I A ú E ••a s iT v n A L E W T E K m ra c « •« •« « •« • * 999999 i Marriage ••T b « Whirl ” : Home with i • C O R IN N E G R IF F IT H KENNETH HARLAN • H A R R IS O N FO R D • N IT A N A L D I • A «lory of the«« wbo marry • io h»ate and than regret to • the piper ’a dirge. • Coming next Fun. — Mon • August 23— 24 2 G LO BE CAMPINQ ANO PROBLKM OF FOOD Haliey Happenings TJie artistic (Continued from page 1) durable fiber covering W . A. Brock enter«') a Engene ho»p»tal Monday. - A n Improvement on Printed Linoleum Rev. Robert Parker and family are home from C ollage C love, Resistance to wear is probably the one quality you look for first when selecting floor covering. And it is that qua lity above all others w h ich has been built into Pabcolin. N ot linoleum, nor a substitute, but an improvement’ on printed linoleum—a floor covering w ith its wear« ing surface composed of special enamel paint in« stead of the usual soft oil-paint. This hard, wear-defying surface rests on a firm “ body" of The new Roaring River hatchery b hatching, though not fu lly com pleted. J. N. E llio tt and J. E. llam lev and amiliea spent Sunday at O. J. AJ bertaon’s. Eldon Cross and w ife visited Mrs Cross’ parents at Hillsboro over the week end. C. P. Stafford, Mr. and Mrs. C. D Einn and Cecil Farner went to A l­ bany Wednesday. H. L. Straley and wife and his Ohio brother and wife got home from Newport Sunday. The Tnew auto ligbt law goeekiy. See partial list of conten « H e D elivered T arheel BlaeH In stead o f O tootan. .t top of page 1. $ 1.50 a year tP rs p s rs d by the U n ite d S tstee D e p a rtm e n t of A < rlc u ltu ro .) A Modern Barber Shop Laundry sent Tuesdays Agency Hub Cleaning Works A B E S PL A C E We desire to thank our many friends, neighbor« and relatives woo so kindly assisted us at tbs recent fire. L. R Falk and Family. Sheriff DELBERT STARR F u n eral D ir e c to r and L i­ c e n sed E m b a lm er One f Dollar Year or One Richard has his steelbar- red, sheet locked iron ceilinged boarding and pad­ house filled. Its capacity is six persons but there are Efficient Service. Motor Hearse. now seven and i f three had not es­ Lady Attendant caped some time ago there would Brownsville.....................................Oregon ’ have been ten.— Sunday’s Democrat- Herald. Bunk About Income Tax Since the new pavement between Junction City and Harrisburg was opened for travel the Pacific highwsy Halsey and Harrisburg • through Halsey has been a lively Call D. T avuor , Halsey, or W, L. W WIGHT, Harrisburg ' place, but w;,it till the Harrisburg bridge is open. W . L- W R IG H T Mortician & Funeral Director HALSEY STATE BANK Halsey, Oregon C A P IT A L A N D SU RPLUS $35,000 Commercial and Savings accounts Solicited As Cold at the Frexen North «• our ice cream. It j( delightfully cooling and refreshing after a herd »hopping tour. Slop in and enjoy « plaie. We have all flavor»— chocolate, vanilla. strawberry, •ftoon. tll„ i fruttj> e(0 j , m akff »it ideal refreshment and it nour- i bing and wholesome. Dad’s and Mani’s Chicken Dinner Clark s Confectionery Dr* C. FIC Q , Dentist Cedar Posts “ PLATES THAT F IT ” Grown», bridge work and filling. lt w . | P»T you to get my prices qQ j eulal work’t Cueick bank build rg, Albany PARKER PENS d- PENCILS Any Girl in Trouble Good Slabwood - J com,nu01c . „ with , h. " h ite Slue J Home S6.5 . 7 O'«*. .Ma, fair avenue, PottUud, Oregon. $4.50 a cord Oregon is not to be honestly rev E“"~ ' h - ij k H e wish to thank onr many friend» for their kindness and gym. Price Level Touches 1921 Figures. pathy during the sickness and Washington, D. C. — The general death of our beloved mother and level of wholesale prices for July! for the beautiful floral offerings segched the highest mark since Feb Mr. and Mr«. A. F. Rohnetl. ruary, 1921. M r. and Mrs. C. B. Mercer, Mr. and Mrs. J. F Hom, Mr. ahd Mrs. E O. Isom, 1 p int tom ato pulp m cups w a ta r or canned to - S alt and pappar m ato soup to tasta 1H cupa evapo- H tap. aoda rated m ilk U rin e tom ato pulp or aoup to tha boll, add tha saaaonlnea and aoda H eat tha m ilk and w a ta r and comblna alow ly w ith tha tom ato m ls tu ra S h irre d Eggs. t i cup evaporated tg tap. p a p rik a Because he thoughr that farmers r if you act quickly you can join don’t know beans," a certain exploiter m ilk | eggs Chancy Sickela and wife started i ba of so.v-hean seed Is now revising his S» cup w a te r t tb«p. fa t Sunday for