" little K atherine C at lost her I don't wonder you thought I v ,« on ihe pump haudle. I w ant a pail o’ Poor w h i.v „ - And wh>t you whiskers, R E A S O N A B L E -H O M E L IK E Jerry was almost childishly pleased. Je rry ’s eyes w ere flashing with re­ crazy. But I really do not want l ie w ater.” she did? "Oh, Theresa, get her quick I She sentm ent. her line ll|>s tw ltc b 't.. things, and It will make me so hs; » 10M PIN E ST., $AN FRANCISCO F uture Cow K d ito r -I know . can have all my things th t easel, the Tears came Into her eyes. If you will Just tak e them off my Possible Reason XX-’ o t ir ili« _ used her n p o aw 'a—W illiams IMrpie p aint, everything! Get her right 1 I thought she would be pleased." hands, you know." '.’ow . During a cross-ex am ination an nn away, won't you? H I feel so much she stam m ered. "I thought she would fitallba natchcit G reta did not speak, hut pressed her dertaker produced his business card, Accredited by Sonoma b etter when It's all out of my sight." like It." thin, unlovely, fervent lips u|>on County Farm Bureau And while Theresa went out to the " T iite Leghorn chidra Good A dvice Theresa reached for her hand, ca­ Je rry 's fur-w rapped shoulder A tew on which was a telegraphic address only. If you want ««■’d lie was asked why the la tte r should be telephone. Jerry , with her hnoyant ressed It with unusual gentleness m inutes later, M aster—I feel tem pted to give this when Greta was oecetttiry. fall layer« and broiler« enthusiasm , set ta work, nulling out that bring a f