their outin.g, going by fc t ip pepper O ra te d cbeeae opinion while serving a term In the B eat the e«ortant factor» affecting j to buy boy heap seed fron) reliable and the yield of potatoes which are un­ established seedsmen og growers, apd happy accord with which civic or­ known or which are not now fully ap­ beware of ’’cheap seed,” There are ganizations in the state fall in with preciated. An unequal n uni tier of others still at large ready to exploit the theory that a provision in the stalks per plant la known to have been the farmer’s Inability to Identify the st.lt« constitution, rather than an at an Important cause of the differences numerous varieties of any beans. The ! prospective purchaser of need should I tractive w inter climate and actual In yield noted In the station expert obtain samples before buying, and If j tra c tiv e w iin te r c lim a le and d v e lo f* ments. not sure of the Identity of the seed m ent «a d in d u s tria l o p p o r'u o itie *, It la tieileved that these wide differ cn.ea in yield of plants from halves of should consult the county agent or the » stute agricultural college Be sure combined with proxim ity to the east the same aeed tuber which would ordl you are getting the variety desired cm centers of population, are the p ri­ narlly be expected to be quite uniform, The UNIVERSITY of OREGON and not some cheap substitute. I m ary cause of the Florida boom. show that the Improvement of pota contains: « persistently broody* hen ought to I Every sensible man who has ac­ toes by the hill selection method can The College o f Literature. Science mean a culled bea— ualaae you like to quired a competence knows that h» not he carried to full perfection. and the A rts with 22 departments. The usual farm practice of «electing feed boarders that don't pay their does not eserpe taxation by m ig rat­ Loafer«’’ la a better tera. aeed potati.es from the best yielding board. The professional schools of A rc h i­ ing to a no income tax state and hills should not be affected by these tecture and A llie d A rts — Business there investing his meney in taxed findings,'' says the experts, '•«« they A dm inistration—Ed jeatKMV—G ra d ­ real estate or taxed manufacturing are of Interest primarily to the expert uate S tud y— J o u rn a lis m — law— plants. • or to those attempting to develop Im­ M edicine— M u sic— Physical Edu­ Restaurant is open again I t is quite possible that a good proved strains of potatoes. Selecting cation— Sociology— Extension. seed potatoes from hlgh-yleldlng hills many persons of wealth, retired from has been thoroughly demonstrated as For a eotolofuo or an y Information active business, are attracted to F lo r­ a satisfactory m -thisl for maintaining •very Sunday. Meals at all bouis ida not only by its pleasant winters iprite The Registrar, C/niiWrnrg of Come and try one h’tth yield».'' Oregon, Eugene Oregon for one whose joints have become Mrs. Lottie Pugh. rheumatic, but also because it w ill The SOlh Vest Opern Seytea^et 14.1«2J Miss Edith Smith of Bandon is permit them to take their safety de­ FOR S A L E I visiting her sister, M rs *C a rl Seefeld. posit boxes along without fear of taxation upon the contents. Just the same, southern California has had a growth similar to that of cut at d rraJy Io deliver tbf« fall See our new line of Florida u id has had it without mak­ Place orders now with ing unusual pledges regarding taxa­ tion. And nobody ever heard of a E- S. Hayes, R 1, Halsey W ifi« h libila» _. native son, or an adopted son, as N one e lle r fee. for The pen with the office and tra v e lin g needs cribe the advancement of that sec­ FO R S A L« 25-year point tion of the country to any factor that could be so freely acquired by any other state ta a tax system. No Edgings Not on your life. I t was the glor­ ious climate of southern California— a thing that nobody could take away, C»ick He*«, Brownsville or duplicate— that did the trick. $2.75 $3.00 $3.50 $5.00 » • ■ > ,RINGO'S DRUG STORE Raybestos Hi-speed Brake Service Station There Is no healthier sport than camping. During the warm and balmy 212 East First *., Alb ay, near spring and summer days. If Is real the skating rink SOLONS TO DECIDE DATE recreation. To get out In the fresh Phone 379 air and sunshine, free from worry Qovernor Hartley to Ascertain Wishes and care, enhance« the health of any­ of Legislators. one, be be office man, salesman or what not. Olympia. W ash —Governor H artley But due to the entirely Inadequate ( will not Insist on a special session of Hilsey Railroad T¡me means of food preservation and re­ ! the legislature In November In case North frigeration found In the majority of the members prefer another date. It South camps there Is the ever-present dan­ was announced at the governor's of­ 32, 3:24 a. m. flag 17, 12:09 p. m- 16, 5:15 a. ra. ger of sickness from Infected foods fice. 15. 12,45 p. m, 18, 8:16 a. m. flag The utmost care must be taken In or­ 33, 8:12 p. m. flaj Secretary Gardner was authorized 14, 12:09 p. m . flag der that thia may be avoided. Butter 31, 1.34 p. m, fía i 34, 4:08 p- in. lo send out letters to members to de­ and eggs should be bought only as used. The milk Is a problem In ltaelf. Per­ termine their wishes, as to whether No. 14 and 16 stop to let off passenger, from south of Eugene haps the solution lies In the use of a the date of November or some other milk other than market milk, In order date would be preferable. Governor No, 31, direct connnction for Marshfield points. that purity and sterility may be as Hartley also made It known that he sured. For such use, evaporated milk would not seek to lim it the session la Ideal. Many people are wont to con to the 27 days left of the statutory - Ä Ä d Ä - i fuse evaporated and condensed milk #0 days, as he at first stated, but will but there Is no similarity between the two. Condensed .ullk la a comblna leave that m atter to the legislature. The call for the special session will tion of sugar and milk and can be used only when both of these sub­ be issued when the governor gels the stances are desired. Evaporated milk replies of the Members. Outgoing Mail Is merely pure, fresh milk with about A t the Halsey poetoffice mails sixty per cent of the water removed Start N e w Straw berry close going north at 11:50 a. m end the nutrient content left Intact. P atch A fter Third Crop and 5:20 p. ni. It Is absolutely sterile and pure, hav­ ing been sterilized before leaving the Renovation of the strawberry patch Going south, 11:10 a. m. and factory. The water, removed by evap­ should receive attention as goon as 5:20 p. m. oration, may be replaced very easily harvest Is over. This consists In cut­ To Brownsville, 6:20 a. m. and and the milk returned to Its original ting out all of the plants except nar­ 12 m. Morning stage to Browns­ volume. Evaporated milk may be ob­ row rows 4 to 5 Inches wide and ville goes on to Crawfordsville tained In small cans, containing six about 36 Inches apart. I f thia Is carp Holley and Sweet florae. ounces or In larger ones containing fu)ly done and the soli between tfoe sixteen and can be taken to the camp row« given good cultivation, sufficient In quantities sufficient for the needs of plants are left to set new runner plapts the entire period, thus assuring a con­ for the production of the second eypp Paid-for Paragraphs stant supply of pure, fresh milk with­ next iprlng. In general, only two or (5c a line) out the worry or the danger attached three crops should be expected from a to the use of the market product. Old papers for sale at 5c a bundls patch ¡gid when the aecond or third Following are recipes for a few crop hat come on a new patch ahould at the Enterprise office. dishes that are best adapted for camp be planted for the production of the consumption because of ease of prepa next year’s crop, the old patch plowed ration, purity and food value. up and the land put to gome other use Cards of Thanks Tomato Soup. Immediately after harvest Lucky Dollar Class' • Reconditioning Shop ' “" ä long-fiber rag felt, made for this particular purpose, and thoroughly w a te rp ro o fe d by a special process. I t pays to buy Pabcolin because it gives you extra-longser» vice. It keeps its gloss and beautiful colors far longer than you would suppose any printed floor covering capable, yet its cost is no higher. Besides, you are offered a variety of beauti« tul patterns—many are new and exclusive, H ILL & Co. TORRANCE I Pabcolin ALBANY ommended to wealthy old people who are seeking a perpetual sun bath in a semi-tropic land. No amount of tgx inhibitions would fill up our land with th at class of homeseekers. Adoption ot the Palm Beach tax plan might not hurt us, but to tack to it promise of a great forw ard move­ ment in business and prosperity is visionary. It is the bunk. i T l l l l l l l l n lh T he Wlsest g'rl» keep outof trouble